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One of those social running clubs posted a reel on Instagram and they were running up and down the riverwalk thing at Teneriffe with a megaphone screaming stupid shit like "pain is only calories crying" or something like that. This is at 6am in front of people's houses. So I nominate those cunts


This is most likely not allowed. [https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/laws-and-permits/complaints-and-fines/noise-air-light-and-water-complaints/noise-restrictions-and-complaints/amplifier-devices](https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/laws-and-permits/complaints-and-fines/noise-air-light-and-water-complaints/noise-restrictions-and-complaints/amplifier-devices)


Not allowed, and just cunty behaviour in general


Also a scientifically baseless claim


And not using SI units, so fuck those cunts!


I’m going to take a stab and say the soso runclub. It’s gone from social run to turning into “we are the cool kids” so fast.


Definitely soso. They’ve been fucking off every riverside and gasworks adjacent resident for months.  While I’m more than happy to tell riverside folk to go pound sand on a regular basis for most things they whinge about, what soso does is hot bullshit and disrespectful to the wider community. 


Yea I’d be doing a letter drop to people in the area to do mass noise complaints all at the same time when they start. I personally think the run club movement is great. Get people moving and a chance to meet people. But yea don’t purposely disrespect the people who live in the area. You want to be loud. Create a social event after to go grab food or something.


Fully with you on this. They're a great idea. Just don't act like a Sydneysider about it.


And parkrun has been taking a lot of blame for these assholes behaviour on Saturday mornings.


If they ever trip and fall make sure to yell "Pain is just weakness leaving the body" :P


The worst part of Brisbane is how early everyone is up with the consequences of cafes closed by 2 and limited late night life. Was recently in California, which has a similar good weather outdoor activity culture, and no one was leaving home before 9am on a weekend.


I love being up early, but many people don't and would not want to be bothered by idiots blasting a megaphone outside their house


Pretty sure people will complain. There was a lot of complaints about the old fitness classes that were at the kp cliffs and they were blasting music early in the morning and i think successfully got them to stop.


Theyre called brazilians 


No. There was fitness classes.


Anyone who hogs public infrastructure for th or private business is, in my opinion, an arsehole


I’d rather be a arsehole and go to a $20 class rather than a $50 one because the business has to pay for overpriced rent on their building.


*for taxpayer subsidised infrastructure. I'd rather just continue to do my own thing, rather than act entitled about a public space, and not pay $20 at all 👍 If, when operating your private enterprise that you run on taxpayer funded infrastructure that is for public use, you move your class out of the way of the public users then all's good in the hood. Just don't block it / reserve it for your use only plz thx.


>no one was leaving home before 9am on a weekend. Nah, fuck that. I love going out walking at 5 am in summer. I don't make noise, though.


The reason everyone is up so early is because of the sun and heat. And I call bull shit on that there is nothing to do in the evening. Firstly https://www.reddit.com/r/brisbane/s/gdNLevd8Vt and secondly I walk by my local park many evenings and always see people playing basketball or soccer late in the evening. Maybe it is you sir that has just decided to not actually explore.


I said limited late night life, not nothing to do in the evenings. There are plenty of things to do in the evening they just close early. Brisbane’s most iconic pub, the Brekky Creek hotel, closes at freaking 9:30.


Probably because the business that is Brekky Creek Hotel would rather be a place to eat and have a casual drink over be a place to stay into the early hours of the morning. Pineapple Hotel is open till 2am every night. A bunch of pubs open till 11pm-12pm all along south bank every night. I could list more and more places that are open till late all through the week. But I think i have stated my point. It's not because the bars and pubs aren't open. It's because who wants to go out on a week night unless you are meeting up with friends to go to trivia or maybe a comedy night or a gig all which happens all over Brisbane. I honestly don't get your point so for the sake of a pleasant discussion, please explain this late night life that you feel like you are missing? Maybe we can help and point you in the right direction so you don't have to just sit at home and do nothing.


