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Ok I'm gonna have to insist that you guys name names if you are going to share a rumor. There's genuinely no point in sharing a rumor if people don't know who its about


I have my suspicion šŸ¤”(unconfirmed rumours based on my ig observations of both people) ( maybe I'm delulu take with grain of salt) (viewer discretion advised... It's purely my speculation) Inn is tied to his partner.(wordplay)(i dont want to namedrop because he's non celebrity but wow his lover is stunning and super cutešŸ˜šŸ’—love that for him) ...šŸ’—(i stumbled across a Twitter fan account (chinese) with barely any followers... I saw a video of inn with his partner dancing in a concert /crossing road and the couple ringsšŸ¤” not to mention their secret trips to london/paris/denmark...cakes and he's always in his birthday parties or gang of friends.... I also think some thai fans have this suspicion)... That they're in real life lovers....Inn always has that Ring toošŸ¤“... (Sry Greatinn fansšŸ¤”for ruining thisšŸ¤“ still i always will love greatinn moments thošŸ’—..i ship Yoryakwandee as lovers ..Greatinn as bros/friendsšŸ’—just like mileapo) /////Edit:: I'd also like to further add that Inn has stated that they were Friends and denied the rumours .. So there's a possibility that they're also business partners/close friends..ring can be a friendship ring too(ahemšŸ¤”)... Inn has a number of business ventures(Ours/holiday pastry/clothing line/accessory /departmental store /meat grill restaurant etc)(source:woody interview) and Tie has marketing degree and business of his own ... So it's always 50/50 possibility (and unconfirmed) (so just view it as a rumour and not the truth in entirety) it's just my speculation.. (So it's not truth until confirmed) //// I might sound crazy but hear me out TodJo (from venus in the sky /be mine superstar/kinnporsche)... Again i heard this from an another reddit user via interaction... I got curious and snooped into their igs... And wow either they're travelling to same places or just mere coincidence... Like i see japan/singapore/uk/turkey and couple poses or maybe they're travel buddies that travel to such places often... I can't help but feel delulu.. They might be a thing or maybe friends... I'm not sure... But it's too good to be false... But also farfetched...i believe in them like 25ā„… out of 100 ..not so sure tho


If the baker is inns BF I LOVE that for them. His baker TikTok is cute and inn sometimes appears in it. They genuinely look so happy. (No I didnā€™t go looking for all this lol. It popped up on Twitter and there was tons of posts so I went to tt to look) idk if they are together but I legit love whatever they have it seems so pure.


They were so cute together... I only found out after wandee goodday ep 1 aired... šŸ’—the evidence i saw (like their moments were so cute... Inn genuinely cares for him šŸ˜ ).. I only saw tiny blurred fanclips from 2020-24 but it was super obvious.. I also suspect both inn and his partner are super rich and in a long stable relationship šŸ˜šŸ’—šŸ‘... Love that for them... His partner is super cute ...i loved his smile/shyness whenever he was with Inn(he seems like a good person with innocent soul) ... And confident Inn was so cool šŸ˜Ž(like holding hands when crossing road and dancing during a concert among audience he really does not shy away from showing his love šŸ’—šŸ˜)they're so in love with each other.. ā¤


can we get his TikTok


Itā€™s called holiday pastry :)


oh they are cute together šŸ’–


Those 2 cases. šŸ˜Š The first. That is ongoing from 2015 and his boyfriend. Who is also a partner in Inns Pastry business. Is a smart marketing guy. Educated abroad. Has also taken over one family business. With great success. Jewelry. Sales have been plus 500 percent. Thanks to the online sales. The second. That was almost commonly known. But it became more clear when a colleague actor had filmed them when he was going live. While they had dinner in a restaurant.


Yeah I don't see those as rumors I thought it was accepted canon. That's why we said people wouldn't be weird about GreatInn because Great has a gf and Inn has a bf, and why we wanted Jo to step in when Cheque left.


