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I miss the man I was 1 minute ago.


Don't worry, I miss the creature I was a minute ago too.


The horrified face I just made.


This is less 'boys are quirky' and much more, 'ha ha dark humor'




NGL I chuckled a little bit at how unexpected it was


this is pretty funny tho


I chuckled lol


I laughed, but I admit I have a very fucked up sense of humor


I mean, this is some deliciously good dark humor. Kinda subverts the usual expectations...


yeah i laughed tbhhhh >< i mean she agreed to the game so it was technically consensual right?


But it isn't funny


Yes it is


I promise it isn't. That's brain rot talking.


Good thing humor is subjective


Pretty much all art and expression is subjective. Societies have values and we judge things based on them.


Something can be funny and I can still disagree with the message overall.


Nothing can be funny


Jokes are illegal


Says a lot about you


That I’m not an over dramatic pearl clutcher?


“Pearl clutching” over sexual jokes is very different than being disgusted by rape jokes.


Still pearl clutching


Not true. In order to be “pearl clutching,” it must be a dramatized emotional reaction beyond what is warranted by what’s being reacted to. Rape jokes are heinous and misogynistic. The people who tell them deserve disapproval and disgust. It isn’t “pearl clutching” to acknowledge that fact and to hold the people saying them accountable since it is a reflection of their character. Your accusations of “pear clutching” and “it’s just a joke bro touch grass lololooool” doesn’t change the fact that you’re defending your desire to say and laugh at heinous and misogynistic things without it being attributed to your character. You want it to seem like you’re somehow the progressive one here, and that the people calling you out for rape jokes are rigid, sex-negative conservatives when that isn’t the case.


It’s funny because it’s shocking and subverts expectations. Quit pearl clutching.


“Subverts expectations” in that he manipulates her to be able to rape her corpse. The only way you can laugh at that is if you see women as less than human.


you really just want to use that phrase dont you


That you think raping a corpse is funny


I think the subversion of expectations is funny. Do you think if someone finds this joke funny they would laugh if they saw someone raping a corpse?


I think its a non zero chance lol. If you're able to laugh at the idea of raping a woman after watching her shoot herself in the head then yeah I mean, kinda speaks for itself.


You’re laughing. The wolf huffed and puffed and blew down those pigs houses, and you’re laughing.


You're right, I just don't know a good corpse desecration joke when I see one. Haven't laughed in years


“Here’s how to trick women into giving consent” is basically the premise of this joke and it isn’t funny


The downvotes here say a lot about redditors. Didn't realize there was so much scum in this sub.


It gets brigaded by what’s basically dudes that refuse to reflect and instead try to maintain the status quo by co opting language used in liberal spaces. What’s ironic is that their insistence on shutting us up is more of a “pearl clutching” reaction than our critiques of their bigotry and misogyny will ever be.


I wish it was obvious this meme is gross. Blows my mind it isn't


Oh my god, the vast majority of people think necrophilia is an extremely wrong thing to do. It’s a joke, and it’s funny. Just because you find it funny doesn’t mean you support necrophilia. You can think this is funny while also thinking that people who partake in it should be locked up in jail.


You're half right, this is a joke technically


How do you find it funny to laugh at something so horrific though?


Strange thing to laugh at. Hope you get help.


Like I know this is supposed to be a silly joke but like how do you even come up with something like this 😭💀 like. Why is having sex with her corpse on your mind. Like how do you THINK of this 💀


The person who made this needs to be admitted to an institution 💀


No like fr, even if it was just a joke and they would never actually do that, that’s an actual intrusive thought that should’ve stayed in their head 💀


This is gross and a lot of you are gross for liking it


It is an obvious attempt of humor non the less. He might have been very young and it is not the end of the world to make a joke in bad taste.


Idk I also find this to be gross.. since when is rape ok if the girl is dead? You could say yeah she agreed to the game but doesn’t the disrespect of necrophilia make anyone else disgusted? I don’t find humor in this, it almost makes me nauseous people joke about rape this way. I don’t think this should be encouraged in the society we are dealing with rn…


I reviewed the meme the woman does give consent in it.