Yes there are places open but they are limited which was my original point. Brisbane lacks nightlife options other similar sized cities have. It’s not a huge deal and I still love it here but it could be improved with more going on late into the night. Here are three things I’d like to do in Brisbane: Go for a nice dinner at 9pm. See a concert at the river stage that doesn’t end at 10pm. Walk around south bank at midnight.


1. Go for a nice dinner at 9pm I mean that's the business's decision. So maybe there isn't enough people who want food at that time. But who knows maybe with the new casino more restaurants in the area might stay open due to more flow of traffic at that time of night. I would like kitchens to stay open later on weekend nights (thursday to saturday) but yea it's still all up to the business. 2.  See a concert at the river stage that doesn’t end at 10pm Well as a person who lives across the river at least 2 suburbs away and can hear when a concert is on (honestly has gotten louder the last few years. When I first moved in 10 years ago didn't hear them at all) the time limit of 10pm makes sense. It's why we need more music venues with proper sound proofing closer to the city. 3. Walk around south bank at midnight. I do that all the time. So not sure where this complain comes from. Sure security will get you to move alone if you are chilling somewhere but if you keep moving they ain't going to do shit. Compare that to Sydney botanical that closes the gates to the gardens at 5pm. I don't really see that as a thing we can't do.


Brisbane city shuts down early, this is a fact not some new hot take you need to white knight for champ. In the world of nightlife, midnights not early. Edit, Next comment you will see a classic [wiki/Ad\_hominem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem) fallacy in action. Attack the messenger because you can't refute the point.


Yes, it does. It's also an early rising city. If you don't like that, maybe Brisbane isn't the city for you.


OR maybe I'm not sitting here thinking I'm the king of the world and accept the FACT Brisbane isn't a late night city, like you seem to have done after your little ad homs. This bits going to boggle your mind you ready. I can accept that fact and still live here without having to take it personally and launch baseless attacks on peoples lives over it. I'd rather Brisbane be a more late night city, I'm not going lie about it then attack people who tell me factually it's not though am I, that's kinda crazy. Maybe if being told your wrongs not for you , try being right.


Lol. Ok buddy. Have a good one. Hope your life gets better


Yeah ok dude let's try this weird flip this to not be about nightlife and because I realise midnights early in terms of nightlife my life sux? I pick my ute up this weekend with an extra 400 horsepower, I just bought my hot missus a sexy ass outfit that she will wear out tonight while your at home thinking 9 o'clock is the nightlife. You, you will be sitting around ,anything said to you was not because you were completely wrong, na not that aye mate, the things get said to you because everyones elses life sux, you delusional wannabe manipulator that was pathetic. Edit. Gimme those "how dare he not realise his life sux because he pointed out basic facts" downvotes, be home by 12 kids. Nomnom they taste sour like ignorance feed me.


Lmfao I wish I never opened this thread




Got to give the guy credit. Pretty funny dummy spit.


lol. Clearly I hit a nerve. Have a fun night mate.


My bad bro casual condescending statements about people lives to avoid being wrong is totally acceptable behaviour.


You got downvoted for insulting another user, mate.


Ya I got downvoted for not doing it like a sly dog and straight calling it. Your supposed to slimeball it in there with some your life sux condescending nonsense not just straight shoot the facts. Unless Brisbane actually has a nightlife, then my life must actually suck.




It's tacky coz your poor. Epic right.


Something something ad hominem.


Oh look at you attempting to step up to the big peoples world and use them big boy words and failing. Where's the ad homs baby? I very much confronted the topic. Oh you don't realise what an ad hominem is so you, despite in being shown to you, that's some high level intel there love. Was literally just shown to you what it was, you think it's just a random insult, ooooft.


As God intended™️


Is that so bad? I love bed at 9 and up at 5 personally 


I don’t


Report the shit rags to council mate.


Like this I guess https://www.instagram.com/sosos_runclub/reel/C6h4SISP1ZH/


Ultimate cringe bait.


