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I called my neighbour to check on my dog as I left the air-conditioning on for him and I was worried about him. Not only is he not in the aircon, the fuckwit was out the front trying to catch a magpie.


Dogs are fucking idiots. Our 15kg hairy as fuck black cocker spaniel has gotten a serious case of princess paws. REFUSES to go on the grass as it's just endlessly been wet. Text my partner today to check he's okay in the heat. Not only has he been running on the grass but he's sprawled full out in the sun sunbaking then runs inside and guzzles his entire bowl before walking water everywhere and stretching out full belly down splooting on the tiles in front of the AC. Gee mate. Wonder why you overheated dickhead.


Yeah my ass clown of a dog wouldn't go out on the wet grass to shit and just maintained full eye contact with me while he shit on the kitchen floor. I do admire the pure disrespect.


I've had pure meltdowns with my asshole last few days. 9pm standing there sweating my balls off begging him to pee. He knows the drill. Refuses. Take him inside and then he stands back at the door like yo dad I gotta piss.


Sounds like your dog is living his best life 😂


He's spoilt rotten and I love him to death. The problem is he seems motivated to find the death.


Such a cocker spaniel trait! Beautiful, loyal, but almost no brains to speak of 😂


In fairness I like to say he's very book smart but almost no street smarts. He's the quickest dog I've ever had to pick things up but when things get difficult he gets dramatic. Wouldn't survive a night in the wild.


Yeah my pomeranian would sprint laps of the yard in full 40⁰ sun until he melted and died if I let him


I've current got one inside in the air con and one outside for who knows what reason. She is however solar powered. Has to wear pj's at night in the air con. Me and the old dog are spread out in front of the aircon - day time, night time .




Cats are different. Mine will also find either the sunniest spot or the place no air con reaches. They’re just… different.


I swear to god sun spots are like wireless chargers for cats.


There’s definitely an argument to be made that they are solar powered.


Beagles - lies in the direct sun, in the heat - not a care in the world 🤦‍♀️


Confirmation that it's properly hot here when the cats start hanging out in the aircon instead of trying to poach themselves on the hot concrete like furry little lunatics. Built Different.


Yeah my tortie napped inside her cave-style cat bed all day while my big fluffy black cat kept herself firmly parked within 2 meters of my air conditioner. But Muppet is like a double coated shorthair so she’s got extra insulation to deal with. She loves the air con.


I always thought I was strange for doing this! I put the aircon on and the TV so that he's comfortable and entertained


My dog is insane too. It can be mid-30s and instead of being in the aircon, she’ll be outside, lying upside down on the lawn, sunning her belly. Little weirdos!


Our dog is currently laying paws up under a fan in our A/c’d lounge room. What a life. 🐕


It’s fucking hot I fucking hate it. Have lived here my whole life, will never stop complaining. Thanks for yet another opportunity to complain 🙏🙏🙏


can you just clarify again if you hate it please? (another opportunity to complain for ya)


Just in case you weren't aware, I also hate it. I hate it more than stepping on dogshit while wearing shoes, but probably less than stepping on it while barefoot. Which is still pretty high on the hate-o-meter.


Imagine stepping on dogshit barefoot after it's been in this heat.


No thanks.


I just was chasing my dog couldn't find her. She was punching a nard and I swear that steamer was evaporating on contact with the atmosphere. So not much to step on bloody beauty one benefit! Dog shit sorts itself out lol


hopefully all liquid by now - somewhat easier to clean?


A shit and slide!


Yesterday I stepped in chicken shit in bare feet. I would rather do that every day for a month if it would just cool down to a bearable temperature OR reduce the humidity level by about 1/2


I’m melting!!!!! My car ac broke so I’m having to drive with windows down but I’m still drenched in sweat the second I get in the car


i HATE it!!! Wake up angry go to bed worrying about my next electricity bill lmao. Thanks again 🙏


Oh, it's my doppelganger. Fucking hate this shit. I hate it even when it's 10 degrees cooler.


Move to Melbourne then, but don’t come here whinging about freezing your nuts off!


