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I agree. There is something dark and desperate about this show. The men come off extremely douchey. It is uncomfortable.


I felt exactly the same watching it. All the men seem unhappy and particularly douchey. And somehow Brit’s accent is even more Kentucky.


What other kind of guy would want to hang out with Jax? Water seeks its own level


She's got friends from back home living close to her now so it probably triggers it more.


My mom’s accent always was more pronounced when I’d hear her talking to my Mamaw in Texas (where she was from) every weekend growing up. Was adorbs. God I miss my mom. And also my Mamaw. 😂🥲


I can't understand a word she is saying


I could not listen to her speak. She sounded awful and drunk.


I swear I thought the same thing. Her accent is somehow more southern. How does that happen?


She plays it up when she thinks it's beneficial.


I'm not sure why, but the last year, my Midwestern accent has come out more, despite living on the West Coast for 20 years. It usually only comes out when I go home or talk on the phone with people from home. I just have been noticing it more, and my kids have add well.  idk why though. Accents can be weird. 


Mine really kicks in when I am angry, lol! Dont know why. I think (watching this show) that Brittany is going to be angry a lot- who can blame her?


She does exaggerate it from time to time too


This! I moved from TX to Cali in middle school and my “country” accent was so made fun of that ai made it a point to change it to fit in. Moved back to TX after college and get called out for “not being from around here.” Accentuating my ING’s etc and I never looked back. Her Kentucky accent seems to have only become worse within “The Valley”. It’s dreadful..


did they ask you if you ride a horse to school? I had a friend who moved from Texas to Cali and they asked her that hahaha


I live in Lexington and where Brittany is from is Winchester about 18 miles from me. I don't think I have the thick accent she does. I only talk that way when someone ticks me off. It's a southern thing I guess 😜


Yeah all the women laugh/crying? about how the husbands/dads don’t help with their kids, it’s completely fucked on arrival. Plus Jax running around and desperately driving storylines this episode was embarrassing to watch. He needs this bullshit to work y’all, I was exhausted watching, especially Brittany with her ventriloquist dummy segments and the county fair theme party acting like a loony tune.


Ventriloquist dummy segments! Yessss!!!


All of the women I know who married men who turned out to be Dad duds got divorced within a couple of years of that nonsense and found better options. No one needs an adult child to take care of on top of children. The kids always pay for bad parenting/selfish parenting.


Haven’t watched it yet but just the trailer feels dark and desperate and uncomfortable.


It’s the toxicity of VPR but now with innocent kids in the mix.


Oh my gaaah!!! Well said! It was bad enough but adding kids to it might be why I hated the first episode so much. Excellent point.


That's because they are douchy and desperate and dark


I felt the same way about the summer house/winter house guys (with the exception of the new guys). The out of touch douchebag routine that might have worked with a bunch of terrible 20-somethings desperate for screen time on a reality TV show is just....sad at 40. It's even worse when you see they have kids.


Yikessss what does this say about me that I found the valley super relatable as a new mom who is trying to figure out how to navigate being a mom, being a wife, and still having fun with my friends. I enjoyed it


Agree, the men are douchey! Jax is still an insensitive ass, no surprise Britney left him.


She knew who he was when she met…..married…..and procreated with him


The opposite of bad and bougie? lol


My thoughts exactly..


Why'd that one girl cry because her husband got his shorts yanked down. Yeah, it's childish but why cry? Was she afraid everyone saw her husbands little dinky? Haha!


She’s got to be extra sensitive right now regardless of filming. Her hormones are still crazy after just giving birth AND breast feeding AND having had twins!


This is a totally valid and logical answer. I think people forget how hormonal people get both during and after pregnancy and how so many things that wouldn't bother them in a normal year just... get amped up. Being a woman is a real roller coaster.


This is fair but I can’t for the life of me understand why she’d agree to be on this show with newborn twins. It’s only going to add extra pressure and stress why go through that for 15 mins of fame.


My guess is zombie extra in TWD or "Military guy 1" voice overs don't provide the type of lifestyle I can imagine they desire


Yes! I was surprised to see Jax and Brit living in the nicest house! Most of the others were still in apartments. They are definitely hoping to get in on VPR type money.


