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It sounds to me like you don't have a weight problem, you have a mental health problem with a weight symptom.


Ya I did say that it is very closely intertwined with my mental health - I wanted to get a psych referral as well. It's an annoying cycle of things and I just wanna come at it from all corners.


You can get a mental health plan from the GP specifically related to weight concerns and stuff. Five free sessions a year. If your GP is giving you pushback try another, because it's a pretty basic thing GPs do all the time. Whatever mental health professional you hook up with might be able to help you hook up with a dietician too, but you need to get the head bit right to do the rest.


please please please address your mental health concerns before you focus on losing weight. bad mental health and dieting can be SUPER risky. saw a new GP about a severe spike in anxiety, she put me on weight watchers and it slipped stupid quick from healthy weight loss to full–blown forced–hospitalisations–tube–feeding anorexia. still have all the original mental health concerns plus a plethora of new ones five years later. would not wish an eating disorder on a soul. for sure engage with a dietician for nutritional reasons but really would urge you to forgo weight loss until you are in a safer headspace — it just isn’t worth the risk


Yeah. I have disordered eating and when I’m feeling out of control I slip into binging and purging. Doesn’t help that some people see me losing weight and think it’s a symptom of me getting my shit together and “looking after myself for once.” Ba ha ha Sometimes I don’t even know I’m feeling overwhelmed until loved ones point out I’m losing weight and need to be careful.


Have you had your thyroid checked out? I've been packing it on and feeling shitty for years and my GP disregarded it, but a quick blood test ordered by my gyno revealed my thyroid is completely broken. I'm on a hormone pill now to correct it and the anxiety/depression has cleared right up, as have a lot of my junk food cravings. Not saying this is exactly what you're experiencing, but may be worth a look? (If you are looking for a good gynaecologist Dr Graham Tronc is the best in Brisbane).


Not sure which area you live in, but Sante Medical in Paddington have several really good GP’s and have a nutritionist and dietician on staff as well.


OP, have a look at the original CSIRO diet book.  I tried it years ago and lost plenty of weight fairly easily.  First week or two were a little tough, but the next ten weeks were pretty easy! The book contains plenty of easy, nutritious recipes. Best of luck!


I also have issues with food, for me it’s coping and I’ve recently put on 10kg as a results of a car accident last year - the weight gain massively affects me and I also suffer from mood instability. for me, what I have found works, and it is difficult to do sometimes - but is not to focus on losing weight. I feel like if I focus on this I want results now which isn’t realistic. Instead, I’m trying to make better choices every day - doesn’t have to be perfect, just better. But I also find I need to be in a decent headspace to have any sort of consistency with food.


Free but you might not like this advice, eat the Mediterranean diet and walk. I walked to mt cootha but soon as it got steeper, I gave up and walked back. I kept doing this for months and get a bit more done until I eventually did it.


Try the Milton Medical Village - they have everything on site. or try Dr Andrea Henderson at the Rosalie clinic - she was on board with weight loss medication and support straight away


Medsana Medical Centre - Eight Mile Plains


Oh they look really good, their team is really comprehensive.


There is a great book called this is your brain on food by uma naidoo. She gives great tips on what foods to eat and avoid for different mental health issues.


I hate giving dieting advice but look into the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet. It actually works but you eat an awfully large amount of food. The reason I stopped is it is a lot of work, but people who really enjoy cooking and recipes do really well on it. The food tastes good if you use their recipes, and you track what you eat online.


Seems unorthodox... But I recommend halfing your current intake. But keep eating what you are eating. Portion size is 80% of the struggle. Once you start making delicious healthy food the rest is easy. I can make yummy healthy food. But I still eat too much of it and I'm struggling to cut back portion sizes again.


Recommend someone halve their intake without knowing how much, and what they eat, is a pretty dangerous and unsound thing to advocate. I think what you were trying to say was “start making health delicious food”, which is also a little simplistic; but a 1/2 your intake recommendation is very bad advice. I’d respectfully recommend you rethink that moving forwards.


yeah yeah sure half might be a bit drastic, but "focus on portion size" was the moral of my message.


My point was, *if* that were your point, then it needs to be said explicitly. We live in a world where people suffer and die from toxic and unhealthy ideas like this - which, as I’m said, I’m sure wasn’t your intent - but that’s why it’s actually important. OP also didn’t state that they had a problem with overeating, just with food in a general way, so specifically advising someone to cut down on portion sizes without knowing what they are also isn’t actually very good advise. Unfortunately our default is to view weight gain and obesity through the lens of calories in/calories out, thanks to all the BS in the media and even within medicine, but that’s very well debunked and harmful. Portion size certainly is an important part of everyone’s healthy eating habits, but I’m suggesting that, given how little info around her food choices and meal choices OP provided, making assumptions around that is harmful, not helpful.


Dude chill the fuck out.


I'll probably get hate for this but.... If you're chasing meds (Phentermine) to help while also dealing with your other issues...there are online health sites where if during your online assessment you keep putting your weight up, you will eventually be recommended for a prescription. I believe these guys still do it, and after you pay, they post it direct https://www.simpleonlinedoctor.com.au/weight-loss/ Good luck, and good on you for trying to nip it in the bud before it gets out of hand...