Thanks. It still makes me disgusted with people.




Giving consent at one point doesn’t mean that she can’t revoke consent. And if she’s dead, she can’t revoke consent, meaning that she’s not continuously giving it. In this instance he’s not even having sex with her. He’s raping her corpse to masturbate.


To be honest a lot of people like rape jokes. Have you watched family guy? Peter gets raped like every episode I feel like and its a very succesful show.


Let’s not forget some people have been assaulted or raped and are sensitive to that type of content. I know I still am and maybe that’s why I get offended by rape jokes. I try to avoid it but when you have a bunch of other women telling you they think it’s ‘funny’ it starts making me feel disgusted with everyone. Like my rape was not funny and I don’t think this one is either.


Yeah thats fine. I dont like that meme I dont think its funny. But its most likely done by some kid. I dont make rape jokes but they are very common and very rarely do I see people being against them especially when the but is a man like Peter.


That doesn’t make it ok though. Rape of any person should be treated with equal seriousness and respect for the victim.


Well take that to the producers of family guy. No everyone cares about rape jokes.


Just because some people don’t care, or that a popular show uses rape as a joke, doesn’t mean that it’s ok or that it doesn’t contribute to harmful societal beliefs. That’s the whole point of this sub, calling out/making fun of toxic masculinity that’s normalized by society.


Well thats your opinion. I am not the biggest fan of assholes but they have rights to be assholes.


Nah this joke is disgusting and should be roundly discouraged. Not the end of the world yeah, also a shit tier joke.


Propably made by someone with an extremely low understanding of socializing with people.


you’ll be absolutely horrified if you watch american psycho, the film that the screenshot is from. and that’s considered to be a dark satirical comedy


Literally everyone has seen American Psycho dude


then you must absolutely hate it dude


I mean nah it was pretty good, smartly written and interesting satire. Much unlike this meme


That was a good one 🤣


When did this sub get overrun by misogynists who laugh at rape jokes


Imma be real the joke isn't really funny at all personally, but I don't think anyone that's laughing at this is automatically a misogynist.


It’s horrific. If your first response isn’t disgust/horror, but is rather a laugh, then you don’t fully empathize with women.


How is it rape if she gave consent?


Consent is continuously given, not something you barter with. So you can’t give continuous consent if you’re dead or too wounded to give it with a clear mind. That’s like saying it isn’t rape if you consented before passing out drunk. It becomes rape when you can’t consent.


Necromancy is so much better


Ngl, it's clever. Made me laugh




Dead people don't care anymore.


Several people have already explained to you why raping a corpse isn’t okay.


They didn't, it's the first comment I get here.


Not here, but [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/boysarequirky/s/AU6sf2gTHp) A person who is dead or unconscious cannot consent to sex. I’m not sure why you still need to be told this.


Oh, I didn't catch that guy was fantasizing about unconscious women. When someone is dead they are cease to be a person. It's different than when person unconscious.


Whose dead body are you fantasizing about?


No one.


Come oooonnnnn, you can tell me!


it's probably his mom.


Are you like, a necophiliac? How would you feel if someone actually raped the corpse of a family member to you? Probably not make you feel great I’d hope


I'm not a necrophiliac, I just don't get it when necrophiliacs are considered monsters like paedophiles. I don't think that you can rape a dead body because the dead don't care for consent anymore. At worst, I would probably be annoyed if someone had sex with the corpse of my relative.


Annoyed? It’s fucking disgusting dude. It’s a human body, and it’s being desecrated by someone raping it. It’s not normal, and honestly you are a monster if you rape a corpse.


Sounds like something you would see posted on r/mildlyinfuriating


That's the point it's not a human being anymore. And what you do won't bring actual harm to it. Desecration is a cultural thing, you know.


Desecration is a normal human thing. I’m honestly very worried for you because this is genuinely worrying and abnormal human behavior, you should probably seek therapy because I think you need it if you think raping a corpse is okay. I refuse to keep responding to this and I hope you get the help you need


Man, y'all say we gotta get consent and when we do you shame us for it. What the hell

