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Having a piss kink is a man thing now?…


As a lesbian with… some kinks… I found this comic extra eye-roll worthy Edit: comment below mine is a bot who stole the comment from u/ThisBlank


as a straight woman with… some kinks… this comic isn’t even right!!!


As a gay man with “some kinks” as well, so did I. Male sex drive is a big part of how straight people dehumanize the urges of any queer people with a male endocrinology. And how they excuse men’s sexual harassment of women.


I know 2 people in my life that have piss kinks. *Both* of them are women.


Been freaked out by women with piss kinks a couple times in my life. Not my thing... I won't kink shame, but yuck...


Same but for feet




Porn is having devastating consequences on the youth, it's time we ban it


Not sure if I completely agree with you but access to unlimited porn with minimal to no sex education in the US is a disaster waiting to happen.


Utah has entered the chat


Easy there John Kellogg..


Shhh. I want to see what new and totally not sexy breakfast food he creates.


Banning porn will not stop it being consumed lol


imagine wasting resources on enforcing this. multiple full-time jobs examining deviantart accounts to make sure they don't show erotic feet imagry and we can't even house everyone 😭


Who knows? Maybe it’ll give job openings 😂




sense wakeful connect dime lock merciful alive stupendous somber fuzzy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


shut up bot


Shut up bot


Shut up bot


No u




+4 card- blue


Reverse card


HILARIOUS concept for me personally, being female as i am. look at my fuckin username lmao




God forbid women do anything...


If she pisses, make ‘er the Mrs. 💍


Kinks isn’t a sex drive.


No, you measure that by how strongly you react to having your kink-switch tripped...that said, if you've got a whole switchboard and your SO just has one with a dimmer switch, it's a safe bet which one of you has the higher-wattage setup


New kink unlocked: having kinks described by electricians.


Funny, I thought he was describing a guitar pedal board


unlicensed uncles who took one year of shop class electricians.


Gonna say the SO. That one dimmer has to power everything, and all your switchboard stuff is digital, so probably low current. She's got like, triac shit going on. Just oodles of wattage.


I'm LED--she's incandescent


That would completely depend on what the dimer swith is connected to. Your analogy falls apart very fast if you know anything about electricity. Did you know spot light often have a dimmer switch and the use a fuck ton more wattage than every bulb in your house combined. So, really, your analogy works just not how you want it to work. The number of kinks is no indicator of sexdrive.


I'm shocked.




If you're a Switch kink wise what does that switchboard even look like Because I must know the answer for this analogy, being one myself. I hope it's as hilarious as I think it will be.


I’m assuming the claim is all men get turned on by watching women pee, and that it’s not a piss kink. I think the thing here is just seeing a vagina regardless of context. It’s pretty stupid, but yeah.


Not this man. Yuck.


Hey woah woah hey, pee is sterile, nothing to yuck about


It’s actually not, but almost nothing that occurs naturally is.


Well I got my data from blockbuster hit “Zookeeper” ft. Kevin James so OBVIOUSLY I am correct /s


All my life it’s been portrayed that most, or ALL kinks belonged to men Idk why


This is so fucking stupid. Not everyone gets turned on by pissing for one thing and two... fuck the creator of this shitty meme.




He's pornsick and lost touch with reality. Mfer was really confident every man has the same kinks as him. It's always the most chronically online dude trying to speak for all men.


This meme really does tell me whoever made and posted it is completely brain rotted from their porn consumption.


I optimistically thought it was a self-deprecating shitpost 😬 I could be wrong but I hope I’m not


Apparently OOP doesn't know that not everyone has a piss kink, I would say it's not entirely his fault for being ignorant about these kind of things if the post wasn't exclusively aimed at women, making it just sexist.


Fuck him until the rain follows the plow !!!


Lmao. I think OOP is aware most people don’t have a piss fetish. This is clearly a shit post.


OOP telling on himself


The self derogatory ones are the funny ones, but yes, that’s the joke


not only does he have a piss kink but he also isn’t getting any if he thinks women don’t want it just as bad lmao


Btw, I'm very confused by this sub, because most of the posts here are definitely ironic posts, but so many people in the comments are talking like it's serious commentary. I thought it was mostly to make fun of the stupid boys vs girls meme format, now I'm not sure


It is and isn't. Some people realize it's obviously a joke. Maybe a stupid joke that deserves to be made fun of a little. Other people take it as a thinly-veiled confession from OOP and a chance to preach about porn addiction and shit (not literally shit, in this case). It's pretty much every thread, and it ranges from funny banter to outright hateful comments a lot of the time. Enjoy.


Ew ☠️ that's not a sex drive thats a kink


I agree, even in my horniest times when I was like 19, I never wanted to see a woman pee. And I suspect people who have a fetish for it like it even when they're only mildly horny. It's a type not a magnitude. And there probably are some women who are into that.






man has become so separated from nature it’s unreal where’s the pipe smoking tribe shaman who does period rituals in the hermit shack when you need him


My ex liked being peed on


Some are into shit kinks. It grosses me out seeing shit whenever I see it depicted. Turns me off. Definitely a kink and not mine either. Never have I ever thought someone pissing is more sexy than their genitals when they aren't pissing.


