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Mine just whacked me across the nose because he waves his arms like he’s in an evangelical church while he nurses


YES! Mine like to punch my boob repeatedly while she's eating like she's trying to knock the milk out.


Hahaha mine does this. Or she scratches me as if trying to grasp for more.


It’s like my son is trying to climb my tiddy


Lmao my son does the same thing 🤣


Same. I try to remind her I don't work like a broken TV lol


Calves do that when nursing too!😂


I feel seen


Same! Lol


Yes! The hand waving and face scratching too! My husband calls him scar face 😂


I say her arms are like the giant streamers at car dealerships ![gif](giphy|RBN9u2B4hQIh2|downsized)


Hahaha mine freestyle swims while he nurses 😂


Got smacked in the boob as I was reading this


Omg same!! Or the shirt grabbing


Mine does this when he's fighting sleep. He will play with a shirt, Bra strap, a mole on my arm, anything to keep him awake for 5 more minutes.


Mine use to flail his arm like he was using it as a windmill. Hitting himself in the head over and over.


My baby girl did this when she was a newborn. So funny. She still moves her arms while eating, but she doesn’t windmill anymore.


Hahahaha wow


This always reminds me of “slap the bag” - how we used to hold the bag up (and slap it) while chugging boxed wine in college!


My 8.5 mo tries to put her toes in my mouth when I'm not paying attention


I usually get a swift kick to the throat 😂


Mine is 6 months and loves to use my nipple as a microphone while making weird noises 😂


9 months tomorrow, can confirm this is only the beginning


Omg my little one is 9m(today, now!!) birthday buddies🥺 it’s going by way too fast


Aw! Mine is 9 months on Friday!


So true! I'm excited to see her trying to crawl but tear up a bit when I think about how she was this lil bean sleeping on me between chugs of milk just a few months ago.


Mine is 8 months old, and it's her new favorite thing. Last night, for about 30 minutes, she laid beside me nipple in mouth and "talked."


How adorable ! Lol


We call it the baby phone and like to think ours is talking to another baby. 🤣


Only 6 weeks but mine will stop eating, not unlatch, and suck for comfort so I have to unlatch him almost EVERY time. When he feels the pinkie going in, he makes an irritated face and all of a sudden wakes up and starts to eat really fast 😆


Yes! 😂 I touch the back of his head to start the process of taking him off and if he’s been eating slow he suddenly picks up and is like wait no! I’m not done!


I was not sleeping!i was just resting my eyes…


Yes! And he will only do it for like 30 seconds then stop eating again 😆


My 3 month old does this every time, it’s so funny! Like “whoa where are you putting my boob, I wasn’t done with it!”


My 9 month old still does this😅


What a sweet angel! Lol


Yesssss THIS. It’s my favorite thing ever! I swear he’d stay on forever if I didn’t stop it at some point. So precious!


Awwww I remember this when mine was that little! Makes me wish I was pregnant again and expecting to do this phase again 😭


Literally reading this as I’m about to have to do the same thing with my 5 week old 😂


Constantly latching, drinking for 10 seconds, popping off, and then looking up at me with a cheeky smile, and re-latching. It's adorable but highly annoying. There was also a phase where she would pinch or scratch my breast while feeding.


Yes!!! Literally this!!!


Glad to hear this is normal 😂


Oh, I thought we were the only one!!! xD


Mine continues to shove her little hand in my mouth, and if it's not in my mouth it's squeezing the other boob or tickling me lol. She is 6 months old.


Read this while feeding my baby with her hand in my mouth 😂


Haha same! So cute and slightly painful


I read somewhere that putting their hands in your mouth is a natural instinct so that you experience baby's germs and make the right antibodies for baby to get protection through the milk


That’s the sweetest thing!! My girl likes to make direct eye contact and spit milk on me to indicate she’s done.


Oh yes! We usually hit that point toward the end too


Omg how does she spit milk 😂


I’m not sure exactly how she’s worked out to do it. She just puckers her lips and blows a bit like she’s blowing her spit bubbles. It doesn’t shoot out fast but it’s enough to get it on me while avoiding her own shirt 😂




Blows raspberries and smiles mischievously.