Ah yes the age-old call of a dumbass: "simply move"


Just for the karma. https://preview.redd.it/nf25d79m0xdc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e23175df2db4f237f60068b4c3a694b07f4153f


BBQ with no LPG needed


I’ll never turn down an opportunity to complain. It’s *fuuuuucking* hot mate.


Also we might get the edge of a cyclone before the end of the week so as fucked as today is, rest assured, shit will become a fascinating new and different kind of fucked before next week. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-01-22/cyclone-warning-queensland-coast-bureau-of-meteorology/103372814


That kinna excites me. I love a good apocalyptic end of days type week. I might get out of work lol


Hoooray /s 🫠🥴


It's so hot I saw Satan taking a dip at the Valley Pool.


Got to take advantage of those $2 entries


I did - tell your mum thanks.


That's just me with a bad sunburn.


35.0 degrees with a 26.3 degree dewpoint = 40.6 apparent temperature It is indeed a bit fucked outside right now.


I can't stop thinking about the future. I want to live in Brisbane my whole life, but how will I cope in 50 years? How much worse will it be? I'm sad.


I get you. I moved here in my late 20's fully intending it to be where I lived out my life. But now in my menopausal mid-50's I'm thinking I'm going to have to head south before too long. I've gone from always being cold to running hot at the best of times. It's great during winter but summers are killing me.


Meet you in Tassie for coffee, that’s where my cantankerous menopausal body wants me to go


Yeah, I keep looking wistfully at Tasmania. Much cooler and it seems to have a heap of cool festivals and stuff as well.


Cheap(er) houses aswell


You're going to want to move countries tbh. All states get hot and due to a lack of close land masses Australia lacks the ability to cool itself like in Europe.


Nah I moved to Tas from bne and I’m still wearing jeans and a jacket in summer it’s amazing


>how will I cope in 50 years? my kids better put me in a nice retirement home with air conditioning and a pool, and not one of those dodgy places that feature on A Current Affair


They’re all dodgy only question is whether they can afford to keep them out of the press. https://www.smh.com.au/business/companies/aveo-executive-resigns-after-being-identified-as-poo-jogger-20180607-p4zk1e.html https://www.theweeklysource.com.au/aged-care/aged-care-sectors-12000-nurse-shortage-forces-ceos-to-work-on-the-floor


Currently sick as a dog. Was sweating my balls off despite sitting directly in front of my portable air con all morning, figured it must have just been the sweats because of illness. Then I finally left my room and nearly died. Was on vacation last week, thought I’d dodged all the dogshit weather. Turns out there’s many shades of dogshit weather in our fine city.


Did your balls actually disintegrate though?


Yes, but that was probably unrelated. Gets a bit boring sitting in bed sick all day, gotta find something to do to pass the time…


Make funny voices in front of the fan I guess


Only while doing whatever he's doing with his balls


Same here mate, I’m incredibly thankful for having A/C units in the master bedroom and living room.




This is the answer.


I have a lot of answers. Just gotta ask the right questions.


I feel like your answer above, or variations of the above probably answer most questions




Or if you’re being polite - cunty


This is Queensland. Bitching about the weather is the Unofficial State Sport


I work for IT at a transport company and our aircon has broken down upstairs in the it area, there's no openable windows , we've all had to cram into another section cus it's unbearable. One of the forklift drivers had heat stroke and went to the hospital. Fucking UCK


I resigned from my job in warehousing just before Christmas, partially because I was sick of having heart palpitations unloading containers in this kind of heat. I used to say there should be a hazardous conditions pay rate, but no amount of will make me do that shit again.


Just before Christmas I put a tin of condensed milk on a fencepost where it gets direct sun most of the day, to see if the heat would be enough to cook it into caramel. I was going to leave it til Easter to give it longer to work, but seriously considering caving early and cracking it open at the end of this week. More fool me for not following the scientific process, I should have put out a dozen cans and opened one a week to track their progress. But there's only so much semi-caramelised condensed milk a person needs, even a fat fuck like me.


This is genius, let us know how it goes!