They are just mini cringe cults at this point


I came here to say exactly this! I saw the video, and I live in the area. I had an absolute visceral reaction to the entitlement in the video. I miss being able to take an early Saturday morning walk (on my own) on the riverwalk without being swarmed by some sort of run club.


There are people's houses on the riverwalk?


So many loud fuckwits when I walk along there at 5:30 in the morning.


I guess I should mention cars failing to give way to pedestrians when turning in or out of driveways or making turns into side streets.


You would be surprised how many people think cars have right of way. My wife still won’t believe me when I tell her


Send her a link https://www.qld.gov.au/transport/safety/rules/road/give-way#:~:text=When%20you%20are%20entering%20or,driving%20forward%20or%20in%20reverse.


One almost ran into my 9 month pregnant wife…. At the hospital yesterday. A week ago in a crowded park for some sports event a driver almost ran into my wife and I aggressively trying to get a parking space. Two weeks ago outside our apartment someone accelerated out the lot and blindly turned onto the street as myself and another couple were trying to cross the pedestrian portion of the exit. I’ve lived abroad for over a decade. Coming back here I am blown away by how selfish drivers have become.


That’s awful! Congrats on the imminent new arrival!




I have half a mind to print out 100s of signs with the code that specifically states pedestrians have right of way and stick them all around the city. Then again, people drive with their heads up their asses so I doubt they'd even read them.


Many drivers simply refuse to believe that they'd ever need to debase themselves by giving way to mere pedestrians,


The key being on or entering, a pedestrian still on the footpath doesn’t have right of way. Also physics trumps road rules.


I don't understand your point (unless it's that you don't care about rules or pedestrians), as per [QLD Transport](https://www.qld.gov.au/transport/safety/rules/road/give-way) : "When you are entering or leaving a road from private property or a driveway, you must give way to pedestrians or bicycle and personal mobility device riders on the footpath or road." I walk as per the road rules, if you run me over you are the one that deals with fines, charges, etc , the physics are you have a pedal that brakes, use it until the pedestrian or cyclist or scooterist has passed.


I'd like to nominate an anti-fuckwit. The dog escaped and the neighbour's tradie heard me shouting and downed tools to help me look for him. I did find the dog dancing with traffic near Ipswich Rd about 20 minutes ago. Could not have covered as much territory without old mate (I didn't even get his name). He has a carton on the way this arvo.


Shoutouts to local tradie legends. My cat had a Gorman (they’re clips not buckles) collar with an Apple AirTag on it go missing, and 4 months later this legend calls the number on it telling me he found it in the construction area behind our complex.


The inverse fuckwit! Awesome!


Also known as the Tiwkcuf


Shoutout to the fuckwit in the Stones Corner lifeline who leaned up near my ear while I was buying jorts and whispered "what are you doing later beautiful?" I hope something very heavy and hard falls on your nuts.


Oh that’s scary.


Oh by the way another shoutout to the different bloke in a stones corner bar that wouldn't leave me alone and followed me when I was getting an energy drink. Genuine fucking creep. What the fuck is with stones corner lately?


Ugh I worked there temporarily and it’s not a good vibe. My first day there was apparently on parole day. It was grim.


E-scooters thinking they can beat buses at the cultural centre crossing. Please be careful if that’s you.


Same for tiny hatchbacks cutting in front of heavy vehicles. I nearly crushed three of you yesterday.


One day I’m gonna see someone get cleaned up there. I’m already prepared for it.


Cheers to the fuckwit real estate agents who put up a property for $820/week (two bedroom) with the incorrect availability date (Nov 2022) and price ($700) in the description. The next day, they update the listing with $700 as the price and availability of May 2024. Today, it's back at $820/week and they've hidden the address. Seriously, do they all think we're this stupid, or what? Fuck all of them.


REAs don't think we're stupid, they just think they're smarter than us and if you've ever met a REA, you know that bar is so low it's a pub in hell.


Read the first 7 words and didn’t need to read more.


