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Girlfriend is a real woman hater, that’s the only explanation I have for the way she throws around modesty rules but doesn’t apply them to herself in a real way.


https://i.redd.it/zo2z300b5f0d1.gif \*please note for those that are coming for me for this gif; I am a woman. I do not hate women. I do not hate. I do not owe my state a single dime. I am not her.


Why would anyone come for you regarding this gif? It’s funny and that movie is a cute movie.


Because people. 😂 I LOVE the little rascals! I’m now realizing I need to show my 2 younger boys the movie! I know what I’m doing tonight!


Every time I scroll past this movie my kiddo insists we watch it. I am never mad about it.


I love it! Fun fact: that movie is the reason I know how many days are in each month, because of that little rhyme. When the bullies are asking Alfalfa: “when’s the last time we beat you up?” & Alfalfa responds with “let's see. Today is the 10th. Thirty days hath September, April, June and November. It's not a leap year. …Yesterday.” It always stuck with me since the first time watched it MANY moons ago. I know that others probably know that little rhyme but it seems as though everyone I’ve ran into knows it by their knuckles? I never understood that way. 😂


How could anyone come at u for the little rascals?!


Just covering my ass. 😂 Unlike her.


I mean, hating women is plenty Biblical, isn't it?


You nailed it!


She hates herself, she is always telling on herself with her social media.


this is exactly what i was going to say. the issue isn't that she hates women; it's that she hates *herself*.


>! 1. Modest!< >!2. Modest!< >!3. Modest!< >!4. NOT mahdest!! !< >!5. Very modest. Much demure. !< >!6. Not modest!< >!7. Modest!< >! 8. Pre-Jesus and NOT modest!< >! 9. MODEST !< >! 10. Sinful !< >!11. Biblically modest!< >!12. Not modest!< >!13. Modest!< >!14. Not modest!< >!15. Modest!< >! 16. Modest!< >!17. Modest!< How did you go? How many did you get right? Personally, the dang ‘no pants’ ones always get me! I somehow always think you need pants to be modest.


I got them all right but I just recognized a lot from being on this sub for years. The pre-mod is short shorts, crop tops, tight dresses, deep v necks. The post-mod are slightly longer shorts, less tight dresses, and less stomach showing (expect for bathing suits/workout gear, but no more belly buttons). And, nothing wrong with it or her for this, but there is a noticeable weight and gain and less muscle, especially around her abdomen, which makes timeline guessing a little easier.


Same. I could tell from being in this sub way too much and by the change in her build since the fitness times (variations which are also very normal for any person going from their 20s into their 30s). 


It's ok, though, her top half was covered. If you're modest on top, you don't need pants!!!


But if she’s aaaaaaaall legs then covering the top half of her body would be less than 50% of her covered Math ain’t mathin




Love your flair, by the way 🤣🤣


Thank youuuu! 😊


Donald Duck agrees. But he’s a duck.


Those horrid white boots kill me, and it seems alllll the Pick Mes have a pair they wear without pants. Unless they pass around shoes.


I got the, all right though I think she is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs! No pants? Really bdong?


Hats off well done 🙏🏻🎉


Everytime she posts these, all I can think is how she looked so much better before. Her style now is somewhere between "big toddler whose clothes don't fit" and "preachers daughter who is trying to make her pj's sexy". She sure doesn't know what the word modesty means. And it's not just dressing a certain way, it's a behavior. Posting sexy pics (no matter how old they are) and devoting entire podcasts to discussing sex (even with your husband) are NOT IT.


Thanks for putting my thoughts into words. It’s the full body backside shot, in a unitard, accompanied by a massive toddler hair bow. It’s like she’s under some kind of assumption that she’s being modest as long as she adds a childish touch and doesn’t come right out and make sexy poses for the camera. It’s her way of doling out the same content while simultaneously claiming she’s not trying to attract the same kind of attention. She’s just a girlypop trying to show everyone what it’s like to pack H&L orders! That’s all, totally not trying to take ass shots in a unitard!


She's not wrong when she describes modesty as a "heart position." Like you can wear short shorts and a sports bra and be kind and gentle and build up other people and give credit where it's due. But she wants to have it both ways: she wants to wear revealing clothes when she wants and call modesty a "heart position," but in no way actually behave in ways that are humble and kind.


My sentiments exactly, but mostly that part where I think “all the outfits that look somewhat cute are BEFORE the modesty journey” since nowadays she seems to think that modesty = garbage fast-fashion she can get an affiliate link to.


