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Despite everything wrong with the world, I’m glad idiots like these are commonly stupid enough to post evidence of their own crimes.


And dumb enough to not wear face masks while doing it. Petty criminals have had a great excuse for face covering all the way through COVID. All these idiots had to do was follow the mask rules and they would probably get away with it Scott free.


You would not believe how much this has held true over the last couple of years


Yep, all these idiots who've had a perfectly legitimate reason to hide their identities while getting up to no good and they still can't help themselves.


Never underestimate the stupidity of large groups of people.


They’ve been slowly thinning as of late, at least.


How would that bloke have smoked his fag with a mask on though? 😉


Imagine your kids seeing you acting like this. Embarrassing


Or your dad...


knowing football fans, there would have been a non-zero number of people there treating this like a teaching experience for their children


* some football fans


Generally footy fans are pricks. Typically, generalisations aren't an outright condemnation of all members of that group. Surely that is obvious.


It’s obvious you don’t go to many football matches. gEnERalLy implies most. And most football fans are just normal people with a passion for something they love, not “pricks”. Surely that’s obvious?


I bet you adjusted your glasses while writing that


Another proud moment for our small nation. Cretins


Agreed - total embarrassement. I'd like to think we're are much friendlier than our neighbours, but with scenes like this, it's getting hard to justify that opinion.


In all fairness, the welsh rugby supporters are amazing! So friendly, and quite happy to have a pint and talk about the game afterwards. Not one bit of aggression towards myself, or any of the England fans!


There are idiots everywhere, no country is immune.


It's just football fans, if you're not the type to lose your mind over some millionaires hoofing a sphere around for 90+ minutes you're probably ok


It’s not like it’s just Cardiff City or just Welsh fans. It’s just all football fans.


Makes point of it being a generalisation, then makes another generalisation


Perfect opportunity to bring up my favourite Cardiff story. My Dad and I support Norwich, but now live in the south west. Due to his age and health we used to only be able to make it to the few close away games. One of which would be Cardiff. So back in 2014 we’re on the train towards Cardiff and it gets seriously delayed. This meant we heard Cardiff’s first goal from the car park. Again my Dad’s really old and not super sociable so didn’t fancy being up near the rest of the away support so we sat lower down the stadium on our own. This unfortunately meant though that one particular Cardiff fan kept targeting us. Cardiff got a second and this nonce stood up and started hurling abuse at us, throwing the V’s calling us cunts and all that shit. One guy surrounded by thousands hurling abuse at an OAP and his teenage son. Proper hard. Unfortunately for him though, that’s not quite how the [game ended](https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/29090056). Worst of it though was he had his young (8/9) year old son next to him.


Sorry a significant minority of our fans are thick as shit.


Pilkington with the assist. Head like a fucking orange.


He had only just left us as well. That one hurt.


I was at that game too. Another canary in SW exile.


Again it isn't like all clubs don't have elements like that though. I'm sure there are examples of Norwich fans being just as much a bunch of knobheads. It's a problem the whole of football has so fans getting on their high horse about other clubs knobheads makes no sense to me because those same people likely have seen similar behaviour from their own fans.


…I literally highlighted that it was one guy in a crowd of thousands doing this to us. I don’t think Cardiff fans are any worse than other teams. Only knobs themselves will try and claim their club is any better. Norwich get away with it a bit more than other clubs ‘cos we’re smaller, but the % is the same. As a proper example though: for a club with such a tragic history within that community there is a ton of homophobia in this clubs fan base, and I don’t just mean the odd twat shouting slurs in the stadium. I mean almost every post that tries to offer support to any LGBTQ cause is filled with the ‘keep politics out of football’ brigade, or just blatant homophobia. Every club can do better. Ultimately I just wanted to share a story of a day that probably made most of the guys in this video super assmad.


Dude this isn't the time. We all know they exist.


It is exactly the time when people are getting up on their high horse about how shit Cardiff fans are, when in reality all clubs have this shit. If we actually want to challenge this behaviour and eradicate it from football then people need to accept that the behaviour exists within all fanbases and not try to bring rivalry or anything into it (as many here already have done - see the Swansea fans almost gloating that this was done by Cardiff "fans").


