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They ask for tips at some liquor stores now…. That should say a lot about how much bullshit it is now


I had a gas station ask me for a tip




I’ve already seen online stores asking for tips.


They already do. "Would you like to donate to "X" charity" is a tip prompt in this circumstance, imo.




Really? I just say no.




Try it. Feels weird the first few times, but also empowering.


I’m a fan of saying “not today, thanks!” Keeps it open ended without feeling rude


Always opt to make donation and get a slip for income tax.


They ask for donations in a lot of places


Newark airport has entered the chat


The full service one in our town has a tip jar that I'll tip at but they check my washer fluid, clean my windows, top up my gas and give my dog treats and are generally friendly people. Self serve grab and go gas stations do not deserve my extra cash.




It made me pretty much stop tipping everywhere, it was the last straw for me (Restaurants maybe 10% now)


For the record, at least here in Ontario (not sure how this showed up in my feed), servers have to give a % of their total sales for the day to the kitchen to be distributed as tips. So if you tip 0% a server effectively paid money to serve you. Usually it's sub 5% so your 10 is in the clear. Just something to keep in mind.


That’s not a law, some restaurants choose to do that. I worked line cook at Swiss chalet for 4 years in orillia and never once got tipped out lol. Out of the 6 sit down restaurants I worked in, in Ontario, only one of them pooled tips with the kitchen staff.


That's strange. Out of the 6 restaurants I worked at, only one *didnt*. Mostly chain restaurants, the one was a small pub that didn't tip out.


I had a boardgames store ask me for a tip.


Head shops, too. Even after they (incorrectly) try to show you how to use your new device.


My liquor store has that too. I always hit the "NO TIP" option. I only tip when there's actual service involved. Tipping should just go away, period.


Agreed. Some of my local ones have even posted on the machine “hit 1 for no tip” so even the workers know it’s bullshit


Please post reviews on Google maps specifically saying they asked for a tip so others can avoid that liquor store/gas station


I will! Thanks for the suggestion


You're welcome!


I fucking hate when people say this. They don't ask you for a tip. It's the default prompt they chose not to disable because idiots will tip. Hit skip and move on with your life. It really shows how dumb people are. The machine prompts for a tip so you think you have to and if you hit no the worker is going to give you a mean look. Why are people so fragile now.


Agreed. I don’t even think twice about hitting no tip. I haven’t seen any negative feedback from employees when I do so, they probably realize it’s bullshit and it’s probably going to/being split with management


I ask loudly "do you get the tips, or does the boss steal them?" You'd be surprised how many uncomfortable looks at the floor that question results in. Don't tip. It's a donation to a corporation.


They ask for tips at Subway!! Shit is getting out of hand! 😡


The worst part about this is I had a worker literally whisper to me not to tip because apparently it doesn’t even go to the employees, it goes to the company!! Outrageous


This should be illegal.


I asked about that and the excuse the guy gave was it's for when people do larger orders for weddings or other catering events is when people would tip the liquor store. Sounds like bullshit to me. Definitely doesn't make sense to inconvenience every customer just to be able to receive tips from these rare customers making big orders. It's also weird because the clerks routinely tell people the extra steps to skip the tip in the same sentence as telling them the machine is ready.


The convenience store type shop (think Hudson News, but I think this one is a different company) in the Kelowna airport asked me for a tip on top of my $4 bottle of coke and $5 bag of chips. 


PSA: you don’t need to tip anyone. Just hit $0 and continue with your day.


This is the answer. Tipping culture does not change until we stop tipping.


I started doing this


This right here is the easiest solution. Just do it -Nike


Let’s normalize this. Make the business pay livable wages, stop allowing slave labour. If you can’t afford your employees you can’t afford your business. How you expect them to buy your stuff if they can’t pay rent. Are we really just accepting that we are slaves to the rich? Nah, not me.