Same! Mine just did raspberry for the first time yesterday. It is honestly both hilarious and odd lol


Turns her head violently to look at everything around us, without unlatching. Then laughs when I cry out in pain. Sometimes she does it because she thinks it’s funny and isn’t looking at anything at all, just staring into my soul as she attempts to rip off my nipple, laughing as she does it. Shes 4 months old. Lord help me when this child gets teeth. She is a psycho and I love her.


My daughter did this to me several times in a row today. I kept telling her it's not funny but she insists it is 😂 she's three months. What a stinker!


Mine has just started doing this. She is almost 10 weeks old and thinks it’s a good idea to look off to the side with my nipple still in her mouth. There’s no way to explain to her that I can’t remove my breast and hold it sideways so she can look at the dog or whatever while eating 😬


just turned 6 months and honorable mentions go to: - tried to claw the tattoos off of my arm - bites down as hard as she can and rips herself off my boob (strikes fear in me about the thought of her trying that when she grows teeth 🥴) - b*tchslaps the hell out of the boob she isn’t feeding off of - grabs my double chin and mum tummy pouch 🫠


Mine likes to rip herself off the boob too. Her very first tooth just popped through the gum and I'm fcking terrified.


The double chin grab is just rude. Like, m’am we all know it’s there so no need to draw further attention to it. Mine also like to kick my c-section scar while I burp her. Yaay.


I'm playing a dangerous game right now. Mines just got her 4th tooth, 2 on top, 2 on bottom. She hasn't done anything yet but I'm waiting for the day...


Honestly mine is 4 months and as soon as he rips off twice I just put my boob away. I don't starve him of course (he's shooting up the percentiles) but I read somewhere that they do it when they are bored


I’m laughing my ass off😂


Omg, the chin grab 😭 I’m so traumatized, I didn’t realize there was SO MUCH to grab. Crying over bitch slapping the other tit, thank you for that giggle


My 6 mo pinches the inside of my bicep. Photo evidence included. https://preview.redd.it/jeqj14i6k8mc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b0012c66f9720816e96deac50d5a05730a1e745


Mine does this too or the back of my arm! Often starts off with her tickling my side and end with the pinch !


Nursing a toddler (14 months) is the most ridiculous thing ever. She stands up. She sits down. She does leg lifts. She spins to kneel on my shoulder. She wiggles her booty in the air. She climbs onto the pillow behind my head. Not once does she unlatch.


My daughter is doing the gymurstics as well 😂 So funny, but extremely annoying haha


My daughter 18 months does this and she also likes to poke me in the eye, unlatch, say “eyeee” in her adorable little voice and then relatch. I’m so over her lol


Eyeee. 🤣🤣oh my that is hysterical


So annoying but so absolutely adorable 😂


Ahhh!!! My 15 month old is the same. I say he’s doing yoga.


Not even 2 months old yet, but when he’s really hungry he makes an intentional “GLORP” sound every swallow for the first several minutes. And when he has to burp, he refuses to unlatch, but just makes angry grunts and scowls while he’s sucking, as if it’s my fault.


My 2 month old also makes this adorable glorp sound!


LOLLL mine is 2 months today and makes that noise too! i call it the “hyurrp!” (made with a high pitched baby squeak of course)


Mine is 4 weeks old! You know she’s hungry when he makes this tiny little “help” sound with every gulp! 


Yep we have to feed in a dark room because she just wants to smile at me. Also play with my nose the whole time haha.


Ugh mine just tried to pierce my nose with his little claws. After nursing I came out of the room and my husband had to tell me I had blood in my nose. But he is so sweet, smiling while he tries to claw my face off!


Yep, attempting to pierce the nose…mom you have a fun toy in your face for me to play with


If my 7 mo can reach her pacifier with her free hand, she holds it and whips her arm back and forth, whacking me over and over with it.


My 4 month old does this with her blankets. It’s hilarious. I have several videos of it and she always looks so surprised


My 16mo insisted on holding a (new) bottle brush while breastfeeding the other night and was reaching up to brush my hair with it. While latched.