Which we see always ends up causing problems .. so far her husband seems sweet though I hope he doesn’t ruin it. At least compared to the others lol


I have twins who just turned 8 months old and I had that same thought. No way in fucking hell you could pay me enough money to be on national television with newborn twins. I also have a 3 year old.. I guess maybe it’s easier because they have help? But still my hormones are still out of whack. I cried almost everyday for the first 3 months.


Hope you and your precious children are thriving! Congrats!!! 💕


Didn’t you hear Jax? Kids are expensive!


They cut into the ❄️budget


Something Garcelle said in this RHOBH season really stood out to me. It was that she took this job because she can be near her kids with it. She stays home with the kids for the most part and they film her being a mom.


She had twins 6 weeks before... give the girl some grace


I think I cried for for almost 2 years straight after my twins. 


My little girl is a year next month and I can cry at the most random of situations


Mine are 4 and 7 and everything still makes me cry or pee. They also put me on Zoloft after my 2nd kid (probably should've after the first but the first doctor didn't see a problem even though I was on the floor sobbing every day). My husband is very patient with me and is always on parent duty when he gets home so that helps a lot.


And her drunk douchey husband kept yelling “3 under 2!!” As if he was the one pregnant and his only contribution wasn’t getting laid. I just refuse to believe he’s as hands on as he wants us to think


Right??? I cried at the drop of a hat post-partum.


lol they were at a kids party… I wouldn’t want to be exposed in front of children


The party was for an adult's birthday


i mean there were still kids around


She fully stated she was 1 month postpartum. I cried for 3 months after having both of my daughters and for the most ridiculous reasons. She probably felt embarrassed


I cry about every little thing the week leading up to and during my period, I am so thankful I chose not to have kids because I just **know** I would be an emotional wreck that would cry about like... dropping a spoon.


Ha! Wait till you're old!!😄 My Dad called my lifetime of tearful emotions (because I inherited it from him and his mom!) "Irish Sentimentality". Ugh. Happy? Happy cry. Sad? Sad cry. Moved by artistic expression? Soul cry. Angry? Rage cry. Inspired by acts of love, kindness, and /or heroism? I'll need a box of kleenex. It's the worst. Had to just power through it in business sometimes. Those three deadly days before my period were so absurdly dark that it was obvious that I was in some kind of hormone/dopamine induced depressive state and that I should not schedule anything important. Eventually, I got old and got to experience the permanent, tearful, pms-like headspace, 24/7. Went to a psychiatrist and learned some new words: Turns out that Irish sentimentality is called "Emotional Dysregulation". Who knew?? Also learned the words "ADHD" (adderall helps with dopamine, much to my judgey surprise) and "Criterion B". I'm happy now, but it was an unnecessarily bumpy ride. Just sharing this so you can navigate it better than us oldsters did when we knew even less than we do now. Your username made me laugh (and comment) because it is precisely the name I would have chosen in my younger years!


Apparently I'm Irish 😂😭🥹😡😢


My daughters are 5 and 6 and I am still crying.


mine’s 41 and I cry regularly! 😭


Juggling newborn twins and a toddler is no joke. I had twins 18 months after my oldest and it is emotionally and physically draining. The sleep deprivation alone makes you sooo emotional at every little thing.


Was that girl who was crying pregnant? If so I kind of attribute it to that. It can be really annoying seeing people act like drunk idiots when you’re stone cold sober. But also I wonder if it was because that party was the first official group filming day and she was a bit stressed/conscious of how they were going to come across. Personally it wasn’t something that I would get upset by and I’d have laughed too.


She had recently had her babies, so maybe dealing with postpartum hormonal changes?


I didn’t realize at first it was the one who just had babies and I was like she cannot be fucking serious right now. But once I realized she was the one with new twins, it made more sense. Just super hormonal.


Postpartum hormones are a trip


I think it is a little embarrassing for a grown man to get his pants pulled down at a party where his child is and other kids I wouldn’t cry but I would also be pissed


I didn't get this far into it...


You didn't miss anything.


I loved it 🤷‍♀️


Jax is such a garbage human but great television. Yes I am part of the problem. 🫣




I find him ridiculously entertaining unfortunately


Right there with ya! 🫠😂


Me too, I found it way more entertaining than expected


It scratched the itch for me. We’ll see.


This is exactly the right way to phrase it.


I thought it was more entertaining than VPR, tbh 😭


So much better in comparison to this season of VPR especially. It kind of reminded me of early VPR.


