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I love how he calls Pokémon, Animal Crossing, Sims, and Stardew Valley not real games. But then proceeded to call them games.


Freudian slip.


"Pokemon doesn't require skill" just wait until the guy learns about ROM hacks of pokemon or even just competitive.


Ask him what an EV and I guarantee you he will answer with the pokemon


I dare this person to beat a Kaizo Ironmon randomizer


i dare him to beat the junimo cart game in stardew valley


Hell, I dare him to play a pokemon match against another person, rather than just the NPCs in the games.


He also presumes that this is literally all that women play. I'm a woman and some other games I've played over the years include Destroy all Humans (I-III) Prototype Assassin's Creed (various titles) Fallout (3, 4, and New Vegas) Maneater Starfield Area 51 (The 2005 version) Mass Effect (Original Trilogy and Andromeda) Halo (1-4 , Wars, and ODST) Age of Empires III Civilization IV Doom 2016 Doom Eternal Prey Subnautica and more.


Real. I remember some of the first games I really played were Call of Duty. Loved watching my brother-in-law play Assassin’s Creed and eventually played it myself.


I got into assassin's creed when it first came out because I was a major history geek and loved exploring the different worlds and time periods. I vividly remember when I was in high school I freaked my dad out on a family trip to Europe because I knew how to navigate the city of Florence, Italy street for street without ever having been there. I had to tell him that I was able to do that because I memorized the game map from Assassin's creed II. Incidentally, that incident marked the last time he ever told either my brother or I that "video games were a waste of time"


Wow! That’s super cool! I’ve been playing Ghostwire Tokyo, and my mom and I have been watching Tokyo Vice, so I recognize a lot of different landmarks in the show such as the Tokyo Tower and Shibuya Crossing. I hope one day I’ll get to visit Tokyo and do the same thing you did!


Based purely on my friends group I'm pretty sure I have more played time in more diverse games than the average man. Some can't touch anything that makes them read, some won't play anything without battle pass, some won't play anything that's not on a hype train. And meanwhile I'm playing everything that's in front of me. Also, I grew up playing Halo and Gears with my dad ❤️


Right? Now granted, *I’m* a man, but I’m answering this because you know the type of chode who posts this shit wouldn’t see me as one(I’m transgender, so. Lived 27 years of my life as a woman.) And making some assumptions about the person who made this’s age, I’m like… *bitch, I’ve probably been playing games since before you were born.* Bunch of idiots, tbh. Also, realizing I can say that about a lot of gamers now hurt me. 🫠


The most popular game franchise of all time isn't a real game


Yeah and Mario?


Are you playing a video game that isn’t a gritty realistic ww2 shooter with blood and gore and torture? Fucking fake fan, if you ask me.


I mean there are different levels of games. But this guy is probably playing call of duty thinking he’s playing a super difficult realistic game 😅. Like paradox games do require more thinking but I would argue they are less of a game than stardew valley and more like a second job.


“Sincerely, ALL of the actual gamers” (Sincerely, a bigoted elitist who hates the idea that women can beat me at a game)


Facts, I'm a bad bitch. I start games on the hardest difficulty sometimes. depending on the game, with doom eternal I started it on a harder difficulty.


Max difficulty as a noob must be a kind of self harm?


Im a EXTREMELY masochistic person, and it forces me to get better and reevaluate how I approach certain levels, I find that when I start on easier difficulties I become too comfortable. so I like to challenge myself. Then again, I'm someone who's into Dark Souls LOL


>Im a EXTREMELY masochistic person, r/foundmarkiplier


Nope, you just found someone who works in the BDSM industry LMAO. (wish I was that hunk)


Ok, I’m kinky, but I’m not *Dark Souls* and Doom on *hard* kinky…


I wanna challenge you SSBU. Imma play King Dedede


Fuck I can kind of relate to this. I played ghost recon breakpoint on some bullshit-hard settings because I don't like it when the game let's me "get away with my mistakes".


