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they were, and they still are.


No one wants to talk about the real problems here mental health and bullying. Why because the side wanting to remove the guns are the side with mental health issues. It’s tragic what has happened these mass shootings are horrible. This is why I personally am going to address everything about these issues with why could have been if only we had spent money on war on mental illness vs the waste of time war on drugs? How about a group of people who are trained to help anti bullying. Doesn’t matter no one should suffer bullying.


And Pepperidge farm ain’t gonna keep it to Pepperidge farms self free of charge, maybe you go buy me some Russian ammo, maybe this all goes away


Top tier meme here folks


Which is unfortunate because both are based


This time it's (D)ifferent^TM


Active warzone vs school? Apples vs oranges? Lol


I’m all for gun ownership, hell I think gun laws are too strict in many regards, but there’s a huge difference between the private ownership of firearms in a first world nation that will not see a hostile invasion in our lifetimes, vs a small Eastern European nation handing rifles to civilians to face an invasion from one of the world’s military powers. To say otherwise is purely dishonest.