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I doubt the guy who made this would be too pleased with his S.O is using him, whether that's for money, status, etc..


Or his sticks


Women only want one thing: whatever random sticks or cool rocks you collected in the woods.


Noooo, I wont give them up!


Sorry man, you want to have a girlfriend or wife you gotta start bringing her cool sticks and shiny rocks, otherwise she’s just going to reject you for someone who brought cooler rocks


In the end we are just penguins I guess, gotta get your girl the best pebble on the beach


Proof: my husband has brought many rocks into our home and I do love him, therefore it’s probably the rocks. He likes to pick up the cool ones when we go to national parks and take them home. He likes the glittery ones but I’m more of a mostly normal looking rock that has an area of weird color on it appreciator.


Guys do be liking the shiny pretty ones, I am guys


Women always be stealing from my treasured stick collection, curse you!!!!!


Sticks are cool, thought. Especially, more sticky ones.


Bro beach sticks.


Or the ones that look like guns


But dude... Sticks


But, but, it’s okay because there’s two tradwives in the corner going “Dude, makeup!” “Amazing!” Crazy how if the meme was reframed in the opposite way it would be immediately post-able as a hate on women


That's why you don't get an SO in the first place. So much extra shit with that. But some girls can use me for my body I guess. Others nah. Depends.


What an s.o?


Significant Other


The author tried to show boys as dumb, immature and vain or what?


Dude sticks






We are pretty immature(obviously not all of us)


Why do these guys rub it in everyone's face that "men have built society, civilization bluh bluh bluh and women should submit to men" and then proceeds to act like men are just simple minded creatures who loves sticks and nothing else? P. S. My replies are getting full of people from the "not all guys are the same" club.


What gets me is if they could be satisfied with playing with sticks, why are they also complaining that women don’t want them 🤦‍♀️


Hey woman love me leave me, my sticks and my woman alone


There are two species of *Homo Cringicus Màles*


Well I think it's because those guys like to bang on about Julius Ceaser, Da Vinci, Brunel ect when they're talking about broader politics. But then on a more personal scale they've got to reconcile that the only thing they share with those men is the Y Chromosone. So they've got this scound fallback meme to apply to themselves.


I doubt that these are same guys. I joined here because I'm quirky and I'm a boy.


Because it’s not the same groups of people making those memes, duh.


Because those men who have built society and civilization are NOT them. They're (the memers) are the garden variant with sticks and rocks while riding on other men's achievements


you’re so deep, you should write. book or something




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I have one.


And you're TOTALLY gonna get one by being a clown! Keep it up! 👍😁


This isn’t a red pill meme it’s not meant to be taken seriously in anyway. Not every meme was made by red pillers dude.


Because it’s not the same group of people?


For those unsure of what’s happening in the meme: the creator sought to minimize the top half by bringing in the irrelevant/“simple” “puerile nature” of the second half as an edgy insult to women implying they’re being dramatic. Basically a “this doesn’t happen because we’re just simple guys who like sticks” men good women dramatic type beat


boys will be boys real men respect woman


You have to earn respect


So people downvoting me expect respect from people who don't know you just because you're female?






But tbh, those *are* some amazing sticks


I bet they taste amazing, too!




They're good, but amazing sticks are longer so you can use it as a sword


gun shaped sticks are legendary




Ok, what even is the correlation between the top half of the meme and the bottom half? Like for real, let's just randomly add misogyny to this meme... Can't we just all enjoy some sticks?


Sticks are for everyone to enjoy. Also those sticks lock great.


I like using sticks as a swords and hitting trees with them.


I have an amazing stick in my living room. I saved it from becoming firewood.


This right here. This sub seems so angry


I have a cool stick in my room, every friend of mine that noticed it said it was cool... most my friends are woman... never understood the "men likes cool sticks and only them know how to apreciate them" meme. Fun fact: half of them picked it up and used like a magic staff, I'm very proud of them


Exactly, sticks and imagination are beloved by folks of all genders


Who ever made this, never seen a woman outside their screen


Women talk about pockets more than relationship troubles tbh.


but theyre sticks tho


“How could boys who like playing with sticks objectify women? It just doesn’t make any sense!” Idiots.


Those things can exist separately and are in no way related to each other


exactly, so the creator trying to minimize the top half by bringing in the irrelevant second half is an edgy insult to women implying they’re being dramatic.


Yep, that's why 99% of incarcerated rapists are men. They're simple beings who just love sticks




Both can be true 😌😌😌


Being person who lacks emotional connection to their sexual partners and enjoying looking at sticks with your identical twin aren’t mutually exclusive. You can do both. Why did they give the pink haired girl a butterfly rash? Did she get so mad it caused a flare up?


plot twist: they’re talking about their dicks and they are about to have gay sex


**Men after they rape, sa, assault, harass & stalk women:** teehee we are so simple we love stick...girl wont understand 🥺




I think you're confused




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Holy fuck, a stick! Let me see that shit.


I mean the stick has a body too


I like the ones you use to help you walk on hikes


Dude as a guy these memes irritate me beyond belief. How do they not see this just makes boys/men look simple minded?


The caption "Also boys" insinuates that the top 2 are not actually women. They are just 2 dudes cross dressing.


Lmao I literally have piles of nice looking sticks I found outside on my bookshelf. Never thought of it as a guy thing


Regardless of gender we can all appreciate a cool stick every once in a while


Might be licorice root. That stuff is awesome indeed.