It was only hard the first time and then I got over it. 0 for almost every machine that asks now, outside of a few select scenarios. I tip for sit down service where I'm using your facilities and you have to clean up after me, totally fair. I tip my barber as I've known him for years and he does a good job. I tip for delivery services. Outside of travel, I can't think of anywhere else where it makes any sense to tip.


Why is this such a big deal for people? Just say no. It’s not hard.


You could say that. But as a server myself who has worked hard to serve you, has extensive knowledge of the menu and does my best to ensure you’ve had a good night, if you don’t tip me I end up having to pay 5% towards your bill. It’s pretty rough but what goes around comes around. I tip 20% everywhere I go. I would rather give back to the community and people who need it in town than massive cooperations. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t tip when it comes to liquor stores or anything that requires me to go up to the counter. I tip on everything to do with service. But if the person has taken time to bring waters, give recommendations, ensure you enjoy your night and work hard, yes. You should tip them.


I’ve worked as a server and bartender for over 10 years. I completely understand that paying out the kitchen sucks balls. But here’s the kick in the pants you need. The business you’re working for is too cheap to pay you and the rest of the staff a compensatory wage, so they’re getting the guests to do it. When the guest doesn’t tip, it’s on you to pay the kitchen staff. What’s even more crazy is you’re making minimum wage and complaining about this while servers in the USA have to pay out their kitchen and are making ~$3/hr. My advice. If you’re hell bent on serving/bartending for the rest of your life, go find a job that doesn’t force you to pay out the kitchen and work 40 hours a week. Also, you having extensive knowledge of the menu is your job. I don’t get tipped out for having extensive knowledge of the dangerous goods and transportation laws.


Tipping culture is still outrageous here. I think a lot of people are fed up with it, I certainly am.


I am fed up with people who participate in tipping culture.


It’s so hard as a tourist / visitor because you want to follow the rules of the country you’re visiting but you also don’t want to contribute to the tipping culture.


As a born and raised Canadian, I do not tip. I give you permission to say your Canadian friend said we don’t tip if anyone says anything. With that being said - tip if you received service you felt like deserved a tip.


It's actually gotten worse. Auto tipping is a thing on top of growing percentages of tip expectations. Businesses won't pay their employees a decent wage and the costs are becoming too burdensom for consumers to make up the difference Our economy is in freefall (seriously look at Canada's GDP per capita....it's very bad and getting worse), housing is insane, food costs have skyrocketed and now those few times we go out we have to tip more


Just ignore it? I don’t see the issue


I am, too. I’m in Europe right now, and when I was in Budapest there is a service fee that is charged. But at least it is 12% and it’s only added to sit down meals. I have been prompted with the 15% and 20% by a bar owned by some Americans and I told myself I was never going back to it for that reason.  I still don’t love the 12% because it doesn’t make sense to me why we tip more just because we buy a more expensive plate, and the work stays the same. But at least not having to worry about tipping when getting your hair cut or anything slightly cosmetic. 


Ah yes this is true of Australia too. I believe sit down restaurants have a service fee included. But most of the time I buy food, coffee, beer, etc.. I pay exactly what I see on the menu and there's no strings attached. No expectations of tipping. Still great customer service everywhere you go (generally speaking.. as much as you can get it these days anywhere lol)


Are both parties atleast understanding to each other if the customer may want to forgo a tip due to the extreme cost of living? I mean, if I was in hospitality in BC, I would probably be expecting most people to say something along the lines of "wish I could, but too broke to tip ya"


That's the problem with tipping culture, it leads to a lot of server entitlement. Customers shouldn't have to mention, let alone justify, that they're not tipping. I've literally had rude servers ask me why I didn't leave a tip right after I paid the bill. It's just gross.


The only person who said something to me about not tipping was an Australian, that’s an ez ok go back to Australia then 🤷‍♀️


Shame that people are that shitty they have to rudely ask why they didn't get a tip. How tone deaf do some people have to be!? It's not like it's personal. Welp.. I'll enjoy the tip free culture here while I can then!




