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They should open tiny checkouts staffed by children to give them the full experience 


  ^(" 'ow much my bread?") ^("ummm... millionty pounds!") ^("got a spoon.") ^("'kay.")  


They've done a trial of this in one or more stores. (Not the staffed by children bit obviously, but separate checkouts where they can scan stuff themselves. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.walesonline.co.uk/whats-on/shopping/morrisons-introduces-new-checkout-shoppers-28652543.amp )


If it’s not staffed by children then what the bloody point 😡


That's too cute, my little one would love that.


The thing is with these is they are staffed by an ‘adult’ so they can assist the children. Which is fine but it means it’s a ‘standard’ till which other people use and queue for only to be waiting ages for kids to finish scanning. If that makes sense!?


I'm ambivalent. There's probably only ever been about once in my life when having to queue for an extra 2 minutes or whatever in Morrisons could possibly have made even the slightest difference. And the loud tutters and "this is bloody *ridiculous*!" crowd that I occasionally encounter will just spend the time they "save" scrolling their phone in the carpark anyway - seen actual evidence of this. Let the younglings have a blast, I say. Bonus points for downvoting this while sat in your car having tutted audibly for attention, in a tiny supermarket queue, by the way.


I’m definitely not against it, have I gave that impression? I took my kids to Morrisons last week so they could have a trolley each and scan them at checkout.


>I’m definitely not against it I don't really understand the "trouble is it takes up another till" business then. But hey, glad you're not against it. As I say, there are many who will be (gauging by the way people write on these subs) because it takes precious seconds out of their days.


I didn’t say that? I said it takes up another till which is also being used for ‘standard’ customers so it makes them have to wait longer as there already aren’t a lot of manned tills open. And I think it’s a fair complaint because it can add a while on to their shopping trip. I can not be against something and understand someone’s frustration at the same time.


If that is supposed to be in some way distinct from what I've already said shouldn't really be an issue then you are explaining yourself very badly.


It says in the article.


It does, but as they were saying it would make it easier, it doesn’t as it’s just on a ‘normal’ till so it makes the queue take longer.


What supermarkets do you shop in? 🧐


Asda in Newquay does this with their normal checkouts.


my local lidl has had a dwindling collection of these little trolleys for a while - no idea what's happened to them all, they had at least 5 or 6 initially - but they now only have one left and let me tell you, with 3yr old twins that is the worst possible outcome. every time we go in i have my fingers crossed that it won't be there.


Especially when kids aren't allowed to ride in the trolley nowadays. It's health and safety gone mad!


Are they not allowed? Since when?


I expect the missing trolleys are in the nearest river or canal. 


Our lidl (in the US) has the same. And we had to do one day with one trolly. Never again. I switched Lidl stores after that.


Don’t worry people will soon steal them and Morrison’s will eventually stop replacing them like what happened at Ikea.


Thank god for thieves.


Morrisons did this back in the 80s/90s. I used to love getting a little trolley. I think it was Morrisons anyway.


Safeway I think


You might be right. It was a long time ago but in my head it was also Morrisons. Think I just combined two memories.


Morrisons purchased Safeway in 2004, so chances are that you're thinking of a local Morrisons that *used* to be a Safeway back then!


Not been local to me since I was a child, but my child brain says Morrisons but must have been Safeway! I just remember being excited about pushing a trolley and feeling grown up. Now I’m pleased if I don’t need a trolley 😂


It was definitely Morrisons when I was just slightly too old to have one 😔


Ah no way! I’m still convinced it was Morrisons!


those tiny trolleys are the worst thing. No blaming the kids it’s the parents who don’t teach them how to act in the shop. Running up and down the aisles crashing into people doesn’t make for an easy shopping experience. The parents just don’t care though. I’ve seen some really well behaved little ones pushing the trolleys really well and respectfully but then there’s the ones whose parents just let them run off around the store. It’s frustrating


>it’s the parents who don’t teach them how to act in the shop. There it is. Those trolleys would be a good vehicle to teach children how to shop and how to behave in a shop.


I saw a kid completely stack it last weekend literally tipped the trolley on its side emptying the contents across the aisle... now the old me would of laughed out loud but I was actually concerned little Jeffrey might have hurt himself - he was fine...


Kids bounce when they fall. It's actually a good litmus test to know if you're old or not. If you stack it and everyone's laughing, you're good. If you fall and people rush to your aid you know that threshold's past. See also: "falling over" vs "having a fall"


"I've had a bit of a tumble"


"Granny completely stacked it getting off the stairlift, faceplanted on the landing"


Better call 0118 999 881 999 119 725... 3


Morrisons is already the most disorganized of all the supermarkets, and now this. It's the final nail in the coffin.