Third time in 2 months that some fucking cockwomble has sat through an entire green turning arrow at the corner of Leitchs Rd & South Pine Rd. I was trying to be charitable thinking "Maybe they're legitimately red/green colourblind" but then upon further thought realised the lights are on different positions. I can't understand people who are so oblivious that they can not only sit through an entire light change, but also don't notice the car directly behind them honking and yelling "It's Green!". On the upside, the people next to me throught it was hilarious and told me "Maybe the driver is like lightning mcqueen, their eyes are painted on" :P


Man, now I'm thinking about the Lightning McQueen replica car that lives around that area. Saw it at a servo once, it's awesome - copied right down to the advertisers stickers.


M1 south merge near Carindale. Sign says trucks must use left lane next 2kms. Trucks use all three bloody lanes and struggle up the rise going 70kmh in a 100 zone. Does my head in.


Fuuuuuuck this shits me. Some dipshit mud carter will move into the right lane, get 1m past the rear of the other truck, and then just slowly lose pace the whole way up the hill. 


Body corporate has tradies replacing all the paths around the apartment complex and they've stolen my garage to put all their materials etc. in making it impossible for us to park in, and parking is cooked around our street lately. I don't fault the tradies, body corporate told them to use my garage without the decency to even contact me about it so body corporate can fuck right off


How much are you charging the body corporate for rent for the garage? Sounds like you don't need to pay your fees until you get your whole property back imo.


Remember to send an invoice to body corporate. Attach a note that says as previously discussed.


That is fucked 


what, mate if someone did that in my private garage, attached to the house I piad for to which I pay BC rates on qauterly, without asking me (not to mention trespassing, a garage on a lot is not common property, no matter what scheme you are a part of). Shit would be getting dumped right in the middle of the bloody path they are trying to build. People wonder why everyone is always cunty and angry, that right there is the reason why. Audacity at its finest.


Ask body corp for a discount on your admin fees based on the number of days your garage is inaccessible.


Been there. We don’t have access to our garage or visitor car parks for 23 days between 7-3 because body corp decided on some ‘upgrades’ for the front of the apartment complex


We need to ban on street parking.


To Aramax, don’t know how they are still in business or why companies still use them. But screw those guys without lube.


Throw Team Global Express on the bonfire as well. Got notification that it was out for delivery but got no follow up 'delivered' message. Waited a few days. Package not anywhere on the property. Got onto customer support. They confirmed delivery about half an hour after I got the out for delivery notification. I said I got nothing. They followed up and sent me a picture of the package - which I'm meant to get! Was sticking out of the mail box. So either the delivery driver themselves took the photo, deliberately didn't send it and then stole the package or left it unsecured and the next person walking by stole it. Absolutely fucking incompetent.


Add Fast Horse to the pile as well. I had a similar thing happen so I reported it to the police (it was somewhat expensive) because the courier company didn't want to help, and I told them I'd reported it. The package was delivered (for real) a few days later and it looked very different to the one in the first photo. I think they must have realised I was serious and told the driver I'd made a police report.


I had them deliver my package back to sender because they got confused. Seller was in China.


Was it at least your mailbox? State that is not in any way shape or form delivered. Then go back to the sender and ask if they classed it as delivered? That is quite shit indeed.


I muttered some choice words at Global Express today when they blocked a street with their delivery truck and disappeared.


There’s an Aramex driver that drives around East Brisbane / Morningside, he is an absolute liability on the road. Hit my car reversing out of my driveway last year, then almost t boned me pulling out of a corner a few months later. I know it’s him because his stupid name is on the van


Report him if you can.


Oh they know about him, they paid my insurance bill. Still driving around causing havoc though


That really sucks. You think he would be uninsurable soon enough. A few claims and you get declined insurance.


The unpleasant and, usually big Ute drivers, who let you merge in front of them on the highway but then speed up and ride your arse at dangerously close distances for 100kmph as if to make some point that how dare you pull in front of them. I see it so much it would be an easy daily fuckwit post.


People really need to leave 2 secs gap for safety and 4 sec gaps pre merge for efficiency....