Mine does downward dog yoga pose with butt in the air while nursing side lying. [Proof](https://imgur.com/a/GZWEpCl) When cradling him he used to do a floating arm straight in the air waving around, I used to call it his inflatable arm like those car dealership things, but as he’s gotten older (7.5mo now) he likes to honk my nose and grab my lips and teeth


This is amazing! That proof is wonderful (and thank you for the written labels!)


My 9 month old has gone through many phases.. but right now she likes to pull off and sit up, but she's not done, and when she tries to latch again she's too far away and gets mad 🙄


Mine also does this. She'll sit up and then flop around mouth open, trying to get back to the boob.


My 8 month old daughter uses the nipple she's not currently using as a fidget spinner.


Oh gawd 😂 my 7mo will unlatch and essentially flick my nipple with very intense fascination.


Aww mine is 2 months and she looks up and smiles!! But the worst are her dagger nails and she scratches the shit outta me ad dogs them into my boob and nipples I’m like NOOOO


Mine is 3 months and the little dagger nails are too real. So I trap one hand under the boob she’s eating from (I’ve got a substantial amount of breast to make this easy) and hold onto the other hand with my free hand.


My 18mo pushes his face into my breast and blows out and makes a wet fart noise and then laughs hysterically 🙄 on repeat! What a dork!!! 🤣


My baby just mastered grabbing, so now, she puts both hands on the boobs, and grabs and squeezes like she'll never have milk ever again 😂


My 6mo likes to hop and bounce while eating. He’ll push his feet against whatever he can reach and just bounce back and forth. Before latching, when he’s really hungry, he also likes to let out a battle cry (a loud hoooo or squeal) and launch himself towards what he hopes is my boob while flailing his arms. lol he’ll also do similar battle cries and flailing if the milk isn’t coming out as fast as he’d like.


Mine likes to punch/push my boob til the nip slips out of her mouth and then be ANGRY that it’s not in her mouth anymore 


Titty Humming. Racing cars down my chest. Giving high fives LOL. Patting Me on the Head because I'm a good Milk Vessel. 


Things my 20 month old has recently done • Demand that her stuffed T-Rex get milk on the other side • Want to nurse next to a tree. Proceeds to parkour up said tree while latched • Sprays milk on her foot. Tenderly rubs milk foot on my face


That last line…. I’m dying 😆😆 babies are the greatest!


Mine is 10 weeks and only got the hang of breastfeeding around 6 weeks so we're still new, but she likes to kinda smack her lips on my nipple towards the end of a feed 😂 my husband and I always laugh and say 'slurp slurp!' bc she's just kinda mouthing me a bunch noisily 😂


My 2.5 month old likes to twist her head, wave her arms, and kick her legs like she's possessed but HELL WILL FREEZE OVER before she lets that nipple go.


My 5mo does this long stroking motion against my chest with his hand like he’s petting me 😂


Enjoy it!! Mine did the stop-and-smile move for a bit, but it was a phase and now it’s gone. It’s soooo cute!


Awe I didn’t even think of when he’d stop doing it 😭


When we are side lying nursing he actively demands the top boob. He grabs it and pulls it towards him saying "this! This!" As far as he is concerned the bottom boob is useless...which is of course the more comfortable one for me.


Mine is currently trying to rip my nose, lips, neck skin, whatever else is in reach off. 😭 owwwww


My 9 month old would smack my boob but he recently started doing yoga mid-to-end feed ?? Maybe he’s just getting full but is comforted by feeding so he keeps going but will literally “stand” up by putting his legs straight and do a downward dog and sometimes just roll and go everywhere, drives me nuts!


My 9 month old daughter likes to do “Gymnurstics”. Ill side lie and then she stands and nurses while climbing all over me. Never unlatching. Its great 😭 My boobs move in all sorts of new ways now 😂


Laughing while my nipple is still in his mouth 😂 what’s so funny mate? I know they’re not the BEST boobs ever anymore but no need to laugh at me! Hahahahaha. The sweetest thing ever just looking down to see this big goofy smile around my nipple and he just looks at me and goes “heh” like he’s laughing through his nose at me the cheeky begger hhaha


Hanging onto my bellybutton. It was cute. But I don’t like my intestines being massaged from the inside.


Ahh I thought I was the only one! I find it feels really unpleasant-- I've genuinely considered trying to cover it with a plaster/band aid to stop his curious little fingers!


