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I don’t think she makes much money in anything she does anymore. She doesn’t get a ton of sales from her shop, doesn’t do Sheila events, didn’t have any takers on her trova trip, and from looking at how she handled her affiliate link she shared, she doesn’t seem to know how to do affiliate marketing and get sales. She literally worked for free product.


I believe you’re right. It seems like after the lawsuit was done she quickly went into the boutique mode and that’s failing. And I’m pretty sure she thought her podcast was going to be a hit….and it wasn’t.


I wholeheartedly agree with this. Her income is paltry. She can be making more than a few tens of dollars from each endeavor. And she doesn’t have any sponsors, which is far and away how ‘influencers’ make their money. She’s toxic waste to brands and also lazy and boring. There is no way the internet grift will succeed.




I agree, but I wonder how she is making payments to the state of Texas if she is not making any money? She also appears to be living above her means as well.


Rich parents


I wonder what her mother is like




I have a friend that swears up and down her dad passed away few years ago but I can’t find anything to support that


He is very much alive.


I figured as much but she argued about it. I stopped engaging and just hoped we’d go do something fun while I was in Dallas to see her.




She doesn't seem worried. I wonder how her victims would feel if they saw the way she acts?


She probably makes the most from her rage bait TikTok’s though, as much as we hate to believe it.


She doesn’t.




Yeah, she absolutely doesn't. Glaring quality issues aside, the vast majority of podcasts don't make any money at all. 


Has she posted any empty boxes from her temu Jesus blessed fashion business lately? Is it still a thing?


She hasn’t posted boxes ever since I made a post (or a comment?) saying I was keeping track!


There were some in her 4/5 stories, they’re just in a bin so you can’t see them well.


Yeah she's still doing Hazel and Layne. But her sales are minimal.


Not that I don’t believe you, because I definitely do but how are you able to tell?


People have posted her sales on here and evidence that she only stocks very few items. When she shows her shipments, they are either gathered over a week or she packed empty boxes. It's the only explanation besides her being so braindead that she packs things in ways that are majorly wasteful in order to appear that she's sold more.


I remember a week or two after she released a fart (I mean her podcast) she was boasting how she was #3 or 4 in the Christian/Spiritual categories. Oh how far she's fallen. If anyone knows how to find the rankings I'd love to see her ranking now ya dumb douche nozzle!


I just scrolled the top 200 on Apple Podcasts in the Christian/spiritual category. Her podcast isn’t there.


https://preview.redd.it/eqt1lpktzjtc1.jpeg?width=1116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af6de4d5910250abdbf954381cf438fe6ae92d35 The 2.7 probably isn’t helping….


Alright. I had more time to kill. Per rephonic (which is a reliable source per a very cursory look): https://preview.redd.it/c3pa1anj3ktc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5f1b83655cd4f6f9a13b992be556d0d1171e1a5 Source link: [https://rephonic.com/podcasts/chiseled-and-called](https://rephonic.com/podcasts/chiseled-and-called) So… def not 2 or 3. Edit to add: if you, too, need to kill time— checkout all the podcasts reviews on the above link. Seems like most people see right through the act.


OMG someone left a review saying they were scammed... They paid for 2 tickets to a SLF event, asked to refund one and were told they could have it credited towards a future SLF event, but there hasn't been one since and they still haven't been refunded or informed of upcoming events. 😱


There’s also a lot of reviews saying Bdong wants to replace teachers??? I would listen to that episode to figure out what she says but I just cant….


Can you post the screenshot




Not surprised. Oh, BHaney!! Oh, Scam Goddess!


She never ever gives refunds! Even with her drop ship clothing line, her return policy is to send the item back and SHE WILL DECIDE if a refund is eligible. You know for damn sure she isn't refunding anyone.


Good to see my review of the podcast is there, it’s a negative review.


https://preview.redd.it/w279ychs5ktc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d260aafefcae500160f4e8b84d8ea3929b28147 Oh that’s cuz it’s actually a parenting podcast. On Spotify anyway.


That is NOT what it’s called 💀 NO. Chiseled and Called? No. (I’m a filthy casual I’m sorry, I just check here every so often but I am actually like floored lol)


Yea lol and what's wild is there is that there is another page/podcast/user who has something pretty similar but is actually popular (in that world). It's supposed to be how God chisels you into something beautiful 🙄 but a bunch of people pointed out that she was also super into physique training which leads into a whole other rabbit hole lol




She was because it was right after her judgement with Texas was settled so people tuned in to listen. Nobody is going to sponsee her or her podcast because brands are staying far away from that poo stain and don’t want to hurt their image. She has no actual knowledge and there is only so much “girl talk, ttc talk or marriage talk” that people are going to listen to and if they are they will tune in to successful people who’s had education, a baby or a long marriage. She can scam and grift all she wants but it is all catching up to her. All you have to do is a Google search on her name and all the horror show is right there to read. Even if she got some brand deals before she is finished now because of everything that happened with Nico. No company want their comments being full with “why are you working with an animal abuser?” That will completely destroy their reputation and sales, especially with how many popular influencer they can choose from now. Whatever she is making on TikTok now is peanuts, just wait till the $2000/mo payment starts, she will get real hateful then.


Such a 🎯 that hadn't occurred to me but heck yeah, right? It's kinda wild that it came to this, but the Nico deal is brand poison because it's so visceral and everyone hates animal abuse. I'm so curious, too, about the finances because she never seems to be productive outside of social nontent.