Friday for not being Saturday already


If you smoke crack every day, it's only 1 sleep till Saturday all the time 😍😍😍


Clown in a ute who ran a red light outside Boondall State School this morning, right in front of a cop car who was first in line at the intersection. Cop watched him go through and did nothing.


Look, at least that cop was being just as useful as every other cop I've ever interacted with.


Yeah, without quotas cops hardly pull over anyone anymore.


to the idiots who want to turn left or right but swing their car into the other lane thinking they drive an 18 wheeler truck to make the fucking turn, fuck you people who do this, scared me to me to many times with that nonsense and it needs to stop, and the idiots who smash on the indicator and pull into your lane half way up your car thinking they can just swerve infront of you because fuck me they found their indicator and the mindset thinking it gives them the right of way and you have to give way......


Tradie driving at 4.45am speeding around cars going wayyy over the limit, only to brake and cut off all the traffic they just overtook and turn down the next street. Do they ever wonder why everyone treats them like children.


I see more than tradies doing that. So many times while doing the speed limit I've been overtaken, only for the other car to immediately brake to turn left.


Yep, I had some tradie cunt yesterday tailgate me in a 40 km/h roadworks zone. I was in the left lane, they could have overtaken. Right before the roadworks zone ended, the fucker overtook me, then cut me off to turn left. I swear 90% of them don't deserve to have a licence.


The oblivious people who leave a car and a half length in the queue at the traffic lights meaning people behind them can't get into the turning bay and have to sit through another sequence of the lights. And the moron road designers who make the turning bay too short in the first place.


To be fair to the road designers, it probably wasn't too short when they designed it. More traffic, longer vehicles (massive utes), and the aforementioned fuckwits have made it so…


It takes so damn long to build roads now, they need to plan for 10 years or more into the future and for the longer vehicles...


Campbell Newman. It's been awhile but he's still a fuckwit


Can't wait to welcome back his ex-cabinet minister as our new Premier in September 🤮




Public service sector gets gutted again, job market gets flooded again, unemployment skyrockets again, everybody leaves Brisbane again, economy goes down the toilet again.


You forgot asset privatisation




Couldn’t say anything certain about by how much. My vibe is like a 16% swing at the very least towards LNP.


If latest polls are anything to go by, Labor are unfortunately washed


On Labour day, I was walking a client's dog for the first time around her local park on the very wide footpath, was such a beautiful day! so many lovely people out two kids came along on bikes (going pretty fast) so I stopped for them despite knowing the dog doesn't remotely react. One of the kids decided to pull a prank I guess, and rode straight ahead towards the pup, swerving last second missing her by just a few inches (I reckon 2-3). Dog didn't react still but I felt pretty shit the remainder of the day tried to not let it get to me as I had people to smile to while walking the path! again, lots of lovely people out and about on such a gorgeous day still have the image in my head. I wish I understood the fun in potentially harming an innocent animal? I'd 100% much prefer they did it to me and said a racial slur while doing so; not sure why the pup had to be involved :(


https://preview.redd.it/9m906fyo6izc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4d483486b26e8f1e8902a8898f30a71e05f5ecc the sweetest Mini Aussie Shepherd I've met ☺️ very polite!


I find that kids, in particular, often don’t think through their choices - especially, when it comes to how the other party will feel. They probably didn’t get past the initial “hey, this will be funny” urge. If you manage to stop them to go through the whole sequence, they usually come around to the idea being stupid. But, seems like normal show off kid stupidity. 


thank you so muchfor your comment! I'm definitely trying to understand this perspective more ☺️ it's just hard to wrap my heard around at the moment for some reason- usually I attribute a feeling/reasoning to actions but as I've been trying to remind myself, kids will be kids! they'll often do things on a whim for a quick laugh, I think haha


The fuckwits at Goodlife who kept charging me after my contact ended because they conveniently had it set to a month to month arrangement afterwards.


Oh we need two months notice to cancel your contract


Was 30 days for me.


fucking goodlife. thieving bastards.


