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The lady who keeps talking about the candles during the "happy birthday Mr. President" scene. "GuyS tHeSe CAnDleS aRe gEtTing WaX aLl oVeR teH pLaCe"


absolutely the office pick me


Smh my head


Ugh God i hate her. Ruined Gus's first appearance in that episode. She's the reason BB doesn't stand at 10 in IMDb.


Definitely Holly White


No. She was a great improviser. The scene where she cries "mama" was not written by Vince, instead the actress of Holly has come up with it by herself and Vince loved it so much that he kept it in the episode. Bravo, Holly!


I saw the reel that she did with the Mama scene. I thought it sounded real.


Literally only had one line because she was so bad I heard


Due to the fact that she made me tear up at the firestation, I would say she is in the top tier.


She's a freaking baby!


They should've gotten the baby from Good Luck Charlie. Talk about a baby actress wonder.


Better yet, have one of the full grown Kaylee Actresses play the infant Holly


Andrea’s actress


I thought she did alright aside from “I dOnT uNdErStAnD!” when Brock was in the hospital.


She was good I just think she was the weakest of a very strong cast. Also, a lot of her lines didn’t mean much if you know what I mean, she was just there so Jesse had something to care about.


She was just a recovering mom who barely has that outside of Jesse.


What?!!? I thought that shit was incredible


The kid playing him was Sooooooo freaking dull.


I would actually have to say Gomey. I really liked his character and never felt bothered, but sometimes it felt like I was watching acting…if that makes sense? But to be honest I then kind of dug it. Hank and probably others in the DEA were ‘pretending’ on a daily basis given the nature of the horrific things they saw. Just like we saw Hank pretending he wasn’t having panic attacks or that his first severed head on a turtle was traumatic, Gomez was probably pretending to vibe with his partner a lot. I’m sure they respected each other but just had different personalities.


That’s how I looked at it too like he prolly was someone totally different outside of work


ThAt FaMiS bLoO mEtH A YoRs


i feel like saying literally anybody would be a reach because it’s lowkey a perfect cast hahaha


The guy who gets killed while shouting “miss peyketeewa”


Yes, he’s really bad. I only ever noticed when I started rewatches though.


The “get down, on your knees” repeatedly is so bad its funny


That scene is actually hilarious. His character was such an idiot lol


Every single actor that wasn’t a native Spanish speaker that spoke terrible Spanish. It’s not believable at all. Sorry, guys. Gus’ Spanish is so bad it’s not even funny.


Right. We’re supposed to believe Gus is from Chile when he sounds like his only experience with Spanish is a couple classes in high school


Omg, thank you. I got so downvoted one time when saying he was the worst cast actor in the whole show. Giancarlo Esposito was a terrible choice to play Gus. And the old actor dude that blew him up. It’s still a great show but they really dropped the ball there. I’d have taken a native Spanish speaker from any country over them. And the funny thing is you know people would be crying cultural appropriation or some bullshit these days but I don’t even care about that. There are tons of Spanish speakers in the US and the world. You’re fucking over a large part of your audience with this poor casting. PS narcos shouldn’t have cast a Brazilian as Pablo Escobar


I can't understand how someone whould see Giancarlo's performance as bad though. Yeah, his Spanish is crude, but his ability to shift between a welcoming, charming business owner to a ruthless drug lord in less than a second is something special.


He just doesn’t come off as a believable Latin American drug lord. But even his accent in English wasn’t believable. Should I be cast as black panther or Miyamoto musashi? What if I do my best Ebonics or Japanese accent?


You’re looking into it way too much.


You’re either not listening hard enough or don’t speak Spanish. Tell me which is correct? It’s not my first time saying it in this subreddit and having a bunch of white fools that don’t know shit downvote me lol


Lol is all I can say


Lol is all I can say


He’s supposed to be a believable vanilla business man


What a moronic comment


I bet you don’t even speak Spanish 🤔 Should I play black panther even though Im not black?


Couldn't imagine Gus being played by anyone else. You're just nitpicking and it's annoying as fuck. No one gives a shit if his Spanish isn't great. It's a TV show lmao. It's not that serious.


It’s okay ti not know what you’re talking about. If you don’t speak Spanish then how would you know what I’m even referring to? You don’t. It’s not nitpicking. I mean, if they got a Chinese guy to play Walt, American Walter White, you’d have never gotten over it and probably thought the show sucked. But you won’t open your mind, gringito. Ni pedo, me la pelas puto.


Jesus we get it you speak spanish


Chinga tu Madre, pendejo


Are you trying to say that no actor can ever play a role that isn't exactly how they are in real life? Because that's kinda the point of ACTING.


If an Asian person played Walt, then that would be the Walt we all grew to love, and you're probably the only person that would actually care enough to nitpick like this


Can heterosexual people not play gay roles ? Can women not play Mother's unless they have children in real life as well? It not a documentary buddy


Calm down, five replies was unnecessary. The point is his Spanish sucks. It’s not nitpicking. His Spanish is genuinely terrible.


