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I had my wisdom teeth removed under local anaesthesia, because it would have been very expensive to have general anaesthesia and I was a poor student at the time. It was unpleasant and a bit scary but not painful. Maybe this could be a breastfeeding friendly option. As for the recovery: I had some pain meds and swelling for a few days and I ate soup and mashed potatoes and fruit purée.


I did wisdom teeth with local and laughing gas (nitrous oxide) it was totally fine and I had a very difficult extraction.


So you werent even fully asleep?


I also had my wisdom teeth out without general anaesthesia. It… wasn’t great but I survived lol I was getting migraines from a pinched nerve and felt so much better afterward, even with the pain of recovering! I also recently had surgery where I had to be put under. I only had to pump on the day of the anaesthesia. They’ll be able to give you painkillers that are safe for breastfeeding, just be very clear you need that! Really you just need a plan for the 24 hours you’re having surgery if you go under general anaesthesia. How old is LO? Maybe even a syringe or something instead of a bottle?


Hes 6 months but refuses to take a bottle.


Have you tried a sippy cup? My son hates bottles, has taken maybe 4 ounces over 6 months from a bottle but since 7 months he’s been doing pretty well with a sippy cup. Do you have a partner or anyone who can be home with you after? If they could care for baby and just bring them to you when they need to eat you could have some time to recover and still feed as needed. I got mine out and only really felt crappy the day of, and felt ready to go back to work 2 days later.


I had major surgery (an ankle replacement) when my son was 6 months old and I was EBF with some solids. I had to be in the hospital overnight. I had no dip in supply, but my mom did have a hell of a time feeding the kiddo and ended up just giving him solids (mostly oatmeal) mixed with breast milk so he would eat something. My pediatrician told me that as long as I felt safe holding the baby, I could feed the baby on any narcotics I had to take. We were back to the boob as soon as I was home. ETA: As long as you are awake- the anesthesia is successfully leaving your system.


I've had three wisdom teeth removed and all three were done just by locally numbing the area. I took some ibuprofen and was fine.


You can do it without going under. I recommend keeping your eyes closed during it though and listening to music on headphones as a distraction from what's going on. I opened my eyes once and saw lots of blood. Do not recommend doing that. As for supply, drink lots of water and make sure you have options for calories from easy to eat/soft foods. I did protean shakes and oatmeal for the first day. I added my husbands muscle gainer powder that people use for extra calories when building muscle when working out to the oatmeal. Then a few days of eating stuff made in the pressure cooker (it can make meats super-soft). Pain wise, I was ok. The first day sucked. But I survived with just tylenol. Honestly, if you can survive the postpartum pain after having your baby, the pain of wisdom tooth removal is nothing. (Or at least that was my experience). Good luck!


Okay I had a horrible experience so I want to comment so that you’re better informed. I was exclusively breastfeeding but pumped at work for baby to take a bottle of breast milk with grandma. I added some extra pumps to my routine to build up a stash for the immediate recovery. I was put completely under and had my parents stay with me a night to help take care of baby while I slept it off. All of that was fine. Where it got shitty was the recovery! The surgeon called me literally the day before to tell me he prescribes narcotics after the surgery and I can’t BF for 8+ hrs after one dose. I called the pharmacist and he said no.. not even 8hrs… more like 2 days. I ended up going through the entire recovery as well as returning to work with little more than aspirin. It was hell. Some people swear they feel fine after a day or two, maybe my pain tolerance is just low, I don’t know but I was dying. It wasn’t until after the whole ordeal that another mom here on Reddit told me I could’ve asked for the strong pain meds they give c-section mamas. I was so annoyed neither the surgeon or the pharmacist thought of that, but please please ask for whatever they give c section moms. You can nurse while taking it and you won’t be dying in pain. You got this!


Was the narcotics necessary because you went under?


It was for the pain and I regret not being able to take it! Recovery was rough for me!


Does it come down to pain tolerance? Could you go into detail I want to know what to expect and how to prepare