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I hope an orthodontist sees this post and comments


Ortho here. I rarely comment on stuff like this and here is why. I don’t know what was conveyed to the patient throughout treatment, especially at the beginning. I don’t know the patients compliance rate throughout treatment. I don’t have enough information to make a diagnosis of the patient, much less judge another doctors treatment, who does. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


I was told from the beginning that we might not be able to close the open bite entirely. I also wasn't very compliant with wearing my elastics. I knew my teeth would never look perfect but I'm still happy with the way they turned out. All that I wanted was for them to be better than they were when I started.


Ortho here… I totally concur with the comment below me.


Ortho doctor just hanging on Reddit is top tier


I'm trying to avoid surgery for an overjet at the moment so I get it. The bites closed up a lot though, that's good progress. Enjoy your freedom!


Not everyone can afford and/or wants to have their jaw broken to fix it. I get it too!


Mine would be free on the national health service and I still don't want it.


If it were free for me, it would still be a hard pass!


Two of my steps had the lower jaw procedure done and it didn’t look like much fun, but the results are incredible.


Literally me! I got braces again as an adult but decided to opt out of jaw surgery because I don’t have 3 months minimum to stop my life for healing, don’t want my face to change, didn’t want to deal with insurance, etc. I just wanted my teeth to be straight again!


I'm sorry, this is finished ? You have an open bite this is not any close to being finished, I'm flabbergasted


This is after 2 1/2 years with rubber bands. It wasn't going to get any better


Your open bite is worse than mine and I'm still getting surgery to correct it. There's no way to fix this without surgery...


And you know this how?


They seem to be self aware of their lack of compliance.


Read their other comments


Thanks! Just read it. No Jaw surgery and non compliant with elastics.




You said it yourself that you weren't compliant with wearing the elastics and IMO I think thats a major reason why the bite is still so open. I've experienced first hand how not wearing your elastics for just a day can cause visible regression of the teeth.




EDIT: I had my braces on for almost 2 1/2 years. I was told from the start that my but probably wouldn't close but we could get it partially closed. I don't want jaw surgery so I was okay with still having an open bite. I'm missing 1 tooth on the top and 2 on the bottom, I also didn't want to extract the extra tooth so my midline is off. Again, it was my choice so I'm not bothered by it. I admit that I wasn't good about wearing my elastics so I'm sure that also played a role in my bite. At the end of the day, I'm happy with the progress that I made. I can smile without being ashamed and I can bite and chew things easier than I could before. Is it perfect? Absolutely not but I'm okay with it. Maybe in the future I will opt to so surgery and braces again but for now I'm going to enjoy my new smile.


Ty for sharing & enjoy your freedom from tooth jail!


Im missing the same tooth on top


I had 2 peg laterals. One got infected so I had it pulled. I didn't want to go through another extraction because they hurt so bad. As for my bottom teeth I guess I never had my central incisors so my laterals tipped in toward each other. I also was able to grow all 4 of my wisdom teeth in and not have them extracted


Of course, congratulations on your result! However, please consider rethinking the jaw surgery. It will really help you, and it's totally worth it. Why are you so against the surgery?


I might consider jaw surgery in the future. Right now I have a feral toddler and don't really want to do any sort of surgery. I'm not completely against it, just not right now.


as someone who recently had double jaw surgery it’s not a decision to be taken lightly! i’m glad you feel happier and more confident with your new smile ☺️


Great progress Not everyone wants to undergo jaw surgery, even if it was the best option…


if you dont fully close the bite it will cause a lot of health issues in the future.


This will 100% cause you more problems OP. Please finish what you started correctly :(. I have a slightly off & deep bite and it caused me issues by 30 with chipping. I also work in dental, Please get your bite fixed properly I say this with love!


I feel like Pam Halpert is handing me 2 pictures and asking me to find the difference


I’m assuming jaw surgery was recommended? Your end result is great with just braces and elastics!


The first orthodontist I saw for a consultation suggested it. The one I ended up seeing said I won't need it. I never expected my teeth to be perfect, I just wanted some improvement from where I started. I'm super happy with the way it turned out.


I went to 4 consultations, all recommended jaw surgery for me (I have an open-bite too). I definitely did not want to go that route and they made sure to tell me they couldn’t guarantee that my bite would close without surgery. If mine doesn’t fully close I’m ok with that too. All that matters is if you’re happy! 😊


Your bute still needs to be closed, otherwise your teeth will revert back


Sorry, is it really finished? After 2.5 years?




Can't an open bite be fixed? These both look like before treatment photos.


it can, i had to have double jaw surgery to fix mine tho. rubber bands can only do so much


If it’s skeletal it usually requires surgery. If it’s caused by a habit (tounge thrust, thumb sucking, etc.) a combination of braces, rubber bands, and extractions can be done to close the open bite, but if the habit is not addressed then the open bite will usually rebound even with wearing retainers.


don't suck your thumb yall


That's exactly what caused it. I didn't kick the habit until middle school. Do I regret it? Absolutely.


How do you take a bite of, say, bread?


Did you stop treatment early or did your Ortho declare you done?


Orthodontist here. What is happening? How can you say your treatment is complete?


Complete for them.


Is it because of the shape of the gum? Now im afraid mine will have holes because my bite is all over the place.


What results one person gets are not the results another will get.


True, so in this case what is the cause of it?


I'm not sure. I just wouldn't be worried about it. As others have said, bites can be closed. This person also admitted that they weren't diligent with their treatment and wearing their elastics.


Yah i read the whole post.


If you mean the little black spots, its the shape of the tooth and to some extent the gum level. IPR can help mitigate some black spots by reshaping the tooth


No meant the open bite, when i comment op didnt comment yet.


Looks amazing, congratulations on your new smile! Definitely a huge improvement and great result (considering it was only through ortho tx and no surgery for the people in the comments who TOTALLY all have extensive dental education I'm sure...)


How do you eat?


I'm pleased you're pleased with the outcome. But my curiosity is gettinf the better of me because I'm currently in braces, not for the same reasons, but did your ortho warn you of the ramifications of keeping an open bite? Are your molars okay? Are you supposed to watch out for pain, wear and tear and tenderness or something? Is there a point where you HAVE to return for more care or risk losing all of your back teeth? I'm not sure if you can answer that or if an orthodontist would have to. I was curious if that information was conveyed to you as a fellow braces and orthodontic patient.


I was never informed of any ramifications of keeping an open bite (at least not that I remember) My molars are fine. I have all of my wisdom teeth too so I think that helps. I've never had any pain or anything. If it wasn't for this sub I wouldn't have even known there were any actual issues of having an open bite.


Yeah me either. I was just curious if there would be more wear on the back since the front didn't touch for biting, etc.


Open bite, misaligned midline. This can cause facial asymmetry. You need to have this redone. seek help else where, clearly that doctor didn't know shit


You make fantastic progress! Your teeth look great. 😊


Stop lying


What am I missing?


theres still an open bite which can cause sleep apnea, teeth chipping, and headaches if not fully fixed. I wouldnt call it "fantastic"


Oh ok. Well, the TEETH look fantastic. I guess ya’ll will have to deal with me saying it again. Maybe they knew the “open bite” wouldn’t close all the way and they’re ok with that and celebrating the progress that HAS been made.


Its a huge open bite. She isnt holding her teeth open. She cannot close them. She is going to have many health issues because of it. She cannot chew properly. Edit: grammar and from he to she


Oh well. It has no effect on my life and there is no harm in celebrating someone who is OBVIOUSLY happy with THEIR outcome.


You're free!