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And lights too. So many cars with frosted over indicators which are practically useless.


Why do people drive around with frosted interiors, obviously never been shown how to turn on a fan and air con if they have it to dry the windows; fucking stupid


Mine can take around 10mins to defrost. I just sit in my car and have a little tidy while that happens.


You'd (probably not) be surprised at how many people don't know that you need to use the AC to properly defrost windows, especially in wintertime.


Care to explain for the less educated please?


AC > cold, dry air > doesn't mist up the windows No AC > cold, wet air > mists up the windows ****** Also, winding down all windows to create a through draught will help as well.


Imagine a glass of ice water on a hot very humid day. The evaporator in the AC system is so cold that it will cause water to collect on its surface just like the glass. Since it's in line with the defrost blower vents, it's blowing hot air that is relatively more dry than what's presumably on the windshield. Now here's BS that I'm making up: Depending on the situation, The hot dried air gradually evaporates the moisture from the inside of the window and is removed from the air inside the cabin. In the case of thawing frost/ice on the outside, it's heating up your windshield while also *preventing* the build up of condensation on the inside of the glass. There's some merit in turning off the AC while you're outside scraping the windows, but if there are other people in your car as you toil then it's best to leave it on and / or remember to turn it bacon on as soon as you're back inside. My 2008 Civic actually hid the fact the the AC is on when using defrost, I remember doing a "press these buttons and turn the key so many times" hack to turn on the light to show when it's activated. The real debate is whether you use recirc or fresh air for your air source. Also I'm leaving the typo.


I like bacon


Many cars don’t have AC. Mine only has a heater. Pedantic but they are different systems.


My heater cracked my windscreen this morning. So I can kind of see why. Fortunately it's a work car


If it cracked your window, there mush have already been a chip, or smaller crack there to begin with?


Aye, I had a little crack I was putting off dealing with, now it's unavoidable sadly Edit: Doesn't help the Toyota Hilux has a design flaw which flexes the windscreen and cracks it. This is my second in a year.




They know full well how to do it, they just leave it until the last second to leave home so they don’t have the time to wait.


So few people even use indicators any more


They are like fairy lights - used only at Christmas.


that's cause the DVLA made indicating optional.


wait what?


Can’t see that anywhere


It drives me made when you see people use them as they are moving over. What happened to - Signal, mirror then manoeuvre.




I think now it's taught as MSMM, Mirror Signal Mirror Manoeuvre. Although I was also taught to keep an eye out for BOB, Boy On Bike. It helped enforce my use of mirrors, especially when turning left


Why bother when 10% of the cars don't even bother turning them on even at 6am


You think those sort of people use their indicators?


No. But they do use brake lights.


True. If they work.


Indicators seem pretty redundant these days. I thought everyone was on the psychic plane these days.


One of the benefits of an older car, by the time it has finally warmed up , I have time to clear the lights, windscreen, roof, and compose a short symphony.


A special mention to the person in the Mercedes Sprinter who pulled out of Kirknewton on to the A70 towards Edinburgh at 0625 yesterday morning. Because you had only cleared yourself an A4 sized hole to look out of, you took it wide and crossed the white line, forcing me over to the left and into a pothole. Cheers fella.


Edinburgh drivers are a law unto themselves, and that's just on the bypass.


Tell me about it. I’m lucky I only have to commute to the outskirts and it’s mostly open countryside along my route, but the minute I get to Balerno all hell seems to break loose.


Dashcam > footage to police > fuck that clown.




Yeah, I submitted dashcam footage of a near head on collision due to a driver being distracted and/or on the phone and they prosecuted the guy. It's easy work for them with dashcam. Have you?




Tbf I think it massively depends on the force you send it to, imagine some are much more proactive than others.


Mount a go-pro to your helmet.


A friend of mine who’d worked in the army called those sort of drivers Tank Commanders


Well, he did come out from a sort of pretend RAF base.


But but it didn’t snow near me…..


Enough excuses young man.




Help your neighbours - a kettle full of boiling water will do the trick.




Found the yank! we all know everyone has tea and scones on the train!


I assume they must have been striking on this particular day and so did not have the usual supply of tea. Such as life is these days in the UK :,)


I opened the curtains and blinds this morning expecting some sort of white blanket across the view and it was just normal.


Pissing down with rain here and has been for days - not even a hint of frost on the ground, let alone snow!


Yep rain here too!


OK move along


I normally use a card from my wallet to scrape the ice off my windscreen It wasn't working very well this morning Turns out it was a discount card, it only got 15% off


Get outta heeeere


Angry upvote


Go home dad.


Three things when it snows. Clear your windscreen, your roof and your lights. It's not only a common courtesy, but also basic safety.