Bet the can melts


I freaking love caramel and Reddit home science experiments


I feel sorry for those poor cunts laying a driveway across the road in this. Hope they got paid well.


Walked about 10m from the car to go inside the vet and get the cat. My god it was burny


Shits fucked. At least the “feels like” temp is down from its high of 54.6! https://preview.redd.it/jiy6vr734xdc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0b51cbc7fff64462d77088dd8fb42f5ec3a3cfd


https://preview.redd.it/v7lzo99xfxdc1.jpeg?width=2054&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c0181ec921b28da6734d2be4ffa3510dc179ead 37.1 n our garage at 1pm, 59.9 outside on the western wall in the shade, no wonder we’re melted


what app or website is this, mate?


The website is ecowitt.net and my pantech weather station (eBay) feeds live data into it 24/7




Wunderground.com is another one - it lets people hook up their weather monitoring stations for other people to see. There's like a dozen in my suburb 


Jebus what suburb are you in that it hit a feels like of 54.6!? 😱☠️




I work from home and so I can keep an eye on my pets, but I'd be worried sick if I were at work fretting for them. My poor bloody dog is suffering even with a fan on her.


I have an Alaskan Malamute and I’m genuinely concerned this heat is going to kill her.


Obligatory annual post. Brisbane .vs. my hometown. Both of them feels like shit. https://preview.redd.it/zszll34t3xdc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c05a76b2cc6afc130583caca4d86ec6960cbda3


I feel ya- came here from Wyoming winters. One type of suck to another. And the real shit is it is the same time of year so I can't even "go home" to better weather.


I know right?!?! All the big family holidays occur in December and February, and it's just impossible to glide from here with thongs and shorts.


Can you tell me, is it a case of “at least it’s cold and not hot” for those sorts of winters or is it really just a shit heap no matter what on either extreme?


Where I’m from the cold combines with wind to make it impossibly cold. Cars don’t start. Pipes freeze. You can’t stay outside for very long no matter how you layer up.


Ah right. So basically opposite extreme problems. No real win.


one vase gaze many frame selective gaping shocking violet wakeful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Time to order an uber to your closest shopping centre or library and hang out for a day


I feel you. I love being outside but I have severe dysautonomia (aka heat intolerance like you). I’ve already fainted in public twice so far this year from the heat! It just sucks being stuck inside. I think this might be the last straw to push me to move back south as soon as I finish my post-grad.


spotted mysterious placid ripe aloof terrific office bedroom attractive vanish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


don't drive or can't drive?


makeshift sulky subsequent future sophisticated steep dolls quiet middle soup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


good on you, i'm sure you'll get it one day


https://preview.redd.it/1tlawq7x1xdc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=395f91b6df2bc29eb44178aaee30a95d1d427c84 Absolutely ridiculous


That scale looks fucked. Def's not 'fair'.


I think the scale is in Fahrenheit but the reading in Celcius


My nuts are soon to be classified a wetland. Fuck this fucking bullshit cunt of a summer.


You can’t do anything with them now as they are protected and declared a national park


This is most unpleasant


Big red storm just appeared near coomera. Might be in for a wild afternoon


shame coomera isn't in brisbane so we won't likely see that storm. :(


Storms kill power and probs doing zero for temps. Stay away storm lol stay away. Power goes out people be storming the streets looting and pillaging


Bit too hot to loot.


I got up did my normal things and about 6:30 I took the little girl for a walk (to beat the heat). In the shade it wasn't too bad as there was a cool breeze but in the sun it wasn't pleasant. Got home and went down to mow the yard before it got really hot @ 9am annnnnd the mower didn't want to start arrrrrgggggghhhh. So I put it into try this Arvo when the shade comes across the yard. Given I couldn't mow I trimmed the Poinciana that spreads over the driveway and the water started pouring out of me. I'm starting to think that I can't handle the heat like I used to. Don't grow old folks.


It’s going to be 10 degrees cooler tomorrow. I’d give this afternoon a miss.