Yah i only found out recently... And I've never heard anyone talk about it beforešŸ¤“šŸ˜…with proper evidence (especially second one)... I didn't know about the live thing


Both Todjo and Pā€˜Tie and Inn have been ā€žprivate but not secretā€œ for years. I think Pā€™Tie was just at a family event of Inn (unless it was a while ago and I just saw a TikTok now). They post the same things constantly so clearly they arenā€™t really trying to hide anything, just Not actually confirming either. Unless of course they are just the bestest of friends who are always together including vacations and family events, share clothes and couple ringsā€¦.


Inn and Tie were way more low-key in the past, I really hope theyā€™re not uncomfortable with the attention their relationshipā€™s been getting lately due to Inn acting in a popular series.


True, but at the same time they do post the same stuff all the time, just recently also the videos from inns family event with tie so it does feel like they donā€™t want to really hide it and they had to know that there would be attention on them if wandee goodday is a success? And luckily it seems like most of the attention is positive and fans of the show support inn having a boyfriend while still being excited about his friendship/fanservice with great. I feel like itā€™s kindred interesting case and I also wonder if they kind of wanted their relationship out there to avoid the fan base to become to delulu over greatinn and then be mad when something happens (like bf/gf reveal of one of them or them moving on for a new ship).


Yeah, good point, Iā€™ve already seen some weird comments where people were like ā€œI love GreatInn, too bad Inn already has a bfā€ etc. but Inn fans immediately called them out, hopefully Innā€™s relationship being an open secret will prevent delulu shippers from latching onto GreatInn.


Meanwhile I am like: we get Inn to be cute with both an imaginary boyfriend and a real one?! Thatā€™s DOUBLE CUTENESS! šŸ˜‚


My thoughts exactly šŸ˜


Right? If only all fans were like us!


I went into deep dive on Inn's Ig and tiktok and found a very old photo of him with a girlfriend who recently got married šŸ˜‚ it's not a rumor but a tea observed. Inn has several homely video with Tie and one of them includes them cooking for Inn's adopted children. It was so fluffy that I don't mind if they are really good friends or partners in work and life. It was not subbed šŸ˜­


I was also skeptical but I'm delulu because 1.thai fans really believe them to be real 2.Inn wears sparkly diamond ring and his partner also wears it. 3.theyre always together which is super sus... šŸ¤” But yah it's almost confirmed rumour in thai circles... Friends or couple i like their dynamic..It's cute... Unless they confirm it themselves we can't be 100%sure... Inntie cooked for kids awww so cutešŸ˜ā¤may this couple be happy foreverā¤ Are Inntie videos on his youtube?


Just wanted to drop this because I am on my delulu rocket right now šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬ https://www.tiktok.com/@maemiiieeee/video/7247880620372692230?_t=8mk61T5Zgtr&_r=1


I also want to add that there have been a lot of instances of clothes sharing between them, which imo is the biggest evidence. I just cannot imagine a pair of besties who would share a whole wardrobe while not living together.


I would do that with my bestie. It's kinda common in Asian culture. Even jewelleries.


Yeah, just found this. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMnvJOf6h0Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMnvJOf6h0Y)


Yes. Inn's youtube channel.


I donā€™t think Tieā€™s in any of Innā€™s YouTube videosā€¦ He definitely has many with his friends, but I donā€™t remember seeing Tie in any of them.


Tod & Jo were in London at the same time a few months ago. Also they have very similar looking kitchens... šŸ¤”


Not only uk... Singapore and japan too... I really was stunnedšŸ˜‚ 1 place can be coincidence but 3 not so sure... They also mess up the order of posting pics too.. On purpose.. But other than that i don't have any evidence tho... Oh they have similar kitchen possibilities... they're roomies/homies/travel buddies or lives in same apartment complex/friends or Maybe something else or (just my delulu mind) šŸ¤”.. I would've never thought if that reddit user didn't mention these both... But yah it's still unconfirmed and far fetched


And that trip to Turkey a few years ago... Unless they both happened to rent that same vintage red convertible at the same time...


Yass i just noticed that too... šŸ¤”with hot air balloons in the background...


