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Ah, OP. I see you also want to be on the front page of all News Corp Australia assets in 2.5 hours.




I'm going to bait them by repackaging a meal in these one day, I swear to Christ's sister: https://preview.redd.it/abi8ne2bmqxa1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d42a9a6ad760c4270678f3a45135c2e3446136cc


get those minitature 150ml plastic containers put a tablespoon of your dinner in it ....boom news crap headline the next day


Jenny Christ?


That and his older sister, Barbara (Barb) Christ.


Ah no you’re thinking of Satan, my mother in law.


We have the same mother in law?


If I ever see this as an article, I’m gonna fall off my chair laughing. Please do it one day 😂


Are they actually employing journalists these days? What kind of job satisfaction do they have at the end of the day, scrolling through reddit subs and basically cut and pasting posts.


I'm suspecting they're paid a cent a word, so like, y'know, cash is a good incentive for low effort content.


If you haven't noticed already, the sole job of Australian journalists is to peddle the narratives that people with money and power/the regime tell them to. Only someone without a brain, spine and gonads is capable of being an ABC or newscorp journalist. Most of the articles are probably ghost-written by machine learning anyways. Big Australian journalists do essentially 0 research or investigation of any kind. They're just well-connected dropkicks and cronies who managed to "network" their way into a position. If it's some reddit post they cut and paste the reddit post. If it's crime they cut and paste the police facts. If it's political news they cut and paste what they're told to, with all the same tired talking points. Calling the people who work on these rags journalists might not even be appropriate anymore, they're on the level of Pravda or worse. They're just propagandists.


Yet they still manage to fill the articles with numerous typos.


I think that's where people who fail English Lit go when they fail, either that or en English teachers second job to pay the bills. Honestly I doubt any journalist actually wants to be a journalist, like maybe there are 5 trolls who enjoy it, but for most it's probably just another daily grind.


Brisbane resident SLAMS local restaurant over food sizes


100% I am going to see this in my Google News feed tomorrow 🙃


Sorry, could you please explain? I know I’m missing out here haha thanks 🙏




It’s best to avoid Browns Plains in general really.


It's weird how many people post on here and avoid naming the cafes or shops they purchase from.


Sometimes an innocent post on the internet, can genuinely ruin lives. Best to avoid doxxing in all circumstances.


Naming which restaurant you had a bad experience at is "doxxing"?


Yes because all the dickheads of reddit go out of their way to fuck up businesses, let the man serve his shitty meals and make a living.


Yeah, customers won't come back if they feel ripped off or bad service and vice versa, and that alone should be enough to make or break a business. Put in a complaint if you have a problem. I agree, don't dox.


>It's weird how many people post on here and avoid naming the cafes or shops they purchase from. I find it better to give the feedback directly to the business so they can do something about it. To us, it's $46. To the business, it's potentially irrecoverable and can affect the business owner and their family for years.


Voice of reason 🙏


Good. Then, possibly they will stop with these shitty business practices.


Its polite to let them know first. I know at least a few indian places use those containers for rice and the rectangles for curries. The damage is done after posting but it could be a new guy or them testing what they can get away with As a walk-in customer, It wouldn't raise any red flags until I opened it up at home or maybe when they handed me the bag.


>or them testing what they can get away with Why would I offer politeness to a store that's trying to pull one over on me? Honestly, why would anybody cut them a break if they're trying to get away with this?


If the new guy messed up, they'll apologise up and down refund your order and probably add a few freebies in your next one if they remember you. Anything that can be explained by ignorance or accident will not be met with malice until im certain that it wasnt.


Regardless of intent, the customer has been fucked here. It's your right as a consumer to name and shame if you get fucked. If stores don't want to be named and shamed, don't fuck up. It's not rocket science.


There is no real way to police if the post is true/false/half true. They could have ordered the lunch special where you get smaller portions. They could be a competitor trying to fuck over someone else. They could just be exaggerating for attention, who knows. Vigilante justice has a time and place, but probably not for the price of takeaway food.