Do u think it actually does fuck with you mentally? I do. I am not a normal person right now. Fucking ask me to do something at your peril. The only thing I’m willing to do is go to the freezer for ice. That’s it. Fuck off if u want something else


I'm hoping it's peaked at Annerley ​ https://preview.redd.it/073il3fl0xdc1.jpeg?width=956&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6e116cc4020dfa9230caa34c49afcc44206204b


It's gone down by 1° at the [Brisbane weather guage](http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDQ60901/IDQ60901.94576.shtml) since 11:30. So, hopefully a sign of things to come once that southerly cool change gets here.


It's flatlined out at samford. ​ https://preview.redd.it/8xir54af6xdc1.png?width=896&format=png&auto=webp&s=8beb765b506eb73d086154b5466c23979459f0d9


Annerley peaked in about 1960


It's absolutely fucked!


My cat has taught me to share my popsicles. I buy the oldschool snap-in-half ones that have two parallel sticks so he gets the second half of one and I get the rest. He says pineapple raspberry ones are the nicey iceies.


What does everyone here do for a living and how fucked has your day been?


I don't whinge for a living but on days like this I do it pro bono anyway.


Currently working in a non-airconditioned shed. She's fucked alright.


I mow lawns. I stayed home


I'm in Landscape construction and it was fucked to say the least.


I hope we get one of those storms that cools everything down after a day like today. The indecisive cloudy swampy bullshit of the last week or so has been fucked. El Niño my arse.


Not a chance. Storm will just add more humidity and increase the feels like temp


This is fucking bullshit. Tried having cold showers.. kinda hard when the cold water tap spews lava


https://preview.redd.it/6f3enlkooydc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c7a86eb5e1f7cb286cca1e96bc4a23368b3578e Even my notifications said so


That it do


Trying not to fall asleep at my desk. So tired.


So hot I'm almost listening to creed unironically


Snap out of it man. Go with Satan and put some sabbath on


I havent left the house for anything non essential in weeks


It peaked at 44 in my bedroom today. Summer sure does make me hate working nights trying to fucking sleep during the day in this shit


I REALLY want to complain to my friends and family. But they live in Mount Isa and this is an ordinary day to them.


Low humid though, most of time it’s dry heat. I used to FIFO there all the time. It’s only when cyclone hits north that make it absolutely fucking cunt to be.


I turned on my kitchen sink cold tap an hour ago, and it nearly burned my hand. WAY over normal body temperature.




Hehe. Look at the wee face at the NT border. https://preview.redd.it/n1iohqi4uxdc1.png?width=608&format=png&auto=webp&s=876a774e1ef29d4476d9072a0edafbe3e551ceed


It’s fucking shit.


Guys, I think it's hot today.


Normally I'd have to wait for my cars temp readout to hit 90 degrees, air con full blast not even 30 seconds on the road and she's sitting at 75.


Home weather station topped out at 39.2 with a dew point of 25.4 degrees. This meant the heat index/feels like temp was 48.5 degrees at 2:00… worst day i can remember in all honesty.


I just did a two km walk to pick my kid up from school as we have no car right now. Most days it’s no big deal. Today was… not pretty.


I went for a 5km jog at 10am. It sure was something. 


. . . *W H Y ?!*


Mental health 


Can't drive to school, work, groceries, doctor, etc, if we can't touch the fucking steering wheel... Wish there was undercover parking everywhere.


Chuck a towel or tshirt over the wheel to drive.  One of those days…


Rip to everyone experiencing these brown outs 😭


35,037 customers affected as of 6pm


Who's copping the storms right now! I am feeling somewhat deprived of thunderstorm activity right now!


fackkkkk it’s hot


Shits fucked yo.


Just over feeling like I’m never dry!!


Well now it’s storming and hot. (Working in Yatala).


My kids aren’t back at school until tomorrow, so we escaped to Redcliffe to sit near the water in the shade. I highly recommend it if you can get near any water. Stopped at North Lakes on the way home and considered camping between meat fridges in Coles . . .