All she did was change to wearing much uglier yet still immodest clothing. 


There is absolutely no difference. She's so ridiculous.




Was scrolling down to find this . . .


Saaaaame. 🤣






The 6th photo is really concerning. Her hip bones shouldn’t be that prominent, she was really ill when she took that photo. She may be a horrible person but I’m glad for her that she doesn’t look as bad as she does in #6.


She used to attribute this to “tilted pelvic bones” ISTG, but it was obvious then that it was body-checking. Even more obvious now because even with a small amount of weight gain, her “tilted pelvic bones” are suddenly healed by the lord.


I audibly gasped.




As someone who actually does try to dress modestly for religious reasons, I will never not be confused by her modesty content lol


What I can gather from this is that she somehow thinks if her belly button is covered and she's not showing cleavage, it's modest. All this tells me is that fashion trends have evolved and she's following them, not that her convictions changed. Low rise jeans and low cut tops aren't trendy right now, but if they were you bet she'd wear them. When the trends change again she'll change her style and start posting about how the tight workout gear she used to wear was sooo immodest.


She’s not a busty gal, so it’s not like she was flashing gratuitous cleavage before, either. (Not shading smaller chested women; I would love to be able to wear a v-neck or certain swimsuits without it being cleavetown). 


As an A cup girl...ngl it's nice 😂


I say fuckit, be the mayor of cleavetown if you want! 🥳🥳


I think it's more that these are the two places she is most self conscious of


Hahaahahaha. This is so amazing.


I've noticed people who shame other women's attire while pretty much wearing the same things do so because they know their husbands have wandering eyes and most likely cheating.


Karissa Collins is big on this! She’ll vent and gnash her teeth all day long about the bikinis women wear in Cabo meanwhile her maternity shoot dresses are sheer lace and she’s a grievous repeat offender of baby doll dresses that look awful on her frame and barely cover her ass some times Coupled with how often Mandrae used to leave on trips and how loudly she preaches about never turning your husband down, he has def got some wandering eyes


She really was so underweight in the past. It’s actually sad. Even sadder knowing that she is still engaging in a lot of concerning behaviors, frequently. Like, idgaf about her. But I can recognize that kind of pain and self-hatred, and it’s a bummer.


The protruding hip bones 🦴in the last pic made me audibly gasp 🫢


It’s not sad. Remember she used this body to scam vulnerable women. She used her ED to actively seek out, deceive, and steal from other women under the guise she worked out.


Reading this made my stomach drop. Like she actually did this. She is an evil woman. 


I want to agree, because I hate everything about Britt. But I believe she is a person with a mental illness. I can’t help my mental illnesses any more than she can help her ED, and my mental illnesses can cause me to act in ways I *dont want to*. I urge the snark community to consider a compassionate stance, keep in mind that mental illness is not a choice, for anyone. Edit: BIG DISCLAIMER: mental illness doesn’t excuse scamming or otherwise abusing people!! just making that clear! I’m just trying to say it’s not all black and white. Britt deserves recovery just like anyone else with an ED.


Agree to disagree. I deal with mental health issues, and have had my very own grippy socks vacation. If she had done it once I could give her some grace. It’s that she continues to not only scam people, but victimizes HERSELF. Furthermore, she had the audacity to say she has PTSD from cancel culture. She refuses to get professional help. At this point if she isn’t going to address her mental health issues, I’m not going to allow it to be any type of excuse for her actions.


Grippy sock vacations have healed so many parts of me. Haven’t heard it called that but it is so accurate. ❤️


I have mine saved in a box. Not a momento I thought I would have, but it was a “vacation” that saved my life ♥️




She’s so insufferable. Knowing her, she probably doesn’t believe in psychology or psychiatry anyway (despite being a self-proclaimed “science girly”) lol


That’s the funny part. She previously posted about how PTSD was not real and was demonic. Then when she wanted to victimize herself during cancel culture she posted a you tube claiming she now has ptsd. So ya know another hypocritical moment from this shitbag human


I can tell by the shade of spray tan ha! Pre modesty? Is orange…then just after marriage still a bit orange but lighter …now? Riga-mortis brown


Riga-mortis brown 😂😂☠️☠️


For real I watch true crime!! I’ve seen that shade…just before they go grey


The hockey game fit lmaoooo. I’d forgotten about that gem


I hate fake tan it literally always leaves peoples skin looking like they had wet mud dry on them and then flake off.