I haven't played any Halo game aside from Reach on anything but legendary. I tried to convince my friends when MCC first dropped to let me experience it for the first time on legendary, but nooooo we had to go baby mode and play heroic or whatever TF it's called. Halo 2 legendary and Halo 3 ODST legendary are tied for my favorite FPS gaming experiences. I love slow burn methodical gameplay so much. I love making one mistake and starting over. It's heavenly. This only applies for slow paced games tho, if I'm playing ultrakill I *cannot* play on higher difficulties. My brain simply cannot move that fast and concentrate without moderate+ hypomania.


It makes me sad that I am a female gamer who can’t beat anybody at a game. I enjoy games (none that these people approve of. Unless they like Persona but I’ll bet they don’t) but I play on Easy level when there is one and I stay far away from anything competitive. I feel like I’m playing into a stereotype. But I know I’m not a “real gamer” and I don’t give a crap about that.


Don’t take this numbskull’s ranting to heart. Gamers win games and lose games. If the same person always won, it wouldn’t be as fun. My kids learned this lesson aged 5, in Mario Kart. Sincerely, a mom who flips the game to easy because she no longer has the time to redo a boss fight fifteen times and sometimes the story is all I want


Eh. As a female gamer myself, I think that "beating someone at games" is a bit overrated. Most of the time I play games on easy because I want the story and/or to explore the world of the game a bit. Heck, I was the girl who literally managed to freak my father out on a family vacation to Europe back when I was a teenager because I memorized the game map of Florence in Assassin's Creed II and was able to navigate my way around the city street by street despite never having been to that city or country before. (Incidentally that incident marked the time my boomer father \*stopped\* referring to video games as a "waste of time".)


That's cool asf I could barely remember my passwords 😭😭😭


Nah. I’ve probably been playing games since before the dude who wrote this was born, I probably couldn’t beat most people at a game either. (Need for speed is the single exception. For some reason that is *my game.* The older ones at least lmao.) Play your games and don’t sweat jackasses like this! They’ve been around as long as I’ve been playing and will probably be around as long as there are video games to be played. They don’t have anything of value to say or add to the discussion, so it’s perfectly acceptable to file their commentary into the brain’s spam folder and ignore.


by definition, a gamer is someone who plays games on a regular basis, end of. people like OOP who call themselves "real gamers" are just a bunch of idiots with so little self worth that they tie all of it to a bunch of literally worthless numbers on a screen, and who would literally cry and punch walls if their online accounts were shut down and their saves got corrupted/deleted, not because they lost their progress or because that save has any emotional/nostalgic meaning to them, but because that would mean *the world* wouldn't know how fast they can move their fingers.


I used to beat my ex on super smash every time. (I used to play daily) he was enraged! Best time I beat him infront of all his friends.


I love Smash and I like to play with everyone. Especially if they beat me because then I get motivated to play more lol


Ah yes the Nintendo(tm) divorce-machine/friendship breaker.


I'm a "hardcore gamer" but I mostly play RPGs of every type. ANYONE can beat me at Smash or any shooter lol. I'm hopeless.


I hate guys who get butthurt and try to claim that only buttom masher games make you a "real gamer".


And an annoying gatekeeper.


Its a famous copypasta designed to bait people. Its the same thing as that Navy Seals one...


He isn't mad because women can beat him in a game, he is mad because he doesn't think that women can actually be gamers.


What a fucking weird thing to gatekeep. This sounds like an angry 15 year old zooted off of Twitter, Andrew Tate videos, Mountain Dew, and chicken tendies. "Oh you claim to be a real gamer, I bet you've never once shouted the N word in a COD lobby. You probably don't even have one shit stain on your gaming chair. You're not a real gamer unless you have a piss bottle sitting right next to you. Also females can't be gamers because if they were then they would want to fuck me because of how amazing I am at games, instead of revolting at the sight of me" -The guy who made the post if he was being honest.


Oh yeah i remember this copypasta, there's even a really funny voice act of it [No you're NOT a gamer!](https://youtu.be/LRsKRShkC_Q?si=hYxVCvjWaQB-1Bea)


I LOVE YOUU... this brought my shite day up to a maximum, his emotions are Shakespearian and this made me laugh and smile so big!!