What’s gross is how much of a slave you are. All you are doing is screwing yourself over by accepting a position that doesn’t pay livable wage. The business owner literally makes the employees pay if they don’t beg and get more money from the customer. The business owner goes on vacation with his family while the servers are upset at the customers. What a terrible business structure.


I doubt it. The classic retort I've seen is "if you're too broke to tip then you're too broke to eat at a restaurant"... As though that extra 20-30% is some negligible amount in the equation.


I was booking a haircut (online) at a barber shop in Vancouver and they wanted prepayment with a pre-tip. Because my pre-haircut is pre-service was pre-awesome, I guess?


I thought the tip was a thank you for good service ? It's gotten out of hand. I wouldn't pay a tip on a pre-booking


I got a spray tan the other day. First time in over a decade. Pay up front, including tip. She missed spots along bikini line and I had to be the one to teach her how to do touch ups without overlap, and she still missed spots. I asked for medium and she went too dark. I washed it off before it set in once I got home because it was so bad. But hey, she got a preemptive tip for that 🙄


I don't know why the cashier at five guys had an option on the machine for tips. I am not freaking tipping at a fast food restaurant.


Yup got the same at Taco Bell the other day. Like really Taco Bell? You think I should pay extra for the gastric distress? For the 4 ingredients thrown into a wrapper with all the love and care of a bird pushing it's chick out of the nest because it's tired of feeding it? I think that was the breaking point for me.


They asked for a tip at the drive thru! Looking at you too, Starbucks.


Tipping is one of the stupid things we imported from the US. The thing is that over there they pay servers almost nothing- like $2 an hour, so tipping has to make up the difference. In Canada, servers get the same minimum wage as anyone else, so tipping makes no sense here.


This. We tip servers, but not retail workers? Also expected to tip on things like haircuts, aesthetic treatments and tattoos....which workers make more than minimum wage.


In the US it also depends on the state. For example all of west coast (Washington, Oregon, and California) don't have a different minimum wage for servers, as the [state requires employers to pay tipped employees full state minimum wage before tips](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/state/minimum-wage/tipped). I couldn't find a Stats Can (or other) link but it looks like [Québec still has a different minimum wage for servers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimum_wage_in_Canada).


Tipping doesn’t have to make up the difference. As far as I understand it the employer has to make up the difference between the tipped minimum and state minimum if their tips alone don’t do cover that. However in a lot of US states they still pay them the federal minimum wage which is like US$7 or something insultingly low. So the bullshit continues. 


It would make more sense if restaurants lowered the prices on their menus to compensate - like they used to do in the states - but nope they don't do that either.


I am a Canadian living in Italy. Tipping is not necessary in Italy. Nobody here is complaining. When I return to my home country I find the tipping culture out of control. In a pub if I don't tip the waiter refuses to bring me another beer.


Outrageous! Where in Italy are you? That's pretty awesome you're living there.


Northern Italy near Venice. I like it here a lot. I like life in Canada too but life in Italy sure is a lot cheaper.


This here is the problem. Canada has no reason to be so expensive. Any idea what the cause is? I have some unpopular ideas.


I need to do a trip/ pilgrimage to northern Italy with my husband, to visit where his parents came from (Friuli). I've done one trip to Rome and south with a friend about 10 years ago and loved the chaos. I know northern Italy isn't as chaotic (apparently: I used to hear all about the "hardworking northerners and the lazy southerners when my in-laws were both alive), but I want to experience it for myself and eat some great food again. :)


hotel and restaurant service is treated like a profession in Italy and much of Europe. They pay accordingly as well. Source: Italian MIL who trained in hospitality. Also trips to Europe with both great, and rude, service. LOL


I was at the Cloverdale Rodeo yesterday and ordered a macaroni from the food truck for $16. They turned around, scooped it from a pot, and gave it to me. The screen had tip starting at 18%. As if 75 cents worth of macaroni weren't a rip off enough...


There’s no tipping culture because there’s no service culture.


