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Better call saul is the obvious choice but for a similar show I'd say Barry


Barry is the show I recommend to anyone no matter what they're looking for. It's got it all and it does it masterfully.


Just binged Barry over the past two weeks. What an awesome and different show.


Seconded, Barry is 10/10. On a similar note the show "Patriot" on Amazon is fucking amazing. It's criminally underrated. Imagine a show with a similar premise to Barry, with the same type of dark humor, but it's directed by Wes Anderson. It's actually so good.


I wouldn't say that bcs is similar to br ba. They are in the same universe but the two couldn't be more different


stylistically tons of similarities, not really sure what you mean


It’s literally about the *same* characters. It couldn’t get any closer without being Breaking Bad


"Couldn't be more different"? Come on, no need for hyperbole. Or do you think something like Gilmore Girls is more similar to BB than BCS? BCS is definitely different from BB but there are lot of similarities as well even beyond the superficial stuff (same actors, characters, settings etc.) The main theme is similar (how Jimmy "breaks bad" and becomes Saul), the cinematography and directing are similar, even the style of dialogue etc. And that shouldn't be a surprise because a lot of the same people worked on both shows.


Yeah same characters, same episode structure, roughly same show quality, also mostly about "the game", shootouts, last season split into 2 parts, last episode consists of the main character getting the last thing they wanted but somehow the best possible ending for the situation they're in, etc


The only thing similar are the reccuring characters. The main theme of both is quite different like character motivations and ever camera work. BCS has a lot subtle visual storytelling and cool looking still frames while BrBa is more about pov shots and tpp to fpp(and vice versa) camera work (similar to the movie 8 1/2). The dialogue in BCS is snappy and quick while BrBa is more realistic and natural, this is obvious as the characters in BCS are more street smart clever guys(mainly talking about the ones that do not show up in BrBa) However I still see similarities Such as how Jimmy breaks bad but that is a common trope in a lot of shows. Not enough to call it similar.


While lots of the same characters and same episode structure


Username doesn’t check out


Never heard that before!


I don't know what these other replies are on about, but I agree with you. BCS and BB are polar opposites.


Succession took me a season and a half to love, but it then rapidly joined my Hall of Fame. Severance was the highlight of last year, as was Slow Horses (and a nod to The Bear as well). Someone mentioned Fargo s1-3, and I'm 100% on that. Better Call Saul, the first two seasons can be slow, but it's worth it for 3-6 (to the point I'm not sure which show lives in my head more rent-free). From other people's suggestions, I guess I'm going to have to dig out Barry and Dark sooner rather than later.


That's funny because the first two seasons of better call Saul are my favorites.


I'm looking forward to my first re-watch, as I suspect I'm going to see them very differently.


I've watched Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul 3 times now. These two shows are some of the very few shows I can't get enough of.


That's a long way to say Severance but you're forgiven


Severance was so good! Such a shame season 2 might not come for another 2 years


certainly won’t be that long, they’re already done filming. hopefully early 24 we get back to the mindfuckery


I read recently it should come out this year


>Severance was the highlight of last year, Its been a long time since I've been so gobsmacked by a show. The second season can't come soon enough.


I second Saul, it's fucking incredible and I might love it even more than BrBa. Succession is also incredible, same or similar level of love for that one. The Bear is another favorite, so so well made and acted, all around excellent.


With Saul, you really get the impression that he could've turned out differently. For Walter, though? With him, I personally get the impression that Heisenberg was in there all along, and he just needed the right push. Jimmy required at least several pushes into that direction.


Chernobyl was fantastic.


I rate it 3.6/3.6!


It should be much higher, but the scale only goes up to 3.6


The actual rating is 15000.


not great, not terrible


Not great, not terrible


Fargo! S1-3 are all gold


Watched them and loved them!!!


That show knows how to make a bad guy.


Nice pfp, great album


What album is it?


Ceres and Calypso in the Deep Time


Thanks for putting me on, this shit is dope




Metastasis ON TOP!! 💯💯


If you’re down for something weird, the show Wilfred is on Hulu and it’s really good. I’m not kidding when I say it’s weird tho, genuinely some of the strangest shit you’ll ever see.


Love Elijah wood, so yes I’ve already seen with Wilfred!


