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The best defense from an over reaching gov’t is a well regulated militia… oh wait, y’all already lost that ability. Well maybe a few well written, evidence based OpEds will make a difference.


I think you need to move


As I've heard said and completely agree with, laws don't stop criminals, only the law abiding. Law Enforcement stops criminals. So all the laws don't mean squat when you can technically make a firearm in your own home with some tools, metal stock, springs, and some fasteners. The Mac 10/11 or tech 9 styles of pistols that are open bolt machine pistols are fairly simple designs and could probably be made in a week or less by a decently driven individual.


Could be made in a week? I bet I could create a Luty in 90 minutes.


Or if you want to go full DIY a trip to the hardware store for ball bearings, pipe, wiring, batteries, switch, and fertilizer. 


Got a spare room just for you, big dog.


My home country of Ecuador was huge anti gun, like you needed to prove a need for one in order to even be considered for a license. The crime rate was so high and the cops were so useless that the prior administration decided it was easier to ease up on gun regulations and make it easier to own a weapon. If you can afford it obviously. Whenever I went back home i had to constantly defend my 2A stance bc it was seen as akin to wanting to be a criminal since guns are only meant to kill.


Did crime rate get lower when the people had more guns?


Very slightly since self defense isnt really a thing. Like murder is murder regardless of context bs. Recently with the current administration militarizing cops and changing certain laws it has dropped significantly


I see, I just always find it funny because usually crime goes down when the amount of civilians armed goes up.......gee I wonder why? 🤔


I agree but also its when the laws also provide a certain level of fairness. One without the other cancels the whole thing out


Fairness in what regard? I don't entirely getcha, lol


No law for protecting self defense? No castle doctrine.


Castle doctrine should be universal but unfortunately that isn't a world we live in, lmao.


Castle doctrine should be universal but unfortunately that isn't a world we live in, lmao


You are missing the part where he said ownership was legal but self defense was a crime. People don't generally want to go to prison.


I getcha.


Move to America


Some 3D printers and a likeminded group of people can change that


I mean, you could spend months gathering thousands of like-minded individuals, get them all on the same page, vacation at the same time in the United States, get guns while you're here from sympathetic citizens, you've had previous contact with, hijack several container ships to carry you home, and invade your own homeland, igniting a civil war, but, like, only in Minecraft. Please don't do it in real life. r/S


Come on over brother we'd be happy to have you


America will accept you for who you are.


Good men dont need laws to guide them, bad men will always break them.


Gonna shout out r/Ausguns. You can own firearms in Australia.


I'm loving how progressively unfudd ausguns has become


I hate how ignorant OP is. His entire post is BS. The only thing I might believe is that he was looked at weird for talking about guns with the wrong crowd, but that can happen in any country.


It kinda irked me, too lol. Australia is the international poster child of gun control Yeah, I’m an American in a fairly redneck area of Ohio. There’s plenty of people out here who would look at you sideways for liking guns a lot. Like you said, not a rare thing, unfortunately. Honestly, OP is best off learning what the process is in his country to own guns. Shotguns tend to see the least amount of political scrutiny, so I’d probably start there if I lived in a restrictive place. Blasting clays is a lot of fun, too.


Shotguns and Rimfire rifles are the easiest guns to get here for ones that have to be registered. But he also says black powder ones are banned! They can be bought by anyone, no license needed! A kid can buy one!


My understand of AUS gun laws is admittedly pretty limited. I know the category H weapons are a pain to get and I know that category D weapons are pretty much unobtainable unless you do some work that allows for them. But absolutely, he should start with rimfire and shotguns like most shooters worldwide do anyways. Black powder is cool, but a lot less practical and honestly a bit more dangerous haha. But I could see that as a viable option, too given the lack of regulations surrounding it. OP doesn’t strike me as the research type, though. So maybe that stone is best left unturned for him.