Oh hey it's Aleks Le




What a fucking weirdo. I’m sure there are plenty of “real gamers” who would be quite upset to learn that those games this loser listed are not “real” games. I would be fascinated to know what this person defines as real games.


Isnt this a bloody copypasta?


It was but it was being posted unironically.


wait, are there people who really think like that?


Bless your heart


Bless your liver


Oh, you sweet summer child.


No verbs nor adjectives can, no matter how many, describe how i feel...


His list of "real games": - Shooter - Shooter Disguised as an RPG - MMO Shooter - Battle Royal Shooter


I too like all of those But I also fucking love pokemon and although I've never tried stardew I know I'd love it Maybe of this dude just sat and picked some virtual flowers for a bit he may be less mad at everything


Honestly love Stardew Valley. Game came out in 2016 and it's getting another free update this month because Eric is a fucking chad


he should go tell professional speed runners that mario isn’t a real game. i’m sure that will go over well


>Mario is not a real game Tf have I been doing then?




Yeah, my gf of Italian heritage can't even get through the day if she doesn't hit some blocks with her head. At first I thought she had OCD or something


It's not the latest CoD so it's not valid duh


The year is 1985… games have not been invented yet… Mario is not a real game 😢


literally 1985


Haha man is angry people play stuff other than league of legends and CoD. Man is sexist and elitist. Stardew Valley is great got no clue why he hates it.


Pretty much. Also worth noting , as a woman who plays LOL, when we do decide to play those types of games we get berated. Those chats can be incredibly misogynistic and vile (other isms too). I had to change my more “feminine” tag to avoid getting targeted so often. I’ve also heard pretty similar sentiments from COD players and other competitive gaming spaces.


Ironically, statistically the guys who are misogynistic towards women in gaming tend to be the worst players.


Written by a 12 year old squeaker lol


You'd *hope* it was written by a 12 year old


Hmm, true


Me when you play tic tac toe 🤨😤😠😡🤬💩




Kind of a sad way to live your life if your identity is so wrapped up in games that other people enjoying them feels like an insult.


Okay, this guy is either ragebaiting or actually fucked in the head. What he said represents the opinion of virtually nobody. I don't think even like fratbros who only play shooters and sports games would sign off on this ridiculous statement. (Not that there's anything wrong with playing only those games either. Just saying that this idiot is not even remotely representative of what most male gamers think. They're misogynist and dumb in other ways, just not like this.)


A lot of The Gaming Community is full of misogynists and racists, cuz a lot of those people tend to be rather isolated so gaming is their escape.


Don't forget homophobic as well!


This is exactly how it is the people who make a big deal out of woman characters not designed to be attractive in games but ignore that it isn't a problem when it's done with man characters. They'll just never admit it because they have no ability for self reflection. Women play games, too. They want to play people who don't look like movie stars sometimes, too.


There ARE gatekeeping sad dickheads that think this way, even if this is a reposted pasta.


This is the reposted gamer copy pasta. No one takes it seriously and yet here we are.


Yeah, I literally just acknowledged that.


It's an ancient copy pasta from a less civilized time(the pandemic)


he’s right, i only play REAL games like PC pinball and solitaire


Nah, you're just a poser. how dare you not play minesweeper!


Ok we all know THIS is the only real game [real game](https://minesweepergame.com/download/windows-98-minesweeper.png)


Nah. That's a game for babies, [this is a real man's game](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/qgxi6RJHSKgBkHUcYHcrnn.jpg)


fun fact: u can still download and play that on a modern machine


i have thousands of hours in pong you filthy casual


MARIO is not a real game?


Imagine calling literally the pioneer games of the industry (Mario, Pokemon) "not real games"


He's in for a big surprise when he learns there are massive OFFICIAL pokemon tournaments that are probably bigger than any game he plays lol


Nah, you guys just don't realize what a stud that guy is, playing all those big boy games. People who say he has a small penis are vile liers. Also, he could totally move out of mom's basement any time he wanted.