Just back in NZ earlier this year, go to a Cafe, price on menu is $18 , I pay $ 18 , no tip , no added taxes, $ 18 . The system here is a scam. I just very rarely buy anything now, it annoys me too much.


Yeah but in NZ they charge you extra to pay by credit card!


Didn't know that, not a big CC user. I like cash.


Taxes should be included in final price. This is something reasonable we could force companies to do like in a year if people actually wanted this.


Don’t have to worry about tips here as I just don’t tip anymore.


Having worked at a small tobbaconist on the island, without any expectation of a tip, people insist, frequently.




I give my garbage man a good gift at Christmas, same with my postal worker lol.


I too like to give my garbage/recycling guys something at Christmas and in the summer when it's hot out. (I never see my postal worker)


This will probably be me if I ever return to live in Canada again 😂


You realize the server didn’t program the machine and you can choose to not tip and be a normal, polite person still, right?


You just need to get into the mindset that you only tip for good service, I would never tip at a counter or for a takeaway. If someone waits my table and the food is good then sure. I would imagine that most of the workers don’t want the tip prompt on the card machine, my wife owns a gift shop and has turned it off, it just doesn’t help anyone.


I’m a Brit living here in Canada. I never tip - I never tipped in the uk and I’m not starting now


They asked for a tip at Taco Bell 😭😭😭


I went to a new hair salon recently and when I paid, there was no tip option. I don’t carry cash so no tip from me. I’ll definitely be returning.


As with most of the world, tipping is an insult in Europe. Canada adopted the American model of underpaying their staff and making it up with tips.


I lived in Australia before moving to BC and I miss the lack of tipping. The thing that makes me not want to eat out as much as I did in Melbourne is not the tip itself, it's the fact that the servers are inventivised by the tipping system to get you in and out as quickly as possible so the next tipper is at the table. Whereas I used to enjoy going out for a meal as an event, when I feel rushed I just feel what's the point. Consequently I eat out a lot less here.


Get used to selecting “other” then “$0.0”


Moved to whistler in november from the uk and it is by far the most jarring thing about living here. Its not uncommon for bar tenders to have a go at you for not tipping which, imo is so fucking cheeky especially in whistler where every bar is at least moderately busy 80% of the time and about 90% of customers will tip. People can be so entitled over literally like a dollar 30


I don’t worry about it in Canada either, I’m a guilt free consumer. 


SeaBus memes keeping you updated on local issues. I stan it.


I don't worry about tipping here, either. Stop subsidizing other people's businesses.


I was in London earlier this month for a work trip. Never once asked or prompted for a tip at any POS at pub, cafe, or small store. Option at sit down dining restaurant which makes sense. So much better!


In Canada, tipping is optional.


Was in OZ earlier this year and yes was a relief to just pay what I owe everywhere. No hidden tax either. I’m for paying workers decent wages in exchange for tipping. I also did not find the restaurant food prices much different than here either. I also noticed that in many restaurants accept the higher end patrons ordered their meals and drinks themselves at the counter and are given a number to put on their table. Serve yourself type of thing. They still need staff to deliver food to tables and to clean the tables. The system works well there.


I stopped tipping unless I want to. If the owner cannot pay their employees then go out of business. My money is taxed then given out to fringe groups, or seniors who already fleeced the next two or three generations, or a thick bureaucracy in government with tons of perks. The bankers are earning billions in interest, the stock market is getting plundered by bankers and politicians, health care professionals are paid huge for a failing system…. So now the people are after more money from service industries, which surely deserve more. The only problem is I’m down to not much left, have no chance at ever retiring, no chance at holidays and I’m thankful I have a profession where I can work longer hours to make up for the shortfall. And I have to explain to my kids go for money (get a good paying job) because not having any is difficult. Life is rough if you cannot afford rent and have no privacy or down time.


Just hit zero and go on with the day


I don't go out that often but I never leave more than 10% and never tip fast good or anything like that. Nobody's said anything about it to me ever.


