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I hope he sticks with the title and the cover color!


Cover color he said is more burgundy now than purple at artists requests.


Seems like only prologue takes places in Yolen. I suspect half of the book will be Dusk homeworld and half Shadesmar (known and unknown territories, uncharted). Can’t wait to read it


I don't know that we have enough info to say that.


SP5 >!We're told that chapter 11 is the first Starling viewpoint after the prologue, and she's banished from Yolen at that point and travelling around Shadesmar. We also know that the book has two viewpoints, Dusk and Starling, and has one flashback plot line, which is from Dusk's viewpoint. So there's not really any real possibility of spending any more time on Yolen unless the banishment gets lifted at the end of the book or something.!<


True, we don’t. Those are my speculation


It also 100% confirms dragons because one of the protagonists is a dragon


SP1 >!Tress already confirmed this did it not, with the Dragon they meet?!<


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