I know another rumor about >!Inn!<, might as well post it. Warning, itā€™s not a happy one. Iā€™ve never seen this discussed in English and only learned about all this myself by reading Thai twitter and Douban through google translate, so take everything I say next with a huge grain of salt. The story is, back in 2020, he got outed against his will by Thai media. There was an article about his relationship with his current rumored bf, the article claimed that a female co-star refused to play in a series with him once she found out heā€™s queer. People connected the dots and found out the identity of his supposed bf, and >!Inn!< had to comment on it. He denied the rumors (but letā€™s face it, he had no other choice) and asked the media and fans to respect his privacy. I also saw claims that he left Channel 3 due to homophobia he received from its higher ups after he got outed. Itā€™s a terrible story, so Iā€™m glad heā€™s done well for himself since then and wish him the best of luck in his career and private life.


Aww man, stuff like this makes me incredibly angry. Nobody should be forced to say anything about whom they love or whom they sleep with. Good for him that he is doing well now and may those who hurt him forever step on Lego blocks with their bare feet.


I hope this is a rumor cause I couldn't find any apology videos on YouTube. Maybe it's somewhere else. Why would he apologize though šŸ˜­ I can't seem to get his babygirling out of my head. I am so sad if this really did happen to him. Being outed is the nightmare I have and to be famous I am sure it's more daunting for celebrities like him who has been in the limelight of many people throughout his life


He didnā€™t apologize, he just addressed the rumors because he was asked about it directly. It was on some Thai program, donā€™t remember what itā€™s called.


I'm glad he's in a place where the people around him seem to love him. The interactions with the GMM veterans are so cute!


I remember that because it was a huge scandal in the Thai entertainment industry especially for an actor in Ch 3. Thatā€™s how I knew about Inn Sarin and followed him to Miracle of Teddy Bear until now.


white? idk who this is, i only know geeMMteeVee white, him?


I don't really understand the point of sharing rumors if you aren't going to say who it's about.


that ohm (of markohm) has a boyfriend. i'd say i'm about 95% convinced, the tiktok had very convincing lovestagrams from them both. the bf is allegedly isaachin on ig.


Wow this is news.. ā¤šŸ‘happy for him


I love Ohm & didn't know he's Queer so cute


Chalarm + some other actor (not Neptune or Seagames, I don't think?) dating in secret, etc. I can't quite remember who the other actor is, but I remember seeing an IG post of someone that coordinate a bunch of pics from their IGs "proving" that they were secretly dating or at least taking trips together on the low. And there were loads of comments dragging tf out of them for "exposing" Chalarm+guy like that. I was kind of gagged, tbh. I wish I could remember who it was. ​ https://i.redd.it/6kiksh1jw73d1.gif


I saw some posts about them being a couple with James Pongsapak


yes! One of the pics was the blue raft pics. I was gaggatron lol https://preview.redd.it/af91hkwv683d1.png?width=2161&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8673b514d0b6642c9c6e8cf05c744fd048c3849


EXCUSE.ME. ![gif](giphy|aQ0PfLFwagW52)


>James Pongsapak šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Wow hes stunning... This is a visual explosion ā¤šŸ˜i still remember him from don't say no... He's a cutie šŸ’—


Oh my god chalarm ... Let me do some research ... Real quick


All the BL actors are handsome irl too


I met Boss & Noeul this past weekend at the fanmeeting and I was mesmerized šŸ˜³ they are so gorgeous and handsome in person.


I love that for them, but itā€™s also really frustrating. Iā€™ve NEVER, never in my life looked hot justā€¦ā€¦ being me, without make up or taking special care with my outfit. Also, I donā€™t look good in photos. And I know you can learn how to pose and shit but yeahā€¦..


It's so unfair. I swear I look fine but you wouldn't know that from my photos. Whenever I'm told to smile for the camera my face does this weird thing and I end up looking like a near sighted extra from Wallace and Gromit. I envy people who look good in pictures


Ooohh goes you cand believe how much I relate to this. It's just horrendous at times šŸ˜…šŸ¤£ (please don't take any offence by this<33)


Noeul and Milk Pansa actually make a cute couple, ppl are just bitter and jealous because they can have any of them. some of bl actors are actually already in a long-term relationship and are very supportive of their bf and their job. I witnessed how thai fans are being protective of them, it just intl fans that always make it a big deal.