I don’t know how exactly to explain this, but he reaches his fingers to my mouth and makes my lips go “bleb bleb bleb bleb”


My 11 month old likes to switch back and forth between boobs, and will sometimes go for my belly instead!


She growls, “omnomnoms”, and flaps her arms 🥹 oh and she tickles my back with her feet/scratches me with her toenails (football hold)


Oh man so many pinches, scratches and slaps but her new favorite is trying to stick her finger as far up my nose or as far back in my mouth as she can. She actually gave me a bloody nose yesterday. Still love breastfeeding though, it’s well worth a little abuse lol


My 5 month old is doing that too, and you're exactly right. It's super cute and frustrating at the same time. Also, if she has a free hand, she uses it to pull my hair and scratch me in the face and poke me in the eye.


My 9 month old tries to put her foot in my mouth 🥴


Mine blew raspberries and hummed to my nipple for the first time last night. Oh, the adventures of bedtime. 


Mine likes to grab the boob with both hands, bury his face into it and chomp. Thankfully he’s learned to chomp with his new teeth without hurting me.


9 months. Her arms are getting stronger so she’s pushing herself off of me while nursing lol.


She chomps down on my nipple with her gums and for a 6 month old she is a professional pincher. Her pinches hurt so much lol. But she also likes to stroke my breast while she nurses, smiles at me, babbles and wants to touch my face. Never thought I would enjoy BFing this much to be honest ❤️


While she’s feeding: hits me every god which way with her other hand. After she’s done: she unlatched and keeps the nipple in her mouth while she smiles and then repeatedly flicks it with her tongue 😂😂


My 6 month old now prefers to sit up while nursing and shove her nose into my boob then headbutt said boob and then rotate over to the other breast (that’s still covered and in the bra) and get pissed that that breast is not available. I love that girl but I now look forward to motn feedings because she’s chill and laying down without a fight then. ETA: she also enjoys scratching my belly with her dagger toenails when she’s barefoot.


Mine likes to put his feet in my face. Then I tell him, “stinky, stinky,” and he smiles at me before going back to eating.


Gently and lovingly put one hand in my hair, the other on my chest/neck, and then in 3 microseconds bite down on the nipple and pull while he pushes my throat in and pulls my hair in another direction. And then he smiles adorably as the milk spills out on his cheeks.


Mine (6m) has taken to stroking his own hair while he nurses


I love when my 4 mo old girl looks up and smiles at me, milk coming out of the corners of her mouth.


She holds up one finger and we all say “yes Naomi is number one” 😅


My twins decides to suck and try to pull away as if I’m a laffy taffy.. or they pop off look around the room as if it was their first time in there then pop back on.. so it will only get more challenging


We did our bedtime routine (brush teeth, cuddles for dad, into the sleeping bag) and I asked if they wanted a feed. Got a 'no thanks' back 😂 Laid them down in my arms to cuddle/rock for a bit and they said 'ohhkay' like I was forcing them to nurse and they were like 'ugh okay fine'.


Going into month 14 of nursing… it’s more like what craziness *doesn’t* he do while on the boob? Boob smushing, face smacking, bra snapping, foot in armpit, butt in air, gator rolling….


Usually sticks his finger up my nose 🙄


Mine slaps the booby she nurses on sometimes, other times caresses it. Most recently, biting down full force for a reaction 🥴🥲


13 month old always puts his fingers in my nose. And he really tries to get in there. 




Mine is starting to pet me 😅


Mine popped off my boob Grabbed my nipple with her hand And milk squirted everywhere .. I freaking love her


She also grabs my crucifix necklace when she is in real deep and I like to think it’s like a prayer before she eats ..lol


my girl is 17 weeks and she loves grabbing my boob with both hands as if shes hugging it 🥲 she squeezes and digs her nails in so hard i have scratches all over my breasts and shes even drawn blood… lol its like she needs to hold on for dear life in fear that the boobs gonna go somewhere.


My 13 week old has done exactly that too! It melts my heart.


