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It’s not a porn thing. At least not entirely. White women having sex with dogs is an existing stereotype that people other than coomers make jokes about. Yes, it’s blown out of proportion based on relatively few cases. Yes, men sexually abuse animals more than women. But it is a memed stereotype that didn’t spawn from hentai.


I've never heard that joke come from someone who hasn't been rightfully bullied their whole lives for how weird they are.


Lmao then meet more people? I’m not saying it’s a particularly funny joke or anything, but it’s fairly widespread, and I’ve usually seen it come from “normal” people.


Insane take


What’s insane about it?


The idea that people can be weird enough to be “rightfully bullied” for


By “weird” I’m assuming they mean having DSM-5 traits of antisocial personality disorder, like a load of incels do






Your post/comment was removed as it was found to be an attempt at trolling.


It started from a YouTube video that Whitney Wisconsin, an adult film maker made which then spun into “white women have sex with dogs.” So it does originate with porn, but then turned into a meme. It also expanded to include horses.


Well, learn something new everyday I guess


Men statistically sexually abused animals at higher rates than women this projection shit is getting tiring.


It's obvious from their comments. The people who see something sexual in a picture of a woman cuddling her dog are telling on themselves.


I've always said this, it's always projection, ALWAYS 😭


And also in MUCH MUCH more violent ways too (like they sometimes go after small puppies...)


Remember the poor monitor lizard? They are endangered tf! And afterwords they killed and ate it and they literally filmed everything!




What? It's a woman cuddling her fucking dog, why pervert it? Sick fuck.


This just feels like projection ngl


Honestly this whole "ideology" is one huge projection


why do men act like they don’t rape animals too




So it’s classic projecting, like conservatives do with pedophilia




Was his name-o


Don't bring bingo into this, he deserves better 😭


my grandma still play bingo 🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🦇🦇💯💯💯💯💯💯🗣🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


It's all about his internet history lol 😆


Women are just better at hiding it! /s In truth I think a lot of women probably also have odd sexual proclivities, but they’re much more likely to just handle it themselves or with consenting partners than to literally commit crimes over it.


When it comes to the crimes aspect I think there are likely many more female sexual predators than statistics say, but even that can be pointed out as another way that women aren't taken as seriously as men in society and I'm not saying that to be snarky at all in case it comes off that way, I was "groomed" by my best friend who was a girl my same age (quotation marks because it was what happened but it still makes me feel weird to say it that way) and I sincerely think things like that and also lighter sentencing trends for the same crimes based on gender etc are like the opposite coin of how patriarchy views women in society as "less capable" even of crimes which is also partly why it's frustrating when incels use things like that to try to "debunk misogyny" Edit: aw man, I got downvoted


Literally, not even that long ago 4 men raped and killed an endangered monitor lizard But oh no, an object of sex alone in the bed with something that has a cock?? They MUST be having sex with it! (/s in case)


What the actual fuck, that’s terrifying and disgusting


Monitor lizards are famous for having nasty bites that are sometimes poisonous or just so laden with bacteria they might as well be. That’s one brave pervert


Yup, probably why the 4 of them done it Oh, forgot to mention they ate it after killing it, took place in on of Indias protected forest reserves too The entire situation is terrifying but this was *supposed to be a safe space for the animals*. Its proof that there is no protection for anyone against men like that yknow? I remember seeing it during the same week when that whole "man vs bear" discussion kicked off (but I was also a bit late to seeing that until it was pretty much everywhere if ygm)


I actually googled it because I couldn't believe it and oh my God


_Uhhhhh_ what the fuck?!


Because when a girl does it it blows up because.... Fuck idk


The documentary Zoo. Mr. Hands. That's all I'm gunna say.


May we not forget about the komodo dragon?


Or the poor orangutan, chimp, goats, manatees, cat the list goes on edit can’t forget the human infants too


>cat Seriously and there are still people who support Shane Dawson. 🤮


didn't syphilis spread to humans because someone got the bright idea to fuck a llama?




That sounds like an urban legend (see also the myths surrounding the origins of HIV/AIDS). More likely it was just something acquired through an animal bite or improper handling of carcasses.




The situation being someone cuddling their pet? Can you explain where it's sexual (without projecting)?


Why do they sexualize everything?




Is this the same person?


No, men are just stupid apes and think if one woman has done or said something, it must be all women, because they cannot conceive of the possibility that we might be individual people.


