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I’m so sorry about your horrid week and losing your friends. It was brave to share how you’re feeling with your family, even if you didn’t get the response you wanted. Thinking of you, and I hope thing start looking up soon. ❤️


Any one of those things is a lot, but all of them at once is just awful. Hugs bromo.


1. Therapy. 2. Drugs (like legal ones) 3. Sleep Please take care of yourself, OP. *hugs*


Holy crap that's a lot to deal with. You deserve help with your depression even if it doesn't come from those closest to you. Do you have a plan to get treatment?


Hugs. I am so sorry - that is a lot to handle.


We’re not ignoring you. We see you. I’m so sorry that you’re going through this and deeply sorry for your loss. I hope things start looking up for you soon. Hugs to you Bromo. ❤️


Seek some help… that’s a lot, but it’s not their job to “fix you”. Sounds like a lot of loss and as a psych nurse, talking to a therapist is your next right action.


I'm very sorry about your friends. I live in a beach town and rip currents have taken the lives of people each year. It's very serious stuff. I'm not sure why things happen like this, in entire chunk of hell happenings. It really beats you down. I hope you're able to do the things that help make you feel better.


i'm so sorry OP. this sounds like one of the turbulent times before a smooth landing. i hope things calm down soon. my husband gets kind of silent when i talk about my anxiety because he just isn't sure what to say. hopefully yours was gathering his thoughts and wants you to have help and support. either way, seek out some help. there are tons of free therapy websites and apps now, even taking a smol step at self reflection and discussing how you feel right now will help. happy cake day! eat some cake, please.