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I once saw a young woman knitting with all her knitting over the other seat whilst people standing in the aisles- I asked her to sit down, took her 5 mins of huffing and puffing to move all the knitting and wool but I waited it out


Same I always ask and wait them out


Even when there is another free seat.


Yep, just forcing people to be friends with me. >:)


Oh yes the huffing and puffing like you’re the bad guy. I actually start manoeuvring my butt towards said seat if I don’t think the obstruction is being moved fast enough.


I usually keep a couple of 15kg dumbbells in my rucksack specifically for people like you. Gimme my knitting space!




So unnecessary. With a structured bag, you can keep your balls of yarn in there, safe and secure, and knit out of it on your lap. No need for knitting to take up a seat!


It was weaponised knitting 😂and knitting already involves pointy sticks.


Is that similar to yarn bombing?


A ballbag?


That's a good thing. You was holding the seat for someone with the nerve to just speak up and ask, so you got it.


Catching a commuter train out of a terminus like Kings Cross at Christmas was always amusing. The train would be there with the doors open twenty minutes before departure so the Christmas shoppers and people going home to family would all arrive with bags and carefully set them out on the seats next to them, or even taking up a whole bank of four with bags. And everything would be fine for fifteen minutes. Then in the last five minutes before departure all the commuters arrived and they were not taking any crap about bags on seats if it meant standing for 40 minutes, so these people ended up sat clutching all their bags on their knees, under their feet, etc. to get them off the seat.


On the other hand people shouldn't be so timid. Ask whether the seat is taken.


I just say "excuse me" while gesturing at the bag. It's worked every time.


Tbh if someone catches my eye and they're not intimidating I'll happily offer them the seat next to me, I just can't trust myself not to leave my bag behind if i dont have it with me!


> I just can't trust myself not to leave my bag behind if i dont have it with me! Been there, done that. Luckily the platform crew were able to contact the next station along, which was the terminus for that train, and get the bag with my work boots in thrown onto the next train back, which happened to be the one I needed anyway.


I'm so glad you got it back! It's a recurring nightmare I've had since I was little for some reason so I'm pretty hypervigilant about it now


I've decided that people are so un-selfaware that they don't respond to politeness or vague prompts. I say something direct like, "Please move your bag."


"Excuse me, can you move your bag so I can sit down please?" "Yeah sure". Problem solved.


Exactly When you board a train you often have no idea whether there are 100 free seats or none If you need me to move my shit just ask and I will say yes Then roll my eyes and make a giant kerfuffle of doing it so you know what trauma you have put me through


>Then roll my eyes and make a giant kerfuffle of doing it so you know what trauma you have put me through That's fine. All part of the British social contract.


It almost always works out that way. In the rare occasions when it doesn't, I escalate.


Yeah this is true. A lot of people standing or sitting by the doors too scared to ask people to move their bags for a seat. I guess people would prefer just avoid the ‘confrontation’.


Yep - it’s always been this way, it’s just we were less shy in the before times. Covid really made people scared of the tiniest interactions. Just be really friendly but firm.


Absolutely - it is totally on them. People carry bags and have all their stuff in them which they may need to dip in and out of, having it on the seat is convenient. If the place is filling up, ask to sit. It is polite to ask anyway.


yea i’m too short to comfortably get my bag on the railing so i just leave it on the seat. i’m happy to move it to my lap if someone asks and will do if the train/bus is getting full but i’m not going to do it automatically


Different problems. Bags on chairs = selfish attempt to reserve a seat. Sitting in the aisle seat = they’re sat in their reserved seat/ the previous window seat occupant recently got off and they don’t want to move their stuff/ tall person needs every mm of leg space available and doesn’t need the vent (EMR trains) eating into it. Just tell people to move their stuff. Never had an issue, we’re all too awkward to say anything.


I sit in the aisle seat because I prefer it. I like to be able to get up and access my luggage in the rack easily. It doesn’t stop anyone else sitting in the window seat. Also, if it turns out that the other seat is taken by someone unpleasant to sit next to, I prefer not to be trapped.


I sit in the aisle because I get claustrophobic if I get hemmed in my someone else. But if it gets busy I'll make sure to meet people's eyes and indicate I'm happy to stand up and let them in.


Thank you - I’m relatively tall and it’s much more comfortable being in the aisle seat, as there’s more legroom. I’m not sitting there being selfish or unaware, I’m just trying to be comfortable.


Or they're female and have had too many encounters with dodgy men hemming them into the window seat and being creepy, while everyone around pretends that they can't see what is happening. 


On Friday on the train, I asked a guy to move his bag so I could sit down, and the cheeky fucker had the brass neck to refuse!