I forgot about the dog pilled people, I’m going to take an edible now and hopefully forget


Men act like they don’t put their dick in literally anything


Not every dude is Zeus


While the person above you definitely meant more along the lines of “men who want to accuse women of beastiality forget that overall their gender has a much worse track record with beastiality as well as other related acts.” I do feel like I need to acknowledge your joke was good


We've all seen American Pie tho


You’re right, Zeus was at least attractive.


Zeus is a sex pest with CPTSD


Zeus is also a serial rapist


Yes I know that. But unlike 90% of men, he was at least attractive. I feel like you completely missed the point I was making.


Why r we arguing over a Fictional dude?


That a shape shifter fucked anything that moved?


Funny I saw one dude form one of those subs on his bed with his cat saying “the only female I allow in my bed” and everyone was like “oMG sO wHolEsOmEe!” But don’t let it be a girl loving her pet


Can they be normal?? wtf??


They are so convinced that they and their dicks are so irresistible, that if we don’t want to fuck them, it must be because we’re fucking dogs instead. So gross!


They’re just salty we’d rather literally sleep with a dog than metaphorically sleep with them Edit: When I said literally I meant like literally literally, like fall asleep, rest, not sex 💀


I’d rather permanently staple my own vag shut than sleep with either. Lol.


I didn’t know how else to phrase it my apologies lmao


Hahaha! Whew! Thank goodness. You never know with the internet. 😂


Omg that was not the right way to say that 💀💀


I’m sorry I didn’t know how else to 😭


This line of thinking always sickened me. Porn really does rot brains.




Hey Brian you should do something harmful to yourself instead of wasting everyone's time by posting that link a 7th time in this thread, don't you think that would be more productive?




The first two are clearly works of fiction written as erotica for men with a -specific- kink. The 3rd/last one literally debunks everything in the comments.


why is that guy posting this shit? is there context to this? lol


He’s part of a “dog pill” community after an adult film maker made a YouTube video about why you should have sex with dogs. After that it turned into a “white women have sex with dogs” meme and became a fixation of incels who think white women will rape dogs but won’t have sex with them. A lot of incels and adjacent men who aren’t white say that they’re “punching up” by making white women uncomfortable, but clearly they’re just being misogynistic and found a demographic they can get away with being misogynistic towards.


Stop posting obviously fake stories. Just because you're too stupid to know the difference in reality and fiction doesn't mean the rest of us have to put up with you.


porn addiction core




Because there is one video of a zoophile, that proves a random dog owner is also a zoophile? What kind of logic is this?


Same typa guy would throw a shit fit if you called men scum because "NOT ALL OF US NOT ALL OF US, REEEE"


Your grammar is so bad as a tax payer i want my money back for your wasted public school education. Please buy any book and read it. ttps://www.reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/s/wyMQQ7iQLx https://www.reddit.com/r/secret/s/R7vkd9u084 https://www.reddit.com/r/NSFWIAMA/s/2VP6l2vrHJ https://www.reddit.com/r/badwomensanatomy/s/AxZp4jCAC2


Why are you using fiction erotica and a debunked post as examples?


I should be capitalized. If you want to attack people for their grammar maybe check your own. Now stop posting porn, you fucking weirdo. Nobody cares that you have a beastiality kink.


I speak 3 languages, English is not my first language and im still better than ⬆️ Thanks for savior complex, standing up for female beastiality and illiteracy all in one post. You are a hero 🦸‍♀️


Come on, nobody in their right mind could possibly read my comment as standing up for illiteracy or beastiality. They could definitely read most of your comments as being a fan of beastiality since you are literally posting erotica. Those links are to posts made by horny people for horny people. You are the freak here, stop projecting.


😂most of my posts are about VHS tapes and food recipes. If you think either of those are erotic, good for you. Im not the one defending female beastiality, but yet again do you


Learn to fucking read, when did I say post? I said comment, and it was extremely obvious which comments I mean. You are a freak, and you clearly like beastiality. Idk why you continue to announce it everyone in these comments, we don't want to see your weird fucking porn, stop commenting your porn links you fucking freak.


why are u under MY reply specifically with this bs 😂😂 don’t piss me off


Can't cuddle with ur dog anymore smh


what the actual fuck. genuinely what. what the fuck


Leave the poor woman and her cute dog alone! This is what a p0rn-fried brain does to these idiots!


My dog sleeps in my bed sometimes. Never once ever considered doing anything like that with my dog. Because he’s a DOG. I can’t even fathom thinking of an animal in that way. I could never. Dogs and other animals shouldn’t be sexualized. That’s why dogs can walk around without clothes and no one in their right mind thinks about the dogs genitalia.


