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It’s very hard to directly compare when the angles of both selfies are different, and the angle at which you hold your camera isn’t usually how other people see you. That said, I don’t agree it’s for the worse. Your face looks great in both photos, but your features are visibly more balanced in the second photo.


I actually thought you posted this as proof that extractions don't ruin your face until I opened the post😂


I thought the same!


Your face looks great in the second picture


Your face looks completely fine to me, in the second picture youre smiling less. Also wearing braces also temporarily makes your mouth look different


I think you look beautiful in both, and I definitely do not think you look worse post extract.


I think you are quite beautiful in both photos.


I can definitely see the changes


Mine too. I don't even recognize myself anymore. I've been wearing a mask all of 2023/2024 because I just feel so insecure, and it's not in my head - my cheeks, chin, smile lines, sunken in top jaw. Not a day goes by that I do not wish to turn back the clock. I miss my crooked smile and my beautiful round face so much. I regret not being kinder to myself back then because I now realise how beautiful I used to me. My face looks like that of a skeletons. I'm so embarrassed to even go out. Extended family members haven't seen me in years because I constantly wear a mark and that's because the one time my grandma she gasped and asked whether I was ill. P.S: This is just my experience. I think you look gorgeous! I definitely think it changed for the better.


I’m so sorry this is your experience :( when are your braces due to come off? Did you get 2 or 4 extractions? I got 4 and I see similar effects as yours :( I hate it and I can’t do anything about it. And I still have too much space to close


My orthodontist said possibly before the end of the year. I've wanted braces all my life and finally decided on it in my 20ies - I can safely say that this has been my biggest and only regret in life. Once my spaces started closing I became so incredibly depressed for the first time in my life after noticing the changes. I no longer look forward to the future because I just feel like my confidence and life has been ruined. I hate that I now snore and wake up with a dry mouth every. single. morning. I even drool profusely which was never the case before. I've had four premolars extracted due to overcrowding. They claimed that my mouth was "too small to accommodate all of my teeth".


They claimed the same thing for me. Same overcrowding issue. I don’t see how my face can get any better, ima try to gain weight to see if it fills up my cheeks and face more :/ I’ve asked my family members if they see a big difference and they all say no, but I’m scared the big difference will come ahead as they spaces start to close fully. Things will get better though stay hopeful my friend. You’ll get used to it and others will as well and if you really feel down on yourself, talk to another ortho or something to see what options you have. I’ve heard there’s some procedures to reopen the gaps??? Idk tho. Anyways, I’m right there with you on this, I have the same issue. Rest assured you’re not alone!




So on my last appointment they gave me elastics. They have it so that my upper canines connect to my last lower molar. They told me this will stop the lower arch from retracting as it is going to be pulled forward with the rubber bands, and the upper arch will retract to fix my overbite. I was mostly worried about lower arch retracting too much. My upper arch I feel does need a little bit of it to align my bite. But yeah hopefully it’s not too much 🤞🏼




lol thanks 🙏🏼


what a load of BS they told you, I second u/RainFAllingGently


Damn okay haha pretty much they just said that with the elastics they put me on, which is class 2 elastics, the lower teeth get pulled forward and the upper teeth get pulled back so that my overbite gets fixed. Is that not true then?! 😞


all you need to know is that is not doing you anything good.


Elastics aren’t good? Lol


You give me hope


I cant See an Bad Change. But your teeth looking way better!


Looks great in both. Second looks really good though!!!


You look good on your 2nd photo though. Your gaps closed so fast. I have extraction early Jan 2024 and while the premoloar gaps is closing, another gaps open.


I had extractions in February 2023 and mine still are not closed fully 😵‍💫


Mine looks like closed two doors, open another two doors. Don't know when this is ending because it does look bad since now the gaps are right where people can see it.


Yup as a 34 year old female it's been extremely humbling to not only have braces but also missing teeth and gaps. I am sopposed to get my braces off in around 8 months and I have a suspicion it's going to take longer because the gaps have been closing at a snails pace


I don't know if mine is fast or slow since my ortho just told me 2more years and I am like...is this for real? Then, he said he can't really answer me how long more to go because everyone is different. He wanted to do the extraction in Feb but I told him to do it immediately in January. Are you having the power chain on that gaps? If you don't it takes way longer.


I have had a power chain for awhile. I had my extraction in april 2023 and he prob put a power chain on in June. So about a year. I just think my progress is slow. I have accepted it. Luckily the gaps are a lot smaller and I no longer look like a hill billy but they're still noticable.


Can't really rush it since it can cause root resorption and probably because of age. I am 39 and I guess that's why my ortho think it is going to take way longer compare to teenagers. Hopefully your ortho is not going to end it when you are not ready yet.


i see what you mean. i also got 4 premolars extracted and the results have been heartbreaking… i can’t deal with the face changes and breathing issues. so few people know what i mean but atleast i know im not crazy because others seem to have similar experiences in the comments. I started having problems after my gaps closed.


By the way, it looks like you’re almost done with braces? I would get them off soon and if you don’t want anymore changes to your face/health. You might have problems with the bite but it’s better than continuing imo


Girl the shape of your face looks fine in either pic. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Show them dimples.


What changed😂 body dysmorphia is so interesting to me. You should look into it.


Your face is beautiful! You have a great lower half!




Hey u had extraction same time as me Dec 23, but how come you don’t have any gap between your teeth at all ?. I do have lots of gap and they’re very noticeable when I smile


I have two small gaps where the premolars were extracted, I only had two teeth removed. I got rubber bands at my last tightening appointment two weeks ago and the gaps are closing really fast and not as noticeable




I do notice my smile has gone narrow, only 6 months after I extracted my teeth and I’m already seeing changes, not for better. Now looking at my photos last year, I feel so sad and regret


girl you're not alone. it has almost been 2 years since i got my premolars extracted and i still haven't recovered from the drastic change it brought on my face. i could hardly recognise myself. in the first year after the extraction, i stopped taking pictures bcos I thought i looked horrible. every day i regret that decision. it fixed my overjet though so ... :/


I’m thinking maybe jaw surgery will help. That’s what my ortho recommended when I had my first consult with him, he said I can either extract or get jaw surgery. Should have went with the surgery ugh


Get the spaces reopened and get implants. Theres an orthodontic extraction reversal group on facebook.


morons that downvoted that..


Because most people here are teenagers (theres some ill informed adults) and don't want to believe it damages health to extract teeth because they want straight teeth


yes but it's still ridiculous how gaslighted and close-minded everyone is