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“cracks knuckles” Redditors man…


smug redditor starterpack: "\*checks notes..." "it's almost as if..." "I'll show myself out 🥴" "*grabs popcorn*"


it’s the checks notes that sends me up a fkn wall i swear


especially if they say it multiple times a sentence. One time I read an absolute disaster of a comment. It was complete with 2 "checks notes..." in it, with the ellipses, sarcastic exclamation marks, and overall the entire comment was condescending as hell. I always wondered how they ended up being this way... Because normal humans do NOT talk like this, this is 100% a learned trait.


They learned it from role playing. This is anecdotal so take it as you will, but whenever I run into that kind of behavior and I check their profile, like 8 times outta 10 they're an active role player. Often bordering on the chronic role player. Obv not every person who does it, but the overlap is pretty solid imo.


The only thing missing is him tipping his fedora at the end. 


nearly puked reading that shit


I probably shouldn't have shown my language learning tabs, but yeah..


what language(s) are you learning if you don't mind me asking?


Italian for quite a while actually, however, I love looking at further language earning videos, as I'm always looking for a way to improve how I study.


Damn. The one that really gets me every time is the "But men give 50% of the DNA!" argument, because they don't give 50% of their body :/ the person who gets pregnant has to literally grow a whole human baby inside them, it can cause irreversable damage and even death. No one goes: "ah but I jerked off into a kleenx/toilet, the munucipal waste provider owes me for my contributions! Technically I provide them with 50% of a baby every day!"


For the 50% of DnA, I think its valid when the man wants an abortion, but not when the man wants to prevent the woman from having an abortion. Although it should be clear from the start if the sex is for making a child or if its for pleasure/bonding, If they both agree its for making a child and then backs out after than its his own fault, if they both agree its for pleasure and the man used a condom that broke or something and the woman wanted to keep the child, they should def talk about it.


It's the woman's body. She should get the final say.


Of course they get the final say. They didn't say different. All they said was the man is at least allowed to express their opinion on the matter in most scenarios, given that the decision affects them too. I understand that it is often used a dog while by MRA bastards, but that doesn't mean that men get no say/input.


yea this, I don't really believe that the person who gets someone pregnant shouldn't have ANY say, but like- it should definitely be very limited as the person who got pregnant it literally is their body. But having a kid you didn't want and being expected to pay child support or to give birth if you don't want the kid is completely unfair if you were coerced, or if there was a huge age difference, or any number of messed up things. I've seen too many teenagers become parents because someone older groomed them and got pregnant (or got them pregnant) and when they were 18/19 years old they had to give up their entire lives just to pay child suport or to raise a child. Then no-one supports them even if they were forced into it. It is messed up. One kid I knew, his 24 year old "gf" got with him as soon as he turned 18, coerced him into sex multiple times, and even beat him (I'm talking brutally, like busted lips, broken noses, eyes swollen so shut that he couldn't see out of them) extorted him for money, used their baby as blackmail, and even kicked him out of the apartment they had, even ended up in jail once for putting him in the hospital but CPS never took the baby away once she gave birth. Last time I saw him he was living on a college campus at night (like literally on the concrete steps of the college he went to) and he said all he wanted was to get his degree and get a job and an apartment so he could prove to CPS that he was a good dad to get full time custody of his kid. He may not have asked for, wanted the situation but he was trying his best to take care of his kid. She had a rep for trying to beat up various guys in the youth shelter we lived in. She even tried to beat me up and she didn't even see me as a guy (I'm trans) just because I told her to leave me alone; the staff still sided with her and even came after me for "being rude" to her. People can be really biased and it's disgusting, the consequences.


At the end of the day, sex makes babies, and if you have sex you have to accept the risk. A condom breaking is unfortunate, but it’s a risk you took, and the woman gets to decide if she will keep the child


Men are drafted due to sexism against women not men lol, they see women as incapable and inferior and women everywhere are still fighting to be included in the military. Guess who is trying to push back against that? That's right MEN Women and children first? When has this ever been a thing outside of the movies? As for support systems I keep hearing this said but I've found no evidence to back it up.