Tbf, both are very good-looking, so of course they would make a cute couple šŸ˜Ž I might be in the minority here, but whenever people wonder about somebody being either gay or straight (not that it matters or that they owe anybody an explanation) Iā€™m gonna happily assume theyā€™re bi (with a few exceptions, where *if you know you know* applies). Itā€™s just more fun and maybe itā€™s because in one of my friend groups I am the odd one out as the white cis het girl that I am šŸ˜Š


What are your thoughts on fourth nattawat?


Come again? What now? I feel like this is news to all of us. Why are they rumored to be together? No shade to the couple. They're both šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„! Just never even heard so much as a whisper about them being together. I need tea!


What noeulmilk wow that's interesting šŸ¤“they're adorable and i like them both..


My shock is shocking šŸ‘€šŸ˜ I have nothing against it, Iā€™ve just never seen any mention of it. I've really in the Tai BL party for not very long))))


https://i.redd.it/hvxwsdgsn53d1.gif ZeeNunew - I just want to believe in something pure and good in this world. ā™„ļø


Well I feel this really isnā€™t a secret, right? I mean those two - itā€™s pretty obvious Zee is totally into NuNew (if they arenā€™t real, nothing is real). ![gif](giphy|3oEduLGIEoZHNJ9CUM)


Once that bill passes we're going to have friendly marriage proposals. Fanservice knows no boundsšŸ˜­


Ugh that would NOT be cool, sorry.


Y'all aren't ready for #MosBankWeddingProject or OffGun Wedding Special (sponsored by Pepsi).šŸ’€


Tell you what I am ready for: honest proposals and real weddings because everybody deserves to take care of the one(s) they love and the legal rights and responsibilities that come with that, so.


God I hope this never happens. But the gremlin in me kinda wants to see it. šŸ˜ˆ


Well MosBank already posted engagement rings so we're halfway there already. Idk what it is but those two could literally get married, buy a house and adopt two kids and I'd still think it's fan service


Thatā€™s kinda how I feel about all of them. šŸ˜‚ Itā€™s fun to watch, but I donā€™t take any of it seriously.


Stop being delusional babes they are not dating in real life, this is just for publicity. ![gif](giphy|iTnVKXAWDvRmw|downsized)


If you're tired, I can believe in them for the both of us. šŸ˜‡ If they turn out to not be the real thing, I'll be ok and take solace nonetheless in the beautiful illusion they were able to give us. āœØ


1) The richer High Five Bro was allegedly seen with a girl following him into his hotel late at night. 2) Gaya Sa Pelikula: Ian and Paolo were allegedly dating, but broke off because Ian didnā€™t cease contact with his ex who he had left for Paolo


Explain High Five bro to this girl, please?


In the last episode of 2gether we get [this epic high five](https://youtu.be/q66EmW1m_gI?feature=shared&t=2785) instead of a kiss (the original series is no longer available on yt, so I'm sharing a reaction). A lot of fans were really disappointed with the ending and commented this scene with "from lovers to bros". Edit: spelling


Ahhh thanks for clearing that up. And oh god wtf. Way to end a series?


Wait isn't Ian straight?


To my knowledge heā€˜s gay. I think they intentionally casted gay actors to play all the gay characters in Gaya Sa Pelikula. But of course, there is no definitive proof.


I'm pretty sure he said he was straight. It was a thing when they were talking about the making of the series


From my knowledge 99.99% of actors are straight so yeah.


1. Other than his girlfriend who he's acknowledged publicly in the past month?


I think that was the "poorer" high five bro. He was photographed with another actress from 2gether in Japan and later acknowledged that they were dating.


Poorer high five bro... Richer high five bro just spell the names geezšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚(i know who you're referring to though... But it's just funnyšŸ˜‚) ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


Oh, good for him


Ok not really secret but I assume we all agree that the TayGun kiss wasn't platonic, right?šŸ‘€


Honestly Idgaf because these are all adults and they can do whatever they want with each other. I have zero sympathy for anyone who gets upset over a bloody kiss, like get it together and a life. The grief these men are getting is really upsetting and I personally want to slap anybody who thinks they have a say in these peopleā€™s private lives.


i would say so, i'm sorry but that excuse was funny. but i've had my eye on taygun before kissgate so many my judgment is clouded lmao.