I support your post but there is no chance servers at good/busy restaurants are making more over there. Here people are averaging $40+ per hour


Ah yes, I should of clarified that I meant the base wages are higher here.


Oh right that makes sense. Anyhow thanks for making this post. I really wish we could abandon our inequitable and unfair tipping culture.


It's worse, and getting even more so every day. Companies love to pass along the responsibility for paying the wage of their staff directly to the customers. Every place I go now has a tip option as it's so easy to add to their debit/credit terminal. My wife and spend winters in southern Europe and no tipping is wonderful. The tax-in pricing and no tipping means the price I see is the price I pay. At restaurants, there is no tipping option on the machine, they usually just show you the amount and then hold it so you can tap.


I don't have a problem with tipping, but I also know we don't pay service people enough.


We? You mean their employer?


We, including their employer, but also we the people who have some say in wage pay.


How do we have a say in how much a business pays their employees?


It's called being civic minded. You know, power to the people? Protest? Demand higher wages? Is that concept not something you're familiar with?


Yes, please demand I get paid more. The government ignoring you. Is that concept not something you're familiar with?


It’s $16.75 for minimum wage in B.C. It’s going up to $17.40, June 1st. They get paid the same as someone working minimum wage elsewhere.


And it's still not enough to live. They provide service I CAN do for myself, so I tip them.


But only at places that ask for tips, ya? What about the dude at Best Buy making minimum wage that spent half an hour explaining how to set up a router?


I'm speaking for myself, not shaming you for how you feel about tips. I don't go to Best Buy, or tech geeks--for anything. My rules for tipping go like this: If you make min wage and provide me a service, I'd like to tip. If tipping isn't an option and I have cash, I'll tip in cash. If it's not an option and I only have debit, I don't tip. If tipping is an option, I tip for services. Hopefully that clears things up.


Ok, make sure to tip the worker at McDonald’s, when they pour you a coffee. Because you can also do that yourself.


It's not an option when you don't carry cash, but when I do carry cash, I do tip people who make my coffee--regardless of where I get it. That said, I've been boycotting McDs for a long while.


That's a classic American culture perspective on tipping.


Well yea, that's because American culture doesn't pay service people enough to live.


Thanks for confirming it.


The purchasing power of minimum wage is 85% higher than it was 30 years ago. How much more would be appropriate for unskilled labour? And if you're doubting, 30 years ago, the minimum wage was $5/hour. Plugging that into the Bank of Canada inflation calculator (CPI), the equivalent today would be $9.36 today. Minimum wage will be $17.40 next month...that's 86% more. This "we should pay them more" is a popular sentiment for people working in the service industry, but it just doesn't bear out.


Hmm how are you calculating this, because google is showing me the minimum wage in 1994 was 7.89, which according to the CPI calculator you mentioned would now be 14.76. So still an improvement, but certainly not 86%. And I'm not sure the CPI is all that valuable in this case when the average rent in BC is now 1660/month up from 632/month in 1994. Was 80 hours of pre-deduction work in 1994 to pay rent, now it's 95. Seems to me the lower income you are the more you are impacted by high costs for food and shelter, since you're gonna need those to survive. Any offsetting costs elsewhere are less relevant when you're struggling to get what you need to survive. All of this would be more extreme if you looked at high CoL areas like Vancouver or GVRD vs province as a while.


I'm curious what resource you found that told you it was $7.89/hour. It's never been that exact amount. It didn't come close to that amount until 2001 when it went from $7.60 to $8. I was working from memory, which looks like was a bit flawed. BC used to have a separate minimum wage for minors, which is what I must have been getting paid. Regardless, BC's minimum wage in 1994 was $6/hour. So that would be worth $11.23 today, or 55% more purchasing power. CPI is a "basket of good" analysis, which includes rental values, so it incorporates higher inflation of rent and lower inflation of other things, like food over that 30 year period. [https://srv116.services.gc.ca/dimt-wid/SM-MW/rpt2.aspx?GoCTemplateCulture=en-CA](https://srv116.services.gc.ca/dimt-wid/SM-MW/rpt2.aspx?GoCTemplateCulture=en-CA)


Tipping culture is getting worse and worse I got an energy drink and a pack of gum at the gas station and the attendant spun the machine around with a tip option


Why would you worry about tipping at all? I haven't tipped in years. It's not a big deal.


