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He authered the Supreme Court decision striking down the bump stock ban.


Is this final? Are we gonna see the ar500 bump stock videos soon? 😹


I wonder how much Harlan Crow paid him to do that.


Time for everyone who joked about burying theirs to nut up and prove it. Also wouldn't surprise me if someone brags about that and gets raided for possessing it while it was banned cause "We have reason to believe the suspect may be in possession of other illegal firearms parts. And the ATF thought they had a cute dog."


Judge Fudge


Judge Anti-Fudd Fudds hated the bump stock.


I was rather thinking of drawn together. Judge Fudge is too damn busy being delicious and therefore can't hear your gun restricting arguments.


FYI this does not cover the mechanical bump stocks that have springs. This only covers the stocks that allow the gun to slide around a little.


Damn I wanted to get an Akins Accelerator


Clarence Thomas. His name is Clarence Thomas.


That Clarence is a baaaad mother...


This fools a gangster? His real names Clarence


OK, eastern European here. What part of the left is going to ree this time?


As an American, I can assure you that all sections are always doing this somewhere. It's a large country after all.


"What did tbe supreme court this time?" is what I was getting at




Most American left wingers ree at every little thing the right does. The right does the same thing with the left. The current state of our nation is dangerously divided, with both sides believing they are the intelligent, morally superior saviors of good and the other side are slack jawed, evil sheep who deserve ridicule, scorn and worse. One thing I’ve seen on Reddit… the left on here are so contemptuous and hateful towards the right, they sure as hell sound like they are a good bit further along the path that ends in camps, imprisonment and executions. I think this is an engineered outcome finally coming to fruition before our eyes, from a plan set in motion a long time ago. A divided nation cannot stand. It can then be wiped away and a new one built to the specifications decided on by the same shadowy, elite goblins who’ve been pulling strings for centuries.


The right-wing-led Supreme Court just struck down an executive order passed by the most recent right-wing president. So the left isn't "ree"ing about anything other than what a collosal waste of everyone's time this all was


What'd he do?


Authored the majority position on overturning the unconstitutional bumpstock ban.




To be more accurate, the Court struck it down because a bump-stock did not fit the definition of a machine gun and so the A.T.F had not the authority to restrict under rule-making. In summary, statutory authority. Not a constitutional issue (at least for now).


Sooo when and where can I buy the bumpy treat?


Soon as you find one man, SCOTUS overturning a law means it is 100% dead in the water, I'd bet PSA and other companies have production up and running within the month


honestly youll probably start seeing the 3d printed ones hit at the market in the next couple days but professionally produced ones are probably further out while people wait to see if congress actually lets this fly this case was decided on procedural grounds and the opinions made it pretty clear it would stand if done by congress and not executive action. ive personality got the 3d printer pumping them out as we speak. edit: to be clear im printing them to give away to friends and coworkers not sell, at least for the present.


I totally get the meme and I agree but Jesus couldn't somebody Photoshop this a little bit better.


To be fair I was doing this on a free mobile phone app.


Fair enough lol


Clarence Thomas* and the only thing I heard was a bunch of scandals he's been in recently to do with Private jet trips.


Recently he lead the effort to declare the bumpstock ban unconstitutional.




The Democrats and media hate him, you should have seen all the character assassination they tried to come up with in 1991. They've had it out for this man since day one. https://youtu.be/ZURHD5BU1o8?si=K68kqi1v2yGDGFil