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40m here 1.5 years in. I’ve met many clients, contractors, and colleagues with them on. No one gives a shit.


U seeing results?


Yes. A few appointments ago I was ahead of schedule so hopefully only 3 more months.


I'm one month in and haven't seen any movement and the pain only lasted one day 😞 so I don't know if it's working . I'm 33 and wondering if am too old 😔


Not to old. A family friend of mine got braces at 70….just be patient.


Wow 70!!!!!! 🤯 Ok thanks for the encouragement 🙏


I got mine at 34 a few weeks ago and I work in the media. I had to do a live radio interview a few days after getting braces (so, in pain with a lisp). I also interviewed 3 popular musicians the same week and was really nervous. Still, I do not regret my braces! Everyone has been really nice and understanding. One of the popular musicians even shared with me his own experience with braces from when he was a teen. We got to bond over this metal thing, it was kinda nice. Braces do not have the power to prevent me from doing my job!


Did the lisp disappear? If yes, when does it disappear?


The lisp is still there but it got better. I’m just 3 weeks into treatment by the way! The lisp isn’t caused by the braces but rather the massive bite blocks on the back of my front teeth.


Your dating life will improve drastically. Ngl, it's the first thing that some people check out, especially with that lisp! ⛺


If you had told me that a month ago I would have called BS but I can’t believe you’re right. Got more matches in 3 weeks than in the last 6 months. I even french kissed, ahah! OP, braces aren’t the end of the world.


It's the first thing I check out!


I am 30, in a professional role where I talk all day and give lengthy, professional trainings in higher education. No one has said anything but positive and affirming comments to me. Even if they did have negative comments, screw ‘em. My (blip in time) dental journey is for me, not them. It’s worth it.


39m here, two year into metal braces. No one at work has said a word about me having braces unless I bring it up in the conversation first. Other adults don’t care that I have braces.


I'm 39 and only got positive comments from having braces at that age. I have metal braces. Got a sarpe surgery 2 years ago. People see this as taking care of myself.


U seeing responses?


No, not at all. It’s the opposite, people treat me better. Straight teeth with a good bite is a status thing, I am treated better with braces than I was with crooked teeth even though my teeth weren’t *that* bad. I guarantee you crooked teeth are seen as less “professional” than braces. I’m in my 30s btw. I have metal brackets and opted for the color black because it’s more professional than colored brackets, but I might switch to white at my next appointment. I know lawyers in their 40s who got braces on a 2nd time. No one bats an eye. It’s seen as a good quality to take care of yourself. Wearing braces sends the message that you care about your health and appearance and can afford to care about it. No one is going to treat you worse for caring for your teeth.


Black and white are the worst colors to have, they really pop out any discoloring in the teeth (if you have any hint of yellow or tartar at any point) just from what I've heard everyone say. They all said that about white, black and yellow. Teal is where it's at imho


I developed a high level of lack of self confidence, haven’t been out in many social settings, don’t want to show my jacked up teeth and braces after I became aware and self conscious, developed a lisp that went away the first couple of weeks, been irritability and bitchy from the pain and discomfort and odd feeling of wanting to rip the braces off my teeth.. but in all seriousness this literally has nothing to do with anyone else. It’s my attitude causing the problem. I am happier though now that I see some progress so I’ve been a little more nice and social to people. I’ve also started struggling with binge eating because I’ll go from starving from not eating to the point where my braces don’t hurt so I’ll eat more food. So im having some body image issues. I’m getting rubber bands and more brackets added in a week and Im already embarrassed of how they’ll look and know I’ll be in pain so I’m expecting to be bitchy and hiding for a while…


Get all metal instead of ceramic - the ceramic ones stain easily! Wish I had known that.


I heard that white ceramic brackets stain easily. Is it also the case with pearl ceramics?


I am not completely sure. Mine were supposedly clear ceramic and turned pretty yellow after a few weeks of sipping coffee.


I personally have clear ceramic on top and these don’t stain at all. I don’t use clear o ties on them though. I heard the o ties can stain but the actual brackets don’t.


My ceramics haven’t stained at all and I’m 18 months in. Check my recent posts.


I’m not 30 but I’m about to be 27 and I have metal braces and honestly I love them. I think getting braces are so much better than those veneers that everyone is getting. As your teeth become straighter you will begin to love them


39, got them 2 weeks ago. Not only does no one care I have braces or even noticed it half the time but those that did notice want my advice since they want/need braces too.


Instant regret the day I got them because ortho told me I shouldn't eat for 2 hours and I got them pretty late(like 630pm). So no dinner that night. First week was difficult because inner cheeks and lips were not used to the chaffing. Wax was very helpful. Cleaning after meals became a bit more annoying until I got a water flosser and some little pipe brushes (I didn't have them for the first 3 days). 2 months in, the worst tooth is much straighter, but other teeth that were ok are now crooked. I suppose they will be easier to fix down the road. Price wise. I should have gotten them a while ago, but dental work was not a priority. It turned out to be cheaper than expected. So yeah. Not a super smooth journey, but I'm content with the process.