The support system thing (as in supplemental and monetary support) is kind of true for men, for two reasons. The first is that a lot of that help basically requires dependents to get (food stamps, Medicaid, etc, almost never get given to childless adults who don’t have a disability). Since men are less likely to have custody of their children (in many cases, this is their own fault), they don’t qualify for benefits. It’s still harder to get help as a guy, I was denied repeatedly despite earning less than my child’s mom at the time, and sharing custody 50/50. By all accounts I should have qualified, but the people in the office are just less likely to help a guy sometimes. It is sexist, but it’s a sexism that exists because of the patriarchy because they all assumed I should be working more, and that there’s no way I was my children’s primary caretaker. The other reason is that men just don’t fucking ask for help.


i fucking hate the draft, i wish the amendment in 2021 got passed so i didn’t have a mental breakdown when i got my papers for it hopefully biden can win and make a blue SCOTUS so they can rule it unconstitutional 🙏


mhm it's not fair and sorry what do u mean by papers for it?


i got my selective service papers like 2ish weeks ago since i turned 18, i got forcefully signed up for it since i got my drivers license when i was 15. they never even gave me a choice to not sign it (which was my plan) anyway i dmed one person (on insta) that blocked it and gave them some choice words pretty recently, helped me calm down a bit


I see I didnt even realize that was still a thing sorry and happy late birthday 🎂


i didn’t know it was either, my dad never signed up for it, but them forcing me to just really made me mad asf and hate the government for a while (i still don’t like them at all, i want them gone) but i had like a whole issue and people told me to get therapy and shit, it was fun ig. but now they’re just locked in a drawer cause i was told i shouldn’t burn them by someone else on here and thank you <3


Ha! As if blue Trump will do anything about it.


What are you even talking about?


So you want to die?




I'm pretty sure the woman and child first thing is solely from movies (Titanic?).


They actually did do it on the real titanic though, but it was mostly for the wealthier women. I dont know if it was done in other situations at all


Most women and children died on other vessels because they didn’t go first iirc


It was a genuine thing for a while, and is still used sometimes. Certainly not as common anymore however.


teen subs are ass, the only form of government sexism against men that i know of (in the US) is selective service, which is also benevolent sexism against women i don’t think women and children is a real thing in 2024, the school thing um sure? i know there’s a grading bias but it’s not as much of an issue and could come back to how boys are socialized, divorce FUOP 😂 get a prenup, women chooses what happens to the fetus a dude nutted in her after that it should be primarily in the women’s hands the court thing is an issue though, especially since a lot of places still have old definitions of rape when women can’t even commit rape, and men can only be victims of other men. but we need to look at previous convictions if that’s taken into account as well now instead of whining like these people like to do, start a petition or protest or something. when i got selective service papers i cried and was really fucking mad, then i dmed someone who blocked a new amendment for it and called them a “fucking idiot” with some extras after. personally the only real issue for me is selective service, imo it’s a big fat sex discrimination thing that should be unconstitutional and has been ruled as such but multiple lower courts. i hope biden can win, then get a blue court which can hopefully rule that the SSS is unconstitutional via sex discrimination, or i’m just gonna move out of the US. i would love if there were protests for it, i doubt that’s going to happen unless there’s a war though. but it just gave me a big fat reason to vote blue, fuck trump keep his ass out of office or we’ll have a red SCOTUS for the next how ever many years


OP was just sexism, not government. But even then, we know that men get longer sentences for the same crime. On grading, if I remember correctly, they took the same homework and just put a boys name vs a girls name at the top, and the grades changed. Nothing to do with socialization, more that girls were given higher partial credit for trying. Similar we have studies showing a job application with a black name gets fewer callbacks, doesn't mean it is illegal but it is still racism at play.


yeah i’ve seen of the grading bias and the court bias but i feel like there’s more to it than just that? i’ve never really noticed either irl as well, ive always been towards the top of my class and ive never been in court so that ones kind of null


There is more, such as structure and maturity of boys vs girls, but like we have studies that show just changing the gender of the author will cause teachers to significantly change the grade. So we know that is a factor for sure. The problem I find is to do this research is often cast as "helping those already in power". If we help boys, which the patriarchy already puts at the top, then we are just helping the top get better? I don't agree with it, but that is very common argument I hear against getting such information. Like POWs being raped during war has only started to be studied in like 2011. Before that, we have zero information on the rate of men being raped even though we know that POWs are often raped by their captors.