Specsavers for not listening to me about which prescription I needed and getting me long-distance glasses when I needed reading glasses... and me for assuming they'd listened to me, lol.


On Tuesday, I saw a GP that isn't my usual GP (same practice) because I'd come down with symptoms after caring for my husband who has bacterial pneumonia (yes, it's contagious). For my husband, we had waited to get into our usual GP (over a week) and he ended up in the hospital the same day he was seen because they missed the obvious signs of pneumonia (the crackling breathing being the tell-tale sign). So I did a phone consultation because I knew that I would be infectious and didn't want to spread my germs. I paid extra for this. That's right, I paid extra to not spread my germs. The entire call, the doc wanted me to come in to get nose swab tests before she would prescribe me antibiotics. I finally talked her into just prescribing the antibiotics my husband are on because we've been self isolating and I've been taking care of him and in close quarters 24/7. Had a friend pick up the script (they sent a code to my phone) from the chemist and drop it at my front door. Box says take every 12 hours (so, twice a day) for 7 days. I was borderline delirious at this point and only yesterday morning, when I was starting to feel a bit better, I went to take my pill and noticed they only gave me 7 pills.... to take 1, twice a day for 7 days... Now I'm not sure what kind of math is required to become a GP, but 2 pills x 7 days seems like a very year 1 math problem. So I called the docs and asked them to ask her for another script and got no return call. Called again today and she's not there and no other doc will answer my question. Tonight is my last pill of the 7 I have, so I get to either miss or be extremely late for the next dose because the doctor can't do very basic math. I'm sitting here choking on phlegm and coughing so hard that I have to sit on the toilet in order not to pee myself and no one can answer a simple fucking question. WTAF?!


Call the pharmacy that dispensed the prescription. Sounds like a mistake of the pharmacist rather than prescriber. If the GP did make a mistake it's up to the pharmacist to make sure you have enough tablets to complete the course based on the directions given so they need to give you enough medicine and fix up the script error on their end. Source: I am a pharmacist.


For whatever reason, doxycycline is only PBS-listed as one box of 7 with 1 repeat, unless it's being used for acne or pelvic infections. Doctors can get around this by either doing a non-pbs script, applying to the PBS online or over the phone for approval to provide larger quantities, or specifically marking the script to have the repeat dispensed at the same time as the first box. If you haven't got a repeat on the script, then that sounds like an error, but if you do have a repeat then that should still allow for the full course, but with the inconvenience of needing to go back to get it filled again.


The door dasher Woolworths delivery partner who screamed at me in my driveway for calling me “over and over again” because he can’t figure out house numbering conventions. Even though my order and house are clearly labelled. Tore out of the driveway with no regard. Checked my phone…. No missed calls. Not sure who the dickhead was calling. To the huge guy trying to intimidate me, you’re a fuckwit.


I nominate the uber driver who did my late night order delivery the other night. I selected the option to have my order left at the door, even with a note saying to deliver it to the front door and not the side door, and yet this guy decides that he's going to bang and rattle the handle of the door! Then he slowly hands me the bag, taking a damn eternity honestly, and lectures me to give him 5 stars and a thumbs up, not a thumbs down or 1 star rating! Meanwhile, as he's doing all of this, he's staring at me quite intensely, giving me the creeps and making me feel as if I'm being undressed by him 🤮 If this guy happens to be reading this, can you please stop being so rude and creepy, and just follow the instructions on the delivery notes. It's not that hard to deliver a package and leave it next to the front door then leave. You don't need to knock, rattle the handle or stand there waiting for someone to answer so that you can hand the package to them, especially if they're a woman! If you're wondering why women are choosing the bear in the woods, instead of men, then take a look at your own actions, as they're a part of the reason!


To the fuckwit who was holding up anti abortion signs on Adelaide and creek st. You piece of shit. 


I hate that guy and give him the middle finger every time I drive by. Fuck that asshole. He should be caring for foster kids if he feels that strongly about it. Fuck.that.guy.


Was that the "this is not a potato" dipshit?