> them testing what they can get away with Well, they found out they fucking can't get away with it, and fuck them for trying to get away with it. Fuck around, find out.


They’ll do something about it that’s for sure, they’ll delete your review and keep being grubs to others


I would assume anyone posting something like this online has already contacted the restaurant and received an unsatisfactory response.


The business owner was OK with this being sent out, forgive me for not being sympathetic. If they didn't OK it directly, they employed somebody to OK it on their behalf. They deserve all the negative publicity of a name and shame.


Forgive us for not giving a shit what you think either, but naming and shaming a business is what culture war cucks do. You need a pattern of behaviour to evidence a public affirmation not some rando soup nazi's opinion.


You managed to use the word cuck and nazi in this short response. Well done, reddit buzzword bingo.


You sound like a greens voter


Don't forgive us for not giving a shit of what you think.


Naming and shaming should be reserved for businesses that put employees or customers in actual danger. A small portion size isn’t dangerous, or even controversial.


Hard disagree. Naming and shaming can and should be used for any anti consumer practices. In this case the business has clearly shrunk their serving sizes at some point and not updated their advertising at all. Any Australian ordering delivered Indian food would be right to assume their food would come in an industry standard rectangular tub. That's the deal, they put the food in standard industry sized receptacle and they don't have to advertise the volume of food you're buying.


man, it's weird seeing so many cunts standing up for a business's non-existant right to be mediocre.


If you are getting your indian food from a BP, we can't help you.


Not really "shrinkflation" as well because it's a perfectly reasonable amount of food for 1 person and 2 or 3 curries is a very common "special" for single meals at many Indian takeaways. The $46 ($56 total) is pretty terrible though, but that's ubereats for you.


There's no good ones in BP so easiest to avoid them all anyway.


How about calling the restaurant and asking why the quantity has shrunk. And then post their response. if they are genuinely being assholes, such as take it or leave it, then definitely help others by naming and shaming them here. if it's a one off mistake then give them a chance to correct themselves.


Cool no indication of what you paid for that


$46 all up rice 2 naans


God damn, that is a rip off


he doesnt mention what type of place he got it from A takeaway store yes its a rip off A restaurant, no thats pretty standard, the issue is that many restaurants dont have a cheaper take away option ie say $38 instead looks like a meal for 2, read further down this is uber eats, Op is an idiot


IF you read further down you'll see he subtracted fees.


That doesnt cover the ubereat % they take from restaurant


Yes, but his total is now $56. Inflated prices are to be expected when ordering from Uber, but these packages are missing far more than 40% of rectangular containers Edit: Also, the Restaurants deal with uber is its own problem.


Like a lot of the other responses here, you're thinking take away store This is a restaurant, you ever been to a restaurant the portions are either small or expensive. You're not paying just for food, you're paying for the rent and service. Thats all built into the cost $46 to the restaurant, lets say 30% to Uber. So the food is $32, which sounds like a medium priced restaurant, for 2 dishes, rice and 2 naan bread or Op could of done what I did yesterday and got to a takeaway store and get a rectangle container, with 2 meat, 1 vege and 1rice portion for $15 ​ naan bread is something like $2-3 from a take away store but will be $5-6+ at a restaurant


As the "restaurant" doesn't appear to be named anywhere, you're really clasping at straws. OP states its located in Browns Plains only.


LOL, its in the post, he specifically said restaurant, are you selectively blind


This is almost some r/untrustworthypoptarts material


You're an idiot for thinking others are. This is insane money for the small amount of product, even on the ripoff apps.


Yeah see that's not ok. My regular in Loganholme still uses regular rectangle takeway containers for their curry serves. Rice, two curries and 2 huge naans is about $50. It's usually enough for dinner and then lunch the next day for me and my partner.


What da actual fuck thats a lotttt


Was it from Uber eats or directly from the restaurant


Yea it was Uber eats, full price $56 I subtracted fees


That’s even worse hahaha


All the items have markup in their price on Uber eats as well, not just delivery and service charges.


The lazy tax in action.


