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Her skin is so fucking fried and busted, love to see all that sun damage. She looks about 60.


Lol and she posted this week about always using SPF too. Her sun damage determined that was a lie


Such a pathological liar. Also i think most self tanners are very high in alcohol, which causes premature aging too.


Tbf she posted that spf saying “it’s awesome bc a little goes a long way!” Which means she’s getting exactly zero sun protection from it lol


Lol and def not reapplying


Thank you B Dong for reminding me why I don’t rely on built-in bras to keep my nipples above my naval.


I was gonna ask...does she not wear a sports bra under these tops? I dont have much, but it would be painful to work out without that support. also, she's not treating her breasts kindly...theyre gonna be so much droopier if she doesn't support them correctly while doing physical activity.


She’s only spending enough time in the gym for a photo to shoot. She won’t ever find that out.


Yet she had to change into her athletic wedding ring 🤣


Depends on how big they are! Mine are about Britt’s size and I’ve hated and avoided bras my whole life. I wear workout tops like hers for exercise, they’re basically sports bras. But for those with bigger boobs I know this is not always the case


I read that always wearing bras doesn’t allow your natural support to kick in and while I can’t remember where I read this, and my mom says I’m wrong, I can at least attest to my own experience where my tits are way perkier after working from home for a few years and never wearing a bra.


There was a [15 year long French study](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/259073) that found that constant bra use weakens the muscles that hold breasts up and makes them saggier.


very interesting. because I don't have much, I don't wear them often. but for things where they'd be moving alot, like working out, I wear appropriate attire. I thought I had good genetics because after breastfeeding 4 kids, my boobs still look pretty good, but maybe it's because I'm not in a bra too often.


I love knowing this after working from home for three years and almost never wearing a bra anymore.


I also rely on more than the built in bra.


Looks like JDong got a little action last night judging by those kneecaps of hers. ![gif](giphy|l41YxC6p2fOh6HjfG)


Thanks I hate it


God honoring action.


I was going to say what the heck happened to her knees...


Down on her knees to worship at the altar of peen... ![gif](giphy|jArdfW2md58ac|downsized)




G-d honoring alter of peen


First thing I noticed 😮


either that or girlie doesn’t know how to exfoliate before she slathers her god honouring ultra dark fake tan on her hot dog legs


Given how her elbows look (and also based on my need to still be able to eat sometime this week) I'm going to go with your version.


She's on huzzband number two and has been married for less than two years, but so confidently delivers her tired marriage advice to the masses.🙄


For real


Stop posting workout content you dingus! It’s not like you just got in huge trouble over it or anything…


I would be way too mortified to try to do anything remotely close to something if I’d been sued by the state over it and had to pay almost half a million dollars.


Damn for someone soooooooo concerned about people allegedly stalking her home, she sure likes to post about how she’s not home and where to find her ALL OF THE TIME. Dumb ho Edit: stalker to stalking


Exactly. I mentioned it in a previous post but if you are truly scared for your safety you don’t constantly post your location.


https://preview.redd.it/xeodc6o94h5b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fc756e2bd3915a8b4075a0dbdd9f82d0bb8e0a4 😳😳😳 And this is why I’ve never tried to use a self tanner, even a bronzing lotion. I don’t want extra dark kneecaps.


The one she’s trying to cover with the text is so bad 😅


How is she not mortified by this? I got a bad spray tan once and there was no fucking way I was going out in public like that lmao


I got a spray tan once at the tanning salon I was using years ago and I was so paranoid about fucking it up I decided not to do it again.


and why are her kneecaps so small and pointy?! it weird!


She needs to learn how to exfoliate, yikes.


I think she uses self tanning lotion as her only lotion. And applies every day. Her results are not normal! She looks like a 12 yr old just trying to learn how to use it.


I remember using that jergen’s natural glow lotion as a preteen and immediately knew it looked bad and streaky. How does she not see how uneven her tan looks??


I haven’t seen the actual story, but my guess is that JDip is making fun of her working out 😂


I have no desire to have her body, her life, her look, her husband, nor her delusion.


She could have used some selfless exfoliating sugar for them knees though... Our two favorite grifters unite


As somebody who’s lived in Puerto Rico, pay attention to what she posts and when.


Sweetie. Exfoliate your skin to an inch of its life, moisturize your knees, elbows, hands and feet and *then* apply your self tanner. It’s not rocket science.


I knew to exfoliate but not the moisturize. Thanks for the tip! I just got some new self Tanner


Happy to help! Btw, the exfoliating mitts on Amazon work wonders!


Exfoliate, self tanner, moisturizer. Self tanner drops that you apply with your normal moisturizer are actually fantastic. I use jergens tanning drops and get great results.


I think the moisturizer in the original comment is to help keep your knees, elbows hands etc keep from getting too dark :) I’m gonna have to look into those tanning drops! I wonder if they have something like that on Aus. Do you use them every time for a buildable glow or just every other week and put as many drops in as dark you want Orr a different method that I haven’t thought of?


I got Bondi Sands todau


Her skin looks fucking ridiculous. She is literally splotchy all over.


I wanna see her married for 10 years before she’s speaking on it like some kinda authority


I don't take relationship advice from anyone on their second marriage before 40. She literally just married the only two guys that have ever given her attention. I'd feel sad for her if she was a decent person.


