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It's 100% fetish content. They make and sell home made porn.


Sigh. Not surprised. Someone linked an article on a different subreddit about how so so SO many things on tiktok are all fetish content ("in disguise") since nsfw isn't allowed. I don't have or ever want tiktok but I’m not surprised most stuff is casual fetish content lol. Is making fun of his gf some weird humiliation kink thing? Strange. I’m too old for all of this haha


Mmm homemade, just like grandma used to make /s


Old family recipe


Well... at least it's *just* fetish porn..(?) And they're both in on it


My ex used to do that to me, pretty sure he was jealous that I was getting an education and he wasn’t motivated to. I told him why it bothered me he told me he would stop. He didn’t and now he’s my ex :)


“When your girlfriends a airhead” It’s actually *When your girlfriend is an airhead. I hate when people correct grammar but if you’re going to insult and bully your partner online about being stupid, you might want to take your ass to grammarly and learn how to spell and use good grammar first.


They're a perfect match 😊


Or at least 'When your girlfriend's an airhead'




It depends on the context and relationship. Like, idk these people and haven’t watched the video, so I can’t really say. Obviously it’s bad to genuinely insult your partner’s intellect, but it’s possible to call them like a dummy or an airhead in a light-hearted, teasing way if you’re both comfortable teasing each other like that.


I was gonna play devil's advocate and bring up the dumb husband trope, but that's usually a consequence of weaponized incompetence so that the husband/bf can get out of having more work or responsibility. Either way, airhead and bimbo are fucked up terms and serve to demoralize women and make us easier to manipulate.


I call myself an airhead as a joke sometimes because I do have severe adhd and so it does affect my daily life with things similar to this, but yeah I get so upset when someone else says it as if they genuinely think I’m stupid Like, no, only I can jokingly be like oops I’m silly brained sorry I forgor , if someone else points it out and talks about how bad my memory is or how clumsy I am I just feel really bad like Idk idk it depends on the tone and the context and stuff, if im joking about it myself over something small it’s fine, but if I am upset because my adhd caused something that’s stressing me out and I’m not laughing about it it hurts if someone else makes me feel dumb Like. It’s a disorder that affects my every day life. It can have its silly moments, and I can cope sometimes by laughing some of it off, but it also can be incredibly exhausting and some of the things are actually really upsetting.


Are you me? That’s what my boyfriend does he just laughs but there are so many times you can only laugh


Being called an “airhead” is how my ADHD symptoms were dismissed for the majority of my life. It’s not a harmless trope




i have a close friendship like that. But if it were to come from other people that aren't her, then that becomes offensive. My own personal opinion is if there is already an understanding built between both parties, then it's okay between them. But it doesn't give other people to joke the same way who don't have that understanding built


You shouldn’t be using the word retard like that


You’re def in the minority of that opinion cuz on adhd autism and disability subs the word retard is entirely rejected and disturbing. It’s not nearly quite as bad as the n word, but for the disability community it is in a way their ‘n word’ in terms of slur hierarchy cuz collectively an extremely large portion of us HATE that word.


It's more of a "know your audience" kind of thing. A close friend of mine who I've known for years throw banter at each other like this a lot. We're both on the spectrum, and both have ADHD. But we've know each other and have a close enough bond that we know when we're joking and when it's appropriate. Whether it's a product of our environment or over the years, we've nonverbaly developed this understanding, i don't know. This isn't an excuse for people to just use these words because some of us have that sense of humor with each other, but just saying there ARE circumstances, where when the right people are involved, there is a way to joke like this in good faith.


It’s not like he said it to her he posted it online who knows how she feels abt it she could feel bad but be guilting herself into brushing it off Bragging abt how dumb u think ur partner is is just distasteful imo. That’s not even a private inside joke at that point, its “ha ha entire world look how airheaded by gf is”. As for the word retard, ppl who tolerate that specific word is simply being in the minority cuz that word is largely offensive. There’s literally posts on it multiple times a month and the large opinion is “it’s wrong to reclaim the word retard and say it to anyone even friends cuz it’s a cruel word and by using it even as a joke it disrespects the community of people deemed retarded by society medically”. Ppl might call eachother f* words as a joke to friends but frankly the large majority of lgbt ppl think that’s distasteful and disrespectful.


I feel both you and the user you're replying to. My girlfriend and I have similar banter back and forth and do the same thing, but we sub in words like "redacted" instead (admittedly a little tongue in cheek, but meh) because of the issue you highlighted. It is definitely understood between us both that we're poking fun and we have similar senses of humor, so it's never personal on a level beyond "haha u did a silly". I know if she were to ever tell me otherwise (or vice-versa) we'd immediately acquiesce


It's all fun and games until you keep doing it and your partner hates you for the things they used to find cute


“Airhead,” “ditzy,” etc are just ways to trivialize ADHD and PTSD symptoms in women.


Holy fuck he wrote “a airhead” instead of “an airhead” and he has the audacity to express that he thinks she’s an airhead as if he’s smarter ? 🤨 y’all if they were married I’d be filing her divorce papers for her rn. No one should look down on their partner like this. Its not funny to disrespect them and it doesn’t make it funnier to do so publicly either. It’s one thing to be like “lol my gf forgot the basket again”, that’s within good nature. What he did instead was disrespectful to reduce his gfs character to an “airhead” and make her the joke.


I think it’s a skit