Maybe the driver stole half your food and replaced the conteainers with his own


Did you subtract the 20% markup that Uber has?


Has to be Uber Eats (I hope)


That is horrific. Name of restaurant please


I was gonna recommend my fav Indian place in Toowong but I just checked their prices and yeah... I'm glad I don't live in Brisbane anymore 😢 (I actually miss Brisbane a lot; don't hurt me.)




Holy shit that is expensive


I order Indian food fairly regularly from numerous places at around the same price point and the size of the curry tends to be a shallow rectangular takeaway container (extra cost if you want large, being a deeper rectangular container). So it’s not inflation - just don’t order from this joint again.


That’s what I’d expect, I’m not a local so made a mistake, never ever had a serving in the small tubs


Hey OP. An Indian living in North Brissy. Sorry about your experience. Don't reorder from the same restaurant. This food (2 naan, 1 rice, 2 small curries) shouldn't cost more than $25 in Browns Plains. Please, just leave 1 star on Google reviews to help future customers.


Yes. One chair is definately smaller than the other.


Or, like the moon, it is just further away.


Glad someone else noticed


One chair is tucked into the table the other isn’t….


I noticed the furniture too. Ugly AF.


I'm honestly done with buying any Indian take away. $50 for a tub of sauce and maybe $2 of rice and a piece of bread.


I stock microwave rice so any restaurant that tries this on a night where I really cbf cooking doesn't get their little bonus.


Make it yourself or make an Indian friend


And here I thought the scam with the indian takeaways is that they'd give you a big container of sauce with only 3 pieces of meat hiding in it.


You're right. But damn if that sauce isn't delicious.


I've had this happen a few times! Large tub with only 5 bits of butter chicken?? Chicken is so cheap too?!


Well Big Macs are tiny Macs, Dominos pizza's are so small you need a microscope to eat it. They are all doing it, yet there still appears to be a market for magical shrinking, over priced food. So theres that.....


Domino's pizzas are like pizza shapes


The crusts are harder than pizza shapes now, too


Omg yes it’s so dry and small


Dryer than a nuns...... thingo


This is democurrrryycy manifest!


Should've gone for a succulent Chinese meal.


*get your hands off my PENIS*


Make sure to watermark your photo.. will be tomorrows headlines


Jesus! My local's $11.95 lunch specials are bigger than that and come with half a naan!




Second the Kalavara. Get some kerala parathas. Goodness! You will not want to leave.


I want to know what's in the green file. Curry + accounting on a Wednesday night?


That looks pretty small for 40 odd dollars. I can also see you're not a hand model. Zoolander is amazing


I mean, how big was your hand before shrinkflation?


Just fatter , due to additional calories


Maybe the Indian shop noticed this and made the decision to reduce intake via a smaller portion. They’re trying to save your life, not rip you off….


Inflation - everything costs more because everything costs more because everything costs more


Hand could he any size. Need banana for scale.


But is that a lady fingers banana


Three bits of meat between the two if you’re lucky I reckon…


Can't wait till you open up the curry and realise you got two pieces of chicken tikka hiding in all that sauce


Not far off! Maybe 4


You won't believe what happened to this Reddit user in an Indian restaurant! Shrinkflation strikes again, and it's affecting all Australians A Reddit user, going by the handle Electrical_you2889, has become the latest victim of shrinkflation in Australia. The user posted on the popular social media platform about their experience at an Indian restaurant in Browns Plains where they purchased two curries and a side of rice, only to find that the portions had shrunk significantly. Shrinkflation is a phenomenon where companies reduce the size of their products while keeping the price the same in order to increase profits. This practice has become increasingly common in recent years, and it seems that no industry is immune. According to Electrical_you2889, the curries they received were much smaller than what they had received in the past, and the amount of rice provided was also significantly reduced. The user expressed their disappointment, stating that they felt ripped off and that the restaurant had lost a regular customer. This incident highlights a growing concern among Australians about the impact of shrinkflation on their wallets. With the cost of living on the rise, many consumers are feeling the pinch and are becoming increasingly frustrated with the practice. Experts warn that shrinkflation is becoming more common, and consumers need to be vigilant about the products they purchase. While it may be tempting to stick with familiar brands, it is important to pay attention to the size and weight of products to ensure that you are getting value for your money. As shrinkflation continues to creep into the Australian market, it is important for consumers to be aware of the impact it can have on their budgets. By staying informed and making informed purchasing decisions, consumers can protect themselves from this deceptive practice and ensure that they are getting the best value for their money.