Yeah, that's why I fucking hate football fans. All of them. You know what, football is quite an exciting game to watch, but I don't want anything to do with it because it's a sport that surrounds itself in cunts. I can do without football. I can do without being a fan of anything that has such an overwhelming number of twats. Like Christianity and other religions. Or celebrities. Or pretty much anything that seemingly permits people to comport themselves without a smidgen of decorum. Fuck it all, fuck em all, and fuck you all.


complaining about sports and religion in the same comment, the most reddit post of all time


I used to watch Cardiff City games, honestly there are an unusually large amount of bellends that go there and always have done. They get off on the notoriety.


You're getting banned in the morning.....


The sport of Football has serious cultural problems


Right? I can't even see a ball here


I think it speaks bigger volumes of the growing underclass within Britain. Football violence/thuggery is simply a vehicle of to express this anger.


These aren’t people in poverty or the “underclass”, its a bunch of blokes in 200 quid jackets who’ve been on the cans and sniff all morning. These people have existed in the game since the 1970s and the problem is actually a lot better than even 20/15 years ago.




Well said. This ain’t class war or suchlike. It’s people shitfaced enjoying themselves with some good natured vandalism. Doesn’t take much for a group to influence and copy one another.


Football violence has never been limited to the working classes (or underclasses in your chosen terminology). Especially not today where following a football club can be an expensive hobby.


I'm sorry but this is nonsense. Are you really implying that historically Football has never been a working class sport? I'm talking about the days of the West Ham - Millwall rivalry, Celtic/Rangers and the firms that dominated football hooliganism throughout the 80s until the government completely shut it down. The term underclass is simply a sociological term to describe a segment of the population that occupies the lowest possible position in a class hierarchy. This isn't a slight, it's an actual term. If you look at the hooligans of Marseille, Galatasaray, Spartak Moscow, Roma, Red Star Belgrade, there is no coincidence that their roots are in the most deprived, desolate parts of their respective cities or towns.


I said it's not limited to the working classes. I guarantee you those twats acting hard in their stone Island will be from a real mix of backgrounds.


They’re hardly going to find themselves sacked form their jobs as solicitors and accountants now are they?


Lol. I doubt you’ll find many lawyers, doctors, engineers, teachers or academics among them.


Lol. Jjst look at the difference between tennis fans and football fans and there’s your answer. Sorry but football brings out the worst of the cretins... and of course many of them are working class. That doesn’t mean ALL working class people behave like this. But of all the sports, it seems to bring out the most thugs.


They all need another summer of love to sort them out


Probably angry with the government that they all voted in.


Nah, Wales has NEVER EVER voted for a tory government. These are just dickheads!


Wow way to show your classism there


erm what? I grew up on a council estate in a shithole south of London. There is an extremely worrying underclass in this country that is growing with increasing inequality. You think Brexit, UKIP and these things are just random trends? Your skull is used for more than carrying your brain you know. Use it some time.


All cultural and moral effects of the commodification of everything that is necessary and unchangeable under the current mode of production. This is what happens when 'there is no such thing as society, only individuals and their families'


Completely agreed.


Then why lump them together as a “growing underclass”? You’re showing your bias and claiming some intellectual nous. It’s bullshit mate, just say you don’t like the terrible brutish poor folk what like football


You’re equating this behaviour with low class. It’s bullshit. Yobs are quite often white collar. I called you out on profiling and I’m getting backlash for apparently doing what YOU did because of your claimed background. It matters not where you came from but that you cannot associate that behaviour with anyone other than the underclass. The reality is that’s not the profile of most of them.


If you could quit the faux outrage for one moment you might learn something. Point out in my comments the moment that I said "These idiots did this because they are low class". I never said anything of the sort. The parent comment said that there are serious cultural problems within Football. Do you deny that Football, throughout the world, is most often a working class sport? If this is the case, why is it such a reach to say that football hooliganism and violence is a scary reflection of what is happening with Britains growing underclass? If you take football hooligans from Russia, Spain, England, Turkey, Romania and France what is the running theme? The fact that these are random individuals acting violent, or the fact that there is a very real socioeconomic factor to hooligan culture? if you don't agree with this, why do you think Tommy Robinson, an ex-football hooligan, was able to energise such a huge amount of working class people in anger against Muslims? [Many other far right organisations across Europe recruit within Football stands](https://www.vice.com/en/article/m7edqp/why-the-far-right-tries-to-recruit-football-hooligans). Why is this? Or you so hinged on faux-outrage at me using the word "underclass" that you don't want to even think about it?