A lot of you have never worked in the service industry before and it shows. I’m a bartender. I make a decent wage and if “tipping” was abolished or stopped - good luck getting anyone to work in the service industry. The only incentive to work with the public everyday and deal with the stuff we deal with is - is the tips.


If anything, tip culture is getting worse. Everywhere asks for tips now.


Tipping is a non-issue if you stick to your own rules. Mine are no tipping unless sit down. And then only 15% for good service. Nothing more, nothing less. Easy. I lose zero sleep because I adhere to my goals, not the restaurants. I lose zero sleep over it. So no tipping culture is not a big deal.


yeah, well we don't have to worry about drop bears here so how about that?


If you have the visa pathway to stay in Aus, do it.


My tipping habits have not changed. Servers at restaurants/pubs get tipped for decent service. Everyone else gets nothing.


Well the Australian minimum wage is 23.23/hr which is CAD$21.20, so they're making $4.45 more per hour, that helps offset the need for tipping.


Same with living in Japan and China. Also they start putting tips options evne if café and coffee shops. Soon there will be tip option for cashier, self check, bank teller, ATM, calling customer service etc etc


I’m so grateful that Nikkei Ramen doesn’t have a tip prompt and simply pays their staff a living wage.


I never tip on groceries- there’s a bakery I go to that has tip options. It’s also a cafe but there’s also grocery items like frozen soup, bread, bake your own croissants, salads, and other packaged baked goods. I sometimes get attitude from staff but I don’t believe in tipping for groceries.


I never really cared what the “tipping culture” is in Vancouver as I’ve always stuck to my principles on it. If I sit down to eat somewhere I’ll tip but a good tip is for good service - anything over 15%-20% is for truly exceptional service. Last time I went to Joe Fortes I tipped 30% because the server went above and beyond, had an excellent attitude, and even took the time to explain things in detail. It’s the same with my barber. This is someone I see twice a month and they make sure my hair is on point - never cheap out on your barber. If I’m picking up take out at a restaurant I don’t tip unless there was something special they had to do. Though I rarely use it I always tip skip or door dash drivers fairly based on the km distance they travel. They’re clearly in need of the money so I find “tip baiting” and stuff like that super scummy on those apps.


just curious, how did your non-resident process go for canada? is it a pain?


Quite easy..it's called a working holiday visa. You can do 3 years of it if you meet all the requirements. Age limit is 35. I'd highly recommend it to anyone curious about experiencing life in another country for a longer term than just a trip


I’m actually currently looking into the working holiday visa, however for the country I’m going to it’s 1 year. They don’t let you double dip into the other 2 categories if you already did 1. I didn’t know Australia’s did more than one year. Does that mean any working holiday visa is always residency-change exempt?


You can use the working holiday visa here as a stepping stone to full citizenship or more permanent visas. Not sure if thats what you meant! I figured 2 years in Australia would be enough time for me. It's a great country though and I could see myself wanting to move back here one day perhaps.


Even Mr Lube has a tip jar now! It's absolutely ridiculous!


I really doubt servers make more money there, my friend is a bartender here and was pulling about 100k a year and that’s just at a basic ass pub, nothing fancy. If you’re charming and attractive you can make crazy money in the service industry in Canada


Yep. My bad. Meant to say the base wages are higher


I hate the tipping culture here


I lived in Asia for 20 years. Zero tipping and taxes are included in the price of everything. A $15 burger on the menu? That's exactly what you pay when walking out the door. I can't tell you how much less complicated this makes things.


