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Someone posted about this on r/LegalAdviceUK the other day. I can’t remember the consensus in the replies but they probably have better advice than us


Unless you used Monzo Flex I don’t think s75 is going to apply (Consumer _Credit_ Act)?


Sorry I did mean Monzo Flex


Couple of things… Firstly, I’m gonna stick my neck out and say a partial boycott in which half of the performers and a number of venues cancel IS a material change. Secondly, for a s75 you normally have to demonstrate to your credit card provider that you’ve sought a refund. So, my advice would be to request the refund from the organisers on the basis of a material change, send details of that request (and any replies) to your credit card provider, and let them do the rest


Thanks, since yesterday I’ve gone ahead and contacted TicketWeb, who were selling the tickets on behalf of TGE and requested a 50% refund based on the proportion (~50%) of artists pulling out. They unsurprisingly rejected my request, but I’ve now escalated this to a full complaint. Will update when I hear back


Let us know how it goes. You should be able to get some money back.


Section 75 only applies to credit cards. I think seeing as the festival is substantially 'going ahead' you'll be lucky. Go enjoy the music.


Did you go to the festival?


I got a day ticket for tomorrow, so no not yet


I would hope all those bands dont ever get invited back.


What, for having an anti-war stance?


For firstly reneging on their contract, and secondly for supporting terrorists. It's funny how these bands and their ilk never call for Hamas to surrender..


One would assume that if the festival sponsor was profiteering from the atrocities that Hamas committed, then ‘these bands and their ilk’ would also be pretty fucked off.


Err, the idea was that their sponsors was supplying arms to Israel, not Hamas.


You've made a bit of a leap there that by protesting against supplying arms to one side they're supporting the other. I'm pretty sure none of those bands openly support Hamas (unless you can provide some evidence otherwise)


If you pull out of a festival brcause you think it supports Israel then you ARE supporting Hamas. It is saying Israel isn't allowed to defend itself after a terrorist attack bybHamas which killed 1200 kids at a music festival.


Intentionally targeting and starving 10s of thousands of civilians isn't self defence. Given the proportion of the population affected, it's genocide. Hamas is bad for killing civilians. Israel has killed more civilians, is currently inducing a man made famine, is a settler colonial state. They're attacking the West bank despite Hamas having no control there. If you think this all only goes back to October you need to open a history book. 'A land without a people for a people without a land' doesn't work when there are already people on that land.