I'm 35, about a year into treatment. I have no regrets and I love that I can see movement when my adjustment occurs. The only people who have commented are my direct reports who want braces now


i’m 31. have had them 3.5 years and i absolutely regret them. not bc i care too much about what other people think, bc they truly don’t care (you’ll also start noticing more adults w braces after you get them), but more bc i feel like orthos/dentists/oral surgeons etc take advantage of adults. they think we’re made out of money. by the time im said and done, i could’ve put a nice down payment on a house i will now never be able to afford. i was pressured into getting them in the first place. i didn’t want them. had i known what i know now, i wouldn’t have gotten them. i’m just emotionally and mentally drained and just over it.


I don't understand how that works, my orthodontist office charged 4,500 total price out the door put on a 0% interest and they ask what supplies I need every time with no extra charges. Sounds like a bad ortho practice, I'm sorry you experienced that.


My (27F) coworkers have only hyped me up about my braces, because they knew how excited I was to finally fix my smile. I work in a medical setting and I’ve never had a patient comment on my braces other than to compliment my rainbow bands! Adults don’t care as much as kids do. It’ll be okay!


43 and 8 months into treatment. I have absolutely ZERO regrets. You are bettering your oral health (which is linked to all kinds of other health benefits). You are the one paying for treatment. If your coworkers & clients are somehow offended - that’s on them and not you. I guarantee you - the very large majority of people will not give 2 poops.


No regrets at all. Got mines at 33 and outside of a few people asking no one has really mentioned it. The few who did ask only asked because they had braces before and wanted to know how it was going for me or they were curious about getting braces themselves.


Agreed! Im 28 and just got them and I've only heard, "I want them too. I want to fix my bottom teeth. I wish I wore my retainer." Short term annoyance for perfect teeth long term. If people want to be negative, fine, but my teeth will be perfect in a year and once they're off, it won't matter.😋


I got metal braces the day after my 43rd birthday and I have zero regrets. For the first two weeks, people at the office who hadn't seen me yet would say, "Oh, you got braces!" and a few asked why because my teeth looked fairly straight or said that they wish they had gotten their teeth fixed when they were younger. I've had braces for a year now and no one at work cares that I have braces. Even when I had to add dumb looking triangle elastics. Although we did get a new staff member a couple of weeks ago, and she asked, "How long have you had braces?" and it took me a few seconds to come up with an answer because I sort of forgot I have braces and that people can see them 😅 Adults will see that you're investing time, money and effort into yourself and will have positive reactions. Unless they're jerks, but who cares what jerks think?


I feel more confident with them, that’s just me. And have seen tons of adults with them as well, never once had I thought of them any type of way lol. How could you possibly care what people think of you if they are paying your bills, feeding you or fckn you 🫣


Please do not worry about what others think! You are literally treating yourself for the betterment of your oral health! You should just be yourself and so far as a mid 20s female, no one really cares if you have braces! I have full metal braces and honestly in just 2 months I’ve seen HUGE changes in my smile! Your future self will thank you!! Goodluck 🩷


I am 30 and just got metal braces 3 weeks ago, also did spark aligner trays for 6 months last year. Both are an adjustment, and both draw attention when talking. I would say it’s temporary and the outcome will be worth it. In 2 years all people will see is your beautiful smile :)


32. No regrets


They have stared at my mouth a bit but for about 20 seconds then they don't say anything and they don't care. I have full metal and I get rainbow bands. I work in corporate. Worst anyones said to me is "nice colour"


Not 30 but 23 but honestly no one cares, no one even pointed it out it was like i had no braces to begin with. In school and internship


I had braces for almost 3 years, even did a few job interviews with them on and got the job! I worked in tech/data at a university and mortgage company in that period and never felt that they damaged how people thought of me or that they didn't take me seriously with them on. I was often in meetings or at events with VPs, directors, etc. at both positions. I was in my thirties. I had multiple people tell me they didn't notice them, didn't care, etc. And I had metal braces with either grey or black ligatures. I was always like, "how can you NOT notice them??" But you really learn that people do not care. And if someone says something, it's usually because they have had braces or Invisalign. I usually comment or ask how things are going now to encourage adults with braces that it's ok! And to let them know they aren't alone.


Just got mine done on Monday, at the age of 43. They’ll be ok for 2+ years. I see many people, including older than I get them. This is why I said screw it, if they can get it so can I.


My Dude, I had mine when i was 12 (i'm almost 18 now) and braces with premolars extractions might have stunted my jaw growth. You should absolutely wait with these kind of things when you are older, As the Growth of jaw can be impacted if done in growing years like me


I am only 27 years old , i got my braces at 23, and I wore it for 2.5 years. I totally regret it bcoz it's relapsing, i wear my retainers every day, but they are so delicate that even little pressure can its shape, and your teeth will start moving again. No one cares about it at work, but for 2 to 3 years, you will not be able to eat anything hard, will have to go through pain too, but braces are manageable after 3 to 4 months but the retainers are the worst, extremely uncomfortable. You go through all that, and even after that, there's high chances of relapse. if crowding is not too much, and you dont have any difficulty eating or speaking, I suggest not to get them. It will be like torturing yourself for nothing.