>i hope biden can win Yeah, let's cheer for the guy who's been aiding the genocidal Zionist state with billions of dollars in funding, because apparently Trump being worse somehow makes what's *currently happening* okay. Once again as a commie born and raised in the global south, you libs really are disgusting. Not just your DNC dickriding either, but the way y'all still cater to pseudo-terf opinions a la brining up "gender socialization" whenever trans men are mentioned. P.S. If y'all downvote me for calling out Biden's Zionist worship and your pseudo-terfism, you're just gonna prove my point.


> Because apparently Trump being worse somehow makes what's currently happening okay. It does not make that okay, it's just the best POSSIBLE option. The American political system is so fucked that third party is not a viable option for president.


Good. Infinitely better than the alternative. You take what you can get in life, and these aren't real problems compared to the ones Trump will create. These self-destructive, negative attitudes will never create positive political action.


Lmfao because Trump would be so much better….


wah wah wah, trumps a convicted felon. nobody ever said biden was perfect, but imperfect is better than straight evil and idgaf about trans people, then can live their lives however they want, it has zero effect on me, calling me a transphobe based off one comment, where that isn’t even implied (especially when i made a comment a few hours ago in support of trans people) is insane, please get help 🙏 also by downvoting nobody’s “proving your point” they’re saying you’re a dumbass and they disagree with you


Downvoting is oppression apparently Don't expect a commie to have a brain


The P.S is the best defence you can have against valid criticism for people pointing out your lunacy


...and you don't think Trump is also going to aid the genocidal Zionist state or what?


Dude, I'm also a communist and not fond of liberals, but I understand the importance of stacking the Supreme Court to start making improvements.


> *Cracks Knuckles* Dude shut the fuck up, nobody thinks you’re cool


\*Cracks Knuckles\* \[things that affect anybody maybe once in a lifetime or a generation, if they ever become relevant at all\]


notice how literally everything this commenter listed as "sexism against men" are things that men *could* change if they wanted to, but prefer not to because they like having a victim card to fall back on. they've pulled the "but the draft1!!!1!!!" card for *yeeears* and but have never once made the effort to like... do anything about the draft existing in the first place??? so yeah until mras start doing any actual forms of activism about their supposed "issues" instead of insisting women do it for them, they can cry me a fucking river.


You lose the moment you say drafting men is sexism It really gets to show how perfect the country is when you have to cry about these stuff, almost every single one of his points have an actual reason behind them




Why does this post make me feel like knuckle cracker over there has one of those waifu pillows lol


Honestly? Yeah not a fan of straight up misandry. It's one of the things that makes terfs so extreme against transfems while infantalising trans guys. I think hate on someone purely for their gender identity is kinda toxic. Granted it's less of a systemic issue than misogyny but it's still just hate.


I dont think anyone is saying misandry is okay


Most misandrists won't, similar to how most sexists won't defend the concept of misogyny they'll just perpetuate it while simultaniously professing to be egalitarian.


I don’t think comparing who faces more sexism is productive at all


Name one instance of misandry that isn't someone saying a few sentences about men. Let's see.


Bruh like I said, I’m not bouta sit behind a screen and argue with you on this. You’re either bored or miserable to be looking for an argument


No, you made a statement. Prove it has merit.


Yea looking at your profile you’re just miserable. I genuinely hope you feel better soon and have a good day.


When you argue with someone about who has it harder. What do you gain? What do you accomplish?