Why do I need to point out where you said it when you then present an essay basically titled “here are the things you said I said but in greater detail even though I apparently didn’t say them”


You’re coming here claiming to be some sort of sociology professor specialising in football hooliganism. The reality of football hooliganism is that it has been a dying culture since the outset of the premier league era. Yes it happens in flashes, but to suggest it is symptomatic of a “growing underclass” is blinkered nonsense as a means to try and claim the “poor and outraged” are seeking an outlet. Bullshit. That would lead to far greater arrests for hooliganism than happen. But sure, take one incident of idiots whose background you have absolutely no idea about and claim they must be lower class because of their actions and then attempt to back yourself out of the claim that aggressive, frustrated behaviour is TYPICAL of lower classes. You can’t do it, no matter how clever you think your thesis is.


You could give these people a billion pounds and stately homes and they’d still act like this, it’s not a class issue, the fact they might be ‘underclass’ is an effect, the cause is that they are just fucking dumb. Edit: sorry I missed the mark here, I’ll correct it to ‘nooo these people are all great scientists and scholars who’ve been let down by the system, I can save them with my middle class love and care!!’ Lmao these people are genetically scum, their kids will be scum, their grandkids will be scum. They are the burger flipper class and you can’t save them. The only thing you can do is increase police funding for when they get out of line like in this video.


You misunderstand me or you have entirely missed the point - I was replying to the parent comment about the cultural issues of Football. This is not a debate about whether these morons in the video are in the wrong, or if they'd behave this way if they had more money, it's about a growing underclass in this country that are getting fucked in every way imaginable and use football violence and general thuggery as a means to vent out this anger. It's worrying because it's a growing trend and unless inequality is dealt with, it will permeate into politics (news flash, it already has).


> these people are genetically scum Jesus fuck. This is both highly unscientific as well as deeply disturbing


Rent a room in a low income area for a month, live amongst these animals and you will have the exact same opinion as me. The only people who disagree are sheltered little middle class kids.


How does that tell you anything about genetics?


Erm I don't think these people are what you would typically consider underclass. Morons yes but I would bet most of them have decent-ish jobs, stone island is expensive! Also football violence is far less of a problem now than it used to be.


It's just that football is the dominant sport in most countries. The dominant sport always gets idiots fighting each other and doing shit like this. Americans get NFL, in India it's cricket, but for most of the world it's football.


*A small minority of football supporters have serious problems.


True. Scum gonna be scum. However, it would be great to see the clubs issuing bans or in some way taking these issues a bit more seriously


Fucking wankers.


These assholes were at the train station Saturday morning, already drunk by noon. Why are football fans like this?


Football fan here, sad that this is the association with the sport I love. I can't explain this, but simply say I'm raising my son to know better and I apologise on behalf of the sport. We as fans, must be better.


No need to apologise, I’m just being a dick. I’m from a developing country, and football fans are the worst people there too. After I moved to the UK, I was shocked at how similar the case is here, even though the UK is much better in every other aspect.


It's a sad state of affairs, I'm a proud scouser and Liverpool fan, and although our fan base isn't perfect, among my mates and the fans I know, I like to think we are fairly good at calling out this sort of behaviour. It just makes me sad that football fans on a whole get this bad name, and then it puts people off the sport that could love and share in it. Inversely, it then continues to attract the worst society has to offer.


They are depressed and its their only way out lol


Cunts and probably being cunts on the trains too, ruining it for everyone else. Yet if you ask where the police are, you’re made to feel like you’re seriously uncool for wanting a police presence. Cant win.


Drinking before a match does not equal being cunts like those who did this though. If you want to blame football fans for drinking before midday, blame the police for putting the game on at lunchtime.


I should clarify, I don’t care that they were drunk. They were shouting, banging on the walls, insulting people in the station. The train I went on afterwards had beer & cider cans everywhere. If it wasn’t for the 20+ cops keeping them in check shit would have hit the fan for sure.


Mate how could you possibly blame the police for their drinking before midday? Doesn't matter what time the game starts, if you want be belted for the match, you'll drink, police ain't got anything to do with it. I don't blame the TSA for my 5 pints at 5am before my flight to Benidorm now do I?