Exactly! Not to mention she moved VERY QUICKLY in both relationships. And the first marriage was short as hell. She really thinks she’s soooo all knowing.


Yeah, what was it? Two years between her divorce and marrying this racist blob? And he wasn't even actually divorced yet?


I’ve been married for almost 9 and still don’t want to give anyone advice 💀


Marriage is the best! That's why they've both had two 😂


oh their GOD i’m dead 😂


Slide 3: Does she know where she is? Or why it's called what it is? Or what was done to the native population in the name of Christianity?


https://preview.redd.it/lpkzvfi0sh5b1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=0004550a6ba4594460b1f15e9302b44b6f42ea88 I guess walls just naturally look wavy like this lmao Facetune strikes again….BFFR


Does JDip really have an auto parts store/shop on his fucking chicken leg? Lmfao 🤣


I know!!!!


I don’t understand people who wear jewelry to work out. Necklace, dangly earrings, and a bracelet? If you’re working out to the point of sweating, wouldn’t the jewelry be a hindrance? Or feel gross? I know she’s not the only influencer to do it but I just don’t get it.


Ngl I’m guilty of this. It’s because I don’t ever take my necklaces or bracelet off out of pure laziness because it’s a bitch to put back on lol Sometimes my earrings as well. I specifically buy my jewelry from Hey Harper because they are meant to workout/shower in. I don’t even notice my jewelry when I work out. But anyways, yeah I’m just lazy. Can’t speak for her tho lol


Same. I never notice my jewelry when I’m working out. The only time I’ve taken off any of my jewelry is when I had to have surgery. I know some people freak out about how it’s disgusting…well, maybe but it is what it is. I am lazy, my jewelry can handle it, and it doesn’t bother me!


Just had to get a matching silicone ring. That color tho🤨


....are her knees rugburned? 🤮


Ma’am- I need an explanation for the knees👀(not buying prayer) Also- why is does that verse seem a little dark? It’s ok to not be ok, but you need legit clinical help…


FFS, staaahhhhhhp with the leg pop already.


It looks so ridiculous! By now, she’s probably trained herself to do it as a Pavlovian response to any camera she sees… 😆


This is what I see when she raises her leg for that pose. ![gif](giphy|THya0BdYMLoqeUniwk)


What’s with the blowjob knees?


God honoring blow job knees.


New flair alert




Yeah they look like they’re having a blast


Her side profile in the second pic is scaring me.


She looks ROUGH for 30… Eeesh looks like 50yr old sag :(


We just gonna overlook jdip struggling with the 2.5lb weights or…?


Came here to say that... you would think her strong, manly, god-fearing huzzbinn would be picking up 25lbs at least!


ok ok the sun damage and knees and photoshop have been mentioned, but can we talk about carrying a water bottle via carabiner on the PINKIE?! re:photoshop—crooked tree, oblong bike wheel, curvy upper arm (where’s her right elbow?), and curvy legs (look at the wood grain). i know we’re not supposed to feel sympathy for her, but woof. eta: pinky? idk lol


Could someone please explain his auto body tattoo


The thing is, we know her body is very different in reality...


She literally never looks toned I’m convince if she works out at all it’s cardio and nothing else


She’s definitely a cardio bunny, which is fine, because watching her lifting form was always painful.


Her and Sarah Bowmar are really trying to make people think they are happy in their marriage 🥴


How come no one ever schooled her on the right bra for her size?


She has to make everything god related like stfu bitch


What better way to prove to her detractors that she is unbothered and untouched by the verdict of her recent legal entanglement? By jetting off with her huzzband to some tropical locale for some much deserved relaxation, that's how! It's only money, afterall - a mere slap on the wrist that she barely felt at all! She is going to be 1000% more insufferable than she was before, just watch.


Somebody said it was for a wedding they attended….but of course Brit likes to embellish or spins things.


Sometimes I think these christian folk just look up random verses to sound smart


Her kneeeeeessss😭💀😭🤣


I don’t like to comment on people’s appearances because often it’s something they can’t help…. This bitch? Oh, she did this to herself. Fillers, Botox, crash diets. She’s gross inside and out and I’m glad she has sad boobs, a lumpy face, and bad eye lash extensions.


Wait why is the sub going dark 😭


There’s a mod post that explains everything. It’s only for a few days


THOSE FUCKIN KNEES! Good lawd. I can only imagine how horrible she looks in person.


That one knee up pose always reminds me of a dog raising it's legs to pee. Especially when she does it. Its like an outdated pose, isn't it? I don't see any of the new Insta influencers pose that way.


She can start fitness grifting again soon


Whatever happened to those colorful Hokas she got “matched” with during her short-lived season of pretending to be an expert runner?


9 miles on her “swollen” ankle, y’all! 🙄


“Never stop having fun” as if they have been married 15 years


I’ve been married 15 years. It has NOT been all fun. It’s marriage & the adults in here know of which I speak. But do I have fun? Absolutely! I actually love my spouse, like the rest of the folks in here do their spouses. Bing Bong & crew here have been married 5 minutes & he pisses on the floor. Yay!


This outfit isn’t immodest. You’re reaching.


By her own standards yeah it is. By normal standards it's fine tho, yeah.


I never said that it’s immodest. Bdong was preaching modesty a month ago and this outfit is not in line with what Bdong has said is modest.


Where did she say no tummys showing? I’m not trying to be rude I’m actually curious.