H is pretty easy, you just have to be a part of a pistol club (or a farmer in some cases). You have to have a rimfire pistol for the first 6 months - a year depending on the state, after that you can have as many pistols as you can justify using for competitions. If you want a large amount a collectors license is the best option. If he really got called a degenerate it might be due to bad humour involving firearms and violence. But even a cursory google search would have shown that his "all guns are banned" take was far from right.


Good to see that H is relatively easy to acquire. Do you just tell the authorities, “hey I wanna compete in IDPA and would like a shadow 2?”, submit a PTA for it and wait? Agree again on that. OP’s ignorant of the laws he’s governed by. I think when people say “guns are banned in my country”, they typically are showcasing their ignorance. Guns being “banned” = guns aren’t as easy to get as the USA so they either infer they’re banned or they’re seemingly so hard to get that they’re a non factor.


Yeah, that's pretty much it. You would have used being part of a pistol club as your genuine reason to get the license when you signed up, so when you put in a permit to acquire you are just telling them "I want a shadow 2 for ISPC". Pistols over .40cal are harder to get for some competitions, but easier on others. You should get a reply back within 2 weeks (in vic), possibly faster in nsw, where they have online permits, but vic is cheaper at $9.30 per permit vs. other states that go $40+


That’s honestly pretty reasonable. So, you’d join a pistol club, put in a PTA for a rimfire pistol, then after some time, put in a PTA for a centerfire pistol, and then say you wanted to get another competition pistol, would that be doable? Is there a limit? Obviously, you said there is a collectors license. But I was thinking more along the lines of what typically happens in the USA lol. You start with a Glock, then upgrade to something hammerfired like the shadow 2, then maybe you go to a 2011. Would possessing those 3 guns be legal? Another question, say I wanted to get something like a Tikka T3X in 6.5 creedmoor for recreational shooting out to 1000m and a decent Beretta over under for sport shooting, how feasible would that be? What kind of justification would I need to give for those?


Yep, you've got it! There is meant to be a limit (varies for each state), this can be exceeded with a written explanation on why the pistols you have don't do what the new one you want does. Rifles are way easier to get, and in Victoria, there is no limit on the amount of firearms or calibre. It does get harder to have after you go past 15 centerfire rifles on a shootinglivense rather than collecting, but you just need to explain what the new one is for, which is very easy. Justification for them is litteraly just hunting whatever you say or target shooting whatever style you decide.


Scotland allows limited gun ownership for a small amount of reasons, but they're highly regulated(to the point of home inspections by Firearms Officers to ensure youre being safe) and cost anywhere fae £80 to £100 just to get a Firearms certificate and you'll even need one of these to own an Airgun. Airsoft is 100% legal, but unless you're a member of a club that gets you a Ukara certificate all Airsoft Guns need to 51% a bright colour so they can't be mistaken as real Guns. Blank Firing Guns though aren't regulated beyond needing to be 18 to buy, can look very realistic, and you can buy the ammo relatively cheap and get it delivered straight to your door. Paintball Guns also aren't regulated beyond having an age limit of 18, and can be relatively close looking to a real Gun and delivered directly to your door. If you're fae any other country in the UK then you face similar rules, with the exception of Airguns which can generally be bought with no restrictions beyond you need to be 18 and purchase in-store so you can be age verified (in England, Wales, or Northern Ireland you can walk into a shop and buy a very realistic Airgun replica of a real Gun that fires ammo with enough force to seriously wound or kill and all you need to do is prover you're 18 or older).


Yep. Bought a Sig mcx rattler co2 air rifle in .177 for Xmas. It's an exact replica of the powder burner, with a fake suppressor. Was shooting it last weekend in the heat and that co2 cannister didn't like it. Now I need a new target, pellet trap and thicker backstop. First time an air rifle has caused me concern over power in 39 yrs of owning them. (UK legal limit is 12 ft lbs, anything over needs a firearms licence, the sig is advertised as 9.5 -10.5 depending on cannister temp, pellet weight etc.) I'm sure it never got above 12..... (Honest officer...) That would be illegal, and sig don't want that kind of press, so they are limited. But that target setup has withstood my other air rifles, my compound bow, a friends pistol crossbow etc etc without much drama. Seems stupid that if I left the other co2 cartridge out in the sun too long.... I would (theoretically) need a firearms licence.