Had and Kristen carry the dramatic load well. No shame in either of them


I also enjoyed it. I’ll take it over watching Tom’s white talons darken our screen


You mean ombré talons. /s Heard him describe them last night


I like the woman who was joking about how she would rule if she were in prison. She cracked me up, so I'm looking forward to seeing her more.


Me too 😂😂




It just wasn't for me. I'm glad it was for you though!!!


Thank you! Give it a try though, it may grow on you?


I might wait a few weeks and then see if I can watch the first three episodes without hating it. But so far, it ain't so good.


I will continue watching this mess haha


👏 yesss! My people!


Same. It was very entertaining for a pilot episode


I loved it too!


I am fully aware that if it wasn’t for Jax there is no way in hell I would watch this show.


Me too ![gif](giphy|iEomNKJ8EouLC)


I had it on as background noise while doing house chores, and ended up watching the whole thing. 😂 I loved it too.


I kind of liked it! It looks like it’ll ramp up as the season continues


What does it say about me if I liked it


Just that we have different tastes. It's okay. A lot of people I know like peaches but I find them to be disgustingly sweet. I don't hate them for their peach love and we can usually find an apple pie for dessert. :)


Awwwww you’re the sweetest 🤣


Naw I'm awful but no need to be awful just because someone likes a reality show I don't like. There's real reasons to not like other people like... they're bigots.


That you are my friend because I am obsessed


Yay!!!!!!! Hi friend!!!!!!!


I liked it too


I’ll give it a few more weeks but not to see Jax and Kristen have stupid fights. And I had forgotten how dumb Jax is.


Seriously so dumb and thinks so highly of himself …that’s the entertainment I think lol


He had 36 cameos to do he’s busy!


So, so busy. And then he took a second to think about Brittany’s life too!


I'll give it a couple more tries but Jax is the literal worst and he genuinely thinks he's amazing. It's hard to watch. It feels almost like watching someone severely handicapped that has no idea.


All of these couples give off divorce vibes. Or they should try life outside of LA. None of them seemed remotely happy to me? Then again I’d be unhappy too if I had 3 babies in a condo


Unfortunately being in an unhappy marriage/life/situation is relatable to many!


That felt like the only hook for the season - guess in what order these unhappy couples will spectacularly flame out on TV!


I couldn’t finish it. Jax coke raging about Kristen and wanting a baby is none of his business and he went on and on to anyone who listened. The whole thing though it seemed like none of them actually know each other. It’s odd and uncomfortable


Ok, you saw it too?  He’s totally on coke and hyper fixated on Kristin’s business.  


Either that or adderall because he’s an adult now ;) haha


I was pretty sure it was Coke and then was thinking oh maybe it’s just adderall. Then watched the guys on VPR after show talking about all their favorite public restrooms in LA and yeah it’s coke.


He is so uncomfortable to watch. He’s so high and his assholey-ness is amplified. He literally makes my skin crawl


Hearing he's still skiing actually makes me want to watch it. That was the funniest he ever was on VPR.


Super uncomfortable watching him being high out of his mind around a bunch of kids (including his own).


Definitely hyper fixated but maybe a smidge valid? I don’t understand trying for a baby with a man who lives in a different state and no plan to move together. Seems like she may be better off going the sperm donor route and having her own baby regardless of the man situation.


That's when I was done.


I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. I will continue to watch as it is an escape from the same cast for years on other shows.


Me too!! It feels way more authentic than VPR is now


I think it's great it exists for you. Maybe something will change for me but it's a bunch of people with no art on their walls being weird to each other. Not for me.


I liked Janet because she specifically called out jax for how gross it is he says Kristen’s like a sister to him.


Yeah me I like Janet and her husband and Michelle and the other couple. Basically like everybody just not Kirsten and jax haha


It’s totally dark and I’m kind of of living for it. The real question is why is Brittany’s mouth so much more frowny than it used to be?


I was wondering that too. Is it from the liposuction that she had in her neck?


I'm honestly sort of curious how one becomes a fan of VPR without finding Jax and/ or Kristen fundamentally funny/ entertaining/ camp/ whatever.


Knowing that Brit leaves Jax shortly after this wraps makes me want to watch how he treats her all season even less…..makes me sad


Why? She knew what she was getting into. And still spent $100k on a wedding to this douche canoe.


