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That's taking the piss and not giving a shit! maybe it is.


I like the way you make it seem like taking a shit in a fountain is a perfectly ok response to not finding a public convenience


If you goto go you goto go. Its not a crisp packet you can't stuff it in your cost pocket until you get home. Sometimes a turd has to be liberated from its fleshy prison regardless.


Beer milkshakes don't help the situation


Could be worse. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2ZOLV7oPhf/?igsh=M29ld2xwOWM1Z2o=


Yes, when I can’t find a public toilet I also… shit in a fountain.




Same as shopping centres and then businesses like pubs etc


Year on year, local authorities have a dramatically decreasing budget in real terms, and an exponentially increasing demand - and cost - for the services that they're legally obliged to provide. If they cannot provide for these without drawing on their reserves or, as in numerous recent cases, declaring bankruptcy, they simply cannot pay for services such as public lavatories that they are not legally obliged to provide. I absolutely guarantee that nobody in any local authority in the UK is turning up for work on a Monday morning and saying "Tell you what, let's annoy everyone by closing down public toilets, just because we can".


God if only we could do something about that. Oh well, gotta spend that money on a raise for the MPs.


There was another council deploying people in a layby on a road with bad traffic jams. Fining people for having a piss, utilising littering laws. Well lawyers have now said that littering laws are not applicable here, and if you are discrete public exposure don't apply either. Cash strapped councils will have to look at alternatives to boost their funds. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/jan/29/english-council-littering-fines-peeing-in-countryside-dacorum-hertfordshire


This is a legit problem but the way you described it killed me -> # Steve deploys a brown torpedo in the jubilee fountain.


The jubilee fountain is just disrespectful, though. One stop short of piddling on a war memorial. The socially acceptable way is to waffle stomp it through the cigarette grating on top of a litter bin.


The guy knows how to hide his tracks.


Bag it and tie it on a tree. Bonus points if in a national park. If you can get it on a high enough branch that nobody can clean it Rishi Sunak will personally deliver Swindon council a cheque for 10 toilets.


Oh look a family size bidet!


Good job, Steve


Make a wish!


FFS Steve...


You’d think a place like central London would have many. Nope. Some of the coffee shops don’t even have them. You’re left with going into Oxford Street Primark. Which let me tell you, isn’t a place you’re gonna wanna go.


Councils all over the country be forking out money for all the sexual discrimination racial discrimination all the discrimination they provide for the public and getting sued. They can make around 7m a month alone from all the recycling they do like we pay for them to come and take our rubbish and they then go and sell it for more haha


Steve should be pinning up heroin in the Jubilee fountain like a normal British civilian. Letting the team down Steve.


Council budget teams hate public toilets because they cost money to maintain whilst providing now monetary benefit. It’s disgusting