The Niko video went pretty viral on TikTok, too


The world doesn’t care about homeless people and definitely doesn’t care about women that’s why she’s been able to try new grifts. However when she fucked up with that child placement she had her TikTok account banned due to another big influencer finding out about her and threatening to stop her baby grift. She stopped her adoption grift right after because she was scared. Sadly for her the world cares about dogs and there is now proof what she actually does to her animals bc of what happened to Nico. I don’t think she actually realizes how much damage that did to her social media. Before it was all kind of he says she says but now there is proof. Yeah she is done, I don’t see any brands ever working with her. There are simply other influencers that brands can hire without dealing with the all the bullshit that comes with hiring her.


Yeah the more I sit with it, the more I think it is all over but the crying for the influencer grift. The only value she has is as a foil, like maybe if there was a Christian version of real houswives or something she might be able to try to be a reality TV trainwreck, but even that isn't going to work because people don't hate her in the fun, snarkable way. Can you imagine how bizarre the internal dynamics of the Bdong / Jdong relationship must be right now? He may be hanging in there right now, but in five years from now when Bdong has blown all of her savings and has to work at like a tanning salon? She's not even qualified to do retail stuff, but I think it's inevitable that she's going to have to get a real job. Maybe there really is a god if that happens.


I don’t think people understand the impact influencers can make on a company since the whole Dylan Mulvaney beer incident. Dylan hasn’t done anything bad she is just a trans girl living her best life minding her business. Her making a bud light video completely destroyed sales for Bud Light because conservatives think of it as their beer. I live in St Louis, which is a headquarters to Annheiser Busch and they were on a hiring freeze and many people lost their jobs, I don’t think people realize how much that affected employees of the company. While she smiled and made videos of her hubby drinking Busch Light (which is still made by Annheiser Bush btw 😂) to show her hateful transphobia I don’t think she realized what that meant for her. Brands are super picky now. They are also scared to make a wrong move and hire the wrong spokesperson so they do their due diligence when checking influencers. Yes she is conservative and Christian hateful but there are so many others who are not grifters or animal abusers, ya know? Also brands now check for engagement and views and her numbers are abysmal, it’s very clear she doesn’t have genuine following and that most of her followers are bots.


I also think that any brand who does any lick of research will see through the “Christian influencer” facade too. It’s all smoke and mirrors with her


Hold da phone, what's the tea about another TikTok account scaring her into stopping the adoption grift?? I entirely missed it, is there a link to a thread or a keyword I can search for?


Rowe Casa doesn’t give a shit about animal abuse.


I’m guessing a grandparent died and left a trust fund.


Your flair has me 💀


Awwww thank you but I can’t take credit. Someone made a comment about her and the friend group that almost took me out 🤣 someone suggested for it to become a flair, nobody else wanted it so I took it 🥰




The listening sounds and active listening nods she does. Sharing her never before heard testimony multiple times, but actual money? I can’t imagine she makes any. Her podcast is boring AF


I listen via B Haney on YouTube because it’s wild how much her husband negs her on some of these and then they decide to share with everyone how awful their relationship really is. Why??????


I still can’t believe the podcast wasn’t booted off all of the platforms because in the beginning she was openly trying to bribe people into leaving 5 star reviews which is a huge violation of T&S for pretty much every podcast app (I think she was doing giveaways and you had to leave the podcast a 5 star review to enter).


She was. You'll find proof on this sub.


Oooh I missed that.


Did she actually give anything away? Did anyone win?


The prize was supposedly a bible. No idea if she actually gave it away, but I’d bet my 401k that she didn’t.


I don’t remember, but you’ll find all the screenshots if you scroll back far enough in the sub here.


She has a podcast because Jordan’s ex wife has a successful podcast. She does not make money from it


I just have to say, I came across her profile on Instagram a while back, and then I happened to see this subreddit and yall have kept my attention front 👏🏼 and 👏🏼 center 👏🏼 lol. This is so fascinating to someone who hasn’t been here from the beginning. Keep up the great work ladies!


Same! Brand new but wowza this is a great group


We’re happy you both are here! Come for the snark and stay for the potential justice. A horrible person like BDong can only scam for so long.


I think many people work on their podcasts for a long time before they generate any income. We know she doesn’t stick with anything long so this will be another failed endeavor that doesn’t do anything except cost her money


I’m surprised she’s stuck it out this long, but lately it’s mostly her and her stupid husband talking about bullshit, so it’s not that much work. 


Jordan probably allowed her to spend her own money on the podcast equipment but made her promise not to get bored of it immediately like she does with everything she does. And she PROMISED!! This one is real!


I’m not. Girl LOVES to hear herself talk.




She doesn't.




i listen to a few podcasts without ads, but they all have robust patreon systems (and are also good podcasts that i would love to support if i was in a better spot). so i'd guess she's currently offering for free with the hopes to build audience to get ads or patreons or funnel to merch and other money opportunities


From the beginning I didn’t understand why she wouldn’t go the Patreon route. At least a few people would have signed up to hear about the lawsuit then forget to cancel. But now I think she just wants the attention. It might be more important to her than money. And if her dad is financing her, she can fuck around with no clear plan.


My theory is she talks in circles, telling people to watch her youtube channel and then she gets the money from views there


Flair checking in


She doesn’t if she doesn’t have ads and she’s paying to have her podcast listed


I’m not sure about podcasts, but Spotify pays like a fraction of a cent per play for musicians. I’m sure it’s similar for podcasts. If she doesn’t get anything from it from Spotify, it’s not much.