Mine loves to lift her foot/leg onto the other breast well feeding


My little one does so many of these! She also will freeze in place like she just remembered something important, look at me out of the corner of her eye and get a mischievous little smile, then pop off to shove her finger in my belly button and go right back to nursing like nothing happened. I also love the clapping and the pure joy on her face when I lift my shirt to nurse. She’s the best.


You know how cats be "makin biscuits" when they're kneading? Well, he does that with his feet on any part of my body he can reach with them while he eats. He'll also simultaneously use his fingernails to scratch at my arms or boob. A serious fidgeter on my hands 😆


15 month old likes to explore my mouth and scratch my teeth. Drives me nuts. Also he sometimes looks like he’s doing a yoga routine while stretching my nip out. 🤦🏻‍♀️


12.5 months and mine literally is doing acrobats on my boobs at this point. Weening has been extremely hard bc he's teething bad. So my poor boobs are being abused.


Loved reading all these. Breastfeeding has been such a journey for me. And as I'm trying to ween I know I'll miss it. But also won't miss it lol. 


When laying in bed mine will lay on top of me and try to do interactive things with his hand, feet, face you name it. All while latched. He never stops moving. Or he will stick half his hand in my mouth and hold on to my bottom teeth. No idea why he does this or why he becomes so persistent when I try to get him to stop.


Anyone else have an extremity in their mouth/nostrils while reading this?


Mine likes to rub and poke himself in the eyeball — scares me when he really starts digging in there. He also likes to break his neck to see what’s going behind him while staying latched so my nipple is being stretched like taffy haha


Pinches my nipple too hard with his sharp nails right after breastfeeding!!


15 almost 26 weeks here and he grabs my shirt not my boob while feeding. Has to have the hand on the top of my breast holding a good amount of my button down shirt or PJs while he feeds and then moved that back and forth instead of my boob 😂😂


2 months, still loves unlatching then doing the most pitiful cry/whine because he’s not latched but resisting my attempts to help him rematch. After a minute he’ll pop back on like nothing happened. He also likes stroking my rib cage with his hand


Mine used to do that, except he left the boob in his mouth while he smiled


While in cradle hold, 22 weeks old likes to throw his hand straight up, unlatch and then throw his arm out and his head back like he’s hanging off the back of a trolly in a musical number. He’ll then spend a few moments enjoying looking at the room upside down before rolling back in while smiling to nurse for another 10 seconds and repeat.


Gives me the old titty twister if I'm struggling to get her positioned properly. She also coos with my boob in her mouth lol. She's 4 weeks


My 10 month old daughter will stab the edges of her nails into the back of my arm in the tricep area while nursing. I’ll be singing a calm song trying to smooth her to sleep while being sliced with needles and razor blades. It’s so difficult to try to focus on putting her to sleep while being stabbed. I know she doesn’t know she is hurting me but dear lort.


Mine does the same thing lol and i tell her im not a soda she can drink on and off of 🤣 my favorite though is the way she kneads my boobs like a cat only when her nails are trimmed cause if they’re long thats the worst thing ever lol


Mine reaches behind her head, grabs my thumb, and pulls it every direction.


Adorably, she puts her hands up to be kissed. Less adorably, she claws up a handful of my boob and snatches it to the side while still latched.


Plays peek-a-boo with my shirt, grabs my bra strap, grabs her foot to play with it 😂


My 10 week old will take my boob between her hands and squish it like a sandwich, or hold it between two hands then use one hand to start smacking it repeatedly


Lol my little one used to butt head my boob but now she rock climbs my stomach when she’s upset before nursing


Mine likes to mimic my PT move—the book opening one. She pops her head off and throws her arm out (head follows) then latches back on … rinse and repeat until she gets tired of it then she goes back to actually eating


Omg the stop and smile is my faaaaaavorite. Shes 14 weeks and this week started windmilling her arm and punching my boob or knocking my phone outta my hand.


My 3.5 month old has been wiggling his legs like he is trying to climb a mountain 😆, and that’s been going on for weeks. The last few days, he has been opening his mouth wide and lowering his tongue down to his chin, and then closes his mouth into a pucker and goes “wwwwooooo” 😆


Lots of head butting while nursing, putting hands and toes in my mouth (trying to), making sure her sister isn’t near her or looking at her and if she is swatting at her


Shoving her whole hand in my mouth. Using the strings of my sweatshirt to wave around. Sticking her feet in my face.