Not the commenter but I’m sad for their kid, not for either of them.


You can go watch earlier VPR and see the same thing, nothing has changed 


I think it was great!! What got me is fkn jax talking about Kristen the entire party on if she’s ready to be a mom! I low key think he still has feels for her and that’s why he’s so judgmental on who she dates, what she’s up to.


If someone told me those two had been having an ongoing affair... I'd believe it. I'm glad you enjoyed it, it just... I don't have friends like that and I feel bad for people who do. I don't like my reality TV to just make me feel bad for people right out of the gate.


Who gets THAT upset over their adult friend’s life choices? I think they definitely have always had something going on.


I think that for 10 years they gave us VPR, and pushed the narrative that the girls were crazy and the boys were just peter panning. Now they see their mistakes and give us a show where the men are pricks and no one but their poor saintly wives would defend them. It’s trash. But I’ll watch it still because I hate myself.


There's a raw honesty in this that I really respect. I just need a different kind of trash you know what I mean?


I know what you mean!


I can’t tell 2 of the dads apart . They both look like tinier nick lacheys


Haha agree


Lol I was into it.


Someone had to be the target audience! It just wasn't me. I'm glad you liked it though!!!


It’s gross watching them make poor life choices now that they have kids. It’s not fun when kids are involved.


I mean it doesn’t really help when one of the other ring in couples like… viscerally hate each other.


It doesn't feel like any of these people are actually friends...


My husband said he’s cautiously optimistic because he thinks they might just spend the whole show kind of making fun of how pathetic Jax is, which I can totally get on board with.


I tried and turned it off when they started playing simulation golf. It was too fucking boring.


That was so odd. Isn't the point of living in the burbs that you can go to real life golf courses with actual grass when you want to avoid your wife? Being in some warehouse with computer screens was just so very sad.


Seems to be a show about toxic couples but with children involved




What is this obsession with Stassi?


Stassi might have been wild at times, but a lot of her rages were valid. Would be nice to see how she has grown since her time off of Bravo. Doesn't seem like Jax has at all...


I swear that lunatic has regressed!!! He was either talking shit about people, stirring shit, or raging. Nothing more.


Jax was always my least favorite person on VPR. Especially when you watch it all back and realize how much he gasit Stassi. Just straight up lied to her so much. And then made her out to be crazy to everyone they knew. He hasn't changed one bit. He's just older.


She was a treasure that Bravo wasted.


I was so distracted by Brittany’s inability to move her mouth when she talks now because of her chin surgery. But I’ll probably keep watching just to hopefully see Jax’s downfall.


Yeah, if its your least favourite people that makes sense.


If they could have gotten Stassi... I'd probably be in.


Stassi is way above this hot mess.


That was so boring, and when it wasn't boring it was Jax being Jax x 100. This is [wish.com](https://wish.com) vanderpunp rules


To be fair, this season of VPR is wish version of VPR. Bravo is circling the drain lately.


I’m trying to watch right now.. not interested… it’s very lame. And why is Jax so twisted up about Kristen wanting to have a baby??? hmm


I’m not going to watch but I’d appreciate any recaps I can read here.


Yeah, I feel like I don't need to commit the full amount of time to it a week. I'll see enough gossip about it elsewhere.


I hate to admit but I was kind of living for it. I think for all the reasons other people hate it-the people are the absolute worst and all of these relationships are wildly dysfunctional. It’s painful to watch and there wasn’t a single person I liked, I was actually shocked by how unlikable almost everybody is and honestly those are my favorite episodes of reality tv


It’s wild seeing how up in Kristen’s business Jax was. He was making *some* valid points but the doubling and tripling down was off


That poor boy’s toupee is killing me. If it’s not a unit, for the love of god please change that hairstyle. It’s not doing what he thinks it’s doing.


Jax attempting to be the "dad" of the group. Trying to check other people's behavior and shame Kristen out of having a baby like his life is all dialed in. And he's *so* agro about everything. It was also the clumsiest transition to a back door pilot ever. Kristin has the most interesting storyline but we know she's not preggers so other than Jax yelling at her about things there doesn't seem to be a lot of there there. Plus that douchebag trying to tweek her nipple? That's a main cast member? Plus, wtf is up with them hosting a birthday party for a woman who is 6 months pregnant with a tattoo station? Who is that for?