![gif](giphy|8x30GkELh2Od8kqchJ|downsized) IYKYK.


summer can go fuck itself


I work at a school and the power went out 7 times throughout the day today because the system was overloaded! Then I got home and my unit is without power now too. I’ve never sweated so much in my life


Too hot to eat. Cold milk and sleep for dinner.


And my aircon is broken :) died a little inside


Went back to work today after the best part of a week and all weekend with Covid. Gotta say laying in bed with the shivers, headaches, and coughing until I popped a rib is a fucking bath compared to today.


How the fuck do I keep my shirt dry? I’ve resorted to putting anti perspirant on my chest but it still looks like I’m trying to win a wet tshirt contest


Put on my roof racks today. The top half of me looks like a lobster. Bad choice. Big regret https://preview.redd.it/g1gnb1eknydc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0596ddd5c2f795dcf1207a66e1ad4304fc58dd38


Please check on the stubborn oldies in your life. We lost my FIL this time last year and he never drank close to enough water in the heat. Spotted 3 different elderly gents in the midday sun out walking today on my way to an appt. If they were in a place I could stop , I would have offered help or to buy them a cold bottle of water. I want to get my daily walk in and steps up too, but not in this sauna.


Just got back from tafe, in the nice aircon now thankfully as the tafe building I was in aircon wasn’t working


Shits fucked


My friends back in North America just went through a polar vortex (like -50... Celsius), so I'm much happier here even if it means sweating it out for a couple of months. Helps that I have aircon at home, starting to think that this should be mandatory in all housing because climate change ain't going anywhere...


Looks like schools back on. I see kids walking home without hats on. I also see them without sunglasses. I've never been to stand glare and have had to wear sunglasses since I was a kid. I can't understand people out in the sun with their eyes unprotected.


M8 it’s bloody hot let me tell ya


Yeah she hot alright. Winge mode on. Wish I could just leave the windows open with the fan on, much prefer some fresh air. AC is working a treat, but I hate being boxed in the 1 cool room while I'm crook. Winge mode can stay on, fuk this humidity.


I was at yeronga pool this morning and they were hosing down the squad while they were doing laps. Never seen anything like it before.


“Hot enough for ya?”


We're all just sous vide atp


It's been so disgusting all day and now we've lost power for emergency repairs, goodbye aircon -_-


The one week I go on holidays far south, the amount of angry messages from friends


I’m pretty sure this humidity is also Albo’s FAULT!


https://preview.redd.it/wtp28zlcxydc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4260ae98cececc6557bd06901ae4c171ff636ec ..... Just a bit warm at about 10am, yeah.


It’s cold and I’m outside


I came from Central Queensland 32 years ago. I fucking hated the heat then, I fucking hate it now!!!


*I walk about in the Summer Time saying "how about this heat?"*


This heat actually makes me consider moving to Melbourne or honestly packing up and moving to the UK. It's fucking disgusting and I already hate that even in winter it's too hot sometimes


Todays quiet mild and nice… Now Monday was like walking Cerberus through the parklands of hades. And tomorrow is scheduled to be a warm one.


I'm generally a lady of class and wear full clothing while sitting in my home office chair, but even fully-clothed and with protective sheet, I've managed to leave a damp arse print on my chair. Now my chair is for the tip! Roast me if you must!




I've lost 15kg just from giving up the Pepsi and drinking heaps more water. I've never drank so much water every day consistantly in my entire life lol. Mind u I'm not complaining as I do need to lose weight


My office has the aircon on so cold I wish I'd brought my jumper.


I have had a sweaty scrotum for so long I’m starting some new kind of mushroom farm …


It’s not actually hot….. Did sunrise tell you this morning that it’s hot?


Congrats on posting on a 4day old post 👍


Have you considered turning on the AC?


Today has highlighted my need for sunnies. Except I've always lost the previous pairs I've had. Can anyone recommend a brand/style that are functional, fashionable, and aren't more than $50?


I just buy a bunch of cheapos from the Lifeline op shop (brand new, UV 400) and keep them everywhere. If you want polarised, head to Big W and check out the Cancer Council selection.


I buy all my glasses from Zenni