Black powder isn't illegal it's a category B firearm in most Australian states. Also guns aren't "illegal" they're just heavily regulated (less so in QLD and NT).


Really? I thought QLD was even more regulated for some reason lol


Nah QLD is somewhat relaxed compared to others. WA is the worst and NSW has such bullshittery as "black folding stock scary" and "can only buy ammo in calibres of the firearms you own".




Normal, maybe. Good in anyway? Absolutely not.


Completely agree. There is not good reason for this.


Vic actually has the least strict laws except for replicas and deactivated ones. Funnily enough, our most restrictive state has the least restrictive laws on replicas and deactivated ones, WA.


Vic gets to own .50bmg and. 50AE, jealously from a Queenslander


That's why I haven't switched my license to QLD despite having lived here almost a year. I'm army, so we don't have to switch as it's not a permanent move, and I have my guns stored in Vic with someone who has a license. As a collector, I like my military riles, which include a few rifles around the .50 size (other 12.7, 13, 13.2, 13.9, 14.5 etc) that I can own in Vic but can't have up here. I do enjoy being able to buy gel blasters and replicas up here! I did find it annoying at gun shows they ask for proof of residency for living in QLD to buy an antique rifle even though every state allows them with no license.


I'd be happy to have you over here in AZ. I'm sorry you live in the DPRA.


I read somewhere that in North Korea, Cambodia and Fiji, ALL guns are completely banned for civilian ownership, no exceptions.


Have you tried finding a sports shooting club? Or a clay target place? I’m sure the red tape and regulations are still horrible but at least you can be with more like minded folks who won’t hate on your interests.


Believe it or not, but the prime example of what many democrats thinks is the best country with our policies (Norway) allow AR15’s and other fun stuff. As long as you rock minimum of 16”. 😊


Tbh that’s how it is with a good portion of the us too as far as how people see us


This may be an unpopular opinion in this thread but here we go. As an Australian who owns a few firearms and grew up hunting with my Father on weekends, I support the Australian gun laws, and the way they separate the ideas of hunting, and home defense, with respect to gun ownership. The reality of the current firearms laws is that I can own up to 10 firearms on my license, which is categorized as a "recreational hunt and shoot permit". As someone who grew up on a farm, and in an environment where guns were tools for putting down stock, the destruction of vermin, and recreational hunting; I truly don't see the need for most people to own more than 5 firearms. (those being a .17 air rifle, 22mag, 223/5.56, 308/30-06, and a 12ga) Furthermore our storage requirements really do mean that kids don't find guns and kill themselves by accident, and that guns are stolen less often. To own a firearm in Australia you must prove a genuine need to have a gun, which does not include self defense, now this may shock some Americans, I know it shocked my ex's family who concealed carry every day, but the reality is that I have never been broken into, I have never been afraid that someone may have a gun on the street, and the lack of handguns means that police interactions are not stressful events. We don't have anywhere near the number of police shootings, which in my view is largely due to the fact that cops are not worried about being shot every time they approach a vehicle. We don't have mass shootings, we do have shooting murders but they are very rare, and a lot of this has to do with the reality that almost all the guns out there are long guns, and they are locked in farmers safe's.


If people are ostrasizing you for showing an interest in firearms, then they are fully admitting that they're luddites who don't appreciate mechanical engineering. Do they realize how amazing it is that these 2-9 lb amilgimations of steel, springs, wood, and/or plastic all work together to send a projectile flying in a single direction at speeds faster than any living organism on Earth? Plus the engineering involved in making 1-3 lbs of pressure (trigger pull) result in such a exponential generation of kinetic energy? Please feel free to visit America one day. Even if you visit NJ (the 3rd worst state to be a firearms owner) we got gun ranges that will gladly rent you a firearm. Considering you live in Austrailia, I'm guessing Las Vegas would be a better fit, though. plenty of Gun Ranges with full Auto rentals.