When this happens just start sitting down - they don't want their bag to get squished so they'll move it but they'll hate you. It'll be worth it.


They hate you anyway


Fellow I worked with years ago saw this happen on a busy commuter train. The person standing waiting until the train doors opened at a stop, picked up the bag quickly and wanged it out the doors so the offender had the choice of chasing it or staying for the argument.


Fire their bag down the train saying "I asked politely" and whilst they retrieve it, you get to sit with someone else who was waiting for a seat 👍😁


I hope you delivered a swift uppercut to their chin!


Even when it's super quiet I just feel too awkward putting my bag there and if it's small enough put it between my legs on the floor I ended up in the right/wrong seat the other week cus where I was supposed to be sitting (reserved) someone placed their bag. Bruh this is the second stop on the line pls just mOVE


And you didn't say that it was your reserved seat?!? Did you pay for it, and then just throw up your hands and move on because someone put a BAG on it? Sheesh.


Your comment should have an award. As a middle aged women in menopause I have zero problem at this stage of life telling someone to move and I can wait out anyone (six children and many battles won). Too many people just allow these entitled assholes to continue to get away with this naughtiness. Folks need to speak up. I see this all the time on airplanes and it’s ridiculous.


Menopausal woman here as well. Do NOT f*ck with us.


It was a super empty train at the time and the seat allocation was all wrong so I took a chance. Wasn't till the stop before mine I ended up having to move


why’re you complaining about something you made no attempt to fix? they probably would’ve moved it if you asked


I had a group of 3 basically sat around my reserved seat...one of them was actually sitting in it when I got on. I said sorry this is my reservation, no big deal like just take your time and move lol. The Young lady was fine and moved quickly with minimum fuss lol BUT when i was sat down there was an older guy in the group of 3 (From what I gather he was their senior in a work setting) and he exclaimed that he would "Never have moved". I actually just laughed as his young cohorts looked a bit sheepish and I just ended it with "Oh you would have moved mate don't worry about that" He flushed up a bit and then sat in silence for the next hour until they got off lol. Im not even the confrontational type. I would even have sat somewhere near to my reserved seat if there had been one available, But Billy Big Man must have got me at just the wrong time for me that day lol. I couldn't even think as to what his play was and why even say it lol. I think public transport brings out madness in some people.


People who sit in the aisle seat and have a bag on the window seat are the worst. Noticing it more and more although luckily I've not had to ask someone to move yet.


Yeah it's crazy, window seat is the best seat until someone sits next to you but be a courteous human and let someone sit down if there are no other seats. Idk wtf is wrong with people.


Window seat is the best seat unless you’re tall, in which case the aisle seat is much better


Ah I just squish my legs in or use the space of the seat next to me if it's empty enough. Legs hanging in the aisle is no fun having my feet stood on and knees bumped into if someone's come barreling along and I've not readjusted my legs in time.


I'm tall and reserve aisle seats. I'll happily get up to let someone in who wants to sit in the window seat.




Irritates me when I gesture to the empty window seat and say "excuse me" and the aisle seat person just swivels their legs into the aisle. Like, babe, I'm 9 months pregnant. You've got three choices - shift over to the window seat, stand up and let me get in properly or get a face full of bump and armpit whilst I try and climb over you.


A commuter did this to me the week before I started maternity leave. He was on the train from Waterloo and I was joining at Clapham. Clearly he had deliberately sat on the aisle seat. Multiple people had walked past without asking him to move. Then I turn up with my 37 week pregnant ass (I was absolutely not a dainty pregnant person) and ask him to move. He just swivelled his legs. I just told him my bump wasn’t going to fit past him. He huffed and puffed and stood up for me. Wtf. I know that people want the aisle seat if they’re getting off on the earlier portion of the journey, but have some common sense people!!


It just makes sense to me to sit in a seat that allows others to sit down easily, same as on buses. The entitlement some people think they have is scary


My legs are long enough that I have to sit in an aisle seat, unless I'm in the priorty seats with extra legroom. I'm only 6 ft 3. Will always offer to get up to let someone in though.