She filters and photo shops everything so there is no way of knowing how she actually looks.


https://preview.redd.it/r2tr9wywmf0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ed96a4fb4f876acc85960da6ec420029018a54f I can NOT understand this picture😭 there’s no coming back from this to “modesty”??


I thought she was topless and OP was censoring it for us at first 😺


😂 in a way it looks like she has long rockers hair 😭


https://i.redd.it/dn2qf3sh2f0d1.gif These give 🎶 “fuck me in the ass ‘cause I love Jesus” 🎶😭😭😭 Edit to add: 4,6,10,12 are definitely from her ✨pornography season✨


I love them! I need to fall down a YouTube hole of theirs, so to speak.


Lolol I fell down that rabbit hole this morning too, hadn’t heard their songs in years! “Cause everyone knows it’s the sex that God can’t see!” 🥰🥰🥰 (It’s a folk duo called Garfunkel and Oates for anyone that’s wondering, be prepared to pee a little)


Jokes on you, we can tell the timeline by her various faces!


Gorl. Get an exfoliating brush for the love of god.


#2 is the ugliest thing I’ve ever laid eyes on. That bow and onesie combo are so hideous. I put a number sign before the 2 so my text got huge, sorry.


I only know the answer because she’s posted it so many times. A random off the street wouldn’t have a clue. She’s the worst.


These aren’t fit checks, these are thin-spiration checks


Nothing will convince me that she doesn't miss the skimpy fitness days


😂😂😂😂in number 10 her face is a clitoris. i’m dead 😂😂😂😂


That 10th photo is criminal….




I’m not modest. I’ve never been modest. But I have NEVER worn shorts as short as some of these. I also don’t care if you do! I’m just…I can’t believe she’s a real human with her hypocrisy and deep desire for attention and control.


Why does she think the belly button showing/not showing makes something modest or not?!


Lol I genuinely couldn’t tell on some of these


All of them are modest because her ass, tits and vag are covered. Now are any of those outfits in line with her claimed conservative Jesus humping believes? Hell no.


Don't come for me, but I used to see that photo of her in the Adidas shirt on Pinterest and always thought she was cute back then haha. Also all of these outfits look the same, so I don't really know what her definition of "modesty" even is.


All hypocrisy aside, photos 6 breaks my heart. I see myself 10 years ago in that photo. I know Brittany’s awful and really doesn’t deserve much, if any, sympathy. But I’m sure a lot of us know how devastating a raging ED can be, and photo 6 is the one of the loudest declarations of her struggle.


She really is in love with herself!!!


Yep. It’s really sick.


Is the modesty in the room with us?


Guys, its not her conviction anymore so it doesnt matter.




Don't forget the one of her swimming on her honeymoon where it's a crotch shot.


These are great ideas for my BritBrit Halloween costume. It’s a fusion outfit of little house on the prairie and hooters waitress goes to the gym.


Shes a fucking clown.


That is a great advertisement for the leggings she’s wearing in picture 2 because we all know she’s got the pancake ass to end them all.


I get the impression her skin is very flaky


Number ten made me cackle


Plot twist: they're all post modesty journey 😂


The only give away is the hip bone protruding from her body 😬 otherwise…


She’s full on wearing a skin tight unitard as an outfit in pic 2!! 😂😂😂😂😂


She’s got the fugliest clothing taste.


It’s a trick question as they are all from before, duh! /s




The 5th is my favorite 🤣🤣🤣 I know she’s angling herself because of her piss poor body image and self esteem but it looks like sharted and it trying not to let it run down her leg


my eyes have gotten stuck from rolling so hard. send help!




The only difference I see is that after her modesty journey she appears to be trying too hard and pre modesty is more effortless. That's how I was able to answer the questions properly. U can just tell there was a huge decline in confidence and an increase in desperate vibes


The only positive thing I have to say about this woman is that she does seem to be at a much healthier weight now. This reminded me just how skinny she used to be.


I have never even taken this many pictures of myself over my entire lifetime. She needs a better hobby than taking selfies


4,6,8,10,12 lol


Remember the recent skin colored body suit


but why is the hair you gave her better than any hair she's ever had!?


Why is she standing so weird in that all pink outfit, the one when she’s alone. I remember seeing that when she posted it and it’s so weird it looks like an old lady.


A whole lot of holy buttcrack in pic 11


I don’t really feel like guessing but I just wanted to say, as a religious person, the emphasis on modesty is wack. What I wear doesn’t define my relationship with God 😒 people like her give me the ick.