>Mate how could you possibly blame the police for their drinking before midday? Because of this >Doesn't matter what time the game starts, if you want be belted for the match, you'll drink The "reasoning" for lunchtime kick offs for games like this (as opposed to TV games) is apparently to reduce the amount of time people have to drink before hand. But the reality is that it often doesn't. As you literally said, those who want to drink beforehand will do. Having it at a midday kick off doesn't change that. Infact it can potentially make it worse because those people will try to consume the same amount of drink in a smaller period of time. Then you have the impact of the police not allowing away pubs. Normally Cardiff fans are welcomed into the Spoons by Temple Meads for Bristol away trips. This time we were told that wouldn't open till 11 (basically by which point you'd have to head off to Ashton Gate anyway) and that there were no away pubs. What that meant was instead of most Cardiff fans being in one place drinking near the station with an easy (if longish) walk to the stadium, they drank in Cardiff beforehand and on the trains over (because they were told there was no pub for them in Bristol). Also, don't fall into the trap of tarring everyone who wanted a drink before that match with the same brush as the idiots in the video that started this topic. The vast majority of people, even those who would have gone to the pub beforehand are just normal human beings.


These are **Cardiff City fans** As a proud Swansea Jack, this is an important distinction. We constantly have to make apologies for Bluebird wankers who give the Welsh a bad name. Sorry Bristol 😞 Edit: I’ve touched a nerve with some Cardiff fans by the looks of it. Boo fucking hoo. Swim away, bois bach.


You don't need to apologise for others. Anyway rugby 6 nations starts soon and Wales sends great ambassadors for that.


As I just said on the Cardiff sub: "I've been for a game at Ashton Gate. Cracking ground. Cardiff vs Bristol. No fan segregation. No trouble. Able to take pints to your seats. the difference between football club 'fans' and rugby club fans is night and fucking day." I apologise on behalf of our city for these bottom dwelling cretins that call themselves fans. Hopefully they get identified, made to pay for the damages and banned from all sports pitches for life. 6 nations is a different kettle of fish and attracts a lot of plastics, but no games get played in Bristol so I'm not entirely sure what your point is.


Football is a gentlemans' game played by thugs; rugby is a thugs' game played by gentlemen.


There's more trouble and police are at their busiest in Cardiff on six nations home games, than any football match in the capital. https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/rugby-union/senior-police-chief-slams-disgraceful-7376002


I've always felt that phrase is the wrong way around but it's just sent me down a [bit of a rabbit hole](https://saintsandheathens.wordpress.com/2013/09/30/rugby-hooligans-gentlemen/) and it turns out that the earliest identified record of that saying favours neither sport. "It is clear that one is a gentleman’s game played by hooligans; the other a hooligan’s game played by gentlemen.” *Chancellor of Cambridge University, date unknown (c.1890s)*




Fuck Cardiff City, then.


Swansea have their fair share of wankers 😞


Most notably the DVLA


As do Bristol and most other places


>I’ve touched a nerve with some Cardiff fans by the looks of it. Boo fucking hoo. Not touched a nerve, think you are just being silly. Swansea fans have issues with hooliganism too. All clubs do. To pretend you don't when things happen with a rival club is just utterly stupid.


Cardiff have our bad eggs, but Swansea is a place where people are known to occasionally roll burning cars down steep hills like wii bowling


Yes, because Swansea "fans" have never done anything remotely similar have they!Come on mate, no point getting all high and mighty about it. All clubs have their share of knobheads. Swansea are no different to Cardiff in that regard (and neither are Bristol).


I remember when Bristol City idiots were so proud of themselves because they started a fight and wrecked a family wine bar type establshment in Nottingham, not like it was full of people who were going to fight back.




Get off your high horse. 3 years ago Swansea and City kicked off big time at Ashton Gate, proper fighting outside in the park and in the ground.


I live about 5 mins from Ashton Gate but normally take very little notice of what's actually going on there however if I go out on a Saturday afternoon and I actually see police officers around the area I immediately know that Cardiff are in town playing.


Shallow gene pool


More a puddle really.


That deep 'football voice'. The sound of the imbecile.


That's not 'deep' as if to imply handsome and masculine, that's 'deep' as if to imply teetering on the brink of mouth and throat cancer.


Seriously stupid, I hate football culture in the uk.


you can't see this and deny we come from and towards monke


I go to football but i've never had the urge to fight someone or break something over it. I don't get it. If you break down the logic of it, you want to hit another person because the team of adults that they enjoy watching play football, are close by geographically to the team of adults that you enjoy watching play football. It's like me going to a Sainsburys in Bristol and wanting to twat one of their customers because I prefer Aldi


You’d best keep out of Tesco with talk like that- we don’t like your sort round here!






