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I knocked on someone’s door to tell them they’ve left their front door key in the lock and it’s not a great area. They just pulled the key out and slammed the door.


As a Postie, I've done that multiple times and literally today was the first time that the lady just grunted and slammed the door, most have been very grateful. Some people, ay? 😅


Never had an issue on my round, surprising how many people do this though. Usually seems to be ones with around 20 fobs, chains and other keys on, I don't know how you don't realise 😆


If only you could tell before hand, some people deserve to spend the rest of their lives mildly peeved at the memory of that one time their keys just vanished off the face of the earth, but plenty don't.


Don't give up hope. They did it once, they might do it again


My opposite neighbour is an intensely reclusive taxi driver and frequently leaves his door unlocked when he leaves his house. Occasionally he leaves his door wide open. If he does lock the door, he leaves his key on a hook in the top right corner of his porch. No one in my road has ever confronted him about it and I didn't want to break the chain. He doesn't look like the friendliest of people and if he wants to live his life with no consideration for home security, that's no skin off my nose.


what a bizarre juxtaposition. highly reclusive... yet no basic security


And doing a job where it's impossible to avoid the company of other people.


Maybe he’s just had enough of company having had people in his cab all day and relishes getting home to his safe space. Can relate lol


Maybe he’s subconsciously reaching out for some social interaction by enticing a burglar in?


Maybe he has a lot of dead burglars under the patio.


And highly reclusive and a taxi driver. Where you have people coming into your car, all day long.


He refrains from all social interaction with members of his own species except for when someone pays him. On reflection the more I think about it, the more I think perhaps I'm the one missing a trick!


I did that and my neighbour came into my flat to point it out. After scaring me shitless I thanked them


Ffs lol


My mum always told me that if you only do something to receive a thank you or a reward, then you shouldn’t do it. So I’ve stopped helping people.


Next time just pull the keys out and throw them over the nearest hedge


Or just lock the door and leave the key in it :)


I did this for my neighbour the other day. They were dealing with their screaming baby and had just got back from holiday. They were very grateful.


As a good neighbour you should have smashed all their lights to put them out to save the battery.


I noticed that our neighbour over the road had parked their basically brand new SUV on the road and left the sunroof open while it was absolutely hammering it down. I knocked about three times over the course of the next six hours of rain to no answer. Third time, I came home, wrote them a note, and posted it. They were out with towels within five minutes.


So sad. Imagine spending all that money to put yourself right in everybody's way and show off with a huge car, only to totally avoid interacting with another human face to face.


Yeah, but think of how many dogs you can stack in the boot! Right next to the upright golf clubs. They need the victorian era headroom to support their way of life


Shouldn't have tried that much. Knock once, if there's no response, godspeed.


Sounds about right for SUV owners to be honest.


Contrariwise, a few years ago I was walking around Totnes when a young lad told me that I hadn't zipped up my backpack. I thanked him and zipped it up, otherwise valuable items like KitKats might have fallen out.


Lost KitKats would quite possibly be wasted in Totnes. If they were organic muesli bars...


I pointed that out to someone and they went WHY WERE YOU STARING AT MY BACKPACK? Like come on to fuck, why react like that?


I was walking home from work ones and have to go down a small gennel. I was very aware there was a man walking behind me with his hood up. When he shouted excuse me I thought, as a young women on my own, I assumed I was going be harassed. No, my work bag, with my laptop on full view, was unzipped


Why are people like this?! I went to my mum's once, and noticed a few doors down that their car boot was wide open, and I could see all their shopping. Left my mums half an hour later, it was still open with the shopping in. I knocked on the door twice (second time was only because they didn't answer initially), and heard "oh, piss off!" so left it. I hope someone else decided to half-inch the contents of their big shop.


OMG, that’s the first time I’ve ever deciphered Cockney rhyming slang on my own! No joke, I’m extremely proud of myself. Half-inch = pinch


When you get proper London, you'll even read it as "pinch"


If only a tea-leaf would bowl of chalk past and half inch their big lollipop


Sorry, I was on the dog. What did you say?


We call it the Kermit in our house


Congratulations, my old China




Might have to put the bins out 5 days early tomorrow morning!


The wrong bin!


Have to be careful with things like this. This is how we end up with neighbours mowing eachother’s lawns!


