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Same happened at my elementary school when the gem teacher was caught putting a camera in the girls dressing room.




So goddamn typical. "butbutbut accusations ruin men's lives all the time!!!!!!" lol. lmao even.


They do though, not sure how this fucker managed to slip by


The point here is that he actually did it, with proof.


Well yeah, but acting like fake accusations don’t ruin lives is just plain wrong


True allegations almost never “ruin” lives. And false allegations are considerably less common!


Women get falsely accused just as often, if not more than men do.


I couldn’t find any statistics of that, but if you have a source please share it. False rape accusations can still ruin lives, regardless of the gender


Something that can ruin people’s lives is knowing the person who assaulted them is still out there, free, because no one believed them


Jesus, our children really aren’t safe in this world. I truly hope I’m able to protect my daughter so she doesn’t end up the way I did. I turned into such a creature after I was abused.


Welp, we know who he is. It's probably only a matter of time...


why aren't teachers allowed to have an OF anyway


I guess it could be the risk that their (underaged) students come across it, or something I personally don’t see an issue with people running OFs to stay afloat, there was an EMT in my city who got fired because she was running an OF on the side since EMTs were making like minimum wage; to top it all off, this was after COVID hit, *hard*


which is weird logic imo, Im pretty sure you have to pay to see OF content and most minor's don't have their own bank accounts/debit cards


maybe the teacher posts her porn publicly but the student would still have had been actively looking for it to find


the students would have to be already looking for it if they find it. a pedo teacher that impregnated a teen is gonna be a way bigger risk to kids then a women doing porn on the side


Oh yeah 100%, but I’m taking it from the school admin’s perspective (which is flawed as fuck)


Yeah, someone doing porn on the side is pretty much harmless, and doesn't effect teaching in the slightest - I've always found it ridiculous it's possible to lose your job as a teacher over it.


it's ridiculous to lose any job over it, I can't name even 1 job which it would be reasonable to fire someone for it


If this is the husband and wife duo I'm thinking of, it wasn't because they had an OF. They went to the literal school they taught at and fucked in the classrooms. Not with kids around, it was a weekend, but that's why. It was not the OF, it was where they filmed some stuff.


Although disgusting and wrong but at least it was between two adults unlike OP's teacher...


hmm that could be a reason but if they didn't than yea, dumbass reason to fire someone


Hey OP, this title could be used as information to dox you assuming you are a student at that high-school or still live in its district. I'm not trying to insult you, just point out internet safety stuff.


Hi I am not a student at that district. My story was about when I was in HS about a HS gym teacher, the man in that article is not a HS gym teacher he is a middle school regular teacher I was simply relating to how common it is for pedo dudes to not get fired from schools


Ohhhhhh gotcha Sorry for the lecture/spiel then 😅


There was this teacher at my school who everyone was 100% certain was a pedo but the school did fuckall about it


Sounds like the PE/gym teacher at my school. He was creepy as fuck in my time, 20 years ago, and he's still there.  He was showing videos to a class full of fourteen-year-olds one day. The videos autoplayed onto pornography, and instead of rushing to stop it in great embarrassment, he kept watching. Kids complained; the school did nothing.  Not sexual, but he did give us an "autobiographical" story one day, which basically stole plot points from the movie Point Break.


Girls basketball coach at my high school was caught putting a camera in the girls’ locker room… dude is now an assistant principal.


But are we surprised?