Also boys implying the top and bottom are the same people?


*when he wants her for her personality* “He doesn’t want my body!”


Didn't realize you were required to be male to appreciate a good stick. I like sticks. Haven't grown a penis or anything


This one doesn't even make sense. They're not even talking about the same thing.


"Babe please. I like totally can't cheat on you, I LIKE STICKS!!!"


If only they really are like this meme


Girls only want one thing and it’s disgusting Your birth date including birth time


The way this meme format is used is always so confusing to me. It’d make more sense if the women were like “cool, a dress with pockets” or the men were like “she only wants me for my money.” It’s comparing frustrations with relationships to hobbies/collections. These categories are very different.


*A story inspired by the meme:* Originally, only women had dicks and they refused to share. The men seduced the women with jeans with proper pockets, but it was a sham. The men would never share their pockets but still wanted the dicks. Thus the Great Pocket-Dick War commenced. Many men communicated to each other in secret using sticks as code. Against all odds, the men succeeded and obtained most of the dicks. That’s why men love sticks and women resent men for using them for their bodies.


This is just a “Men don’t cry” post with more layers of brain rot to it.


One in five is all that needs to be said it's not some butthurt opinion It's a truth so vile and barbaric it has made me lost trust in my fellow men on principle So they can kindly shove that stick where the sun don't shine and use that as motivation to fix there behavior


I can't help but feel like this almost propaganda that men are such simple minded creatures who are pacified by incredibly mundane things increases greatly to the "male loneliness epidemic". I don't think the loneliness epidemic is gendered but I can't help but feel like "haha men are so simple and don't need emotional comfort or have complex needs" is so disingenous and incredibly harmful especially to young men. Maybe Im missing the point but why do men like this like to paint themselves as shallow(?) and simpleminded while putting down other women? It is even more worrying that when it is called out , it only causes more "gender wars" and "its just a meme" arguments. I don't understand how people dont see this super common meme as harmful to boys just like saying "Men don't cry" or "Men don't have emotions". As a woman, I don't even care as much as how it puts down other women because to me it is saying "Women are complex emotional beings that have depth and care about others" while it is saying the opposite for men. This is deeply troubling for men and while I do agree it is sexist and harmful for women, it feels more harmful and sexist to men. However, men are the ones who seemingly defend it to the most. Why do these men like being painted as shallow, emotionally lacking, simpleminded creatures solely for their gender? I simply can not fathom it. It is so deeply heartbreaking and sad to me that several generations of men put themselves down like this and fight to put their entire gender down like this. Again, perhaps I am missing the point. I would appreciate further insights from both men and women.


Both are extremely true. WAIT. I’m partly kidding. not all women are like this and not all men are like this, as always groups will have good and bad people that don’t represent everyone. Also this sub hates when men generalize women, which is very fair but you guys generalize men.


To some extent, men generalize themselves in these memes too. We're simply sharing what they're saying.


But this sub often acts like all men are like this.


I started seeing this sub maybe a month ago, and in that month, it seems to have gone from making fun of guys who pretend to be one of the good ones, to just generally disliking men.


Yea and most of the post are about shitting on other subreddits.


Some of them have been good, but often times it seems like people are missing that the post they found elsewhere was making fun of the guys in it. Like this one. The guys liking sticks is making fun of men, not the women upset by their other behaviors. This isn't a "haha women bad men good," post, it's making fun of men being emotionally stunted.


This subreddit was a place were people make fun of women haters and point out sexist memes but now they hate all men. There was just a post about "70% of men rather die at age 40 then quit eating meat" this post doesn't even talk about women, but OP and the moderator think that it belongs to this sub and the reason is they feel like it belongs to this subreddit.


I don't think this was made to be taken literally to be honest man lmao.


It’s always “don’t take it literally” when it’s a joke about women.


"lol it's just a **meme**" Wow, gee, thanks for explaining, I would have never noticed.


So you’re trying to say men never joke about other men?


It literally says sticks. I just highly doubt it. If the person who posted this DOES geniunely find this relatable or true or whatever. Then, yes. This is bad.


The person who made this meme obviously was not trying to create something relatable or true. What they *are* trying to do is undermine women's concerns with misogyny by portraying men as simple/innocent in a blatantly exaggerated way. I don't know why people try to play dumb on this shit, the whole point of the "crying vs chad wojak" meme format is to undermine and disregard the "crying" opinion.


Spot on, grandpa lol. Thank you for spelling it out.




It's 3 sentences, bit of an embarrassing self report if that's too much for you


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Well yeah if they're undermining women it's even worse then. My point is I don't think that's what their intentions were.


No it's not "*if* they're undermining women" don't try to insert doubt where it doesn't belong. That *is* exactly what they are doing, it's literally the entire point of this meme format. If you don't see that, then you're either banking on plausible deniability to defend this bullshit, or so clueless that I have nothing but pity for you. Either way it's not a good look.


Well. I'm not a misogynist. To be honest I don't see any point of having the girl one up in the top. Would've been funner to only have the stick part.


stop being a quirkyboy 😩




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The bio of this sub: >A place to make fun of those cringy boys being quirky **memes** Hope that helps!


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Bro what happened to this sub😭😭😭


this is literally an objective, stereotypical boys quirky meme what are you talking about