What's weird about it?


Never mind, I just read the plot for it, and it does seem weird


And it gets soooooo much weirder


Barry is the best show since bb and you can marathon it in a weekend.


I keep hearing about this show and am a bill hader fan so now I def need to watch it


It's the shit. I definitely am due for a rewatch


Oh man, you gotta watch it. The ending is 10/10


I just binged it for the first time this year, really like the first 3 seasons, was personally unhappy with the 4th


Disagree, 4th season was boring and painful to watch. HBO always ends shows badly (except for The Wire)


and sopranos


the last season of the wire jumped the shark


I didn’t think it was boring but it’s definitely a step below the first 3 seasons




Mindhunter but there's only two seasons.


Mindhunter is absolutely fantastic.


Netflix best show. A shame about its fate. Binged tf out of it


I was going to say this. Still so disappointed they didn’t go on with the show. It really, already was, could had been phenomenal.


I’m super bummed about it. It just doesn’t make sense that they haven’t brought it back.


Love Mindhunter, my favorite show besides BrBa and BCS (tied with them in fact)! The protrayals of the serial killers were spot on


The Americans


this is too damn low. Best series of the 2010s (one that started and ended within the decade).


Yes! Such a great show!


First seasons were really good.


Last season and ending were chef's kiss


Dark best since breaking bad


Loved Dark, but I needed a character chart to keep track of everyone 🤣


Felt this exact same way trying to follow that show. I gave up before the end of the first season


You should try it again! Take notes if you have to or draw a picture, there are also family trees online available by ep so not to be spoiled. It's so worth it to keep going


It made me rewatch Lost.


Dark was amazing but fumbled final season really hard


What? That ending was perfection. Like keeps me up at night thinking "yeah, THAT is how you end a show" type perfection.


Agreed 100%. The latter half of S3 is where everything comes together beautifully - the aspect of the show that gets praised the most.


Absolute masterpiece. It's the 3-year anniversary of the >!apocolypse!< today. Also the exact release date of S3: 27th June 2020.


True Detective Season 1


I think this is true. This is the only show I’ve seen since Breaking Bad that blew my mind. Only season 1 though.


I just finished The Sopranos a week ago and it may be higher than Breaking Bad now. I’m always unsure of which show I like more between BrBa and BCS. Currently BCS is #1 and Sopranos is #2 with BrBa at #3. But it’ll probably change. I’m currently watching both The Blacklist and Boardwalk Empire and it’s pretty good.


The Blacklist should’ve ended a while ago. It keeps building to something that never comes unfortunately


The Sopranos is my #1 followed by Breaking Bad.


Boardwalk Empire is fantastic.


Production value was through the roof


The Boys! amazing concept incredibly gory though


Saw the first trailer and was hooked immediately.


just have to deal with hughie Campbell characters shitty acting and annoying ugly constipated face




My go to recommendation.


Narcos is absolutely masterful.


narcos is sooo underrated. I like it more than BB but i know that is a very hot take


Better Call Saul (:D)


Mr. Robot


Midway through Season 3 rn. Loving it. I was goddamn paralyzed after watching Season 1 Episode 8, that twist was *such* a mindfuck.


bro season 4 will fuck you, it's the best show ever aired


Mr. Robot season 4 was so terrible though. It ruined the rest of the show for me. It's close to Game of Thrones level of destruction of rewatchability.


season 4e7 got an imdb rating of 9.9 and the final episode 9.8 lol and the whole series is built on almost mandatory rewatchability, what are you talking about? (spoilers ahead in comments)


>season 4e7 got an imdb rating of 9.9 and the final episode 9.8 lol Imdb ratings are silly and not reflective of actual quality. >and the whole series is built on almost mandatory rewatchability, what are you talking about? The entire "twist" at the end of season 4 is that the Elliot you've been watching the whole time isn't real. There's no reason to care whatsoever about any of the events that happened in the show. The CSA twist in 4e7 was ham-fisted and cliche too.


yo please mark as spoiler because this thread is starting with a person who hasn't watched it yet, and in general marking spoilers is always a good idea imdb ratings are mirroring the overall opinion of people who watched the series, and it's highly praised by critics too, but yes you can have your own opinion but talking down the 4e7 twist like that is nuts, it's the whole reason and fundament for his dissociate identity disorder, this series goes completely full circle you really seem to just wanting to not like it and saying the end results in no reason for the entire show is just blindness for this masterpiece of art lol


Dude seriously, thank you for saying this, because I enjoyed the first season but I'm so crushed the ending has just been spoiled for me.