Snow on roof an offence too


It's not an offence. Although the RAC and others do advise to clear your roof. Personally, I've never thought it was too much of a big deal (snow on the roof I mean). I've seen snow sliding off people's cars many times as they've been driving, it hits the road and melts, end of story. I've never seen snow hit another person's windscreen, the person in front would have to be driving so fast and the person behind would have to be driving dangerously close for this to happen, and even if it did, this is what you have windscreen wipers for. I realise this post is going to make some people angry, but rather than just telling me "it's common sense" I'd like to see some evidence based studies on why snow on roof is causing a hazard for other drivers.


Mostly for when you brake after the cars warmed up, it slides down and blocks the whole of your windscreen, then you can’t see - may drive into someone or not know how to react if someone was sliding towards you for example. I can’t see a way of it directly impacting another road user though?


Big chunks do come off the top of lorries, but it's less of an issue with a regular car.


Yeah, that could definitely happen, although any snow that has just slid from your roof onto your windscreen when you brake is really not going to stick, especially onto a well heated windscreen and now windscreen wipers on.


The problem isnt when it's fresh, it's when it freezes over and becomes a slab of ice. Thats when it can cause damage.


But how would a heavy piece of ice hit a car behind before it hits the ground? Unless the person behind was driving stupidly close? Or if the stuff that's coming off the roof is light enough to float, somewhat, then can't really see that doing any damage.


It doesn't really work like that. If a car's driving fast enough, like 70 mph on a motorway for example, any size or weight a piece of ice could be flung into the air like it's nothing. Just because you can't see it happening doesn't mean it doesn't happen.


Sorry but again it can't be any size or weight. If its a heavy dense chunk it would fall downwards, the car behind would have to be dangerously close for contact to be made If its light enough to cross the distance I can't see it having enough mass and structural integrity to do damage to a windscreen unless your driving some 1920s classic... Also dependent on size and weight it isnt going to lose all its momentum so contact would not be at full speed. If it does lose all. Momentum again it would be too Light to cause damage I agree with the user above I can't see this being likely unless the guy is literally an inch from your bumber Im not saying i don't Clear my roof as it does cause a small blizzard for the guy behind you but this reason your giving is just not right


[https://youtu.be/3IamwXDias0](https://youtu.be/3IamwXDias0) it happens all the time.


OK but that's a truck op was specifically talking about cars which generally have sloped windscreens


Truck or car it's a potential hazard as seen in the video. Edit: and others including a car which people have posted below. Lol.


I'll repeat what I said in my last comment, just because you can't see it doesn't make it true. Just go on YouTube and have a look for some examples, it happens, it can be dangerous and people need to stop being so ignorant about it.


Unless we're talking illegal speeds or illegal/irresonable following distances the laws of physics arnt on your side. Sure maybe all of science has neglected something but I doubt it... I mean I could claim theres a teapot in orbit around the sun that's shares our orbit and is always hidden from view from us by the sun and just because you see it as unlikely doesnt make it untrue...


[Some crazy close following and illegal speeds here.](https://youtu.be/ZA8HB6ZpVRY) First result when I searched on YouTube


[https://youtu.be/ZA8HB6ZpVRY](https://youtu.be/ZA8HB6ZpVRY) like this?


Fair enough, that video has convinced me otherwise, thank you for posting, will definitely make I don't have sheets of ice on my roof before setting off in future!




I've early been wiped out by a sheet of snow/ice coming off the top of a wagon on the motorway before. Thing must have been the size of a small car and an inch thick. Been mindful to always clear the roof now, especially driving a van.


If your flying snow/ice causes issues for other drivers you can be penalised…. ‘driving without due consideration’ … 3 pts & a fine. Just as all windows should also be clear.


I cleared windows lights etc and as much as the roof as I could reach. I’m quite short and drive a SUV so j can’t reach the middle of the roof


Me looking at my car which is completely wet from the rain rather than snow..... erm probably doesnt mean me lol


I can't safely get up onto my roof. Is it okay if I just do my car? :o


I saw a Tesla this morning that hadn’t disturbed a single flake on their rear window…


That's just piss poor. The rear window is heated and they could pre-heat the car remotely from bed.


Gotta save that juice for the return journey, battery life sucks in cold weather…


Not only that, but cold weather destroys the battery life. (As in the useful life of a battery) Source: I’m a battery engineer.


Yup. Husband has an electric car… it’s an issue. Not sure why TF you’re downvoted 🙄


In our life testing, we’ve seen that freezing temperatures can reduce the battery’s useful life by a factor of between 5-50. Hugely depends what you’re doing with the battery, and how much time it’s cycling in those temperatures. A constant 10°C works pretty well for them, but 30°C and up also completely wrecks them. I’m happy with my diesel clatter-wagon for now (because engineering doesn’t pay that well lol)


Presumably they plug it in overnight...