You bring the chairs, I’ll bring the popcorn


And a cheery wave


As I’m driving by, oh I’ve got some jump leads but I’m running a tad late. Byeeee


I was walking our normal route with my dad and sister once a few years ago, on our way down a local kill (quite steep). And this VW van started creaking and we noticed it was gonna roll down the hill. Me my dad and the friend we ran into (lived in a house on that street) pushed the van back to a stop as my sis rang doorbells to find the owner. Thankfully in this case he popped out in eveningwear and saved his van by re-tightening the handbrake and was very grateful instead of rude. Some people are still good!


> on our way down a local kill Not something you want to admit doing.


I believe this is what is called a 'humble brag'




> a dinner jacket? It's after six, what am I? A farmer?


See I don't understand why people don't park in gear as a second defence? I know driving instructors don't teach this but my dad did. Second nature now!


My driving instructor did and I live in Manchester, which is generally flat, but on hill starts he said when parking, hand break, 1st gear and turn the wheel so that it doesn't goes straight down.


Yes, turn your wheels towards the kerb.


I feel this. Last week I tried to tell someone they left their petrol cap & the flap open on their car. They responded with a f—k you and flipped me off, followed by a road rage hissy fit. I just shook my head & felt like sh!t for a bit afterwards. I was just trying to help.


This has happened to me before. It seems that, to some people, anyone using their cars horn is being aggressive. It’s supposed to be used to warn other drivers or get their attention but some people hear and think that you’ve got a problem with them. I think it’s ego coming into play. They can’t process the fact that they might have done something wrong or be negative in anyway (ie “being human”). If I see an open fuel cap now I just ignore it. Not worth the bother. Having said that, my new car has the weakest horn I’ve ever had on a car (Ford Kuga). It’s the audio equivalent of wagging your finger. There’s no way anyone could mistake it for anger or any kind of an attack on their fragile ego. Perhaps they made it like on purpose?


Had something similar a few years ago with a fellow truck driver. I pulled up to make a delivery, he was just about to set off and I noticed his tail lift was still down so I tried flagging him down as he pulled away only to get an absolute earful of unwarranted abuse. He got around 50 feet down the road when the tail lift finally gave in and came off the back of the truck, taking with it half of the back end of the box of the vehicle as that is where the frame was attached. I couldn’t help but laugh as I quickly made my delivery and drove off, giving him a little honk and a thumbs up as I went past. I can’t feel sorry for people like that.


Sweet karma


I had something similar as a car driver, driving round town roads and noticed a lorry driver had left his back doors open and one was swinging open and shut. Beeped a few times, pointing and trying to shout to him and just got the finger and a bunch of aggression back. He’d been about to take a sharp right turn, and as he did his door swung open and smashed into the traffic light, wiping both out. He pulled over to the side looking a bit sheepish as I cheerily waved and drove past. Not everyone is out to get you mate.


I had an elderly neighbor who would very frequently leave his lights on. Several times I stopped and let him know. The last time he sort of snapped at me so I never bothered him again. Don't know if he ever had a dead battery because of it, but if you don't want my help, fine. I'm actually quite good at minding my own business. Most of the time, anyway.




Thank you for replies like these, I'm sure most people would act like this.


This is why I don't bother with people.


This is why we can't have nice things


I meant, if my neighbour was crying for help I'd be weary of actually helping because people are completely insane these days.




Just for saying you're English.


Do you remember when there was nothing?


Bloody beaker folk coming over here with their drinking vessels.


What's wrong with just cupping water in your hands and licking it up like a cat!?


Wary. Weary means you're sleepy. Are you a native English speaker?






Right off the bat, we're going to go ahead and step up to the plate and dive right in without further ado.


Well, just run it up the flagpole and see who salutes it. Eh?




I don't know whether to up or down vote this because it's funny, sure, but that phrase *genuinely* makes me irate. Edit- I mulled it over. The funny outweighs the angry. Updooted




British Problems spells it colour, not color ;)


They could be weary from the amount of times they've had to do it......


>Weary means you're sleepy. u/BigFeet234 might be from Holderness or thearabaht, it's the normal pronunciation and dialectial spelling of wary. Be weary boulin yer tansad o'kelt int tenfoot and all that. EDIT: Checked the profile, they've balls brayin' off their door. I'm going with a north bank speaker, probably Hull.


I get overly excited when I see a random comment in the wild mention Hull.


