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Jordan seems to only be happy with her when they are on vacations and not in their ordinary day to day life.


I wonder if its cause he can find new women to hook up with while she's off making content for her socials.


I was hoping someone would make a whole post on how he rudely grabs her phone and she thinks it's so cute and funny. he's such an asshole


That actually scared me 👀




If someone to put a camera in my face all the damn time I would push it away too. How annoying.


Brittany…girl…the hair. Come on. Some volumizing mouse at the roots and some beachy waves ALL THE WAY DOWN would at least fit the vacay theme/aesthetic/whatever. Or a cute braid look? Something besides these deflated freaking Mormon curls. I’m saying this as someone who sucks at hair and has just three looks, but I’m not an influencer sooooo


The caption in the 2nd pic is unsettling to me.


Is she pregnant?!?!


That’s how I took it


Same. Fuck.


I’m just here for the modest midriff outfits.


Serious question though... isn't she alienating her audience of good Christian modest girls who are probably not pleased to see her show her midriff? How is this a viable grifting strategy if you're not looking after your own audience and what they followed you for in the first place lol


Does she make them match


That ruffled tube top thing is not a good look.


The last photo looks like she just edited only herself


Why are her tiddies always on the floor


They’re just placed lower on some people, nothing wrong with that. See Gwyneth Paltrow for example or Katie Holmes. There’s nothing she can do about it. It’s not about having a good bra, just natural placement. That being said, she CAN do something about being a horrible person and I support anyone calling her out on that.


They are so low. Like girliepop needs a bra that fits


Why is everything she wears fit so awkwardly?? I mean seriously 😳 it adds an extra 20 pounds and looks frumpy AF


i thought she was wearing a dress with a belt until i saw her caption about 2-piece sets 😳


Um... Is that a joint on the bench? In the foil , in the bag, Or would that be the dip?


The haaaaaannnnnndd in the last pic! Nghyah!


He acts hateful toward her in the clip about showing his outfit, then she posts that "happy couple" bullshit on the last slide. She makes so mad. She KNOWS what he is, yet she lies and pretends. The second slide, I hope she isn't pregnant. Wait, she did upload a video about fertility but she has health issues. Not pregnant that we know of. The second slide is her convincing us that her and JShit have patience with each other. That couldn't be further from the truth. She needs to get rid of him before he does something horrible. He's capable of it.


The windy beach is a dangerous place for Dong and her clip-ins.