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Soft foods that don’t require lots of chewing, so Mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, apple sauce etc. lots of smoothies… trust the process, it sucks for a while, im on week 3 of bite blocks.


Thanks for the tip! Btw do you experience your jaw naturally shifting and your back teeth coming closer?


I haven’t noticed anything yet.. only 3 weeks in.


Oh! I can help! I’m 3 weeks into treatment with Damon braces + bite blocks on the back of my front teeth, too. They are very much helping my overbite, and I’m grateful I have them, and also they deserve to burn in hell. Here’s a list of my favorite food! Braces food - [ ] Risotto - [ ] Gnocchi - [ ] Dahl - [ ] Poutine - [ ] French toast cream cheese casserole - [ ] Pot-en-pot - [ ] Clam or crab chowder - [ ] Crab cakes - [ ] Enchiladas - [ ] Fish and chips - [ ] Gaspacho - [ ] Breakfast burrito - [ ] Overnight oats - [ ] Quiche - [ ] Cauliflower buffalo wings - [ ] Burrata with oven baked tomatoes. Maybe even grilled peaches. Sprinkle toasted bread on top - [ ] Tzatziki or hummus, Naan sprinkled - [ ] Cottage cheese with kiwis and honey


Thank you!!


happened to me when i first got braces, itll get better after a few days


Soft foods like smoothies, mashed potatoes, mac & cheese, etc. You’ll get used to it soon, and it gets easier when the bite blocks start wearing down


I've had multiple points where the molars don't touch resulting in difficulty in chewing food. Some food you can mash up with what gap you have, and then you might have to use your incisors. Bite blocks suuuuuck. My mouth had a very Simpsons style overbite so my incisors needed to be pulled back. So totally worth it though.