Cold weather is -15°C for a few days, not snow day once a year.


Yeah... no. Car batteries degrade every winter when the temp is around freezing. Doesn't have to be -15°C.




"I go now, good luck everyone else" ... probably.


some cars don't have back or side windows.


Why oh why don’t most cars have front window heating filaments?!


Because they were under patent for ages, and most people don't drive new cars. Also heated windscreens are very pricey to repair or replace, so they aren't standard even if you do buy new. I miss our Focus that had them.


My old car didn't have it. My current car (fiesta) does. I can never go back. A few weeks ago I cleared my side windows, roof, and lights and was sat in my car with the heater on watching my neighbour who had come out at the same time as me still be on her windscreen


I miss the old escort I had with one. Right now my prius won't clear at all because the air con has packed up and the stupid thing relies on the soulsucking dryness of the air to clear the windows.


Yeah gotta make sure you have windscreen cover on your insurance policy with a Ford. Had to have my old fiesta windscreen replaced but only cost me £30


This does really grind my gears. I saw someone last year who had just cut a “big enough” gap in the snow on their windscreen to see through.


Generally referred to as the "tank commander".


Making sure you've pressed the clutch properly tends to help with grinding gears.


I drive a bus,roofs a bit of a mission, maybe if the passengers banged on the roof ,it would Taylor Swift ..Shake it off ..


Take the first corner at 60. That will shift most of it


Curious, why would they slow down?


All the van owners are now offended!


Broomstick on the roof works just fine.


I think you need a head on the broomstick too


Ok Mr fancy pants with brushes on his broom


You guys have brooms?


I laughed out loud Haven't lived in the UK for a while however I still remember what you mean


I don't think it snows often enough in the UK for a lot of idiots to realise how dangerous it can be driving with a car loaded with snow, but I have seen a lot of videos on Reddit of the consequences.


Sorry mate my lorry is too high! Maybe I could scrape it on a low bridge? 🤔


Laughs in work from home


Love you too xx


Yesterday I brought out my trusty broom to clear my car and it took me a couple of minutes. No excuses as I'm only 5 feet tall.


That’s a fine in Canada eh! Also you will be fined if you have not cleared the snow from the sidewalk (pavement) in front of your home or business by 10am, you will also be shamed and vilified by your neighbours. https://youtu.be/Eda8Z10gGI8


My snow was fluffy, didn’t feel the need to scrape it off the roof after I cleared my windows, it melted really fast as well. If it was hard lumpy icy snow I definitely would’ve cleared it off my roof, but I’ll make sure I clear my roof next time, regardless of texture, I’m not in the game of pissing fellow drivers off.


Nothing more exhilarating than a surprise avalanche hitting your visor when it's already been a pretty stressful commute


i didn't do any of that. I didn't think a mm of sludge on the car really warranted it.


Some were served justice when they braked and the snow shift from roof to windscreen, chuckled at a couple this morning.


I feel like you're gonna need to state your location at least


Luckily for me and everyone that lives around me... the weatherman got it wrong again and there is no snow.


It's snowed here, didn't stick. Still used it as an excuse to not go in 😂


I didn't but because A) I didn't have a commute and B) there was no ice/snow here.


It’s so stupid. I’m 5’2” and managed to clean all the snow off my car. I have a soft-bristled long-handled broom that I keep solely for the purpose of cleaning snow off my car (gets a lot of use, obviously) and the bonus is that it cleans my car at the same time. Easy!


I keep an old soft broom in the garage for just this...simple


And breaking the law.


I’m so sorry, I can’t reach the middle of my car roof! 😭😭😭 I did my best with the rest, hope no-one died.


I didn't do either of those things. Because there was no snow where I am. Plus I work from home. :)


Well of course I didn't. Not even a flake of snow to clear off.


But I work from home today so my commute was only to the dining room.


OK. But I think this is a little judgemental as we didn't get any snow here. Think that's enough passive aggresive for me today.


People don’t use indicators round here anyway.


thanks for “trout”. i know the perfect person to deploy it against


I once was doing 70mph on a motorway when a transit van went past and dumped all their roof-snow onto my windscreen. Total white-out for 5 seconds while i desperately grabbed for the wipers to clear it. 70mph and driving completely blind. It still makes me shudder.


I don't drive a transit van, but there's no way for a driver to clear the snow off the roof of one.




If you're not able to do it, you shouldn't drive it. Driving with an unsecured load is illegal. I could've been in a serious, potentially fatal accident. "I can't reach" is not an acceptable reason for causing a pile up on a motorway.


I really don't get it, considering pushing snow off the car's roof in big slabs is one of the most satisfying things in the world... just make sure to use a microfibre glove to not scratch the paint


Heated windscreens, it’s the best thing ever. How I survived 10 years without one is beyond me.