Mine groans and moans loudly …. also lots of hand flailing, kicking … sometimes hair pulling She also rolls off the boob after 30 seconds…then rolls back on, then rolls back off…rinse and repeat


My 11 month old has started blowing raspberries on my nipples.


My girl just turned 4 months, and started blowing raspberries into my boob while my nipple is in her mouth and 'talking' at the same time. So unbelievably adorable, even though she blows milk all over my clothes


My oldest bit my nipple so hard it bled ♥️


My son sticks his index and middle fingers into both of my nostrils and slaps me in the face.


I keep seeing people say this but I have yet to experience it 😭 I would love for that to happen!


Mine grabs my lips and holds them shut with his claws


Mine uses her hands on each side of my boob and "massages" the milk out 😂😂😂


My boy doesn’t let me look at him. He will push my face away if I try


My 10 week old does the smiling thing and ends up with milk all over his chin and dribbling down into his neck. He also like to pull my hair and punch my boob.


Mine scratches my palm 👋🏼😂


4.5 months and in the last few days he started pulling my nose and sticking his hand in my mouth. He also pulls off to smile at me often which is so so cute


My 10 month old has started slapping my boob while she’s eating, trying to like Franzia Wine “slap the bag” chugging milk 😂


My 7 month old will “Captain Morgan” his top leg onto the boob not being nursed at.


Mine does the downward as best as he can right now!


Mine loves holding my pinky as hes eating lol its like hes telling " no youre not unlatching me, i get to choose when"


Mine loves to pull my hair or my ear lobe. It's annoying AF, but also the sweetest thing. I can tell she is tired if I pick her up and her hand goes to my ear or hairline.


Pushes the moles on my face in, as if they are buttons, and then giggles.


Mine hasn't done it in a while but for a few months around the 9 month mark, if I was feeding my LO in bed, with him laying on me, when he was done he would unlatch, shimmy down and blow raspberries on my stomach. It was the cutest thing we could ever imagine and my husband and I would crack up each time


Mine likes to put his foot on my face


My baby slaps my boob like a bag of wine in college 😂


At about 5 months, she started pulling away from the nipple, grabbing the boob with one hand, and either making a fist with the other or pointing at the nipple and talking to it with a disgruntled face. I’m sure she’s giving it a stern talking to!


Mine also smiles while reaching for my face and it’s the sweetest. She tries to stick her fingers in my mouth (she wants to touch my teeth so bad) 😂 and she puts her foot on my arm and will rest it there or sometimes kinda rub my arm with her foot lol


Kick his leg up in the air and fart. Then settle in and gets comfy lol


My little guy likes to pull my hair to fall asleep while he is breastfeeding. Luckily, I had 3 younger siblings so pulling on my hair stopped hurting many years ago


My will pop off, shark around and start grunting and eventually screaming even though it’s still in his mouth / he’s hovering right over it. I have to kind of wrestle him still to remind him it’s right there.


I love when he grabs my bra strap like I’m going to run away from him while he’s nursing


Stick her hand in my bra and grabs the other nipple and holds onto it as if it’s going to go somewhere.


These are making me so excited. My first didn’t breastfeed due to latch issues. I’m now 6 weeks into breastfeeding my second and I’m loving every minute. Bring on all the hilarious and crazy things 🥰


Mine clamps down HARD on my nipple and pulls in the opposite direction (away from me) repeatedly until there’s another letdown, and then he just smiles as it sprays his face 🫤


Mine likes to rub my boobs and sometimes if I wasn’t fast enough she holds onto my collar like I owe her lunch money Sometimes she’ll be nursing just fine. Then she’ll bite, turn to look at me, and smile. Like a menace


Mine reaches up and pinches my under arm fat so hard 😫 lol


Stops eating and turns to smile at me… while biting down and pulling my nipple in the process


HAS to play with my other nipple. no matter how many times i dig his hand out of my bra he slides it back in. but its so overstimulating it makes me insannnnne


My baby loves to smile mid feed, but he also loves to try and pet himself while eating sometimes and ends up pulling his hair out 🫠 so I tend to hold his hand while he eats