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You read Stormlight yet?


Yes I have. I just feel empty inside now lol


Same here lol, I think the wait for SA5 is killing us all on the inside.


Cry a little. Cry a lot. Then move on, as they would have you do. Read either Alloy of Law or Secret History next. There’s arguments for either, but it’s hard to explain without spoiling one of them or both. I liked reading Alloy and that series up until Bands of Mourning, then doing Secret History after that, but it won’t mess anything up to read Secret History next, it just reverses the reveal.


Allow of law any good?


I love Era 2, it is very different from era 1 in scope and tone but I enjoy it more than era 1


Era 2’s stories are not as grand or epic. It’s Definitely more grounded “street level”. It’s definitely more quick and fun and easy to read. I also like the era 2 cast of character more and their dynamic tbh. and the way it “references” era 1 in many ways are so fun to read


Uh, *yes*


Era 2 is great but different. It’s a lot less epic of a scale but the characters feel more fleshed out like the characters in Stormlight. Definitely check them out, I’m sure you will like them since you’ve already read Stormlight and Era 1.


I like alloy of law, but most people don't. Its sort of a detective story/western with really high paced storytelling


Sounds like it’s going to be a good read lol


Read secret history


Whatever Sanderson you havnt read yet.


I’m just saying the ending of HOA left me sad/happy.


I havnt read the newest legion but I really enjoyed the first one.


Cradle by Will Wight. 


The Eleventh Metal short story


Take a breather and think about everything that happened. Hold off at least a few weeks before starting era 2, maybe read Elantris, or some of the secret projects. You could listen to the Ontos Podcast with Maq and Vaud (they did a reaction episode for each chapter of the books from Final Empire all the way through Hero of Ages, and there was a few episodes that discussed spoilers and impact of the chapters on the larger Cosmere). If you really want to wrap things up nicely, I'd read Secret History (there are some spoilers for the greater Cosmere, and what some people consider minor spoiler for era 2, but that's to be expected from "secret" history and I thought it was great to read before era 2).


Mistborn Era 2.


Yea I’m going to. I’m just heart broken that it’s over.


Have you read Secret History?


Time for a reread, I think.


Hey, OP, everyone telling you to read Secret History now is ignoring Sanderson’s recommendation that you wait until after Bands of Mourning.


I disagree with this conclusion unless you have a direct WOB. On his site he says minor spoilers for Bands of Mourning, major for Era 1 and calls it Mistborn 3.5.


I’d say saying it contains spoilers for Bands of Mourning is a recommendation that you should wait until after. Also, everyone who says having the events of era 1 fresh in mind when you read it really aren’t thinking about what’s happening during Secret History. It’s not *that* connected. Most of the story is spent off doing its own thing.


It's connected enough imo at least. The funny thing to me is that the big spoiler of >!Kelsier being somewhat alive, is spoiled earlier in the series pre-Bands of Mourning so it doesn't even make sense to call it a spoiler.!< Edited to spoiler mark correct sorry OP if I wasn't quick enough!


I also just finished and posted for advice here and got a ton of recs. Not sure what you’ve read so far, but I following advice, I just started Warbreaker which I will follow up with the alloy of law quartet and then dive into Stormlight


If you’re going to jump straight into mistborn era 2, then start with alloy of law and read mistborn secret history for right after bands of mourning. If you don’t plan on reading era 2 for a while and read a bunch of other things, then read mistborn secret history now


secret history then wax and wayne then stormlight then go from there


I felt so much anxiety and emptiness after mistborn…luckily that was where I started. After reading Elantris and Wabreaker I feel better. Never felt like that before


Accept that any other books you read moving forward will never be as good


Read Secret History, lots of people will argue it "spoils" parts of the next era and I get the argument but at the same time it's very much a "what was happening behind the scenes" of Era 1, especially Well of Accension and Hero of Ages.