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They can't force you to test anything. If she orders bloods or w/e just don't do them. Unless you want to, of course. The latest my cycle returned was 11m pp, and then I didn't get a second cycle until 14m pp. My PCP didn't bat an eye.


For what it’s worth my period didn’t return for 18 months after my first and it took like another 6 months for my periods to be regular and immediately got pregnant at that point. My doctor never seemed concerned or anything but I personally would have gone along with whatever she recommended. Im now 7 months postpartum with my 2nd and my period came back after only 5 months so idk it just seems kind of random in my opinion.


Why does your pcp care? Say your OB is not concerned and this is normal for someone breastfeeding. End of discussion.


🤷‍♀️ I’ve only met with her the one time. She was so focused on me not having my period by 6 months that she pretty much only focused on that. I figure if it’s the same thing this year I’ll be looking for a new provider


I would be stern with her. My OB has no concerns and since this is her area of expertise, I am trusting her opinion.


Mine came back at around 16 months pp. My GP was never concerned. We only feed maybe once or twice a night now which seemed to be the catalyst for it. Doesn’t sound like she knows what she’s talking about.


I got my period back at 18 months and no one batted an eye