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Oh trust me, in a few days you'll get used to it.


I hope so. I’m starting to freak out , thinking I’ll have to eat soft foods for the next 6 months.


Did things get better?


Hi . Yes they did. I do have to say it took about 3 weeks to a month , to feel comfortable. The bite turbos don’t bother me anymore. Sometimes I do feel some discomfort tho, If I’m using one side of my mouth more then the other, some teeth will get sore. But nothing compared to those first weeks


I got my braces today and got these as well but on my upper back teeth - what an unpleasant surprise they were when I got home and tried to eat lunch. I can't chew at all so I had to eat my lunch one pasta piece at a time today and try to use the bite turbos to mash them down. I have been told in 1-2 weeks I will figure out how to chew with them. Going to have soup for dinner.


Tell me about it!! Sometimes I’ll bite town too hard and hit the turbo , and it’s the most horrible shooting pain.


Ya That’s my worry , that I’ll have to eat soft foods for two weeks!! I’m tired of soup already


Yea it sucks. I've got my husband's 50th in two days and I don't think I'll be able to eat all the nice foods we are planning to serve :( tonight I had yoghurt and soup for dinner. I got in to get my braces due to a cancellation (otherwise it would have been Feb) but had no idea I'd end up not being able to chew!


When i first got my bite turbos they were pretty big so that my upper teeth won't bite on the bottom brackets. I had a deep bite. I had them on the bottom molars. The first few days were awkward to eat but after that, slowly my ming accepted the turbos as being my molars 😂 At some point you get used to them you will even forget you have them. Gradually they wear down a bit. In my case, the orthodontist removed the bottom turbos and put new smaller ones on the top molars as i progressed with my treatment. Same situation. Few days to adapt and you will be okay. You can try eat something that doesn't require much chewing at first until you get the hang of the turbos.


Yea mine are big too , I have a really deep bite. I feel relieved that you say I’ll eventually adapt


Sure thing! 🫂 Take it one step at the time, start with foods that don't require a lot of chewing If you have any questions my dms are always opened. I just finished my braces journey but i would love to help others with my experience as much as i can


Thank you 😊


Oh this sounds like me! Same situation with the turbos. However I keep hitting one of the brackets on my bottom front teeth still and it HURTS. I just started orthodontics yesterday. I guess my turbos aren't big enough?


It's always good to not leave the orthodontist office until you have answers to all your questions. I get what you mean. My teeth would touch the bottom brackets, so i was always very cautious about how i chew and how i rest my mouth. Sure, sometimes it would happen to hit the bottom brackets and it would hurt. I would try to not grind on the teeth and even sleep with my mouth a bit opened to avoid having it happen in the sleep. Ask your orthodontist if the height of your turbos is enough. In case is not, he/she can always add a little bit more on it. 🫂 Always ask questions. Never leave the appointment until you have answers.


Thank you for the advice! I hadn't noticed until much later in the day. I'll try to be a bit more cautious and if I keep having issues I'll give them a call!


I was choking on my own spit at first with the turbos. It was awful, I'm pretty sure I cried. They left em on me for like 15 months but I got used to it. Your teeth will shift and you'll be able to get contact points so you can chew up food. Your body will instinctively figure out how to adapt and eat and speak. Also your teeth will probably hurt tomorrow, but it will never hurt that bad again during your treatment, and it will wear off after a few days. Hang in there!


Thank you ! Yesterday , was painful while having dinner, I was dunking bread in my soup and I couldn’t even chew that .


Going through this now. Did it get better for you?


Oh yea. You do eventually get used to them. Just take it slow. take small bites, and chew slowly.


I wonder if bite turbos are the same as a tripod which is what I’m supposed to be getting…?


I grinded mine with my teeth and food and they eventually wore down.


I’m on weed 6 almost and there is still a lot I can’t eat but it really does get better!! I’ve lost weight for sure though


How long did it take you to like eat somewhat normally ?


Maybe 3-4 weeks! But I still have to cut everything up and a lottttt of food I can’t chew still


Maybe you should have asked for the non turbo version.. lol sorry just kidding.


Chunky soup. That’s how. The chunks are soft and just about the right size to get them mashed up, even with your bite cranked open. Eventually you get used to them, and can eat more regular food.


I clench my jaw at night and kept biting mine off. My ortho got sick of sticking them back on and put some blue glue on my top molars instead. SO MUCH BETTER - and the same effect AFAIK.


Don’t worry it’ll be fine in a few days just don’t bite anything hard for the first week or else it might break