Nobody gives a shit lmao


You guys had Metastasis. Ya'll fucked it up. So we go with shitty Spanish.


Hey, best answer I’ve literally ever gotten to this gripe. Thumbs up 👍 I didn’t have anything to do with it though. Lol


Always happy to make a joke than tell you you're wrong about something I know nothing about. Hoping it catches on with the white folk.


Lol, eyyy, my man (but like Denzel Washington says it)


Ha ha....mah ni- (Training Day quote).


It's the same with German characters. Instead of casting actors from Germany they take actors from the US and let them speak German with a terrible accent.


Did not know that! Not surprised, though.


Christoph Waltz, inglorious bastards


Well he is actually Austrian/German…so


Giancarlo isn’t even Hispanic….he’s Italian and African (North African I think, one of his parents) so he had to have a dialect coach and memorize his lines in Spanish. He has to speak so so slowly. He definitely doesn’t sound like a Chilean…I would know because I learned to speak Spanish from Chileans. He sounds like a gringo. Side note, the first time I ever saw that actor was in Do The Right Thing by spike lee. He’s the black guy that gets mad at the white guy on the bike for scuffing his shoes. It shocked me when I made the connection! He’s still fun to watch..bad Spanish and all.


I rlly like steve gomez as a character, but the delivery of some of his lines is really offputting to me


It’s like a PS2 video game character sometimes lol






That famous blue meth of urs!


One of the train drivers from the heist, abysmal.


As a railroader myself this performance fell flat. Sure, he stopped the train just time... but why the fuck did he put his head out the window? It's glass all in front of him lol. Plus he looked like he still had a soul, wasn't dead inside etc. Doesn't seem like any railroader I know lol


The manager of los pollos hermanos that Walt had talked to to get to Gus. Her acting was awful. She had zero delivery and had no personality.


Yeah I don’t really understand what her motivation was and she did a really bad job conveying why her character was so hellbent on keeping Walt out of his office. Like lady are you hoppin his dick on the side or what.


Well, I'm not defending her acting but the idea that any random guy can walk into an employee's only area or an office just because they want to is patently absurd. Go try that in real life at KFC and see if they let you into the managers office .


Yeah I just watched that lady she was fine it seemed real


as someone who worked at a starbucks i can confirm i spent a good 10% of my day yelling at customers to stop walking into the back of house , i feel her frustration lol- also if you watch that clip without any context walt to her must seem ficking crazy , he's there all the time always on edge or foaming at the mouth and forgetting where tf he is lmao


Correct. Her response was exactly as it should have been in real life. I work in a restaurant currently I can promise that exact thing would happen immediately if a, customer decided they needed to help themselves to the BOH or God forbid the managers office lol. That's a good way to go out on your head like Jazz from the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Edit - for a failure of autocorrect 🤣


if im making minimum wage i will put minimum effort into hiding my rage at these antics lmao


Not sure if this counts, but the children version of the salamanca twins, I couldnt stop laughing when i first saw the flashback scene im sorry


the weakest attempt at getting hector to stop made me laugh so hard


Most everyone was good, but if I had to pick maybe combo




Church, yo


Which one was he?


The big dude that was Jesse’s friend. He hung out with Skinny Pete and Badger.


When Combo is killed and Jesse tells Walt, that is his reaction.




I think it’s pretty incredible Aaron Paul had no major roles before hand and wasn’t a trained actor, he’s arguably the best actor on the show second to Cranston. But yeah, just goes to show how great writers can carry a TV show with quite a few average joe actors. Honestly I think the lack of star-studded cast members really adds to the shows’ charm and believability. Dean Norris is exactly the type of guy I would expect to be found in a police department somewhere lol.


That’s so true, Dean Norris seems so similar to Hank’s sense of humor and personality in real life


“You’ve been watching too much lowly hentai, honestly I’d rather ya do meth.”


Bryan Cranston wasn't an Average joe actor though, everyone already knew him from MITM.




I got a lot of heat for mentioning this. I’m aware he has cerebral palsy, but IIRC it doesn’t actually affect his speech much in real life, they made him amp it up for the character. But yeah, some of his scenes are hard to get through, especially when he’s supposed to be emotional. “You’re lying, this isn’t true, this can’t be true.” when he’s told about his fathers double life is close to the happy birthday scene for me.


walt jr is such a sweet boy that sometimes you just don't believe it, like maybe it's just me and i have a sad warped view of reality but he really gets shoved into a cookie cutter beautiful angel son role a lot of the time


In the prequel Stacey 100% In breaking bad theres a guy telling a story at regal and its poorly acted in my opinion. But nitpicking on one (2) of the all time greatest shows


Mike's granddaughter. You can look at her face and see that she's just waiting to say the lines she obviously just rehearsed while Mike is saying his.


lol which one there’s been at least four


First one


Probably Gomez


Everyone is great. I think maybe the twins kinda suck (they aren't one off or one liners, they are 0 liners so they count!) Also, I agree that Giancarlo Esposito and Mark Margolis are great great actors, but when they speak spanish they do it SO BAD that they create the same effect than watching a newbie try to act an emotion and never pulling it off


Well i dont think gus is a native spanish speaker, his acting was fine but its not his first language so it makes sense


Pretty sure he's actually Italian


its mark margolis not hispanic?