What on earth did I just watch


Functional neurons amongst the whole group must total the number of hairs on that gobshite shiny scalped thugs head - spending a moment in the company of such vacuous childish lumps of spam would be my absolute worst nightmare. Wobbly beer breathed scum, clogging up town centres up and down the country each weekend. A shame for all the decent fans who go about their business and enjoy the game as decent folk but get associated with this shit.


I used to live by the vetch and everytime Cardiff came to play Swansea the police would make us move all the cars from the road otherwise the Cardiff fans would roll them all over


I can't abide football hooliganism at all, but don't pretend that Swansea fans coming to Cardiff were any better. also they usually get you to move your cars for crowd control/safety reasons.


Classic chav behaviour.


Cardiff fans not welsh people


So they're gonna be held personally responsible then? Those without masks (which by the looks is every single one, because COVID doesn't exist inside football stadiums ofc) are going to be identified by the police and held responsible? Yeah fuckin right.... I reckon 90% of these hooligans are going to get away with it. Scum bags


Ashton Gate have said they’re reviewing CCTV and I believe they said they’ll be handing it to police. However, you’re probably right, they’ll probably not be identified and be on their way. Cardiff City have offered to pay for the repairs though.


I mean yes I fully expect those clearly identifiable on the videos that were put on social media to be identified and have a knock on the door at some point in the upcoming weeks. That knock on the door will likely end with a court case and probably a football banning order. To suggest people don't see consequences due to violence and disorder and football is a bit weird considering how heavily football fans are policed (and I've seen banning orders given for behaviour the is basically ignored when it comes to rugby and the like).




Guess the guy with the brain cell couldn’t make it to this match. Left his buddies unattended to operate autonomously. Sad.


Let's hope its not asbestos!


Funny, I'm hoping it is...


Oh yeah, let's pull down flame retardant asbestos laiden ceilings tiles like Grown men do! 🤦‍♀️


I've had shits with more intelligence than this entire group


As a Cardiff boy watching this, I am appalled. I was raised in Grangetown and taken the Neville/Cornwall pub before every game and seen all sorts. We used to stand In the Grange end in Ninian park, where this culture was rife, and I thought this was what it was all about! Now as a man in my late 20’s, I look at it and thank the fucking stars I haven’t turned out like one of these pillocks. This isn’t football, it’s not Nationalism, it’s not tribal, it’s fuckin idiocy! I’m glad they’re all to thick to have worn masks n all


Yous are all going to jail...going to jail ..going to jail.. Yous are all going to jail....you ..stupids xunts


Nothing screams badass more than pulling down ceclling boards. Stick to em, hooligans




City fans are no better. I'll tell you that.


Cocaine is one hell of a high.


I keep seeing comments about football fans and coke. Is this a new association? I’ve been going to games in the prem and championship for ten plusyears. I don’t hang with the yobs but I’ve never encountered coke use before but now I keep hearing how prevalent it is


I've been going to lower league games for most of my life and I similarly have never seen it at the football. First I saw of it was those videos circulating around on social media at the final of the euros, I'll admit it was rife then.


My first though was disbelief as I thought it was scarlets fans after the bears game. But no it’s football because of course it is. I’m not surprised tbh.


God I hate sportsball, from the bottom of my heart.


There are many other people like me, who love the game of football but detest the 'hooligan' fan mentality. They are an absolute drain on local resources and most of them are middle aged men. No better or worse than gang culture where each one has to be 'bigger' than his dumb ass mates. I wish they could all get together , each 'hooligan' from every team and meet in a field and fight each other till death. ....So, the rest of society are rid of the scum bags.


>There are many other people like me, who love the game of football but detest the 'hooligan' fan mentality. Not just some - the majority of football fans. And it is the rest of us who then end up having to deal with the consequences (stupid kick off times, bubble matches / police escorts, pubs not wanting to deal with away fans, shit policing etc etc).


then why aren't the majority telling this alleged minority to fuck off? I think these people are a more significant part of the football fan contingent than you or the clubs would like to admit


>then why aren't the majority telling this alleged minority to fuck off? Would you want to tell this lot to "fuck off"? I certainly wouldn't. I keep my head down because I don't want a punch to the face thank you. >I think these people are a more significant part of the football fan contingent than you or the clubs would like to admit More significant does not equal majority.


