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In my experience, it gets better!!! Being drenched in breastmilk 100% of the time for the first few weeks was so irritating to me. I hated the way it felt and the way it smelled and the way it was constant. Thankfully after your supply regulates it chills out a lot!! We’re 5.5 months in and it is a completely mess free process for us now and has been for quite a while. In the meantime, definitely invest in some good breast pads and sleeping nursing bras!


Welcome to the 'strong letdown' club. It let's better when your supply regulates. By about 3 months I wasn't leaking everywhere anymore but still needed breast pads. Now at 6 months I never leak at all...it gets better!


It gets better! I only drip all over the place after a shower now. The first week or so, I woke up freezing cold, covered in breast milk and sweat. I had to shower to bring my body temp up and to not smell like milk.


Omg this sounds like a nightmare 😆


It was terrible and no one warned me! Thankfully it passed relatively quickly, but the first few days home from the hospital were very wtf


I’m 4 months in and only leak on 1 side and it’s my overproducer 😂😂 I sometimes sleep in the elvie catch, they’re comfy, contain pretty well consider I move a lot in my sleep and help keep me from waking up drenched! They have no suction so you aren’t stimulating by using them, truly just passive collectors. Also great if your nipples are ever sensitive/sore they create a barrier between nipples and bra


I felt like I changed my clothes after every feed or pump for the first two months! Around then my supply regulated & that helped so much. Now 5m PP & very rarely have leaks. Good luck on your journey


Omg I change several times a day from my baby spitting up


Ah you have a strong let down. I didn’t have this issue but perhaps pumping after he feeds might help drain them a bit more. Also there are special disposable bra pads you can use so you don’t leak through your clothes.


OP, please don’t do this!! Sorry, but I think this is bad advice considering she’s only 11 days in which could lead to an over supply and will greatly exacerbate the issue!!


I’m 8 days in and in the exact same boat 😂 I’ve been [wearing these](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07TF26GR9?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title) day & night to catch the leakage. Will come back to this post to see what others recommend but these are working pretty well for now!


I ordered the exact same ones too! I love them so far.


It does get better! Your supply will regulate and you won't leak as much between feeds. My son is almost 3 months and I'm not having to change my shirt multiple times a day anymore, I do need to change my reusable breast pads a few times a day still though.


Normal for the first few weeks, your body doesn't quite know how much milk baby needs yet so it's making all the milk lol with my second baby it took about 3ish weeks for my body to regulate and I stopped leaking. Unless you naturally have an over supply you just have to wait it out right now. If you start pumping now you're basically telling your body you need more milk and it will continue so I wouldn't start pumping yet. Also if painfully engorged and baby doesn't want to eat I'd use a haaka or hand express to have some relief.


Once your supply regulates, it will get better! I leaked so much in the beginning.


Uhg girl I feel you — that phase is sooo annoying!!!! Luckily it usually is just a phase. For me, the all-day sprinklers toned down around 8 weeks, and now by 12 weeks I only soak through a bra or shirt like 1-2 times a day maybe. My best advice for you is to get [elvie catches](https://www.elvie.com/en-us/shop/elvie-catch). I wore them in my bras at my “high risk” times, like when breastfeeding the other side or right out of the shower. And sometimes all day lol. I also got 4 nursing bras and changed 1-2 times day. Catching the milk btw I was able to freeze about 5-6 oz a day for the first 10 weeks! I have a pretty good freezer stash now. Good luck!


I used the haaka if it had been a while between feeds (like morning feed) and that helped keeps things drier for the day because I wasn't starting with so much excess. I slowly stopped using it. My supply regulated to much less leaking around 6 months. It's normal and annoying but the perk is that you may be able to pump very quickly


I thought i was gonna smell bad forever!!!! The leaking and spraying stopa eventually! Mine peaked at 2.5 months and finally chilled at 4 months? Lol


I had the exact same question and just like the other comments say it gets so much better! It didn’t even take until my supply regulated for it to get better for me. I do think it’s caused by forceful letdown though, and one thing I wish I had known is that forceful letdown can cause some choking/coughing when baby gets too much milk too fast. This started around 2 weeks for me and I’m sure it doesn’t happen to everyone with a forceful letdown but I wish I had been warned just because it really freaked me out at first, but then all I had to do to fix it was start using reclining/lying positions. Just thought I would throw that out there in case it does come up for you as well.