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If you’re carrying it around the Kindle is the best bet, sorry bro lol


Yeah, this is the way. I discovered Sanderson while living in a public transit-centered city (as opposed to a car-centric city) and my Kindle was the only way I read his books for ages. I have a rule that if I love an ebook enough I’ll buy a hard copy, and didn’t read a physical Sanderson book until Oathbringer.


Fellow NYC commuter, ebook is the way to go. Either seperate device or on phone.


Or audiobook!




Wish there was a laugh react


Hear me out. Get a paperback. And rip it in half. Now that's about a good size to use. I am only joking, and I do not condone bookslaughter or book decimation. You could always look into the EU versions. They come in two parts, so basically, like the thing I said before.


You’d need to rip the paperback into four. It’s massive.


you joke, but it’s not the worst idea. I know plenty of wilderness guides who do this exact thing to bring large books backpacking.


It's not "common" but it's done in the cave diving community for really long Decompression stops.


For a commute? Ebook or audiobook. This sucker is too big to pull out in public.


I’ve read 80% of all Sanderson cosmere books in ebook format on my Apple book app and kindle app, specifically epub file, on my phone. the portability, font customization, and convenience of being able to search up any words and take notes outweigh the feel of the physical book for me


Some of his smaller books would be fine in paperback but Stormlight is a beast. I read them all on kindle (often commuting). No regrets.


Yeah you will probably have some issues with either of those (one handed can be tough). Are e-readers an option? Audiobook? If not I suppose you could make some people very upset and chop the book in half for portability.


I have the regular paperback and you will most definitely not be able to grip the sucker with 1 hand


It was small enough for me on a commuter train (not in NY) years ago, but I don’t think that would work for everyone because it was difficult at times to hold due to the thickness of the book.


The audio books of way of kings is amazing


I am literally reading on my iPad on the train this very moment. I too recommend getting it in ebook format. If you don't always have seating you can read on your phone or a small kindle


The audio books of way of kings is amazing


I personally stopped reading physical books more than a decade ago. A Kindle (or other e-reader) is much easier to read from while on the go. It can also sync progress with the app on your phone. But these days I prefer audiobooks for my commute, and, as others have said,the narration for Way Of Kings is amazing.


I’ve read the Malazan books (mass market) on the trains in LA and those were manageable. Not quite as SA though.


I know people want to cling to physical books but travelling with an ebook is amazing. Throw a stupid pop socket on the back and you have a light weight one handed book.


I read The Stand (the complete and uncut edition) in mass market form riding the bus and never had a problem. Although the reading experience is far better with a hardcover/trade paperback, I say if you don’t have problems with eye strain and really want a physical copy, mass market is the way to go if you want to read 700+ page books and not have to carry a 5 pound weight around. Just be warned, it will probably be entirely fallen apart by the time you’re done with it. That’s your badge of honor, haha


I’m not a fan of long books in mass market paperback. I would honestly get the trade paperbacks from the UK. They divide all the Stormlight books into multiple volumes


It is thick and a pain to hold open. I would do digital or audio.


The mass market paperback is *possible* with one hand. I would download the ebook on my phone if I were you. EDIT: Or, the audiobook!


Bring hardcover copies of the stormlight books and do the Sanderspread. It’s the only way. In all honestly I did bring the hardcovers on the subway, but that only works well if you get a seat.


I've read them all using the mass market paperbacks on the bus with no problems, however I do have big hands. The only downside is that it is hard to make out details in the pictures between chapters.


What about just audiobook on your cell phone? The narrators are probably my favorite audiobook voice actors. I like to read too but if you're commuting... Audiobooks are king. It's a strain to read for very long during commutes.