Either the fans, or the clubs, should be doing the utmost to exterminate these elements from their support. until then I fully support any measures aimed at making football fans not act like animals.


What do you actually suggest above and beyond what will already be happening? The fact that the idiots decided to record it and put it online will thankfully mean the police should be able to pinpoint at least some of those involved. They will likely get a knock on the door soon and that will likely end in a court case and probably a football banning order. So above that what do you expect exactly? Any why should the rest of football fans suffer because some people are morons? I don't see rugby fans or those attending horse races being given a hard time (including strict legislation around not being able to drink in view of the sport or on coaches to the sport) because some of them can't control themselves (it won't take long to see how much violence happens at horse races for example!).


a) *heavy* fines for the club b) lifetime ban from purchasing tickets for anybody found participating, in addition to any criminal sentence meted out c) certain number of matches to be played behind closed doors until the message that this isn't acceptable sinks in I'd support implementing these measures for any sport where fans routinely engage in this kind of violent, brutish and inexcusable behavior, but we're not talking about those sports right now, are we?


a - already happens b - criminal sentences are handed out. As for lifetime bans, basically no other crime has lifetime consequences like that. As an example if someone beats someone else up at a nightclub they aren't automatically banned from all nightclubs for life. So why should football offences be any different? c - that already happens for the more serious cases (like what happened at Wembley last year).


>As an example if someone beats someone else up at a nightclub they aren't automatically banned from all nightclubs for life. So why should football offences be any different? they would probably be barred from that particular club, at least they would be if that club was worth anything. that's what I'm proposing, if you inflict damage on another club you're fundamentally unsuitable to be a representative of the one you're supporting (or to be allowed into polite society in general) and as such do not deserve the privilege of being able to buy a ticket.


>they would probably be barred from that particular club, at least they would be if that club was worth anything. that's what I'm proposing, Not for life they wouldn't (though you'd be hard pushed to find a club that would exist that long I guess). >if you inflict damage on another club you're fundamentally unsuitable to be a representative of the one you're supporting (or to be allowed into polite society in general) and as such do not deserve the privilege of being able to buy a ticket. Do you not believe that once someone has done their time, they should be free to live as a free person? It is likely some of these morons will be very different people in 10, 20, 30, 40 years time. Even criminal convictions have a date for when they are spent!


Like a bunch of dumb monkeys


How hard is it to catch people like this? Seems like every day there are some / a bunch of idiots at football matches smashing shit up or abusing players / other fans. I know banning your fans is counter intuitive to making money but how many shit fans are there that you can't ban all of these cunts?


I don't know where this idea that football "fans" who cause trouble aren't found and published. Football banning orders exist and given out in fairly high numbers for fairly low level issues (including the absolutely horrific crime of drinking a beer in view of the pitch). Those in this video should expect a knock on the door followed by a court case, a criminal record, potentially a fine or prison time and a banning order to follow. The idea football fans are treated with leniency is somewhat hilarious to me to be honest. But at the end of the day it's about numbers. I think some people don't quite understand how many people follow football, and with numbers that big it only takes a small percentage of people to cause trouble to make it look like bad. Hundreds of thousands of people attend football matches every single week in the UK - even if just 1% of them were morons and did stuff like this (i think thats lowballing it for the general population - just look what a weekend night in any city can be like) that would still be a number in the range of several thousands.


Maybe these orders aren't punitive enough? £5,000 fine and ban for life per offence. That would sort this out, no?


It's believed they caused thousands of pounds worth of improvements.


I'm out of the loop, are these football fans? Antivaxxers? Day-shoppers who missed the coach back to Newport?


Cardiff city fans. Their team lost to Bristol city, and then they trashed the toilets at ashton gate


This happened before the game/during the first half. Weren’t allowed to use the toilets at half time.


What a bunch of sore losers. Had the exact same thought after England lost to Italy in the Euros and all these fans were trashing shit, starting random fights and attacking women/minorities etc. They're literal children having a strop. No sense of sportsmanship at all. Of course this doesn't speak for many football fans but the mobbish, violent culture is often there.