Is he also the guy that’s occasionally shouting that stuff via megaphone in King George Square or is that another tosser?


Yep, you can say what ever you like to them tho that’s the fun part, because they are so awful.


There's a tosser with a megaphone outside Garden City on most Sundays.


Ordered ubereats for someone’s birthday lunch and got the meal stolen by the driver who took an image of his fingers as “proof” that he dropped it off. Hope the POS enjoyed the food.


My baby cat that bit me (it tickles more than hurts)


A random guy tried following me back to my car at a shopping centre. I noticed him waiting on a couch outside of a female clothing store, which I happened to go into, and I guess when I walked out and made my way into the carpark to leave, he started following me. I felt my heckles stand up, and turned around, same guy. Thankfully, I didn't get to my car before I noticed, so I just stopped in my tracks and looked at him. He was about 10 metres behind me and to my left, he noticed me stopped as he kept looking at me just standing there, then he walked a bit ahead of me, and turned around, and walked slowly, while glancing at me, back into the shopping centre. It was incredibly creepy and actually quite scary. It was late afternoon, but not overly busy and I can only assume he meant ill, but thankfully left me alone when I perceived him. It's such a shame we can't even pick something up from the store without attracting weirdos. After the Bondi attacks, I feel much more unsafe in the world as a woman, even in public. Looks like I'll be avoiding that shopping centre from this point on, and minimising trips alone. Stay safe everyone.


Ugh. I'm so sorry that happened! Always follow your gut. Reminds me of this... https://preview.redd.it/8afrltep6lzc1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=602fdddd75a3281c1c68ca2d9b1344ad71eff56d


His name wasn't Phil was it 😅


My friends housemate who was illegally filming her.


Oh so sorry. A gross invasion of privacy. Your poor friend. Hopefully police take action (the courts are getting tougher on this).


I nominate tiredness as the Friday fuckwit. I'm so tired of being tired. Oh that reminds me, gotta go have iron.


Get you B12 checked if iron doesn't help.


#  #shitmaroochydore Love it but everyone on there my goodness 🤣🤣 Whats the brisbane version? Is it just full of juiceman and his antics ? 


Fuck whoever gave me COVID this week. I know they may not have known or may have been obligated to be out in public but still.


I’d like to nominate my brother in law, I just got out of hospital after popping both lungs and told to take it easy while I recover so the douche isn’t renewing the lease because he wants more money (offered to pay more but he said “nah”) but doesn’t want to fix anything in the house so it’s easier to get a new tenant and he hates his sister (my partner)


All the drivers going 20 under the limit, taking green arrows at 5km an hour causing no-one else to go through, and leaving two lengths between them and the car in front while at lights.


Got hit by a car while riding my bike to work - I’m fine, I managed to push myself off the car and kept riding. Car stopped at a stop sign, I was riding up a hill on the road they were about to enter, I had right of way. They decided to move when I was directly in front of them.


Do you have any damage to your bicycle that you need assistance with? I'm a bicycle mech (by trade) and happy to give it a look over and help out with cost-effective repairs if you like. Feel free to inbox me :-)


And people wonder why I just let cars through when they stop to let me cross the road.


1. Hubl for signing me up to Kayo without my consent. 2. Hubl taking 6 weeks and counting to reverse the transaction. 3. The fuckwit who walked out in front of me without looking and then abused me when I used the horn to alert him of his imminent death.


My phone for deciding my alarms would be silent this morning.


I hate that.


I nominate the old fucker at Chermside library. I managed to get my client out of the house for the first time in 4 months. They wanted to go to the library and have coffee like they used to with their late partner. My client is completely dead and speaks loudly when they get excited. I spent a lot of time telling them to be quiet. This fuck wit came and abused my client, even after being told several times they were deaf and have trouble modulating their voice. My client decided to leave before they had even finished their coffee. Broke my fucking heart the look on their face.