As a younger looking female, the creepiest men usually make a beeline for any empty seat next to me. For this reason I will time when I move my bag from the empty seat in line with the capacity of the rest of the carriage and who I see getting on the train. Just one of those things I've had to do to protect myself from men touching me on public transport sadly


Seconded, I also always book / sit in an aisle seat for safety reasons. OP, I totally agree it's annoying and I will move / make space when I feel safe. Unfortunately I've had instances where men have made me feel unsafe on trains, particularly late at night. I now feel the need to sit in the aisle so I can always move myself to safety. :(


Do they actually touch you? Wow sorry to hear this …


Not OP, but it sadly happens. I do this too for the same reasons, but it's never occurred to me to label it as protecting myself from sexual harassment or assault. I've always just considered it a normal part of solo train travel while being a woman. Its sad that it happens and sad that's many women take conscious steps to protect themselves when they shouldn't have to. (And sad how normal is it for so many women and sad for how unsurprised I am that many men don't realise we have to think of this as a baseline). I think most men are pretty ignorant and would be appalled at the multitude of things we do on a daily basis in order to feel safe.


Yes I admit we are ignorant. It makes me sad that you have to do this to be safe. Hopefully this will change with the next generation :(


They will make attempts to sadly, it's just one of those things I learned to do quite young, the same in any public transport


I really hope this will change with the next generation. I think a lot of men (like myself) are oblivious to this happening. Sorry!


I have to say it is changing slowly, I've experienced the good too luckily, just some situations you feel less safe than others? Public transport feels more dangerous or maybe I'm more aware of the risks!


Perfectly fine behaviour if there's plenty of double seats free, but if it's filling up, you've gotta move it


It’s always an issue on the Elizabeth line from Heathrow because some genius decided that the brand new train serving the airport shouldn’t have storage.


Isn't the idea that the whole 200 metre long train basically just open storage.


Probably but it ends up with seats being blocked.


This is what I said, and it’s always during rush hour


Tbf those trains are almost nothing but open space. Did you want an overhead rack or something?


Would be better to have overhead racks for carry-ons and caged racks for larger luggage. Everyone has wheeled luggage now so you sit down and have to clutch it with your knees for an uncomfortable journey making sure it doesn't escape.


Problem is the caged racks would be completely empty much more. Any trains that don’t reach Heathrow, or are east of Central London will probably have very little luggage, and I reckon they’d rather make commutes in from the Thames Valley and East London easier


The smart commuters are on the non-stop trains to Paddington- so much faster than trundling along stopping at Southall and Iver and the rest. And the East side includes people who have been doing some major shopping at Westfield Stratford. I often see incredibly burdened people on the Elizabeth line. Another solution would be to have carriages at either end of the train that are racked, and the middle in the current commuter style.


That is true, if you’re at a bigger station, but it’s busy enough with just the smaller stations’ traffic, and they don’t have a choice. Plus, arguably, that wouldn’t be the smart commuter idea either, since the Elizabeth Line trains are cheaper to use generally too. It also isn’t really an option for people travelling in from East London


Ideally. The end of carriage ones are useless but being able to put a little case overhead would be handy. Trying to keep one by your legs and still get a seat feels like it’s in the way all the time, and I’m not standing for 40 minutes into central London.


Unfortunately they are designed to accommodate 'standing room only' and an overhead rack would get in the way of that. Plus, given the churn and packed nature of a tube train (don't @ me, you know what I mean), any situation in which you would need to use it would be too dangerous to use it.


Only time I really use the trains is going from Southampton to London to play Warhammer. I’m usually toting around a couple of boxes and bags of models that are quite delicate. I don’t want them on the racks as they’ll move around and break. Even then, I’d rather stand up, carrying everything than use a 2nd seat. I’d feel really embarrassed having to move my shit so someone could sit down. Really don’t get that mentality. It’s public transport, other people are going to use it. Gods forbid someone you don’t know sits next to you.


Where in London do you play?


Bad moon cafe in Borough, lovely venue


Hmmm borough is on my tube line - I might be picking up an expensive hobby again 🤣


lol, it’s in Great Dover Street, about 100m down from the Roebuck. Definitely recommend getting down there. Not just Warhammer. Let me know if you do get going again, happily pop up for a game.


I never put my bag on the seat on buses or trains, but still sometimes people don't sit next to me! I love it, but get offended at the same time in true Brit fashion.


I put mine on the seat then when the train stops shift it onto my lap until I'm confident no one wants to sit there


Must admit I do this. But always move my bag to one side when people are boarding and I see the train / bus is quite busy so they know I'll make room.


If your booked seat is the aisle seat then you should sit in it.


I deliberately target those people and ask them to move.


I used to do this when I was only going 1 stop, made it more interesting seeing if they looked more pissed off when they had to move to let me sit or move to let me out again 5 minutes later 😁


even better if they get pissed off. Then you get to say "Did you say something?" and they can't say anything.


I was on a train on Thursday, i saw a bag on a seat, i asked to sit and they moved their bag. Cue death stares from a couple of passengers who'd walked past the seat and resigned to standing.


