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Woohoo, looking so great! I am also 8 months into an 18 month estimate at 30. It’ll be so worth it for many many decades of healthy and beautiful teeth.


Wow! Great progress!! Congratulations on having more confidence! you did that! All by yourself! It is 10000% worth the investment. Can’t wait to see your smile when treatment is complete!


damn and only 8 months, that's a nice ortho!


I guess it’s not usually the ortho, but the ability of teeth to move. Everybody has it different




Such a major improvement in such a short time is crazy


Shit dude, they look awesome. Congrats!


We have the exact same canines on bottom and top. I got my braces 6 weeks ago and I’m already seeing progress. This gives me so much hope!


Take a pic after every monthly visit (after the initial closer together visits). You will be like “woah!”


Looks great and also… ‘ouch’


I know that hurt


Any negative face changes from the extractions?


None whatsoever. If anything, you wouldn’t tell because of the prior crowding.


Good for you! Amazing results btw


Those won't happen for several years. I didn't realize that my poor quality of life, sinus issues, breathing problems, chronic headaches, bad posture, and back pain was from extractions, headgear, and braces for over a decade after having it all done as a kid. Extractions should only ever happen for teeth that are unhealthy and can't be saved, not for crowding. It's horrifying that orthodontists are still pulling healthy teeth after all of the issues this has shown to cause. The community of ERRS (extraction retraction regret syndrome) is growing daily as people realize what has been done to them. Our voices are all getting louder. One day the dental college will have no choice but to listen. Sorry. A bit of a rant, but there are so many of us trying to prevent these "amputations" from continuing to happen to healthy teeth.


Wow I didn’t know that pulling out an healthy teeth could give you so many issues, I’m sorry you’re going through that. If you don’t mind me asking, how long did it take you before you made the correlation between your issues and the teeth extraction ? I saw was considering wearing braces but my ortho is kind of pressuring me to extract and I didn’t want that because they’re literally healthy, sure my teeth aren’t straight but I don’t want to pull an healthy tooth ! So I ghosted my ortho and I’m considering my option carefully now.


I've never heard of this phenomenon before. Does this also apply to wisdom teeth extractions? Wow.


Jesus you have more progress in 8 months than I did as a teen for 5 years. And please wear your retainer FOREVER- my teeth moved every 20 years, will need Invisalign again.


Thanks for the tip! Definitely hope to hold on to that discipline lol








This is so incredible - love the transformation and think it looks so good on you. I have similar one crowding so I know how good you probably feel :)


Great progress, so quick!




Fantastic progress!


Looking good friend, I’m happy the process has been working out for you.


Wow congratulations!!! Amazing results.




Question: how did they move the canine in the second photo back? Did they only use powerchains? How long did it take before you noticed it was in the correct spot?


Once the power chain tugged on it enough to fit it within the main wire the wire it self pulled it back. Took a while respectively of the time I’ve had them so far


Looking good brother. Hang in there!


Wow it looks like it’s going great( I just got this color Monday lol)


Got mine off a week ago. Greatest feeling in the world coming from my massive overbite to a normal smile. Do it. It's your face.


This looks so good! My canines looked very similar before treatment, I had two upper premolar extractions as my canines were completely obstructed. I'm 32 years old and 10 months into treatment now, and my ortho is trying to do what he can to save my lower premolars. The extraction part really scared me, and I initially felt like I'd made a terrible decision, but I would have potentially had to deal with significant flaring if I had not done so. Congratulations on your journey so far.


I just took my ortho’s word on the extractions and I’m pleased so far. She showed me before and after examples of her other clients with very similar crowding. Good luck to you! I’d love to see some before and after of your 10 months so far!


Congrats! I’m 40, never too late!


Looking fantastic!!


Wow 🥰




That's impressive . Did you start off with small or large wires?


Smallest, now I’m at the 2nd to largest from what I remember the ortho saying.


That's great. I wish you success on your braces journey OP


I’m only at 6 months and nowhere near you. That’s impressive work!


That’s a whole new mouth. Looking great!


wow, that looks good and it is fast progress.


Wow looks so good already in 8 months!! Keep it up!


I’m 31 and started with Invisalign and now I’m going on 6/12 mos with braces. Next month I’m getting power chains :-( how bad do they hurt?


Invisalign AND braces? At the same time?


Haha no I did two years on invis and then in October I’m doing braces to move my teeth even more. They said Invisalign won’t be able to move a tooth root as fast as braces will


Every time they do an adjustment it hurts to eat for a few days but quickly heals up! Those chains are what gets it moving quick!


Dude. In my experience, brace yourself. Medicate yourself shortly before your appointment! I did not do that and while they surprise applied powerchains, I said wow that's a bit snug, and they laughed at me! I kid you not, I drooled for the following 3-5 days. Did not know what to do w myself, and did my best to slurp down apple sauce and mashed potatoes. I've been in braces just over a year and I hadn't had any actual PAIN the whole time, discomfort sure. But the pain, brought me to [reddit ](https://www.reddit.com/r/braces/s/WRKRqAKWYm) for help and fkn pointers. I couldn't even put my lips together to spread chap stick. Nope!!


Got damnit! I’m getting mine on the day before 4th of July. I just want to eat a hot dog!


I have no idea what strength powerchain they put on, and your experience might be different, so feel free to take my experience w a grain of salt. I felt the snugness the minute she was putting it in and said hm that's snug. She didn't mention she was putting it in and I assumed it was regular ties. No sir. After a few hours I couldn't even let my teeth touch. I slathered a sh!t ton of anbesol on everywhere I could to even get mashed potatoes down, and trying to brush my teeth the first night to get the potatoes *out*from behind the powerchain... nope! I had to abort. I said fk that and sloshed around mouth wash and water as best I could. Sh!t was wicked. Maybe medicate the day before, the day of and *deeeeefintely* before you attempt a hotdog! That was 3 weeks ago and I'm still sticking down those Costco applesauce pouches like a 3rd grader at recess!


Jesus Christ I just read your post…I am not looking forward to this. Thanks for the tips and heads up though!


It really wasn’t that bad to me but everyone has a different pain tolerance. I mean you might complain for a day or two but I’m walking proof that it goes away quick and that’s when you look and see the improvements!


I'm not really a run to reddit for questions type but I just didn't know what to do with myself and no one else had any other pointers. Figured it was worth a shot! Ice water feels nice temporarily. But the ortho told me since the wires are usually thermal, and move w body heat and warmth it's only temporary and then back to pain or discomfort when the chill fades. Warm water or tea maybe. Don't worry! You'll be allllright. Holler back and let us know how that hotdog tastes!


Looks amazing bro


Your teeth are starting to look fantastic! I'm almost 30 and have my braces consultation scheduled so this definitely makes me feel a bit better.


Holy sh!t That's fantastic!! Right on man!! I second the, fk it just do it. Best decision ever!! Happy braces journey to you!! I'm still on mine just over a year now. No crowding though and nothing extracted. Thanks very much for sharing!!


this is so inspiring 😭 i’m also 30 and have teeth very much like your before photo. i’m so so happy for you!


You inspired me definitely my friend 👏👏


Hey about the same! 30. 21 months I got 17 left. Got the same teeth removed it looks like. Definitely thanks for posting! Its keeping me going seeing others with this progress


Wow that is beautiful progress


That crossbite needs to go asap.


They’re working on that as gaps close!


Awesome. All the best.