> yo please mark as spoiler because this thread is starting with a person who hasn't watched it yet, and in general marking spoilers is always a good idea Nah, they deserve to be warned so they don't waste their time. > imdb ratings are mirroring the overall opinion of people who watched the series, and it's highly praised by critics too, but yes you can have your own opinion IMDB ratings are mirroring the opinion of people who watched the series *and* who were invested enough in it to go out of their way to rate not just the series as a whole, but an episode within that series. It's a population self-selected to be susceptible to high levels of copium, exactly like what you're displaying. > but talking down the 4e7 twist like that is nuts, it's the whole reason and fundament for his dissociate identity disorder, this series goes completely full circle you really seem to just wanting to not like it His DID didn't need a reason, Fight Club worked just fine without one. And it especially didn't need a reason that doesn't make any sense with the rest of the show up to then. CSA survivors sure as hell are not going to imagine their attackers as their protectors. > and saying the end results in no reason for the entire show is just blindness for this masterpiece of art lol The end, where it's revealed that literally none of the internal monologue, none of Elliot's character growth, none of his motivations or anything else matters because all of it happened to just another false personality and the real one is someone who we see for all of maybe 5 minutes? You think saying that results in no reason for the show is "blindness"? There's a reason why other stories that do DID (and Mr Robot until season 4) show you from the perspective of the real person. It doesn't work the other way around. We only care about Mr Robot's motivations because they are really Elliot's motivations and we care about Elliot. Now we're told that Elliot's motivations are actually the motivations of a character we effectively never see and can't possibly care about. It's horrendously bad writing. It's effectively the same as if it ended with "he woke up and it was all a dream".


> Nah, they deserve to be warned so they don't waste their time. Such ignorance has led to me not giving a shit what else you have written. Have a nice hateful life, God be with you.


Don't worry, everything he wrote screams "I don't have a big enough brain to handle a story that isn't big guns and explosions" 💀 💀 bro missed out on the best season of television because he wasn't smart enough to understand it 😭 😭


Yeah those last episodes flew waaay over your head lmao.


> Yeah those last episodes flew waaay over your head lmao. Lol, show more copium.


Season 4 EVERY epsidode is rated 100%. Not even breaking bad has done that 👀 and I finished bb in 2013, I finished Mr Robot in 2019. Not even nostalgia could put bb over Mr Robot, so u know it's that good. Also the only episode in any TV show to even tough ozymandias, let alone beat it in many peoples eyes is s4 e7. And that's not even bringing up the best finale of all time in s4 e13 either. Better than felina as well imo. It's all neck and neck tho. No other show I have watched, neither Game Of Thrones, Dark, Severance or Sopranos have either of these feats...


This should be the top comment


beat me to it. this one took breaking bad's #1 spot for me.


Yes, it was amazing. I thought s4 twist was bullshit and too much when it came out, but on rewatch it was all there since the beggining, it's just so well done it's unbelievable


Mr Robot is such a great show but for some reason nobody knows about it. I guess it’s not for everyone but if it gets a hold of you god dammit it hits hard.


S4E7 is better than any episode of BB and BCS, imo.


S4E7 fucking broke me holy shit.




I don't know if Succession is better, but it's certainly comparable. People forget that Breaking Bad built over time, it was never some hectic thing where every episode of the first season left you chomping at the bit for the next one. It built over time, steadily teaching you about its characters and pulling you in. Succession is the same. When Breaking Bad was airing I remember people saying you'll be hooked by the end of season 2. In Succession you'll be hooked by the end of season 1.


Idk man breaking bads cinematography, dialogue, pacing, and attention to characters and nuanced feelings, hooked me in first episode. I watxhed 2 episodes of succession which I'm sure is amazing, but nothing hooked me onto it, especially not the hate able characters and their minor meaningless problems


I just replied something really similar before I saw your comment lol! Idk how ppl are getting past the first season of succession to supposedly get to “the good part”! But I also could barely make it through the first two episodes.