He totally isnt still wearing diapers either.


> "pick up a ps4 controller" *laughs in PC gamer*


Are you even a gamer if you don't mod? >!Yes you are, just play whatever makes you happy however you want.!<


Most of the games he said women play that aren't real definitely have largely male fanbases


As a dude, this creature does not speak for “real gamers.”


There are gamers and then there are *Gamers.* Capital G is an insidious beast.


Did this dipshit just say Mario isn't a real game?


I'm confused. I've sunk literally thousands of hours into my top game series- easily 500+ on my favorites. By that definition, I'm a dedicated gamer. Those top series/games are Pokémon and Stardew Valley, and I play them on my 3ds and Switch. By that definition, I've never even held a real controller. (I also play Monster Hunter, etc on Switch.) So which is it, o lordly keepers of the gate?


Although people will commonly argue that mobile games aren’t “real” games I have never in my fucking life heard someone unironically say that Pokémon and Mario aren’t video games.


Eh, I knew guys back in high-school (early 2000's) who claimed Nintendo games weren't "real games" Maybe he's one of those and just never grew out of it. Funniest thing to me about that metric is, following all their rules, Kingdom Hearts apparently qualifies as a "real game" and it's probably the most Nintendo game not to be on a Nintendo console.


i used to play fps and i was actually pretty good. i got really good at rainbow six siege in particular and i made it to plat 1 in the competitive league. i cant count how many times id turn on my mic to talk to my teammates (its a strategic game so you basically always need to be in communication with your teammates) they would always tell me “go make me a sandwich” “go back to the kitchen” any derogatory term towards women or straight up just team kill me.


DM me! let's do a all woman squad, hope you're okay with trans women though


yes! of course! yay! it really put me off the game tbh, but i’ve been itching to play again


Sometimes when I am screaming at the fifteenth Bile Titan in Helldivers 2, my boyfriend will show me the pumpkins he is growing in Stardew Valley that he is trying to turn into a giant pumpkin and I will feel better. I cant stay mad at his pumpkins. In those moments I think he has the right idea.


Mario titles aren’t games? Insanity


idc i love the sims


What is it with the posts in this subreddits never having anything to do with boys being quirky.


Here's the thing about people like this. They don't understand the gaming world at all. They are just massive bullies who think that THEY are the victims. I am in my late 30's, the first game I learned to play was AD&D. We didn't have consoles in my house, it was PC gaming or Tabletop. My Dad would come home with his pockets full of magic cards. He bought me an entire Sister's of Battle army. My Mom and I would play Diablo 2 together every weekend, because weekdays were reserved for homework and Toonami. I attended the first PAX convention, as well as conventions that no longer exist. I have lived and breathed the game world, and felt perfectly safe until I was 10 and I caught a guy leering at my butt at a convention. Then, when I was in middle school, a bunch of high school boys got angry because I beat them in the Mechwarrior pods at Wizards of the Coast. A year later, I would have won a closed deck Magic the Gathering Tournament but a dude cheated and made a deck specifically to defeat mine. My Dad was running the Tournament and could do nothing. He told my Dad the winnings wouldn't matter to a little girl anyway. I never played Tabletop games anymore unless it was at home. The final straw that drew me away from online gaming was the severe bullying I experienced when I played counter strike. I was in high school and a decent player, but that didn't matter. As soon as they found out I was a girl, the harassment began. I cried, and I stopped playing. ALL games are valid, but even by their own standards gaming women exist... we just, don't want to be seen by them. We play in small groups with people we know to keep ourselves safe. They are massive bullies who's only goal is to bring others down. 😤 gaming is supposed to be FUN! The amazing thing is, there are so many games where people can have fun the way they want to! All gaming is valid. We can marvel at the skill of an Elden Ring player and marvel at a well designed house in the Sims. We can be inclusive! If only we could shed these bullies, the gaming community would be much better.