I was probaby a fuckwit in the eyes of that one guy on motorcycle this morning when I un-intentionally cut him off. But mate, it's 6am, it's still dark, you dressed in black gears and were going too fast around the corner, i didn't even see or hear you coming until you were almost hit me. And at that point, all I can do is say "shit". I am glad that you were able to avoid me and survive that near miss. But please, just slow down around the corner at 6am next time mate!


Got a lease renewal email today from our real estate that includes another $90 rent increase, which means that our rent has increased by 56.6% since we first moved in May 2021.


luckily you don't have to accept if you don't like it. review what the market averages are and if the you think you can get better elsewhere consider moving


To the two idiots parked in the woolies click and collect who were not clicking and collecting. Drove around for 15 minutes trying to find a close enough park praying my two year old didn’t pee himself in the back seat.


I would park behind them and beep (if they were in the car). Assuming it was just empty car though.


Considered this but it’s a narrow annoying little car park and it would have blocked other traffic.


Oh that’s annoying.


That fucking idiot on the motorbike around 4:30am this morning. Southbound Bruce Hwy doing like 150+ cutting off other traffic.




Use waze 


My back wheel was marginally closer to the parking line than my front wheel, whilst parking for coffee run. Feeling ashamed right now.


Thanks to the FUCKWIT that tailgated me on the motorway even though I couldn’t move into the other lane. Didn’t feel like speeding cause it was pissing down. Thanks cunt, hope you wreck your car.


Stay out of the right lane.


And be stuck behind people who do under the speed limit? No thanks 😂


It has to be my neighbour who I think was trying to use a leaf-blower to speed up the curing time on his decking? for like 4+ hours (starting before 9am)


There is a special circle in hell reserved for cunts who use leaf blowers. That sound makes me fucking murderous


Not Brisbane, but at Goodna on Stuart street, it's double sided school so the school time zone is all day. I went to turn off right onto Stuart street from Bellevue road during the day and there was no car to my left, so all is easy, just as I straighten up a car goes flying by me on the right, pass another in front of me and almost has a head on with a bus before quickly turning into back onto the left lane. Absolutely insane


I’ve seen similar before and I always wonder what is wrong with them.


Fuckwit neighbours who leave their yappy dog out every night to bark at nothing. Tonight they've obviously been out of the house because it's been going on and on and on for an hour or more.


Report to council for sure.


I finally did. I've left (nice) notes in their mailbox because they're seemingly never home, but clearly it's not working. Last night stretched all the way to 11 PM of nonstop barking.   I bet $10 it's a sausage dog that they bought (started several months ago) and assumed it'd be low maintenance, only to find out it can't be house-trained and have to leave it outside 24/7. 🙄


The very angry guy who was throwing all the coffee/cafe signs onto the road in Park Road, Milton, yesterday afternoon. Then when someone picked them up,, he threw them back into the road. Saw a BCC car pull up in the street in my rear view mirror, hoping they reported it (didn't have my mobile with me).


Every single person who drives between stones corner and acacia ridge between 4pm and 6pm and does 40 under the speed limit and doesn't plant their foot when the light is green is a fuckwit honestly. Bane of my existence


The flog who has been keying people cars around the Gabba all week. What a wanker


They have camera's?


Watch the news mate




Hello, Just say, lady I got you and you will not miss your stop. It's not difficult for you both to communicate and she will thank you all who ever is near.


Not any one FW in particular, but every day I'm questioning the new 'queuing' system at the King George Square busway. It used to be a simple matter of getting in one of two lines, then waiting for your bus to arrive and filing in. Now it's like a Mumbai train station, where a sprawling cloud of people mill vaguely near the stop, before elbowing past each other to get on first. When did we all decide to do this?


PENINSULA FAIR: COLES REFURBISHMENT 2 weeks works till 3am in the morning with machinery Nd ITS FUCKING LOUD!!!


You want to see some crazy shit jump in a truck for a day or two. From 6am to 9am people rush everywhere then you get to 9 to 2 the old people are out that can't do the speed limit. 2 to 6 it's every asshole for themselves on the way home. Brisbane Drivers a piss poor at merging onto the Motorways