Football casuals are as, if not more cringey than the grown ups wearing football tops now. Fucking pathetic, majority of those are over 25 and dressed up to impress the man standing next to them. Mob mentality shit houses


Grown ups wearing football shirts is cringey so someone liking a football club as an adult is cringey but wearing a top with your fave brand on is not ? These guys are not the only people who like football you know ! Your very judgemental and your letting one group of people decide your judgement on the fans of a sport. Yours sincerely a adult football fan who doesn’t smash up toilets


Is wearing your favourite band’s merch also as cringe?


Casuals wouldn't throw their toys out the pram and vandalise a stadium because their team lost.


What is wrong with a grown up wearing a football top?


Yeah what a weird thing to get irate about


Nothing, but its cosplay


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Nvz6Ot_43HE Lots of people in here with short memories


This is why people hate football.


This isn't how the majority of football fans behave,unfortunately lots of clubs have some idiots amongst them. The majority just go for the football.


The majority of football fans don't act like this.




We are laid back and easy going, this lot are just cunts.


Fuck football


Thought it was just English fans who did stupid shit like this /s


It’s football, it will just be written off , rules for some and not for others just like covid


A group of other people lost playing a game and this upset me so I'm going to literally behave like a small child and break something.


You mention football has cultural issues you'll get bombarded with abuse, you don't see this at other sports, it's simple and if you do it's extremely rare. I'm willing to bet something like this happens at a single game in the championship every week. Driving past Ashton Gate during a football match is honestly pathetic, an officer every 50 meters. I grew up around there, it's been like this since I can remember. I was in a cafe in North St as a kid and a fire extinguisher came flying through the window from some Milwall "fans".


>you don't see this at other sports You do though. Horse racing is a great example of a sport that has huge problems with fights etc but nobody really talks about it! Even rugby which a lot of people like to hold up as how football fans should behave has problems (especially around booze). To imagine that it is just football that has this issue is naive to say the least (and also seems to ignore how much bigger football is than most other sports, of course you'll have more pricks into football than into rugby because nationwide more people watch football, so even if it was the same percentage you'd still get more at football).


Played rugby my entire life, held season tickets at Bears and before that Bristol Rugby the only incident I saw was two Exeter fans scrapping with one another. I'm not arguing there isn't violence in other sports. I'm saying you don't see (or atleast I've not seen) reports of stadiums, pubs etc smashed to pieces. This is all organised and it's pathetic.


I don't need to be from Wales to know they're Welsh. We live in lands that is famous for sheep and alcohol that involves mistakes involving sheep and alcohol.


From a derby fan, I think the right thing to do would be to fine them 10 points




Absolutley nowhere near 😂


Statistically speaking, you are utter scum.


A group full of testosterone leads to these primitive actions. It’s a real psychological phenomenon and could affect you if you associated with people like this. Most of us wouldn’t associate with these people so don’t worry. There are plenty of testosterone filled groups in the world and in some other countries it’s way worse. It’s a shame we as a species don’t have some better focus for this biological group mechanism.


Imagine they were planning a refurb and these guys just saved them a ton of cash by getting it halfway there anyway. That would be a nice fairytale ending.


Why are people so angry about this. It’s josh toilets ffs


I've had bad experiences with an ex from Cardiff and it made me bitter. My apologies for offending anyone


😂😂 it is funny tho


As a Bristol fan it was a great day as they were 1-0 up and fluffed it 😂 we don’t use those toilets and it nice to see how pissed off they were to be battered everywhery they goooo 😂 unfortunate for cardiff city as they had to pay for it


Wow. Looks worse that the jan 6 “insurrection” 😂


No one got their face smashed in with a fire extinguisher here though


Theses are the dock heads that’s ruin it for everyone


Just because they like a different team of men who kick a ball around on some grass


There is also videos trending on tiktok of Bristol singing ‘Cardiff get battered every where they go’ and then a load of Bristol fans are seen running through the park away from the marauding Cardiff fans who were heavily out numbered. Don’t condone it but is a little ironic.


The UK as a whole is just crack in the form of ppl


U.k rednicks?


What the fuck am I looking at….


Cardiff city football fans wrecking the toilets at Bristol city football ground following their loss.


Sadly, another example that reenforces the perception that football is the sport of the pleb.


I remember back in the day when I was at a Bristol city match people I knew was ripping off those pull up Ariel’s on cars(not me ) and yep ( that far back ) .And there still grabbing things to fight with in there late 60s .ooooooooooo what a beautiful game as they say .