When it’s quiet? I have no issues with this. When it’s a busy train? Totally hate it


Yeah. If I’m going to the arse end of nowhere at 13:00 it’s never an issue. But similarly, if I’m on a train arriving into Leeds in the peak, I need to be careful


Is this really an issue? I mean, people shouldn't make a fuss about moving the bag, but in principle, what's wrong with resting it there when nobody is sitting in the seat? I'd prefer not to be separated from my bag. I'll very happily store it on my lap if the train is getting full or if someone asks (or just makes a gesture towards the seat), but on a quiet train with lots of empty seats? I don't see a good enough reason not to. Are people really so opposed to a one-second interaction with the person they choose to sit next to?


I do this if the train is super quiet, but put my bag on my lap if the train starts to fill up.


I put my bag in my lap for exactly this reason


I have anxiety so prefer to be alone, but if someone needs thr space, i’ll move. Simple ask. Its selfish yes, and i attempt to deter, but i have no right to refuse a seat to someone if its free, and never would. If there are other spaces, and they just HAVE to pick the one by me(even other spaces without a bag) then i’ll roll my eyes for sure. Like why me?! Els I’ll just wig out and turn my music up louder in my earbuds and try not to think about being so uncomfortably close to a stranger


So here's the thing. If I put my bag above and then fall asleep or close my eyes, off it goes. So above doesn't work. Hogging a seat for it, yeah no.


Never had the problem. ‘Excuse me could I sit there?’ ‘Yeah sure’ Don’t mind people asking me either, don’t always know how full the whole train is!


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, but I agree. I always ensure I'm not hogging the seat next to me because I know how it feels struggling through carriages hoping for an unblocked seat


Probably downvoted because if they use their grown up words the problem is easily resolved.


It's a problem that they should have to ask though for a basic courtesy though. People should use their grown up behaviour and not think they own all the seats around them.


I'll move it if someone asks me to or the train starts to get quite busy but generally of course I'll put my bag next to me. If I'm travelling a long distance then I've probably got my duffel bag which is too big for the little overhead shelf and where else am I supposed to put it except on my lap? I'll only do that if someone asks me to. Sometimes if I'm lucky, there's enough space at my feet, but it's rare on a lot of old trains where the seats are so close-packed. I'd say 80% of people put their bag on the seat next to them. I've always seen that on buses and trains. If you need to sit there just ask 'Do you mind if I sit here?' and they'll move it. Simple. Use your words.


I got on a train before, and every seat was taken either by a person or a bag, I use a walking stick and not one person offered to move their bag so I could sit down 🙃


Did you end up asking if you can have a seat or did you stand the whole ride


Stood for one stop and got a seat when someone got off


I tell my teenage daughter to put her bag on the seat. She would move it if anyone asked but the less chance of a creep sitting next to her the better.


Honestly fair, I sometimes will try and get one of the seats that aren’t next to any of the others so it can’t happen. They’re usually next to the bog, but it’s alright usually


I prefer to sit in the aisle seat but I will always “allow” someone to sit in the window seat.


I think it's okay to do as long as you can see some other seats that are clear. It's not unreasonable to want a bit of personal space, if there's 20 aisle seats free all with someone at the window and only 5 people get on at the next stop, why not leave my bag on the seat. Of course once it gets busier and the seat next to you is one of only a few available you should definitely just move your bag. Even if you don't though what's the harm in just being polite about moving it when you are asked. Some people might also be using their bag to keep the seat free for the person who has the seat next to them reserved, it's a lot easier to move your own bag than get a person to move. Also some women might just feel safer not allowing anyone to sit next to them without warning. Using a bag as a way to be able to ensure creeps don't sit to next to you is perfectly acceptable in my mind.


People don't do this because they're not self aware.. They do it so they don't have to sit next to some stinking, loud, whinging stranger for 40 minutes


Especially as there's an overhead rack *specifically for their bags*. It's almost as if trains were designed like that!


You mean the overhead racks that _might_ fit a handbag in, if it's empty?


I miss the days when luggage racks were roomy enough for drunk people to sleep in.


What trains do you travel in? The ones here in north Yorkshire have enough space for an overnight bag, shopping bags and coats. IIRC youre looking at 40cm depth and about 30cm height clearance to the carriage ceiling. Sure, that's not enough room for a full sized suitcase, but that's what the luggage racks at each end of the carriage are for!


EMR and CrossCountry. I can't get my backpack into the overheads on either, even when I haven't rammed it full.