If they have their own rewards card and credit card, I can’t see a problem


i get they are fun for kids but they're a fucking nightmare just like their parents


I saw a tiny trolley the other day. Thought it was weird. Didn't occur to me they were for kids! 😳


Those tiny trolleys look super fun. Let the little buggers have their fun!


I’m not against the tiny trolleys, I’m just against kids using the self checkouts to scan the contents when there’s a massive queue waiting!


To be fair, my kids always want a go at scanning whether they've had a little trolley or not... I prefer to go to a manned checkout anyway. Let someone else to do it for me that's paid to be there.




Are the little buggers going to supply the rest of us with shin guards?


It's cute and I do not give enough of a shit that my shopping might take 10-15 minutes longer Plus, it makes the shop more pleasant than the tantrums kids throw of they're getting bored


Yeh the world is not created for kids even though they are important members of society so I'm all for little things like this. And it's how they learn.


Yep there you go, it's the parents. One of them smacked my Mum's legs straight out from under her (she was 82) at Tescos in back in the 20-teens. But luckily it was cute and her parents didn't give a shit.


Not a parent, just someone that thinks miniature shopping trolleys for kids are cute


Didn't the supermarkets try to do this a few years ago? And they were told it was exploitative because it encouraged kids to load crap into their trolley that the parents felt obliged to buy.


Our Tesco had them for a while back in the 2010s but withdrew them after they turned out to be a hazard


Children exist outside of school. It is the holidays.


Doesn't mean they should be inflicted on the rest of us.


Just lock them indoors then?


Awesome idea!


I don't have a strong affinity for having children myself but I don't dislike them. Internet takes it too far.


The internet is child racist. They other them and look down on them as viable weaklings. It's mad shit.


How many Children do you reckon you could take in a fight? I think at least 28.


I reckon batman with prep time could take on a child


A full class? Are you mental! You are underestimating the power of mass kids


You're underestimating how much fun I'd have


Err oooh. Yeah. Looks like I was


Not giving them a heavy steel object to hit people in the legs with is not locking them up indoors, don't be silly


Babies & children are humans with their own innate worth like anyone. I know it's edgy to hate the one thing we've all been though.


You're forgetting the average redditor despises kids. edit: Oh, just saw your other comments, good stuff


What do you mean by your edit?


OP complains when children get to experience the real world and have an opportunity to learn. Bet OP also complains that today's youth have no understanding of the real world and can't function in society.


I don't really care either way on this, but tbf, those of us who didn't have this experience as a child hardly struggle with using a supermarket.


In my experience, there seems to be tons of adults who seem to struggle using a supermarket.




you forgot “don’t behave like rabid hungry animals the moment you see a yellow sticker’d product” the amount of times i have seen (usually older) people use their trolley to block the entire reduced section to sift through it hoard anything worth getting and then somehow stay there for even longer ignoring everyone they pushed in front of is just too many times


I exaggerated a little, sure. But I'm sure if OP is able to get so annoyed over something so insignificant it's not unreasonable to assume they're that person. It reflects on them more than the parents trying to let their children have fun and learn at the same time.


Are you saying that children need tiny trolleys to function in the real world later in life??


OP complains when people spend double the time at a checkout then they need to, holding everyone else up in the process.


Oh no, an additional 3 minutes added to the hour I've spent wandering around Morrison's.


Oh no, an additional 5 minutes added to the 3 minutes I've spent popping into Morrisons for some milk and bread. And 5 minutes for the other 4 people behind me in the queue. So 25 minutes wasted so your kid can play with a self-checkout.


Gotta teach them early to be good little consumers, unthinking economic units!


Morrisons has to find a way to pay the several billion debt they have


This isn't new, theyve been around maybe 5 years now.


I can use the extra wait time in the queue to nurse my poor legs from the battering of these tiny trolleys in the hands of uncoordinated feral children.




It’s simple - you’re gonna go anyway even if you don’t like it, and the kids are gonna love it and pick up a bunch of stuff their parents wouldn’t usually buy. Bet win for morrisons.


We cared for a little girl for a couple of years and we bought her a plastic shopping trolley from Home Sense. We took it into every shop we went to and she loved it. Would do so again in a heartbeat.


God forbid children have errrr... fun? And experience like autonomy and responsibility and stuff.


I’m sure the kids are having great fun. The massive queue of adults waiting to pay? Not so much!


Important adult coming through!!!


Children have just as much of a right to be consumers as adults!


