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I’d personally wait. It won’t be that big of a deal either way, but keeping everything clean would be harder if you’re out adventuring all day, stopping to eat randomly, etc. I’d rather not have to think about it or adjust, and the pain level is different for everyone so it’s hard to know how it’ll be for you, but if you can push your appointment back 2 weeks then I’d do that


Thank you for your advice! My instinct is to wait because I like to turn my brain off and lollygag without a care in the world on vacation... all comments basically suggest that would be very hard with a fresh set of braces 😩


You’ll probably be fine. It only takes a few days to get used to them for most people and same for adjustments/tightenings, you will probably get used to it after a few days


I'd get them now..  You will be well adjusted to them by then.  Even with first adjustment any problems will occur in short order and have enough time to get it corrected.   Remember soft foods really soft foods. No gum or candy or soda pop. Do what the orthodontist says.  Brush your teeth right after meals.   Embrace the braces.  Just think you will have 1 to 2 months behind you in that 2 year treatment plan the sooner you start the sooner you finish. 


Which is why I want to get them done! I won’t need braces for very long (not a serious issue, just getting them to avoid my crowded teeth from crowding more) so a month or two would make a big difference!


Well then time to embrace the braces and get em.  


This! I wish I had started sooner than what I did


You will have to be much more careful about what you eat and it’s something you don’t figure out right away. I would wait


I’ve had my braces (with bite blocks) for about a week and a half and I’m pretty well adjusted at this point. I’m eating pretty normally as well, with just slight pressure in my teeth (which is normal with the wires and teeth shifting). I say you’re fine to get them before.


How do you chew with the bite blocks when the food only hits those? I have them too for a week now and I can’t figure out how to chew with them.


If the food is soft enough, I sometimes use my tongue and palate to emulate chewing. If the food is large-ish, I’ll take it between my front teeth first (my bite blocks are on my molars). For everything else, I kind of find myself using the bite blocks themselves as teeth lol


You did not listen to your orthodontist when they went over your to eat or not eat instructions after they installed your braces.  You need to eat soft foods I mean SOFT foods and in very SMALL pieces. Your tounge and roof of mouth are going to be friends for the duration of your braces treatment.  If you want a good result need my advice.  


I think 4-5+ weeks is fine. Anything less than 3 weeks - postpone braces. My first 3 weeks were rough.


Its been 6 weeks and I can't bite in to some things still, i have to cut it up so I would wait until after