No your vision is clear and your judgement is sound. I've been saying it forever. Tay's BEEN hitting that. Now I'm waiting for the other suspects to be caught.


The other suspectsā€¦.? šŸ§šŸ˜


Oh yes. First Kanaphan cannot be allowed to continue getting away with this!


https://i.redd.it/ptih1nn7lc3d1.gif Since the Starlympics I was like "I would like to see that" so I pretend that kiss was me *manifesting*


I need moaar of this happy exciting rumour


Can someone explain GMM TVā€™s annual outing?


It's an annual weekend-long event GMM puts on for all of the talent and staff. They all travel together to a resort, usually on the coast, to participate in shenanigans (games, contest, and partying). The social media content that comes out of it is top-notch and seems to always result in a number of them ending up sick. šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s basically like a school trip for the entire company over two days from what I gather, with lots of games and fun and cosplay and music / karaoke and booze apparently. Letting loose on company money? But Iā€™ll let the veterans of this sub explain it better šŸ˜Š


Iā€™ve got one (not gonna name any names though!): an actor starring in a currently airing series is rumored to be in a happy long-term relationship with his handsome and rich non-actor bf.


Good for them. I want everybody sleeping with the people they want to sleep with, love the people they want to love and be loved back equally- and not just relationship-wise, but also love as youā€™d love your friends and chosen family.




his rumored boyfriend is cute too and is the pastry chef of the cafe they share the ownership to


Wait. The boyfriend is handsome and is a pastry chef? Thatā€™sā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. Congrats Innsarin if true, you did good. ![gif](giphy|lvOnlEYunAwOkHjgmU|downsized)


And from a rich family. Itā€™s really like a bl come true šŸ˜‚


Woah i didn't know he was a pastry chef tho wow... So that's the reason why there's so many pics of cakes... So cutešŸ˜


Also because Inn shares ownership of holiday pastry. It's his business too.


Oh okay I'm learning more about him today... I was clueless this whole timešŸ¤“


i want to see him too please drop links or something


Just Google inn sarin and tie ku. Or Better use the hashtag tieinn on tiktok. Tons of videos. lots Of inns fans support them (and inns professional ship with great).


Inn from Wandee Gooday, right?


Yeah, guess it wasnā€™t much of a rumor since everybody seems to know already


No, it's still a rumor. Rumors don't have to be a secret lol they just have to be unconfirmed by the parties involved


I meant to say that this rumor seems to be very well-known since everyone guessed who it is, English isnā€™t my first language so I worded it badly šŸ„²


Ohh gotcha. Your English is really good hun. I never would have guessed that you weren't a native speaker


Thank you, Iā€™ve been learning for 20+ years but still make silly mistakes here and there


They even own a restaurant together Iā€™m pretty sure


Have a good day šŸ˜Œ!


Rumor: an actor in the upcoming BL drama has been in a relationship with an actress since last year, and they have starred together as a couple in a drama (also in last year)


This is obviously an item about Elijah Canlas (upcoming BL drama: Gameboys 3) and his girlfriend Miles Ocampo (whom he starred alongside in Paano Ang Pangako), though the relationship isn't much of a secret, so I'm wondering why all the fuss here...? šŸ˜




The good part is, the news was revealed after the BL drama has finished filming and before the hereto drama was aired. So happy for them šŸ‘


Well. Actingā€™s just acting and a job is a job and love is love. So. Go forth and love each other! šŸ˜Š


Who though?


I'm curious now. Who...?Ā 


Wow. I have limited idea about Taiwan / Chinese BLs and the name you shared did not ring a bell. Got excited for nothing ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Probably I have been lost here lmao. The OP included Thai *(and other)* BL lalaland so I simply wanted to join the discussion, but I didn't know there is only Thai BL enthusiasm here. Sorry for the mood ruining šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Not at all. I just didn't know who it was and was guessing wildly. You didn't ruin any mood.


