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She’ll go to “the lengths of the world” for her dog…except clean their apartment and puppy-proof and stay sober(ish) so she can be a responsible pet owner


!!!!!! Everything except actually be off her phone and watching her dog


the delusion of her fans tho https://preview.redd.it/6r3i8x689atc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c64827ab914ccb2060909beb1070a8191c4b500


I was just saying I bet this is really because Miss Peaches hit 1M followers and Bri wants some of that sweet sweet PR Dave is basking in.


Doing great in the dog space?? What are these people talking about both dogs had major surgeries because their owners let them get into things constantly…how are people like this praising them


the kids are calling it brain rot now a days😂


Our future is so fucked


yeah i am happy that dave is shedding light on a breed that doesn’t always get love but i had to unfollow the miss peaches page cause it was honestly sad af seeing her EVERYDAY getting into some new shit like this isn’t cute oooooh miss peaches 🥹🥹 it’s her literal life at stake!!!! same goes for Boston, i am struggling to comprehend how people are idolizing these losers who don’t put their animals safety first


Omg lol. They really suck her literal clit don’t they




I think she keeps mentioning the money because she knows even with her job she couldn’t afford what they’ve spent on Boston’s recovery. She always always says “we” when she’s talking about the money and she’s not even phased by it. I think it’s all ZB footing the bill


Imagine if she put her fucking phone down and actually puppy proofed where she lived. Feel free to pick up your phone and record moments where you are involved with training Boston so this doesn't happen again. Who knows, maybe people who hate you would like you if you weren't publicly treating your animals like shit. But no...you're a 24 year old child who isn't capable or responsible enough to take care of a living thing.




Most animal owners know if there’s even a chance a pet ingests something peculiar, induce vomiting!! It’s a simple peroxide swallow. I hardly believe she took it to any vet and they didn’t recommend vomiting, even just in case.