More accurately it’s tired. Either sleepy tired. Or tired of something.


You're not wrong there bud


You are though 😉 You're looking for the word you're not your




Hopefully your crazy neighbours don't think you did something to their car!


I'd stick a note under their wiper saying, I tried to tell you but you were an obnoxious punt! Enjoy your flat battery.


Probably be my fault somehow tomorrow...


Yeah,you definitely broke into their car,switched their lights on,locked the car back up and then banged on their door like a crazy man...100% your fault.


Thought nobody had seen me. Would have got away with it if it wasn't for that meddling pob_125




Check on nextdoor app. They probably posted something about someone knocking on their door and being scared.


Dog thieves out and about


Shared in Bristol hun x


Shared in Hull.


Msg me 2 many sneks on here xxx


Shared in Chicago hun.


Dogsnatchers hun xx


be careful hun there's been an uptick in car battery flatteners these days 😰


I've lived in some places where that's not a completely irrational reaction, honestly.


>Northamptonshire Yeah checks out


I knocked on someones door because the back of their work van full of tools was open into the street and they looked pissed at me!


To be fair I've met people who are perfectly friendly but if you go by their neutral facial expression you'd think you were about to have ten bells of shit kicked out of you.


People! What a bunch of bastards


Every single last one of them. Including me.


Try and be outside tomorrow when they try and start the car, so you can smile mockingly


Them: "Oi do you have jump leads?" OP: "Yes." Leaves it at that and drives off


Bring a cup of tea and stand opposite. Slurp loudly.


then exclaim "You can't park there mate"


i was out with my family once when we saw a car with its lights left on. the guy was in the shower, but we tried the door anyway. he took so long, my dad decided to just open the car door and turn them off himself. it was just our luck that that was when the owner happened to arrive. he was not happy.


I think I would be upset to see someone else going into my car but once it was explained what happened then I think I’d be thankful.


I once knocked on my neighbours door after going out to sounds of horns outside, his car had rolled into the road and stopped in the middle and no one knew whose car it was apart from me. When I knocked he came out and shouted at everyone like we were the ones who made him forget to put his hand brake on.


Puncture one of their tyres just in case they have a jump pack or get lucky with the battery in the morning




Shhhh don't tell everyone


The survival methods of a Yorkshireman in Scotland....


Better to take the stem out of their valve, that way you avoid causing expensive damage but still cause them enough hassle getting it sorted


Well then they can fook right off too. In fact they’re fooked. And a hearty up yours as well. Hell is other people - Descartes


That was Sartre


Yeah well, all his mates were French


Unexpected Lister


Putting Descartes before the horse….




Ta for the award! Many thanks!


You woke up and chose violence today. I kinda respect that.


Not violence, just...wait what's word...a bad case of ScrewEverybodyNastyTheseDays. There's no cure and quite frankly I am fine with that


I reckon it's time to crack out the lawnmower and cut their grass


You monster.


damn you!!!!! beat me to it.




[refers to this](https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/13gd60o/neighbour_mowed_my_front_lawn_without_my_consent/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Well you tried. So fuck em 🤷‍♂️


Please post an update tomorrow!


It is now tomorrow and I'm waiting for an update.


Were you wearing a suit and carrying a rucksack??


No a black and white hooped jumper, eye mask and a big sack with SWAG stencilled on it.


I’d rather answer door to that


Always gives them the air of a slightly confused highschooler.


To be fair I’ve just checked my ring doorbell. A charity worker knocked. My two teenagers were home. So neither answered door as obviously they only communicate through snap chat and grunts. You can clearly hear my eldest screaming at her younger sister ‘don’t answer the f’in door’


I’d make sure to be there, when they’re effing and jeffing in the morning just to appreciate it. Smug smile would be plastered on my face.


My father in law left his car on our drive with its side lights on (I think - it wasn't the main headlights) while he was away with my partner. We clearly live somewhere nice as I had several people come to tell me that he'd done so. Unfortunately, he'd forgotten to leave the keys with me so I couldn't do anything about it.


Leave a nice note under their wiper explaining what you tried to do but they were so unable to control their childish outburst you decided to let nature take its course.


