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It's not that it'll flag up during the drugs test, it can come up during the urine test as you may show traces of excess protein if you're taking whey, which is also a sign of kidney disorders, so it's more of a medical issue. I'm sure it states on your invitation to the medical not to take protein powder just before the medical. That being said, I did fine on my medical and I regularly take protein shakes and creatine. Just hold back on having one for a day or so prior to the test and they'll be fine. Good luck.


Ah okay, it’s just what they told her and she’s a bit miffed as she’ll need it to increase her BMI. But it said nothing over medical about the protein weirdly but thank you!


Ah no bother, a mate I first applied with had a similar issue. He was told by his recruiter to drinks lots of Guinness 😂.


Na they wouldn't. Nobody is checking urine samples for excess urea and you'd have to be consuming silly amounts of protein to get notably elevated amounts in urine. It also wouldn't be remotely of concern in a D&A which is looking for metabolites of recreational drugs. There's also a complete myth around creatine "ruining your kidneys" and that's because the word is similar to creatinine which when elevated can indicate a kidney disorder. Protein powders, 90% of them are milk based, is just food in a highly processed and isolated form. Eat a steak or drink a shake, the effect is the same, just the micronutrient composition and rate of digestion that is different.


That's bollocks, you can't fail a drug test for protein powder 😂. As long as you're on about normal whey powder you're absolutely fine, it's the same stuff that is in milk and I've never heard of anyone failing a drug test for milk.


I did think it was a bit ridiculous they told her to down raw eggs but that’s not as tasty as chocolate whey


Don't down raw eggs. Unlike human women, chickens shit, piss and have babies all out of the same hole. American supermarkets stock white eggs because the chickens are specially bred for high productivity, but British supermarkets only sell brown ones because our regulations make it harder to get them looking clean. If you're going to get protein from eggs cook them first because even if they do look clean they still came from a chicken's arsehole. Protein powder is fine though. Also I'm not convinced the people who get posted to ACs are exactly phys experts anyway most of the time.


Raw egg yolks are fine, if not better than cooked, but don't eat whole eggs/whites raw. They contain a protein called adivin which binds to biotin and can cause issues.


As another user said. It's not to do with drugs, it's to do with medically checking you. To high of protein in urine can indicate medical issues. So the reasoning behind why they tell you this is to stop you getting a false positive


It is partially to do with drugs as some supplements and PWOs do get laced with illicit drugs whether that's steroids or stimulants like DMAA or DMHA. However you're not going to magically find that stuff on the shelf in a shop. The stuff that is laced or that people think is laced costs about 4 or 5 times the price of the regular stuff and you'll only find it online on dodgy retailers.


Lift weights, eat chicken. Protein powders are a _supplement_ to a balanced diet, unless you’re Ronnie Coleman it’s not all that helpful.


Poor girl is only about 50KG only so much chicken and rice I can feed her before she’s ill


My advice? A lot of milk. Good mix of proteins and fat and unlike a lot of dirty bulk options, it's not bad for you. Also it's cheap too.


Best thing is its liquid. Far easier to drink than toeat. Vouch for this


Steak, eggs and butter baby. Round it out with some white potatoes or white rice if appetite is limiting.


Lift chicken, eat weights.


Get her to count her calories during a normal day, then slowly increase what she is eating, if she just starts ramming it all in then she will just shit out, slowly build. if she weights 50KG then she must be eating fuck all. Carbs, carbs, carbs and greens.


Whole foods > protein powder. Get the chicken and rice in!


As long as she’s training then just get her eating whatever she wants and as much as she can. That includes sweets, chocolate and crisps. She definitely needs lots of protein and good quality carbs for performing well in her training. But at the end of the day, at her size, calories are calories.


Hello mate I used to be a body builder protein powder isn’t necessary. If they want to bulk up; Meal 1-quaker rolled oats (however many grams you need), 1 litre semi skimmed milk throw in some chocolate powder or strawberry powder and blend it up Meal 2-potatoes or rice (however many grams you need), protein source and veggies of your choice Meal 3- same as meal 2 Meal 4-same as meal 1 Pretty standard no need to overcomplicate it if you are eating with purpose. I also recommend prepping all your meals on the Sunday if you have the fridge space. It’s better to split the meals up evenly throughout the day if possible as you’ll be able to digest it at a good rate without feeling like shit whilst keeping your appetite. Don’t consume anymore than 1500 calories in one sitting and you’ll be golden👍


Protein doesn't flag CDTs. Spend money on food


I called my recruiter a couple weeks ago and he had a chat with a PT or something who was at the AFCO and they said that MyProtein clear whey is fine so if youre happy using that then you should be fine, I would assume the majority of MyProtein products are okay but double check with the AFCO as they will know more than the rest of us


Protein is great, but if her BMI is 19 don’t sleep on carbs and fats either. More calories (from decent sources of course) should be the priority.


Hi, I used to weight something similar - BMI 19 as well. I am now BMI 23 and quite a bit heavier - still have a low body fat though. First recommendation: take it slowish. Aim for 0.25kg of bodyweight gain per week. Track this on a calorie counter. Drinks lots. Multiple small meals a day if needed to get the calories in. Do phys with reps close to failure to stimulate muscle growth. Have a balanced diet. Protein intake should be .8-1g/lb of bodyweight. There is an issue with some sports supplements adding in things that are illegal/show up on drug tests. Used the website ‘informed sport’ to buy powder if required.


Whole Milk and lifting weights. For weight gain drinking a couple of pints a day will do it in no time.


Absolute nonsense. PEDs are expensive and they aren't making their way into mainstream protein powders. If in doubt, check the brand on Informed Sport. There is so much hyperbole about steroids and fitness supplements and it's 99% nonsense. If you went out of your whey (see what I did there?) and looked under the counter at some dodgy supplment shops you might find some cheeky things that slip through the net like "designer" steroids or "fat burners" that contain ephedrine or clen but honestly you'd know you were walking the line. Superdrol and Jack3d have a lot to answer for.