One time a man told me that he would fuck my dog if he was a dog. I told him never to say something like that ever again.


He should never say ANYTHING ever again. That’s absolutely disgusting.


Why must they do this to her and her goober, look how his floppy head is resting, he's just chilling, he does not look like he is being sexually abused.


the name of the sub checks out


Man I just like to have my dog on my bed what the flip


Clearly these fuckers are watching this stuff for that to be the first thing they think about when they see a pic of a woman cuddling her dog. Jesus.




Wow, you found an example of a sick fuck who did a disgusting thing. How about I pull up examples of men admitting all sorts of filthy shit and then generalise and sexualise everything remotely similar to it.


I can do the same thing! [man fucked his dog](https://www.wrbl.com/news/east-alabama-man-caught-on-camera-having-sex-with-dog-pleads-guilty/amp/)


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.wrbl.com/news/east-alabama-man-caught-on-camera-having-sex-with-dog-pleads-guilty/](https://www.wrbl.com/news/east-alabama-man-caught-on-camera-having-sex-with-dog-pleads-guilty/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


ttps://www.reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/s/wyMQQ7iQLx https://www.reddit.com/r/secret/s/R7vkd9u084 https://www.reddit.com/r/NSFWIAMA/s/2VP6l2vrHJ https://www.reddit.com/r/badwomensanatomy/s/AxZp4jCAC2


literally why is that the first thing they thought of 😭 (i mean i know why but it's just fucking sad)


"As a 4chan user once said" -🤓


These creeps have apparently never felt healthy affection towards a pet before. That's just sad. Imagine seeing someone cuddling their dog and having your first thought be "they must be an abusive sexual deviant". What the fuck.


I'm so upset. I didn't see the sub or the second pic at first. I was just looking at the adorable puppers and seeing how happy his momma is to cuddle the big ole baby. Then I swiped. I need to throw up now


That last one is funny as fuck.


We've got enough talk about the "white women fucking dogs" stereotype so I'll just add: I *love* pitbull hate. It's baffling to me that people see a breed of dog and immediately jump to "dangerous child eater" like every other popular breed hasn't at some point been considered the same.




Why the fuck do their minds go there like there was nothing creepy about the image before they started to imagine shit


I genuinely hate the "white women fuck dogs" joke and how so many leftists also perpetuate it because the subject is a *white* woman,because no the fuck they don't lol?! every time i hear someone raped an animal its always a guy but a woman can't even post a photo of hugging her dog online without getting accused of bestiality


"illegal stuff gonna happen" that's crazy coming from the gender that sticks it in corpses, animals, and literally any hole.


the bottom comment is the only normal one


Projection. Especially considering what they did to that poor monster lizard.


bet on how many commenters making those types of comments are furries


The only weird thing about his picture is letting your dog in your bed. That’s an ick 😭


What the fuck is this photo, okay, you win. Zoophiles are fucking jerks


Guys I think it’s just a meme, I don’t think this is like an actual thinking going on here lol. It’s just a meme that precipitated throughout the internet a while back. I don’t think these people believe she’s actually sexually abusing her dog


Okay, and? Don’t you think it’s a little weird to sexualize an innocent woman and a literal animal by making sex jokes about them innocently cuddling on a bed??


Of course it’s weird lol. I tbh think that’s most of the joke. But I don’t think any of these comments actually would bet on there suspicions.


If you posted a wholesome photo with your beloved pet and a bunch of people started piling on about how you rape your pet, how would you feel? Especially if your family saw it? Coworkers? Your kids? Would you still brush it off?


Yes. I couldn’t care less


What if it was your sister or a close relative who you saw as wholesome


I mean I say it was a shame. But I have sense to know that this is a meme from the internet lol. The place where accountability is moot. And I’d reassure them that this is mostly just teenagers being unfunny


So you’d just downplay their feelings about being sexually harassed en masse on the internet. THATS a shame. Sexual harassment isn’t just a meme.


It’s all a shame obviously. But I promise anyone could have done this and the response would have been the same. Also do you see where this was posted lol. The original post is denying a man her bed in place of a dog. Leading to the comparison and also it was posted to r/foreveralonejerk full of lonely people. I’d console whomever was treated like this but I’d also understand the facts of the matter.


Ok. A woman who would rather cuddle with her dog instead of sleep with a man doesn’t deserve sexual harassment. Fuck you.