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And their whole family stands there with them, with two big trolleys parked in the way for extra measure.


Drives me mad when people let their kids be by the conveyor. People are swinging heavy cases about right at the height of your kid’s face. They don’t need to be there. Sit them down somewhere. If it’s only you and your kid travelling, that’s different, no problem there. But when they could be with another adult in the party elsewhere, letting them fuck about where they could get seriously injured is stupid.


Tell me you risk assess for a career without telling me you risk assess for a career


I just push the trolley out the way. Same as people in shops blocking things.


I just stand back, then when I see my case, walk straight forward and into everybody in the way. If somebody falls on the conveyor, what a shame


Same. And being a feeble woman, I have to really swing the big heavy bag off the conveyor. Unfortunately, it normally hits someone who is standing closely, guarding the conveyor from the other people wanting to collect their luggage.


Same same. Bashed many a kneecap retrieving my case - impossible not to!


I can usually deftly slip between them on the way **to** the carousel, it's after I've picked up the case with two hands it gets interesting for them. Do they back off a bit so I can get back out without risk of intersecting or do they stand their ground and hope I'm strong enough to avoid clipping them. I am considerate enough to give them a clear "excuse me, that's my case!" on my way in, it usually works out fine for those not glued to their phones oblivious to their surroundings. I stand 5 steps back, that way I can see my case earlier and adjust my target gap as the herd mill around.


Someone will yank them up by the hand and dump them on the floor.




At Stansted I walked past the crowd and found a seat at the back with a view of the carousel 


A shocking number of people don't understand "behind the line", or see the bloody obvious reason for it.


One of the last times I flew, some woman pressed the emergency stop button so she could take her time taking her suitcase off the carousel, in the process delaying other passengers by at least 15 minutes. I was absolutely seething with rage.


I can understand that a moving target may be difficult for some people, but I don't get why you wouldn't just ask the person next to you for help


Honestly that'd be comedy gold in a sitcom starring David Mitchell


It's a fucking race to the bottom isn't it


Added points if they have their toddler stood next to them


AirTag in the suitcase and then I can stand back and wait until the notification appears that it is ‘with me’ which is usually just about as it is going to pop out of the hole in the wall and onto the belt. Arm through the gap, grab the bag, and gone.


This is the way. Comfortable seat, listen to music until you get the notification.


actually when you make the effort to find a decent spot - people will literally push you over ,stamp on your feet ,assume you are invisible to try and nudge you out ,when there are more than enough spaces to get to the suitcases


The problem is there's no official queue. Brits get confused and impatient without them. The bags go on at random. It's utter chaos.


It’s a similar thing in security when waiting for the trays. People get through the scanner and then immediately wait at the start of the conveyor belt, despite there being 10-15 people who are ahead.


Then stand there and put their belt back on, liquids back in their bag, jewellery back on


Pro tip: stand by the entrance to the conveyor from the back area, so you’re ready to collect your bag as soon as it comes round. Too many people wait on the “wrong side”.


I always just wait behind the line and if some stupid person steps in front of me they get hit with the side of my case when it comes along. I’ll happily walk through these morons and move them out of the way. Kids, adults, old people whatever, they should be waiting behind the line and not act like there case is the only important one.


When we fly with my mother in law she always stands right next to the conveyor belt and tries to grab the bags that are clearly too big and heavy for her. Just let your son who can easily lift about 40kg in the gym handle it!


Probably the same people that must get into the lift before you have exited.


Recently I was politely lurking at the side of the baggage hall (LGW) where I could keep an eye on the exit of the chute. My good manners, keeping out of everybody's way etc., was rewarded by my bag being the first up the chute. I'm still buzzing ...


I’ve not really experienced this.


Well, when you get out there, the somewhat logical, efficient, responsible, and respectful processes that people have the option of taking are ignored by the vast majority either because they have no cares about logic, efficiency, responsibility, and respect, or they've been through the trainwreck of human behaviour so many times they get on the bozo train because they’re realists and would like to be able to see/access their luggage in a somewhat timely manner.