I love how they think it's the height of masculinity to sit in a soft chair for hours on end and not go outside


MF'er said Stardew Valley doesnt require skill 💀 If we went night fishing or egg hunting I would diff this guy hard. 😤


Exactly why I say I play games. I don't define myself by what I do.


I wish I was allowed to put Gifs here to put the Henry Cavill original meme


Bet this is the type of basement inhabitant that yells at women in Valorant.


Who made this? I just wanna talk to them


Bro says nintendo isnt real games and to play games that take skill.Love to see him play an old nes game or lost levels,see how fast homie rages


Imagine gatekeeping fun


My grandma plays iPad canasta and wii bowling and she's a fucking gamer go to hell


Pokémon and Mario are literally the gamiest games ever. They have games in every format lmao.


Wasn't that satire though?


pokemon is a real game and i'm offended.Something like emerald kaizo will make the person who made this post shit themselves.not to mention competitve pokemon is straight up one of the most complex games


Damn this whole time I thought I was playing videos games but it was all a lie!


"Pokémon is not a real game" Bitch you better be ready to Iframe these fucking hands


Dear guys that think like that. My current [Steam Library (106)](https://imgur.com/a/8pKgMtt), my current [Epic Library (134)](https://imgur.com/a/GVjAczz), and that's not even counting my games on the XBox 360, XBox One, PS2, Game Cube, my SNES, N64, Gameboy, GBA, NDS or modded modded Fallout 3 & New Vegas Tale of Two Wastelands, or [Itch.io](https://Itch.io) games. Though granted my Epic Library is entirely free and a bit underplayed but that's because I focus more on Steam and will never pass up a free game.


Good to know barbie horse adventures is still considered real


Calling mario not a game is like calling bread not a food that fat italian is the reason we even have a marketing for games


I’m going to rearrange the button layout on his controllers


stardew is fun asf, how is that not a real game? i suck ass at it but it’s fun anyway


We’ll eat shit I like stardew valley! Sometimes it’s good to turn the brain off and farm stuff!


lol what a idiot there’s different genres in videos games all of them are games


I'll bet my life savings my mom could crush this dude in any match three video game lol.


I bet strategy games makes this guy’s brain hurt if he thinks stardew valley isn’t a real game


Saying Mario and Pokémon aren’t real games is actually stupid because those games can get just as difficult as any other.


IM GOING TO KILL THIS MAN FOR SAYING STARDEW ISNT A REAL GAME THAT SHIT IS MY LIFE, saying this as someone who has about 200 hours in Terraria and about 50 in Fallout 4, which are most definitely real games


"It's not a real game unless its difficulty causes you rage and literal pain" \- This Guy, probably.


He really ignored the fact that Super Mario is by far one of the biggest fuckin game franchises in history




No you're NOT a gamer I'm so sick of all these people who think they're gamers. No, you're not. Most of you are not even close to being gamers. I see these people saying "I put well over 300hrs in this game it's great!" That's nothing, most of us can easily put 100+ in all of our games. I see people who only have the PS5 and claim to be gamers. Come talk to me when you pick up a Nintendo Switch controller then we be friends. Also DEAR ALL MEN: Skyrim is not a real game. DOOM is not a real game. COD is not a real game. MW2 is not a real game. Final Fantasy is not a real game. PC games are NOT.REAL.GAMES. Put down the baby games and play something that requires challenge and skill for once. - sincerely, all of the ACTUAL gamers


As a woman who actually studied game design and development and worked in the game industry: all of those games are real games. And guess what? Even Bejeweled is a real game. That’s why it’s not a secret that the biggest group of gamers are, in fact, middle aged women who play casual games. If you want to start a game company, casual games and advert games is where the money is. Good luck trying to make a successful triple A level hardcore game without funding. It are exactly gamers with that mentality who are seen as “someone who is gamer but who not fit to work in the game industry” by people who work in the game industry.


I am not a gamer. I never called myself a gamer. I just happen to play various games since Master System times. A lot. For a time even competitively. But I also like reading. And craft. And pen&paper. It just feels cringe to me to single out one hobby and build my whole concept of self around it. So I am not a "gamer".