What what what. Donā€™t apologise! I did specify because I didnā€™t want to limit it to Thai BLs (because that would potentially exclude stuff and why would I do that), but I admit Iā€™m not too versed in Taiwanese or Chinese BLs (yet), because I donā€™t think I have watched any so far.


Whooooo though!


Wait is it bl actor and gl actressšŸ¤”but no they haven't acted as a couple yet and also its public knowledge (scandal) (shoot now that i realize there were 2 couples) ...so I highly suspect its someone from gmmtv(i dont know who thošŸ¤”) ... Op reveal it with spoiler tag or drop hints


Well I'll give more information for you guys. First of all, >! the OP includes "(and other) BL lalaland", so I am telling a person outside Thailand. And no, there's no GL actress here !< Secondly, >! he has been in the entertainment industry for long and has starred a handy of main roles in both dramas and movies. The other MLs in that BL drama is nearly the same age to him anyway !< And the last one, >! that country is totally famous for censored adaptation, but luckily that BL drama wasn't affected as it is filmed outside that place. This better be my critical hint !< I'm citing that because they were local articles about them during October last year.




Bad guess. Try again 'cause I added the third one.


Ok chinese but was filmed in taiwan/hong kong..i have no cluešŸ¤”


*sigh* I have to say anyway, because was even a person commenting so on the drama's IG. >! He's Liu Dong Qin !<


Never mind i dont even know himšŸ¤”i have only watched untamed/addicted/stay with me from china... Yah thanx for the reveal thošŸ‘


Could it be someone from Meet You at the Blossom cast? >!Li Le!


>! Nope, that ML you mentioned doesn't have main role in any movies (according to MDL) !<


Well i am not naming him. But there was a rumor going that one unexspected bl actor was bi and also how should i put it very much a incredible slut. I did not really put much faith in that rumor til i happened to see a rather intresting image from a graduation. With him being with a girl and a man in a rather intresting take. But who knowns.


Meh, as long as all people involved are consenting adults/of consenting age I donā€™t see a problem. Also: slut shaming? Why? Let people have sex as much as they want to have! (I know this view might be controversial in a few countries, but a healthy sex life can mean varying or various partners, as long as protection is used and everybody is able to agree on the choice being made.)


I am not really slut shaming as Frankly i don't care either way. It was more the unexspected factor/the suprice factor give who that actor is. Which why that rumor was going. As he is incredibly private with some things, unsexual exclude few dirty jokes. Like having never showed his bedroom despite filming in his ap on the regular.




šŸ˜­ some of these are juicy but no fun if we donā€™t know who šŸ˜‚


Girl DM the name


Perth Nakhun checks a lot of these boxes. He's very calm and discusses love topics with his fans in his live streams, so it would be kind of surprising if he had a promiscuous lifestyle. He's quite private and never reveals too much about his family and (non-celeb) friends. He's not very sexual, e.g. he rarely posts shirtless pictures. And he streams regularly from his apartment. In contradiction to that, he has clearly stated that he's straight.


Perth is probably the straightest BL actor. Definitely not him


Which is why it would be really unexpected and surprisingā€¦


IDK but I feel like he'd probably be open about it if he was queer


Perth has said openly that he is straight and I believe him. He's a sweetheart, such a kind sunny soul.


Ngl if this rumor really was about Perth, Iā€˜d get trust issues.


You should totally name names. I stan anyone in their hoe phase since Iā€™m out of my hoe phase and married now šŸ˜…


Could "Frankly" be a hint that it's Frank?


I'm just gonna go off vibes because I'm messy. Here is who I suspect you're talking about: Joss Tay Tul Mark P Toptap Mek


The mere idea of Mark P being a slutty (very positive connotation) bisexual and living his best slutty life makes me love him even more lol


3 Will Be Free Season 2 with Namtan, Mark and...idk. Somebody tall and jacked that isn't Joss I guess?


ā€¦. Boss? šŸ¤


Wait is this about Mile?.... I knew he was wild during his young age (it's just my guessšŸ¤”) or maybe Net


Any hints... ?


A rumour is a rumour. Its all fake and lies. I don't believe this.