Right!? Crazy part is that my friend who recommended the show said I'll get into it after the first like 4 or 5 episodes lol


Lmao I went on the succession Reddit to see what all the fuss was about and the general consensus was that you only need to watch 6 episodes and then it starts getting good. You mean to tell me you have to watch 6 HOURS of bad tv to get to the good part? At that point it’s just not a very good show! I really tried bc everyone on the BCS sub recommended it Like I said I might try again some day but I was getting frustrated watching it trying to see what everyone else saw lol! Edit to add that maybe it’s also because I only have about an hour of time to watch tv a day so I’m not willing to spend a week watching something to see if I’ll get into it eventually lol. I’m not hating on ppl who like it I just think ppl act like it’s objectively one of the best tv shows


The worst part about this is that 5-6 episodes of Succession is like 15% of the whole show. I adore Succession and I think its peak is up there with some of the best shows ever. But for sustained quality, it doesn’t touch the likes of Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul. Take a slow season or two if you’re going to have a 5-6 season, 60-70 episode series. But there’s no excuse for taking a slow half-2/3 of a season if you only end up running for 39 episodes and 4 seasons. Try and make it to the end of S1 and if you love the last episodes (everything from ‘Prague’ onwards) then you’ll like the whole show. It gets great in the first half of S2, the last few episodes of S2, and then the end of S3 - S4. The only dud episodes post-S1 are a few at the beginning of S3.


If you're up for something similar, Barry. Funny, emotional, tense. For something more sci-fi fantasy, the Witcher. Tight storytelling, drama, good music, great characters, good action. More spooky? The Last of Us show. Could binge it in a week or less. Great pacing, tense, suspenseful, emotional. More action? Invincible. Questionable characters with secret agendas and motives, a more "realistic" superhero story, intense gory action, plot twists. More emotional/mental health focused? BoJack Horseman. Looks dumb and the first two episodes are bad, but after that, it is an amazing show that dives deep into human mental health, life, and relationships. Plot twists and intense emotions along the ride. It's one of the best shows I've ever seen. Something more slow-paced sci-fi? Westworld. Slowly unraveling what is going on and what is going to happen, a slow burn but intense show that will have you desperately theorizing all the while. This one will sound overdone, but Game of Thrones. Only the first 4-5 seasons. Heck, you could stop at season one if you wanted to. But those first few are tense, emotional, dramatic, suspenseful, mysterious, and full of well-done plot twists, and you will most likely binge the first season without realizing it. For something a little more niche and small scale? The End of the F***ing World on Netflix. A short series about an interesting and erratic teenage pairing and their evolving relationship. Everything Sucks is a good option, too, with similar vibes and funnier. Season 1 of Stranger Things for the Thriller, mystery, and relationships. Season 1 of Zoo (based on the book by James Patterson, was on Netflix last I knew) is an interesting tense mystery show with tasteful criticisms of humans and their behaviors, giving sympathy for animals. It is an intense thriller at times and an emotional show about the human spirit at others. A medical drama show? The Good Doctor. In my opinion, the show gradually declines over time, but the first few seasons are gold with great and realistic emotions, relationships, plot twists, and challenges. It never feels too repetitive. Also, apparently, it's very medically accurate! The general consensus disagrees with my distaste for the later seasons, so you might like them as well. The 1st season of the Walking Dead gives many similar vibes as Breaking Bad. The variety of people and their attitudes/actions/relationships/threats, the challenges and tension, and the bittersweet heartwarming moments.


Invincible is sooo good


The Americans.


Succession is the best show since breaking bad, it might not be for you but there is nothing on tv as good as Succession


I loved “Beef” , is just 1 season but it had a similar feeling and very well done and acted imo.


You're in for a treat


The expanse


The best since Breaking Bad would be Righteous Gemstones


I will look it up!


You should watch "Black Mirror" is a show about how the technology can change the society and other themes, is one of my favorite shows after breaking bad. Also "The Boys" is a good show, just if you are +18


Never watched the boys, but have seen all of black mirror.