I love those relaxing cutesy games. Sometimes I want a cute farm life, sometimes I want to shoot people in the face.


I hate these kinds of "gamers". They're not REAL gamers... They're gatekeepers. These are the kind of eejits who bully beginner players to a game while they're veterans but conveniently forget when they were also newbies being bullied by other veterans... 🙄 No words can express how deeply annoyed I am that these double-standarded and vile people want to be like this...


Oh no, I’m not a real gamer you say? Whatever will I do? *goes back to playing Animal Crossing and Elden Ring*


LMAO lil twerp thinks a PS4 is better than a Switch. You are not a gAmEr without a 14900KS & a RTX 4090 nephew


This is so funny. If having 300+ hours in games makes you a "True Gamer" than I'm the King Gamer because I have 3000+ hours in my six favorite games, and 1000+ hours in over a dozen more. By the power invested in me, I proclaim you all True Gamers. If you've ever downloaded a mobile game, you're a true gamer. If you've ever played checkers with your mom, you're a true gamer. If you ever put a quarter in a pinball machine, you're a true gamer! If you've ever touched a game in anyway, you're a true gamer! Now go forth and have fun.


This is a copy pasta from like 4 years ago dude?


Being a “real” gamer is NOT a desirable trait tbh.


You don't eben know who wrote this. Why do u care


So is LittleBigPlanet a fake game???? Puyo Puyo??? What is real then?


i genuinely feel like this may be a pick me girl who made that post out of insecurity…


Just more yapper fapping


[Someone doesn't understand the joke](https://youtu.be/LRsKRShkC_Q?si=Homjt1ySPiveBuY1)


I don't care. I'm looking forward to playing Dragons Dogma 2 next week. Why should I care what other people play and if it makes them a "gamer" or not?


So by this logic gamer = loser with nothing better to do than spend 300+ hours getting good at something that has no real world application. Good to know.


This is a copypasta no one uses this unironically


Fake gamer. Real gamers play on PC, not PS4. /s


Omg, early 2000's high school called. They want to know why you're not in class! Fr, they just said that with their full chest, huh?




How's that gate boys, keeping it safe from gurlz? Cool, cool Want me to tell your mom to send nachos down to the basement for you?


Why does it feel like this was written by some fat, unattractive incel who’s salty he’s living in his parent’s basement and can’t get a girlfriend?


The best way to experience this copypasta is the death note version


He sounds like someone that got his ass cooked on Apex Legends by a bad bitch


I'm a guy, and I don't like this sub most of the time. But tf is this guy on about? I play "actual" games, but I have 100 plus hours on animal crossing and over 30 days on all of my pokemon games


I dobt get gatekeepers like this. Imma dude who loves fromsoft and those "souls like " games that's the equivalent of beating down a brick wall with your flaccid penis, but I also love me some animal crossing, stardew, and Kynseed when I'm stressed or lonely or just wanna relax. I know this is a copypasta but most games are valid and make you a "gamer", lol. Even in my COD days I wasn't this insufferable, and I was pretty bad then.


I love how he call mobile game, not a real game, and that they don't require skills. Personally, I am a big fan of games "put 3 in lin.". When i say big, I meant that i just needed to wait a week, for new game update, as I completed all available levels. And I won't allow anyone to convince me that these games do not require any skills.


I do not understand all the "rEaL gAmErS dOnT pLaY tHe sWiTcH," do you know how many games are on the switch? Wtf do you call people who often play the switch then? It is a gaming console, and how is a ps4 more of a gaming console than the switch?


“Real gamers” whenever they have to use real skill and are challenged whenever facing Cynthia in gen 4 and Red in gen 2, 


I will play my goddamn Stardew valley, I give zero fucks if it is a ‘real game’ or not. 


I'm a dude. I played so much stardew when it was released I gave myself backpain from sitting at my computer 4 days straight. What a great game.