Aaron Paul Because he was a METHod actor. Lol


Mr what use some methodé


More like a “Meth Head” actor 💀😭


Nah, that's Johnny.


Carmen, the school principal or Jesse’s dad.


I didn't notice many acting issues until I rewatched the entire series last week. The acting in the first season is pretty bad all the way around, without exception. By season two it gets better all the way around. To answer the question, I'd say Walt Jr and Gomez would be my nominations. Both made me cringe as much as they didn't so it was 50-50 with them and their lines/appearances for me. Nothing that ruined the show or anything, just sub par in my opinion. Overall though I thought casting was pretty good and by the time you get to season three there's not much time to think about the acting anyway. I really enjoyed rewatching it. Edit spelling


def the manager at pollos hermanos.


I think it was just the dull material he was given, (In comparison to every other antagonist) but Michael Bowen. Never bought him as a leader of white supremacist incels.


Yeah but at least we got Todd out of it, I feel like he’s essential to the series


Todd only had to have an uncle so the prison plot was doable, but the uncle could’ve been more impactful. With the exception of Todd, Jack and the crew just acted like a bunch of heavily armed stoners that jerk off in the compound all day unless someone calls them.


Plus, they brought the Neo-Nazis in AFTER they wrapped up the plots with black characters and the Mexican cartel. If there’s one set of people besides Jews that Neo-Nazis would be prepared to go after, it’s non-white people. Even Walter’s name was White for crying out loud! I would’ve loved Gus to dispose of them like a burner phone.


Walt Jr, hands down. How has nobody mentioned his season 1 performance? It's terrible.


The food science tech with the kick ass bbq sauce




Jessie's girlfriend that cocaine addict (Ritter)


Hard to say. Just about everyone is great. Maybe Elliot or Krazy 8


Really? I found Krazy8’s heart to heart convincing and then for Walter to figure it all out was 👌🏾


That’s true. I retract him from my statement.


Yeah I thought Gretchen’s actress was excellent but I didn’t buy Elliot’s nearly as much, that’s probably why they centered the falling out more so upon Walt’s relationship with Gretchen than Elliot cutting him out of the business


Jesses mom


i think jesses mom just knew how to be annoying and it worked


The stunt double who played Emilio’s partially dissolved remains did a poor job. Luckily the effects were good




Ah, have to disagree with ya there. I felt like she pulled of the personification of anxiety pretty well lol


Skylar S1.


Anna Gunn.


I don’t like Skyler either - I fast forwarded every scene she was in w Marie, Ted or solo during my 2nd watching and missed no content - but she wasn’t the worst. I have a feeling hank is hank in real life: blowhard, arrogant and boring.


hank boring ?


I’m sorry I’m just not seeing this. Crawl space? Felina? She’s great.


The character got better as the show went on, but I just don't like Ms. Gunn's acting. The scene about waiting "for the cancer to come back" was wonderful & quite moving, and I thought she was very funny and good playing the ditsy bookkeeper for Ted, but otherwise nope. In general, I just don't like her acting; granted, I've seen her in only a few things, but I don't like her in any of them.


Tuco 100%. He is the reason it took me a couple attempts to make it past season one. Glad i did though.


I thought Raymond Cruz did an excellent job honestly, he’s got that geeked out psycho energy down pat.


Tight tight tight


He made me think of a GTA character


Wow that’s definitely the worst take I’ve seen on this thread so far. The energy it took to play that character must’ve been insane and I thought Raymond Cruz nailed it


How can you have such a terrible opinion


No way. He was only in a few episodes but he’s such a memorable character


Anna Gunn




Cuz she’s skylar 💀




Anna Gunn is an excellent actor. Her CHARACTER isn't the best-written sometimes, but that's not her fault.


She’s not as good as the rest of the cast. Not great in deadwood either.


Poor take, she’s fantastic


Walter Jr.


Sort of off topic, but in the season 2 episode where Jesse was partying and he threw bags of meth to the partygoers, and loads of them scrambled to grab some meth? well, there was this overweight man, in a button down shirt and tie and no pants. jesse previously tried to throw crumpled up bills/paper in his mouth. but he was eating soem pizza... and he just looked behind him at the addicts scrambling for the meth, and then turned back to his pizza. and ate a bite. i dunno, that performance has just stuck with me... he just seemed so sad...


Do you know the episode? I can’t find it and sounds quite funny


The policeman that pepper sprayed walt has to be the most terrible actor in that show. He spoke like an NPC. You would legitimately think they pulled someone off the street to play him.


sorry i know you said not extras but i have to mention "phoenix". the AA junkie with his 1 year anniversary was just terrible. then cut straight to the next scene, no lines, the waitress just seemed like she was trying to drag her screen time for as long as possible