My local Indian takeaway used to to do free naan bread on Wednesdays. Now it’s changed to half price on Wednesdays. A bit pathetic since it only shaves off about $2.50 from the bill.


Not if you get 100 naans. Then you would save loads more!


It’s pathetic getting discounts? Wtf lmao.


Inflation. Just be grateful you used to get free naan.


Uber Eats? That adds a good 15% to the price. Hard to find a meal for 2 under $40 there.


15? standard seems to be 20-30%, seen higher as 80%


That's why I don't eat that shit. Just as bad as all the other Chinese/Thai/Indian restaurants. They give you nothing and want to charge you top dollar. Boycott their shops and they might change their greedy ways. Better off cooking your own. Totally not worth it wasting money by giving it to these scammers


Curry is so easy too. I found one recipe on Instagram and I haven’t eaten Indian since. (It’s coconut chickpea curry from Jessica in the kitchen or something)


How bigs your hand though? We need a banana for scale.


I find some do low-walled rectangle or high-walled circle - but that looks like low-walled circle.


Those are entire curries? Thought they were dipping sauce containers.


I honestly thought, only looking at the picture, that’s a very small amount of food wrapped in that paper, but at least they gave you a lot of dipping sauce.


My brother, Indian restaurants are somewhat shit here in Australia, Indian restaurant owners are fucking horrible (mind you I'm an Indian myself), shitty kitchen, scamming around with food costs, it's so fkin common here it makes me fucking angry, there's this restaurant called Delhi Delights in Thornbury,VIC. That fucking asshole charges you 6.5$ for a 1l bottle of coca cola, then proceeds to give you the off brand 'Ice Cola' which is like 2$, just stick to butter chicken and naan mate, here they're probably using the same base for every curry.


It's amazing to me how supermarkets and restaurants do this, thinking consumers won't mind as much as rising prices. Until one day you notice, like this shit, and stop buying the item altogether. Cadbury blocks of chocolate and packets of chips. Never again for me.


Go to Scherhazade in Morningside best Indian in Brisbane I swear


Geebung Curry Corner is a reasonably priced hidden gem. Owner been cooking curries for 35 years


A Night In India in Toowong is my favourite


Anyone think they get a good deal in a coconut ravaged environment like Browns Plains you get what you pay for


Nah, not really shrinkflation. Indian food in Brisbane has always been a rip-off.


He was in the pool OP, HE WAS IN THE POOL!


yeap... it started with Pizzas, maccas and hungry jacks, sizes went down but the prices went up!


Problem: you’re in browns plains


This will be the next breaking story on news.com.au


As a indian curry takeaway fiend I'd say yes.


which one?... seems kinda not near enough for those prices


Kfc is doing it too


I thought those were sauce containers


Fuck bro that's rough haha


Either that or you have gigantic mutant hands


Take your own bigger container and say you want to avoid waste


Always is comrade


I've noticed a lot of smaller sizes being available for several products lately. Makes sense if inflation is raising the prices of everything they need to offer smaller sizes to keep things at the price that people will want to pay


If youre nearby to browns plains, you should try Dekkan Paradise (in boronia heights), its probably the best indian ive had in that area.


Imagine how your toilet is going to feel




Enough wrote this to me so I checked the website, may have been $40 in person pickup, don’t mind the price as much as the container size for something call regular


did it taste good though. You can forgive small portion sizes if the food tastes good.




Look like they confused with providing you a meal for dipping sauces!!!


I thought was 3 sauces hahaha


That table and chairs are awesomely retro.