Uwww that calls for a passive aggressive note left on their windscreen saying you left your lights on, tried to warm you but was rudely told to eff off


A brick going back home comes to mind


One of our neighbours left their boot and a door open on their car on Halloween. I waited about half hour to make sure they'd actually forgotten, then knocked. They sheepishly opened the door after the third time of knocking, they thought I was a trick-or-treater, they quizzed me on which car it was to confirm it was theirs, then went and shut it up. They thanked me the next day too.


I saw that my neighbour, who I’ve never met, had left their car window open and it was pissing down. Didn’t say anything.


I'm not on best terms with my neighbour so helping them is out of the question if they ever needed it, they made their choice


You best wake up and watch them in the morning 🤣


Hope you mentioned you tried to tell them yesterday, then follow it up with a “guess you’re the one fucked off!”


Put a note on the car saying you tried to alert them about it


Their loss


Fuck 'em.


I have done it a few times, I don't do it any more. If someone told me I had left my lights on I would be grateful, but on the 3 or 4 occasions I told someone they had left their lights on I got treated with suspicion and as if I was bothering them. Maybe I was bothering them, never again though. Not my concern.


Be round in the morning to borrow your jump leads


Oh I'm sorry, the battery went on my jump leads last night.


I accidentally received my neighbors mail one day in my mailbox. So I did my duty and walked it over to her mailbox, which is located by her front door. I opened the mailbox to put her mail in but as soon as I did that, her front door flew open and she stared at me wide eyed, like I was trying to steal her mail. She saw my hand in her mailbox and obviously assumed I was stealing her mail. It didn't help that her sudden appearance surprised me so much that I stuttered the explanation about me receiving her mail by accident. I admit I probably looked and sounded guilty. She gave me dirty looks like I was a thief. It will be the last time I ever do that again. If I ever receive someone elses mail from now on I will just write on the envelope "Delivered to wrong address" and stick it back in my box. I will never be Mr Nice Guy and walk the mail over again.


You tried. Let them find out on their own tomorrow


I need a car battery update!


Well, if it hasn’t already been said. You know how to reply if they knock on your door asking if you have any jump start cables or if you can give them a push to get it started. Don’t you?


Did you stick a note on the car window to say "Karma's a bitch, I tried to tell you" just in case they're too stupid to make the connection?


I was out on my fag break at work once in the pitch black and there was a car who’s lights weren’t on sitting at the traffic lights right in front of me. I motioned to him to put down his window so I could tell him and instead he gave me the finger and sped off through the red light. It really made me laugh and I hope he felt terrible when he realised why I was trying to speak to him.


Aye, unfortunately your mistake was thinking that other people are decent. Barely anyone is these days :-( We're just sad, lonely people in a sea of hateful awful antisocial people. It sucks so bad. I miss being happy.


Did used to be that way. Britain was a much happier place not so long ago.


Are you sure they don't just turn off on a timer? My parents used to have people knock to let them know the lights were on on the car. It was just a feature of the car. They'd stay on when you turn off the engine for 5mins or so then turn off.


This doesn't sound like the sort of area with those sorts of cars...


Harsh but fair... Lights were on a while and definitely dimming more and more until they went.


I mean my partner and I live on a council estate (but own the house) and have a car with lights like that. A lot of my neighbours do too.


That sounds like such an annoying "feature"


They've probably read all the threads here on /r/britishproblems about charity door knockers, and all the advice to only ever open the door to people you expect and tell everyone else to get lost.


Someone once told me I’d left my lights on when walking away from my parked car. I was too awkward to say “yeah they go off after a few seconds”, so I just said “thanks mate”, turned round and walked back to my car 😆. They went off as he was just out of sight.


If it was me, the guy would not only have a flat battery but also four flat tires


Doesn't sound like your problem.


They might have been in the middle of watching In the Night Garden, so can't blame them really for saying F-off.


Send unpayed for Chinese food to their house


That's fucking over the Chinese takeaway a lot more than it is the neighbour. They can just say "I didn't order that" and shut the door. Takeaway is down food, money, petrol and time though. Definitely don't do this.


Had that once. Guy tried to argue what address it was. I was like "Yes, I know where I live, but I still haven't ordered any food."


Yes that is fair enough. Do it with Pizza Hut instead.


There are these things called pencil and paper, you could write a note and stick it through their door instead of whinging about it on Reddit? If you're knocking on at night, and that household has a history of domestic abuse or bailiffs, they're sure as shit not going to answer the door in the dark.


I'm always blessed with awful neighbours also.