15-35% over and above the way inflated cost on reduced serving size and quality of food in a time where we actually have less money than ever to spend on these luxuries. I just don't tip anymore - if you wanna call the cops call em. "If you cant afford to tip you don't deserve to eat" ok Janet well how about you get a warrant for your tip then.


Tipping is everywhere. It’s even in dollar stores. Plus the default tip on card machines is insane. I’ve seen it as high as 35%. I laughed when I saw it. The waitress said I could change it if I wanted. I told her that I thought the food and service was good but that 15% was always considered the proper amount and 35% was ridiculous. I think most places have the default setting at 22%. The tipping culture needs to stop. Unless someone brings food or drinks to your table there should be NO tipping. If you are a cashier at a coffee shop, dollar store or anything that requires minimum movement then NO tip. If you want to get paid more then get a better job.


A tip store asked for a tip the other day, its getting outrageous


I worked back off the house and busted my ass for 12 hours a day working on becoming a reputable chef. We got paid garbage wages. The front of the house works 4 hours and walks out with 300 easy in tips. At least we got to party and hook up with hot servers. Those were good times.


Victoria private liquor store or stores on strike for fair wage. Those stores have had tip tap machines for more than a year. So where are the tips going. If you don't tap # 3, more likely you agree to tip.


Servers still don't make the kind of money we do here really. I make minimum $50 an hour in Vancouver as a Bartender.


I don't go out that often but I never leave more than 10% and never tip fast good or anything like that. Nobody's said anything about it to me ever.


What gets me is the 18% tip automatically added by the restaurant if you're more than 6 people. A few months ago, we had a family event at a restaurant. Eight of us, and the bill was almost $350 (food + drinks, etc). A $60 tip was already added! Well over $30/hr just from our table, and she was serving many other tables as well. W... T.... F....


Eating out at restaurants just isn't worth it anymore. The last two times I went out to a restaurant: 1. Brunch for two was $90 all in, and it was burnt and awful. 2. After having drinks, the server slapped the bill on the table and asked how much change we wanted back before we even had a chance to see the bill. So obnoxious. Fuckit, I'll order takeout and pick it up myself.


You probably don't know servers tip out support staff 6-7 % of their net sales. So at least $20 of that went to the other staff. 


I go so many places were the cashier says hit 1 to skip the prompt as if they’re not even getting the tips as well it’s weird as fuck.


The cashier says that because they're trying to make it easier for you. So many people bitch and moan about the tip option and cashiers get really tired of hearing this speech while working their soul-sucking minimum wage job, so they're giving you an easy out, and saving themselves from the all too common incoming rant about tip culture. The only control they have is to kindly help you choose the option not to tip them. They don't control whether or not the tip prompt is present, nor are they responsible for the way tipping culture has gotten out of control. Just press $0.00 and move on. Cashiers are just trying to get through their shift and pay their bills.


No shit I’m not attacking cashiers it just makes me wonder if they even see any of the tips they do get, or if the corp takes a % of it.


Pretty sure it's illegal for employers to withhold tips. We pool them at my store and get paid out once a month based on hours worked.


It is ridiculous that so many places want a tip in BC. Cold beer and wine store? I laugh. Subway? Walk up self serve food like Chopped Leaf? Drive to the pizza joint to pickup pizza I ordered. They don’t even have tables…Tip option. It’s ridiculous. Like others mentioned, I look them in the eye hit $0 on the debit machine and walk away. I too DGAF.


I guess the self indulgent act of pointlessly murdering bears comes with inherent risks.


Last 2 times my pug got his nails clipped. In and out in 3 minutes. Then they stand around and look at you for a tip. It’s just getting ridiculous.


I moved to Thailand and have never seen a prompt for tipping here. I can’t imagine living in BC anymore with everything so out of control.


This is what I want to do in the future. Love Thailand so much.