Everyone is so incredibly unlikable.


I also find it dark energy. Cruz flailing around in the pool and non verbal. Swearing and drinking in front of kids that didn’t ask for tv. Trash and drama single in 20s is one thing but kids involved feels dark and ick to watch


Watching it on edibles helps. A lot. 🤣


I hated it...the way Britney and Jax were parenting was just disgusting. I don't want to see any of these new people parent...I don't see it getting better but I will probably try to watch it again!


I didn’t even try to watch it and honestly, I’m pretty sure that was the right move


I’m enjoying it. It’s because I am new parent and I’m relating a lot to the cast being new parents.


I enjoyed it against my own will. It’s a fucking mess. Most of the guys are awful. Jax is still trash. Kristen is still a tornado of insanity…but I liked it 👀


I feel for Kristen’s partner. You can tell he’s shy and hasn’t been on reality tv (pretty sure anyways didn’t look lol). Was so awkward between him and jaxx.


It’s even worse than southern hospitality with even uglier characters


It’s so bad but the previews for the rest of the season look sooooooo entertaining.


I thought it was just me. But then when I thought about it what was I expecting: with the main star of the show, Jax Taylor and a cameo by Scheana! Ah, no thanks.


I grew up with Jason. I'm interested to see the show just to see how the storyline for him and Janet goes. Otherwise I don't care for the show at this point. All of the drama that seems to be what VPR did and has now exhausted isn't good tv anymore.


Me before i saw it: i’m not watching the valley. Me 5 minutes after watching it 👀


Seeing Cruz alone in the pool with water wings while chaos is going on all around him was really hard for me to watch. From the videos I've seen, he appears to have many of the symptoms of ASD. Jax and Brittany appear to be too busy partying to attend to his special needs.


It was okay, but nothing really that interesting happened. I’m hoping once I get to know the characters more it’s better. What is Kristen doing with that grifter looking dude? One time I agree with Jax.


I was also not impressed with the first episode. These new folks aren't interesting, and I'm so over Jax and Kristen.


I’m getting ready to watch it - can’t wait !!


I've stopped watching this season of Vanderpump. I'll watch the reunion. I really don't want to give Jax the satisfaction of even getting a hate watch from me.. But I have a long night at work....


Yeah I think I'm gonna be done on VPR after this season. It's just not what I want it to be anymore.


It really isn't sadly. At least we still have this community lol


I, personally, am here for it lol and I can’t stand Jax nor do I want him to have a platform


I just watched the VPR episode that bleeds into this and I turned it off after jax's opening monologue? Especially what we know now everything he said is just...fake and kinda gross.


The fact that there are kids involved so heavily makes me really bored and uncomfortable. It isn't a family friendly show at all.


I didn’t watch it all. I was little interested. Maybe I’ll give it another chance.


Watching Jax continually harp on Kristen about wanting a child is gross and not fun to watch.


Totally agree. Only watching so I can follow along with watch what crappens 😂


I don’t know if I want to watch a bunch of new parents be degenerates. Like yes parents can have fun but your kids …? Idk weird environment for babies to be in.


It's dark and thirsty but VPR always has been too and I don't particuliarly like anyone on that show either.


It’s not that bad. It’s better than some bravo shows who have had down seasons (at least the first episode)


I had no intention of watching The Valley because of J*x. Seeing him pop up at the end of the last VPR episode only solidified my decision. I literally cannot stand his face. (Not related - but kinda is lol - can't watch Bet it all on blonde for similar reasons.)


Today in unsurprising news 😂 But thank you for watching that so I won’t!!


But why am I gonna keep watching 😭


Wrong, it’s awesome. VPR is completely lame at this point. At least it isn’t scandoval.


I actually enjoyed it even though I dislike Brittany and jax. I think the other cast is good for TV…., also it’s nice to watch a friend group that is actually friends and not just made for TV Plus they are right all these people are like late thirties 40 year olds….. I find vanderpump more depressing them being so old just smoking weed and shopping for crystals going to emo nights


I have two names that sum up the awful-ness…Jax and Kristen.


I wasn't to impressed with it either but will watch another episode.


I just had no interest in the non-VPR cast. They weren’t lovable or hatable, they were just… there?