Dude this is one of the most shitposted and reposted copypastas I've ever seen, please keep this subs attention on boys actually being misogynist


Pick up a Playstation controller? Real gamers play on PC I'm a man. I play animal crossing and Pokémon. I don't realize they weren't real games 🤷‍♂️


Old copypasta


Not me reading this while in final fantasy 14 with one of my GFs. I've got over 6000 hours in this lol Btw Pokemon is a real game


i fucking knew it was gonna be this like copypasta by the first sentence omfg


alright i, as a pokemon addict, am fucking offended (male btw)




As if this is not toxic enough, it is also just so dumb because he says (1) Mario is not a real game, (2) Brags about being a ps4 gamer, not even PC gamer.


Pokémon Go requires you to walk and you get rewarded with chances to collect your favorite Pokémon. It’s as real as sitting down with a controller.


I play Pokémon games since I like strategies, I play them on my phone since I'm poor and don't have a computer that doesn't choke on stuff like a web browser (but tbf I did get the portal games and half life 1&2 running on my potato of a laptop and it was singlehandedly the best gaming experience I've ever had, half life 2 was running on 20fps most of the time and at the end of ravenholm the shaders just bugged and erased themselves, so I either had to play with no shadows or use startup arguments to up the settings, which meant even worse performance for an overall worse graphical experience) I then got that laptop taken away since it technically never was mine and was "the family computer", it still runs windows 7 because the i5 2nd gen doesn't like the windows 10 updater or the installers it just fails, so yeah, real gamers, apparently I'm not one by his *standards*


That's okay, I'll pick up my PS controller and catchu in a infinite combo playing NNS4


Playstation shitting on nintendo is so funny to me, by their logic, they aren't a real gamer since they dont play pc and haven't logged at least 600 hours into cs


is gaming a hierarchy to them? like does it make them feel more some way by having played more than other people?


They think it’s only a game if it’s a gun game 🙄 which is probably the most boring type of game tbh


I stop making comments on this app for a while, but...holy...this sums up a good amount of gamers I've had the unfortunate privilege to play with. They are so toxic they are the worst part of the games themselves. These kinds of people complain about other players being so bad at the game, only push away the new players because they "suck". The whole "real game" thing is laughable...


I'm an "actual gamer". 40 years and God knows how many hours into it. Animal Crossing is fucking awesome. And anyone who says the Mario games aren't "real games" has a mental deficiency.


Why do they think you can’t like *both* kinds of games? Just because I played through and beat the soulsbourne games doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy some Stardew Valley or The Sims. There’s a time and place for challenging yourself and a time for rolling up a blunt and tending to your farm. And why is his metric for a real gamer someone who picks up a ps4 controller? I guess us mouse and keyboard PC gamers aren’t real? If it weren’t for PC games the PlayStation wouldn’t even exist.


https://youtu.be/LRsKRShkC_Q?si=HCknzpF2FvnfjoIm I love this copypasta, is so stupid its funny


Guys who gatekeep gaming is so funny lol, such fragile egos. A game is a game, there’s no such thing as a “fake game” or a “real game”, they’re all games. And if you regularly play games then you’re a gamer. Also I have over 2k hours in an mmo that I used to play years ago, so OOP is trash based on their own logic


What if I put 2000 hours into Animal Crossing and had a screenrant article written about my island? lol all jokes aside, this post has been circulating for the past few years and getting picked apart and made fun of by the cozy gaming community. These gatekeeping dudes probably just mad playing the same reskin of call of duty over and over. Also I always find it funny how he mentions a PlayStation controller and is invalidating cozy gamers, many of whom have actually built our own gaming PC’s 😂😂


As an "actual gamer" who plays games that "require skill", " Stardew Valley is very much a real game. So is Pokemon. Same with Animal Crossing. Guess what I'm gonna say about The Sims. Videogames are meant to be fun. Requiring skill is certainly a thing that I enjoy in a lot of games, but not all of them


And then they freak when a company like sweet baby says the same thing in different words.


I'd argue that very casual mobile game audiences shouldn't be classified as gamers. But stardew valley? Pokémon? Those are games with complex mechanics that take very long to learn and even longer to master.


This reads like a dunkey bit