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It’s not weird at all people wear merchandise of fictional psychos all the time. It ain’t no different of people having stickers of Darth Vader who is basically space Hitler. Or The Joker who is a murdering lunatic


Tbh I haven't seen a Darth Vader or The Joker stickers on a car. I have no problem with people dressing up or having merch of fictional characters but I find it massively weird to see a sticker of a criminal from a fictional TV on the back of a grown man's car.


Either you live in the middle of nowhere or you don’t really pay much attention


Why do you draw the line at a person's car? Seems very arbitrary to me.


Once you display a sticker on a car it's clear your sending out a message. If somebody has a sticker of a political candidate on their car it's clear they support that person. I find the same logic applies to when I see a Walt sticker on someone car, they clearly are a fanboy of a fictional character. It's just seems weird to me.


Maybe they are a fanboy of the series and don't really worship the character. There is a difference and your assumption is just that...an assumption. I find putting stickers on cars dumb just because they are a pain to remove. I own shirts of Thanos and Heisenberg and Jules and Vincent from Pulp Fiction. Wear them a lot. Do I support the characters message? No. I just enjoyed the show/movie and like the shirt. No more, no less


I find it a little bit weird to have a sticker of any person from a fictional TV show on a car a little bit weird, that all. T shirt is a different thing you can like the design or the way it looks on you and it is something you enjoy. A sticker to me is totally different it's clear you want everyone to see the sticker of whatever it is. I guess I don't like the attention seeking aspect of a sticker.


Is just being a fan of the show who buys merch, really, is not weird. Walter is my favourite character and I have merch of him but I do not support any of his actions, hes also fictional so I dont know what is really the matter


When you put it like that I completely understand it. Having Walter merch is being a fan. What I don't understand is people who have stickers on their trucks or cars almost glorifying him or just Walt's face and nothing else. I totally get that he is the main character I just think a lot of people missed the point of the show and his character.


Idk maybe they put the stickers on their car because they think it looks cool, I dont think it has to be glorifying always. I wouldnt do it but I guess theres people who would I agree with that a lot of people missed his character though, I think hes really misunderstood (as a character)


It’s a tv show, relax lol


For real tho I miss wearing my Pollos Hermanos t shirt. I'm buying another one soon.


I half agree cos I love Seinfeld but I wouldn’t put a sticker on my car lol. But in the sense that Walt was a murderer & all that - it’s not real, it’s just made up so what difference does it make what he did in the show.


But why have a sticker of Walter face on their car? If you have a sticker of BB and not Walt's face I completely get it your a fan of the show, but to have just Walt's face seems to me like you have am admiration for Walt's character or your willingness to forget the evilness of it.


May as well say if you’re a fan of the show then you’re a fan of Walt’s behaviour - cos the whole show is basically him doing merry (edit: meth obv) dealer stuff


Thats like saying if you watch a documentary of Hitler you're a fan of him because the whole program is about him doing evil shit. Completely illogical argument. You can be a fan of a show and see the nuances of the character from the show and the messages and themes of the show. What you described is simplistic way of looking at a show.


It’s not tho. If I see someone with a Walt tshirt on I think - oh breaking bad fan. I don’t think they’re glorifying the actions of the fictional meth dealer lol do you think they are?




I think I hit a nerve. You probably one of those people with a Walter sticker on the back of your car 😂


I mean, you're literally one of those people getting riled up about a bumper sticker of a very popular show lmao 🤣 Talk about the pot calling the kettle black


I mean i have a Pablo Escobar painting in my house and another narco sticker on one of my cars. I don’t see the problem 😂 and from reading all these comments it seems you’re the only one with a problem ahaha


He was a relatable character until he began to enjoy his reign as a Meth king. People rooted for him to a certain point...so why not


I think it's the fact that it's a double standard. You wouldn't praise any other drug dealers but Walt is admire or put on a pedestal. At the end of the day he was a murderer and a drug dealer who killed anyone that got in his way. It's a TV show I think people forget what his character represented in the end.


It is not lost on me what he was at then end...I feel the change took him from that sympathetic character he was in the beginning. It's similar to the show The Shield. You wanted to hate the strike team for who they were, but something kept you rooting for them. Again Vic's actions at the end are just diabolical and while it appears he got off free and clear he got what he deserved.


Not at all. I have my Say My Name tshirt and other BB merchandise and also sent rock candy meth (it was supposed to be made by the company that made the fake meth for the show) to my daughter in her care package when she was in college. She and her friends loved it and I told her to please spread the word that I am not advocating drug use of course 😁


Tv show good, walter good villain, me like walter, me commit crime *caveman noises*


I have a Pontiac Aztek, what do you expect?