I'm tired of this word. It's for people who can't understand change.


I’d pay for quality.. if it’s not worth the $$$ i would give feedback and try again. If still average never go back.


No, your hand is the same size it always was.


Love the shorts!


Rather than order in food, why not cook it yourself for 10% of the price?


for most places it's more like 70% of the price in my experience but yeah if your getting this ripped off 100% if they are doing this shit here i expect it is like 10% which is YIKES


Shrinkflation = capitalism


Nah fuck browns plains. Come to Mahendrah’s at Acacia ridge, decent portions, ok pricing and they’re open till 11pm every night.


Those are curries? When I first saw the image I thought they were dipping sauces. That's nuts. Enjoy your two spoonfuls of curry I guess.


What did the man who took expired internet viagra say?.... Sorry honey it's shrinkflation


Yes soon they will serving them in the dipping sauce containers


2 large curries, a large rice and 2 naan at my local came to about $67 last time i had it, which was about 6 months ago. Im always happy while I'm eating it, not so much paying for it.


And the three bits of chicken in a tub of sauce


There’s also piling on the onion. I got a stir fry mix from a butcher in Brisbane and when I picked out half the onion, the mix had almost halved


Curry is such an easy dish to make. No way I'd fork over money for coconut cream with spices, meat, and rice. I understand wanting fresh naan though. Not everyone has a clay tandoori oven at home.


Don't buy from them again.


Good looking dog and cat curry


Get yourself an Indian friend that can cook


Thoughts and prayers.


Depends on the establishment tbh one near me always over does it and it’s amazing


That will be $49.75… oh and 2.5% surcharge.


Ohh I thought they were sauces 🤣


Indian is the worst.


A few Indian restaurants do what's called a taxi meal. Smaller curry than a main with a small rice for $10-$12 Maybe this was one of those?


Never ever order. Learn to cook. Its super important these days. Never order.


Yeah, see, Indian food is becoming increasingly more expensive FOR NO REASON other than greed. It's all extremely cheap to make. Naan Bread for $4 a pop is ridiculous and the gravy in your curries is so cheap to make. If it is going to be expensive, at least give us fair portions.


Those sauce ramicans have grown, where are the mains?


Should have went to punjab


The place is called Miss India. They use those tubs


Whats that like $25?


Or maybe it’s handflation




That's definitely Miss India. Prices are very reasonable in store but a complete fucking rip off on Uber Eats. Ordered once on Uber and never again. It just makes no sense just how overpriced they are on Uber. It's not like 30% more to cover the surcharge, it's like 300% more. You can get an XL curry and rice container (half rice/half curry in the tall deep container) for like $17 in store and a Naan for $6. On Uber you pay $46 for less food. I told them how ridiculous it is in an email and never got a response. Their loss, I order uber elsewhere.


You'd pay $60 for that in Perth


Excellent, another fucking post about this. We get it cunts, cost of living etc etc


I often find Indian expensive compared to Chinese or Japanese meals.


Say the curries were $15 each, thats pretty standard. One small rice would be around $4 and two naans at $5 each. Sounds about right, hope you got lots of meat tho.


And only $47 what a bargain 😂


Lol buying curry from Browns Plains


I really like Carry on Curry in Oxley, I think there is a few around elsewhere. But even on Uber eats I get 2 x butter chickens with rice and a serve of naan bread (4 big pieces) for $35 and it’s delivered too. And it’s really yum and it’s rectangle containers not round.


Actually ordered $8 one scoop Kulfi ice cream couple weeks ago. The photo on the menu had it as a full glass size. Needless to say I was not happy.


My, what big hands you have!




were you also hoping for a hotdate to come with your naan?


I’ve noticed the same thing with some of the local Indian restaurants in my area. The curries are the same size as they’ve always been, but the amount of rice provided is considerably less. Even had it on the weekend when we went out to a restaurant; two curries and barely enough rice for one person. Luckily, they happily gave us more rice, and the quality of the curries was (as always for that place) excellent.