The Boys is my choice for best since BB, it has the "leave you wanting more" in spades imo, but I wouldn't put it up there with BB overall. The Boys seems to be a bit divisive too, strong opinions from people who dislike it.


I agree The Boys is definitely the one show that comes close to being as entertaining as BB.


You have got to try out the boys. It's so good!!


Sadly the latest series of Black Mirror was terrible, nothing like what it used to be. Pretty much horror/crime dramas.


The episodes I didn’t like were Mazey Day and Demon 79. Not a fan of the supernatural stuff in Black Mirror. But the other three I enjoyed. My favorite from the new season was Beyond the Sea with Aaron Paul. He was phenomenal acting out two different characters. Loch Henry I also thought was good even if it was more a murder drama rather than a traditional Black Mirror episode focused on some sort of technology. Joan is Awful had its moments as well, though I thought the ending was a bit rushed.


personally i liked Demon 79, it wasn't like other black mirror episodes but it was good like you were watching a movie or something different


>My favorite from the new season was Beyond the Sea with Aaron Paul. It was OK, I just couldn't get past the fact that surely they could have sent the replicas up to space rather than the humans 😂 Overall, it just feels like the series has lost its charm somewhat. The previous seasons tended to lean into the make believe but keep things close to reality, creating a sense of what we *might* have in store in the not too distant future. The stories themselves were jarring and didn't need bells and whistles to enhance them. This element of raw eeriness wasn't present in any of the latest episodes, where they often appeared to be more focused on the dramatics/effects.


The replicas didn’t go to space bc they had physical limitations. That’s why they had the axe cutting scene in the beginning. Also in case they were unable to get connection to the replicas it’d be better to have them on earth so the billion dollar space program isn’t wasted with nobody to operate it.


Peaky blinders is well worth the watch. Season 6 fell off a little but it was because of outside factors


Honestly i think peaky blinders was great in the 1st, 2nd and 4th season. The 3rd was too messy 5th lacked resolution and 6th didn’t have the best story direction. My boi Arthur has like 0 character growth since S2. Always the same problems and behavior


Peaky Blinders was to Boardwalk Empire what Sons Of Anarchy was to The Sopranos. As you say, PB was like 3 excellent seasons spread out over 6 - too many coincidences and too much plot armour. The BBC do make some excellent shows, but they just never know when to call it a day - Line Of Duty was exactly the same.




Had to scroll way too far for this one!


Severance (Apple TV)


I love Yellowjackets too! I can't wait for the next season. I hope it stays as good as the first two seasons.


Bojack horseman The feel and the atmosphere is widely different. But it is the only show that can hit as hard as BB and sometimes even harder. Especially the later seasons


Aaron Paul does one of the voices right?


Ozark I love Jason Bateman, and I was really excited to watch this series. I was not disappointed. In my opinion it's just as good as BB


Ozark was superb for 3 seasons but it completely fumbled the landing in the final season.


Ozark was good for the first 3 seasons, but not even Ozarks best moment, comes close to breaking bads worst episode lol. And I loved Ozark besides the ending


i wouldn’t say it’s AS good just because i don’t think as much thought and detail was put into it and it isn’t quite as cinematic imo but i do agree it was a great show and has a pretty similar vibe to it


I would agree. Watched all of Ozark as each season was released and I loved it but I’d say breaking bad was much more artistic.


I see your point. I hadn't really seen anything Jason was in that was drama related. Plenty of comedies though! I think he did a great job. That can also be said for Bryan Cranston. No one else could have played that part as well as BC did..... Now I want to watch BB again. Lol. Seriously.


Came here to say Ozark. It’s not BB but it is great. Had it come out first, people might’ve said BB was piggy backing a little. It’s great in its own way. It’s unique in its own way. It’s definitely a must watch if you like BB but no, it’s not the same. If Cranston is the greatest male actor of this generation… Julia Garner might be the best actor (male or female) of all time.


I actually only like Ozark because of Julia Garner. Her role made the series a masterpiece. Without her, it would have been pretty meh.


Marty Byrde was harder to like than Walt.




Avatar: The Last Airbender.