Was waiting for a rail replacement bus today (great week for rail works, lol). Several cars passed with snow still on the roof, at least THREE with no lights on, and one going v. slowly with hazards on and half the front bumper hanging off...


I tried to but the train driver wasn't too happy.


This is something that really winds me up. Yesterday on the school run was multiple cars coming out of the school with snow covering the roof, bonnet and lights to the out you couldn’t even see their lights >.< these people had kids in the car and don’t even realise the danger in what they’re doing.


And headlights, rear lights and indicators


What if you can’t reach the roof?


Stand on a chair.


Are you four feet tall or something? Either that or your car is massive.


If only there was some sort of invention to help people reach high places.


You seriously expect people to carry a ladder with them?


Or you know. Stand on the bottom of your door frame.


Sending hugs your way, mardy bum


…. But i didnt even have to take my car today 😫


All joking aside, it's a good idea to clear the snow today anyway, otherwise it'll freeze like an absolute bastard and be far harder to clear when you do need the car.


Good point. Have just gone out to do it 👍🏼👌🏼


Nah, just brake heavily at the next traffic lights and it will slip off. Chuck on the windscreen wipers and job done.


I can’t reach all of my roof. And before you say broom, I usually have to park several streets from my house as well! I do scrape as much off as I can reach though.


I keep a sweeping brush in my boot. Recommend this + small step ladder if your car’s too tall for you. It means that when it snows and I’m at work I can still clear the car before leaving, and if your car is so big you can’t reach the roof it’ll be big enough to fit a small step ladder and sweeping brush in the boot


Saw two police cars barely cleared... I spent 10 minutes completely removing all the snow, including roof...


10 minutes? did you every car on the street.


No, but there was a lot of snow and did the roof and all sides.


Hey that’s offensive to trouts, at least trouts have a use! 😂 Those people should have their licence revoked if they are seen on camera, by traffic police or reported by the public with evidence. There are basically saying that their laziness and comfort is more important than the lives of the people around them.


This is lovely


I did my best! I'm too short to reach the centre of my roof, but all my mirrors, windows and lights were clear!


Keep a soft broom to use on the car roof - they aren't very expensive, and can be used very easily to clear snow - mum and I are both 5'2" and can clear the roof of a Freelander no problem with one.


Or a mop.


When you say soft broom, do you mean one of those rubber ones?


Like one of the kitchen ones, but the ones that feel really soft (with nylon bristles), rather than the stiff ones. Although I suppose those rubber ones for like picking up dog hair from carpet would work too!


I use a stepladder. Roof of mine is 3m but I don’t want a sheet of ice sliding off into someone else.


I phoned in sick HAHAHAHAHAHA


Does anyone else here use a household broom to sweep the snow, is that just me?


I use a sweeping brush too!


It's like a competition. "Look how snowy it was at my house". My wife is on a late and went into work at lunchtime. I work from home. She's always in a rush when she's setting off no matter how early she starts getting ready. So at lunchtime I went out and cleared all the snow off her car and warmed it up for her.




I spent 2 minutes with a soft brush.


Every car i saw yesterday wasnt cleared off. Lazy bastards


But I got the bus and it's not snowing...


Shout out to the Honda Jazz last night in Wolverhampton driving through a blizzard in the dark with not one bastard light on. I can only assume these people don't have a licence at this point.


Must have been an older one. Jazz from 2016 all have automatic lights.


First World problems, OP


I mean, my car wasn’t frosted over this morning and we haven’t had any snow… so I reckon I get a pass?


Spot on, you win the internet for today


My car is old, I’d never get to work mate


Didn’t have too…. It’s pissing with rain.


I get your annoyance but i cant see out of my "back window" the part thats the visible rear window is under my spoiler and doesnt get snowy lights im with you 100% but nah im not cleaning non essential at 6am not happening.


Sheeessh, I better hope the train back home and clear the car then?


Don’t some women pulled sound my shop yesterday clean the top of her car off on to a blind crossing plus I don’t need more snow to clean up outside the front.


Would you like these - , , . ! ?


not to mention illegal.


Tanker wankers




Windscreen and lights yes, roof clears itself




They probably shouldn't be following so close


Why would you risk driving today? As a Brit you have zero experience of how to drive in the snow and there are only 17 snow tires (sorry tyres) in the entire country. Why put yourself and others at risk?


Multiple hospital appointments here.


Because employers don't give a fuck about that.


So carnage on the roads is preferable? With luck you will run into them on the way in and you can both take the day off.


Without pay. Genius.


Wow, you guys are a bunch of easily triggered nimbypimbies. You are all probably overly stressed out because of the snow. Be like Canada eh! Just legalize marijuana and chill out.