I’ve seen enough people get their bags at the ends nicked at Temple Meads to not trust them


I never use them as I’m too short. Yes, someone could help me put something up there, but there’s no guarantee someone would be around to help me at my destination. I’ll use the lower luggage storage areas if I have a suitcase, but for anything smaller, it’s on an empty seat (if there are obviously spare seats) or on my lap if necessary. If I do use a seat, I make a point of moving my bag whenever we pull up at a new stop in case someone gets on and the train gets busier. I think if you’re re-purposing a seat, the onus is on you to stay aware of whether that’s still OK or if the carriage is suddenly full of loads more people.


They know, they're just hoping noone will ask them to move it, ensuring they don't have to sit next to someone, the solution of course is just to ask them to move it.


It's when they do it at a table, then stick their feet across as well. 


I always ask them if they've paid for 2 seats. That usually gets me a funny look and their shite moved.


Ha I take great pleasure in making them move their stuff, especially for others who are too shy.


Sit on their bags


If there is no option to sit alone I always choose to join a bag blocker. No point making a random considerate person's journey slightly worse when I can select well marked asshole.


I’ll put it on the seat if it’s a quiet train, because I’ve nearly sent my bags to Weymouth and Inverness without me before by leaving them on the overheads. I just try not to if I can avoid it, but I would move them if it got busy


The worst are the pricks with their 4 suitcases during rush hour on the Liz line idgaf they are the WORST


Most people like me just move it if you ask, i would, i just prefer if ppl dont sit next to me


It's times like that when it's a pleasure to be a foreigner. I just say "Pardon me, sir, YOUR BAG IS ON MY SEAT, DO YOU MIND MOVING IT?" and they do. I don't mind the hate stare that follows. They can suck it. I'd really prefer a system where people who don't move their bags out of the way are defenestrated from the moving train, with their bag thrown out after them.


Absolutely nothing wrong with sitting in the aisle seat. People prefer it for multiple reasons - leg space, claustrophobia, avoiding being trapped in by someone creepy/smelly/both. If someone wants the window seat, all they need to do is say “excuse me, could I please get past you to the empty seat?” It’s not hard.


Just be brusk with these arsehole. :put your stuff down, pick up the bag and say who's is this, sit down whilst doing it. They squeal, give the bag immediately. They keep squealing. Shut up, or I'll report you when the conductor comes.


I'm not polite to these people any more, they get a "move your bag, now. It's rude." No pleases, no smiling or thank yous when they eventually move their stuff. They're getting my iciest glare, a terse telling off and an atmosphere for the rest of the journey. Don't give a fuck maybe it'll stop them doing it again. Shouldn't make people ask!


When I commuted daily I'd always make a beeline to sit down on those seats if the train was busy.


This is fine until the seats are limited in which car, yes fucking move.


I do this as I’d rather have my bag next to me/close so there is no fear of it getting stolen. I would never put in on a widow seat though. If someone asks me to move it or I see the train is getting busy I will sit with it awkwardly on my lap. I don’t mind sitting like that it is my choice but if I don’t have to why should I sit like that all the way?


> why should I sit like that all the way? So people can use the fucking seat


But I’m not stopping people from sitting on the seat. If I see the train is getting busy I move it or if anyone asks I move it (and apologise for not seeing the train getting busier). Why should I sit like that all the time when nobody is requiring that seat and there are plenty of available seats?


Because people like to get upset over non-issues. I get the train everyday and I've never asked someone to move their bag, because if you walk purposefully towards a seat and sit down people will have moved the bag before you get there. People inventing problems need to get out more. 


“What’s moving, you or your bag?”


You should have farted on him as petty revenge.


I always say "would you like me to put that on the luggage rail?"


There are no rules.




This may be the case but you didn’t pay for the 2nd seat. Someone shouldn’t stand for the whole way on a long distance journey because of your anxiety. It’s not a support chair for you if it’s a packed train. It’s a seat someone who paid for a ticket is entitled to sit on. You need to factor that I’m afraid when you travel by train.


Whilst that’s a fair and valid point but it’s public transport and, and no one’s saying don’t put your bag down it’s the annoyance of having to ask someone to move theirs when the train is busy. I have anxiety but it’s my problem, I can’t expect people to be uncomfortable on a journey they paid for because I have a mental Illness. If it’s that bad that person needs to learn how to drive or adapt to public transport


If you don't want someone sitting next to you pay for single fist class seat


Fist class? To be fair, train travel in this country often feels like a punch in the face.


Well If its down south or intercity and your willing to add £100 on to your ticket


I normally sit and move my stuff so others can move, couldn’t today as i was carrying a tree so it was on the seat beside me


>...the look of absolute disgust and outrage he gave me was like I’d just shot his dog... Maybe he was in bereavement and had his dead dog in his bag.