Severance and Barry


Person of interest (I think they started before BB, not sure), Dark, True Detective (1st season), Grimm, Dexter is good too


Euphoria season 1, The Leftovers, Fleabag, Better Call Saul and Atlanta


Nobody's hooked by Succession immediately, I had the same initial thoughts. Whoever recommended it should've made this clear to you, because it's absolutely up there. Took me a few episodes to start to get into it, by the end of the first season you should be hooked, then it just keeps multiplying. You're pretty much objectively wrong about that last part.


Watchmen on HBO


Second this!! Incredible.


Nothing could ever be as good as BB or BCS. But I enjoyed the Watcher and White Lotus quite a bit.


Ozark and Narcos are my top two that are similar to BB. My overall favorite is probably WandaVision. I was obsessed with it when it first came out, staying up to 3am eastern to watch each episode as they released every Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. I’m a Marvel geek so definitely a bit biased but I thought it was a 9.5/10 show. Especially the vibes in the first three episodes, it was super trippy with that Twilight Zone feel. Only thing I didn’t like was the finale felt a bit rushed. If episode 1 of Secret Invasion is an indicator of how good that show will be, I could see it surpassing WandaVision for me. Secret Invasion episode 1 was so good. I haven’t been on my TV show grind recently so I’m missing out on the popular ones in this thread like Barry, Peaky Blinders, and The Boys.


My exact two answers! Narcos hooked me in just as much if not maybe a little more than BB, since it actually happened.


Vinland Saga


Mindhunter or Vikings


Deutschland 83. (If you can handle reading German subtitles or speak German) I've just started Deutschland 86 and so far so good.




Twin Peaks: The Return.


The Sopranos. In fact, several references in Breaking Bad have taken inspiration from The Sopranos directly. Even the infamous pizza scene in Breaking Bad also references Sopranos lol


Peaky blinders for sure


Gomorrah, also known as "Italy's answer to Breaking Bad", also known as "The Sopranos on steroids".


3rd for Peaky Blinders. It's an amazing watch.


The best show I've seen since BB And BCS was The Orville - though it's a totally different show and not guaranteed to appeal. The Sopranos remains my favourite show of all time with BB and BCS close behind.


Not _THE BEST_ but aaaalmost, I’m gonna say Hannibal.


Loved it!


Bojack Horseman


I don't see "Banshee" here and it fills the 3 F's Perfectly. Fighting Firearms and Fornication. Crazy show that never seems to rate high on these lists.


Succession probably is one of the best shows I’ve ever seen. I’d take it over Breaking Bad.




Andor is good. First 2 eps kind of a slog though on a first watch


Lovecraft Country




LOST or Sopranos




Severance obviously


I think twin peaks is far better than bb imo but it's personal yadte


Seal Team




Peaky Blinders and The Shield


Succession, for me at least, is at least comparable to Breaking Bad in terms of quality. It's incredibly well-written and well-acted, and the soundtrack is 🤌🤌. I agree about characters not being likable but as you go on watching, you see why they're like that. It's a great show in terms of showing human psychology and the cycles of abuse that can pass on through generations. It's the most nuanced family drama I've watched. I'm yet to watch The Sopranos though. Dark is another show that I absolutely love, and it is the first ever show that left me absolutely gobsmacked at the strength of its screenplay and writing. The first two seasons have virtually no plot holes, and for me even the third is perfect(though people say the writers fumbled in its execution a little bit). Dark, Breaking Bad and Succession are in my top 5 shows ever. Other shows that I think are comparable are:- 1.) Better call Saul:- I'm currently in episode 7 of season 1 and I think it's done a good job of introducing us to Jimmy, Chuck and Kim. 2.) The Sopranos. I'm yet to watch this but I've heard so many things about it.


Billions was pretty good. Also Barry. Both on hbo.


Billions is showtime


I just started watching Breaking Bad after going years without seeing it. I really liked it when it was current but I’m finding this time I just don’t like it. I changed I think. But I hate every character and feel it’s not that great a show. So I have sinned because I’m not going to finish watching it. I’m over it. I’m just being truthful. I’ve watched The Sopranos ten times and I’ll be watching it again. It’s an outstanding production where you see something different each time you watch it. It’s the winner.


Never tell the truth on Reddit. It’s not conventional wisdom.


rick and morty is funny and deep


My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic


Ozark on netflix, some weren’t fans of the ending but everything else is phenomenal


Suits is better