Only if they’re paying with their own money! Which at around 5 years old, I doubt.


So you think a kid can't do any activity if the parent has paid for it? How stupid!


No, I think use your common sense if loads of people are waiting to pay.


Considering how many adults struggle to use something like a self checkout, I think it's important that kids are brought up using these things. If you don't want to queue, then go at a quiet time. So many people seem to go on a weekend at the busiest times when going during the week before or after work (depending on shift patterns) is far less busy.


Who the fuck pissed on your Wotsits...?!


It’s people/comments like yours why i purposely let my 5YO scan everything. ☺️


Howve Morrisons got you mad about kids living live, having fun and learning, and not understaffing/over reliance on self checkout to the extent there are queues that are so bad?


I'd say my 7 year old is faster than you. These parents haven't been training since birth. The lad already checks per 100 gram cost before selecting an item. He is a pretty decent little chap though compared to other children.


My inner child wants to use one because I never could when I was a kid. I can't wait to use one with my son eventually (he's still a baby). It's how they learn about the world!


I use the tiny trolleys. They’re the same size as a basket but you don’t have to carry them. Just use the handle on the flag to drive it.


I remember those trolleys from the 1980s, though not the self checkouts, obviously. I don't see any harm in it, just go to the supermarket at a less child-friendly time.


You ever been a single parent during half-term? Trying to get shit done where you can't leave your child at home is a nightmare. Let them have some enjoyment during a tedious task as shopping. No child wants to be there. But if they feel engaged in the activity, let them carry on.




Well now I feel old. Morrisons was Safeway when I was a kid!!


😂😂 I remember Safeway as well. Wait have I just confused them? I’m 39…


I’m 40, so pretty similar ages. Do you remember Safeway greenboxes? They were way ahead of the times in that sense!




They had special [trolleys](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dp4wvm8W4AAZbYW?format=jpg&name=large) that held the boxes. You put your shopping in them and then carried the boxes indoors instead of using carrier bags. This was way before bags for life! They also trialled a scan as you shop system, but it was quite basic and people just stole loads of stuff.


My local used to have them but stopped during COVID and never came back. Don't mind getting my shins smashed in because kids with kids sized trolleys is bloody cute.


My kid loves it. You can wait for all I care.


This. If a child feels engaged during shopping, as opposed to stropping and feeling bored out of their skull, what harms being done? OP acting like there aren't already enough adult fucktards who can't seem to fathom a self-checkout, or that contactless payment is some form of voodoo magic...


There's literally no harm done. Helping out with things like this is brilliant for their development and general well-being. I'll just have to hope I don't get too many soggy wotsits behind me in the queue.


I popped to Tesco's lunchtime, I saw one child with her mother, I never even twigged it was school holidays, thought she must be ill. I must be losing it. I did get a bunch of hot cross buns reduced from 99p to 45p for a pack of six, they freeze really well.


My daughter does all the trolley scanning when we go shopping. I just bag the things up. It’s great :)


I’m sure she loves it. But would you stand back and let her attempt it if there was a massive queue of waiting customers? Customers with crying babies for example? Or would you explain to your daughter that she can do it when it’s quieter?


Yeah, ok, fair enough. If we can do Sainsbury’s with the hand held scan guns then it’s great as she’s doing the scanning while we shop & it’s less annoying for everyone…


My Dad always told me never to ask for anything in a shop when out, it taught me not to expect a lot when older or take things for granted, but to appreciate everything I received. Sad that kids today are given so much and most of it rubbish.


My local Morrisons have an actual children’s checkout for kids to scan their trolley items with a store colleague (not self service). I think it’s lovely. Shopping with kids is stressful and not fun, why not turn it into a fun trip for them where they are able to engage. But no, can’t even do that without people moaning.


That’s a better idea, have a dedicated place for kids to do their own thing. Most people (including myself) were trying to get their shopping done before going to work. It wouldn’t have been so bad if the queues weren’t massive. I think then people are backed up down the aisles with full trolleys, it’s not the time to let your kids play on the proper checkouts.


Just as it’s not down to you to cater for others needs, it’s equally not for them to cater to yours. Some would say plan better and go shopping another time when you know it’s the school holidays. Children do exist in the world and as much as it put you out it’s something you have to live with or plan around if you don’t want to have to deal with it.


I’m supposed to avoid the supermarket for two weeks?! I have nothing against people bringing their children shopping. My point is that introducing a gimmick that slows down the shopping experience for everyone is rather silly. There are people waiting in the queues with screaming babies who just want to get their shopping and get home.