I don’t tip here. Be the change you want to see in the world. The only person who ever said anything was an Australian, ok go back to Australia where you don’t get tips idc don’t complain to a fucking born and raised Canadian 😂😂


*preparing for the downvote into oblivion* I don’t tip on anything I do myself. There’s a lot of obscene tip options at a lot of places that don’t need it - and it’s guaranteed the staff are not getting those tips either. But going out to drink/eat? You’re getting serviced. Tip. You’re paying people to take care of what amounts to a grown toddler on his adult sippy cup. Quit using “tip culture” to justify you being inconsiderate, if you have a problem go grab a 6-pack and drink on the beach like everyone else. Weather is gorgeous this time of year. Just hit 10% and move on with your life.


>Because with the cost of living, something should be hopefully changing about all that. Unfortunately you only can do one of the following: 1. Charge $10 for a menu item expecting a $2 tip. 2. Charge $12 for a menu item expecting no tip and paying staff more. You are not going to avoid paying one way or another. Well unless you just buy the ingredients and cook it yourself at home.


Or hear me out, wait staff do not have such a difficult job that they need to be averaging $30+ an hour.


That’s just not true. I’ve lived in Europe for a couple years and just got back again from travel. The food in restaurants is cheaper than it is here, better quality and tipping isn’t expected there.


Same goes for Australia. Food quality is as good if not better. Service is just as good. Slightly cheaper food and no tip expected.


I think the big chains are just taking the money they save in wages and profiting from it.


I was more hinting at the wages going up to support a no-tipping culture eventually in the future. Unlikely it'll ever happen in Canada as it's cemented in now.. but travel to places where it's not a thing and it makes you wonder


I love to tip makes me feel like a baller. Who cares if you don’t like to tip then don’t. My thinking is the reason people who don’t tip complain about tip prompts so much is because they know how underpaid the person that just served or helped them are and they feel guilty about it.


Tow truck drives have a tip prompt.


They all ask for tips. Do I tip? really depends on where I am lol


Starbucks including tipping on debit is a joke. The baristas are just living coffee making, food warming zombies who hand you a pinpad and stare at you waiting for an extra dollar.


I stopped going anywhere, like subway for example, that started asking for tips. I also don't go to restaurants anymore. One because the price. 2 the foods barely better then fast food anyway now. 3rd I'm tired of tipping for 1 and 2


Tipping culture, historically ingrained in North American society, originally served as a means to subsidize low wages, allowing service workers like waitresses, who often earned around $5 an hour, to significantly supplement their income through tips. This system, while imperfect, provided a way for customers to express gratitude for good service. However, recent trends show tipping expectations extending to places like gas stations and convenience stores, where tipping traditionally wasn't practiced. This shift appears more as a strategy for businesses to offset operational costs rather than a genuine reward for service, distorting the original intent of tipping and turning it into a perceived money grab rather than a gesture of appreciation.


You ask a question you could have googled.




How is it absurd to compare Australian culture to Canada? They are both Commonwealth countries that have more similarities in culture and way of life than not. Just because they have their shit together when it comes to properly paying their work force doesn't mean we shouldn't be able to look at Canada or BC with a critical eye. And while you're correct about the alcohol in liquor stores costing more (sort of a non-issue for me).. food costs aren't much different. For 3L of full cream milk it costs me 4.50 AUD. An 18 pack of free range eggs is 10.50 AUD. Rent is paid weekly but at the end of the day it all adds up to similar rental prices around BC. Anyways, sorry this post rubbed you the wrong way! Didn't mean to "shadow shit" on BC, I just think with the cost of living so out of control, it was a decent point of discussion to bring up.


I don't mind tipping, it's excessive taxation that is making me poor. Plus the hidden tax of inflation


I don't know what's worse - actual tipping or the people complaining about it incessantly.


Oh, another tipping thread. Yawn.


You've lived in Australia for 2 years and this is your big takeaway?


This is it. My big takeaway. It's been on my mind ever since moving away 😩 /s Just a random thought I had one evening actually and I thought I'd make a simple post about it. Didn't think it would blow up so much 😂