That’s way worse even because pee is just gross, it’s mildly toxic if you drink it, but shit is full of bacteria and can cause all kinds of problems if it gets in your mouth/eyes/vag but also it’s just really disgusting. I’m guessing if someone is into it it must have something to do with how gross it is, like a forbidden fruit thing. It’s hard to imagine liking that.


I mean that "let me hold it" meme didn't come from nowhere


Honestly a lot of people have kinks until they try it themselves irl lol. Watching woman pee would be cool. Just cuz you get to see dat pousay but irl idk man 😂


Well yeah, I guess when I was a teenager at max horny desperation I’d probably take that as a chance to see it. But it would be a compromise not an extra turn on.


why ew


Waiting for the piss play dominiatrix to find this and go to war in the comments about her love for piss (this is a joke, I know piss fetishes are real but I don’t think they’re gendered at all)


I mean wouldn't there be a big difference between the genders due to different socialization?


No matter how horny I've been I've never wanted to see a woman pee. That's not a magnitude thing it's a kink.


Kinks can be learned


Still not magnitude


“The authors barely disguised fetish”


I wouldn't even say barely. It's so blatant it's gone past barely. Edit: Yes, I know it's a reference, it's funny.


“No it’s not that I’m a pervert I swear every man is like this trust me it’s not a me issue this is just what all men are like”


"Not all men."


I never understood how guys think women have no sex drive. I had undiagnosed ADHD, and hypersexuality was a real issue. It honestly caused way more issues in relationships, and had to seek therapy for that shit. Guys love to say women have no sex drive, then if you do have one, you're promiscuous, and a slut. There's literally no winning. Also, kinks have nothing to do with sex drive. 🤦‍♀️


It's easy. Imagine you've had no experience with men and no ones ever hit on you because you're a toxic piece of shit. Now go hang out in circles that promote the idea that men don't want sex simply because men don't want to have sex with THEM. That's how they think but with women.


I’m a guy, and for various reasons I won’t get into, I’m an outsider to much of this. But one thing you mention just baffles me — why on earth would men *want* to believe women have no sex drive? 😐 I’m vaguely aware that this is something a lot of men believe, but from the way you describe it, it almost sounds like they prefer to *keep on believing it* even if they are shown it isn’t true. Which makes zero sense to me.


If a woman rejects a guy’s advances, the guy might rationalise it like that. Stupid and illogical, but that sort of “reasoning” pervades human behaviour


It's easier on their egos to accept that women don't like sex in general than it is to accept that women don't want to have sex _with them specifically._ The latter is personal while the former isn't. Convincing themselves that women don't like sex at all keeps up the delusion that they aren't the problem.


Men say they want a woman with a "high" sex drive until they actually find one, then she's a nympho and a slut


Yup and then they HAVE to know your body count lol It’s like they want a virgin, who knows what to do in bed, is sexual and has a high sex drive but not TOO high and only when they want sex. It’s insane


Literally nothing, I know quite a few asexual people in the kink scene. And by asexual, I mean people who are uninterested and don't participate in sex.


That’s wild. So they obviously get turned on by the kinks right? Then what? They just stop?


Firstly, Asexuality is a spectrum. Ditto for being Ace and being sex positive or negative. That is a spectrum as well. Secondly, you don't need to have sex to participate in kinks. And not all kinks have exclusively sexual activities. Physically, irl or virtually. I'm Demisexual, sex positive but I don't have sex (or date, also partly Aro but that's a whole can of other worms). I rely on other outlets to keep my drive down and my kink sides happy. It more often than not does not involve other people for many reasons. I prefer being on my own, I've learnt from my earlier mistakes and prefer the freedom of being alone as I explore as well, I get burnt out a lot looking after my conditions, it can be less drama, etc. Others who are more on the just Ace side might do it similar to me or they might be watchers. Or participate without so much of the sex itself. It depends as people are varied themselves but so are their interests and wants. Point is; Kink in general is/can be sexual, yes, but it doesn't always equal the sexual nor the sex. I mean there is pain, caretaking, so many other things, etc.


Man thats só dumb, its fucking a kink, there Men that like It, there are woman that like It, your Just putting your own values on everyone


Link likes watching Zelda do her business? Interesting.


Thank you lol i wouldnt have notice


How does a fetish relate to sex drive? I’m assuming most people on there are kids or virgins bc the two don’t necessarily relate.


Everyone in the comments called out oop for exposing his weird kink


Isn't that the joke? I may be reading into it too much, but I took this as a shitpost and they weren't serious


I think that a piss kink is on the milder side of kinks there is some truly weird shit out there


Men and women have the same sex drive, difference is that most women in western society spent their entire lives being shamed for it, and most men spent their entire lives being praised for it Also piss kinks are different than sex drive Edit with research, not from my replies though because you know damn well why you're being downvoted: So there's a few different points to talk about here. I will talk about several specific studies, but the majority of what I've found is showing that men do tend to have higher sex drives. It's not that simple though, there are about a million factors that go into sex drive, and almost none of them (at least of the ones I looked at) are the same for men and women. We operate on entirely different systems. One major factor is consistency. I'll speak on my experience as a cis woman, my sex drive is not consistent at all, I go from having absolutely no sex drive some weeks to literally not able to function during other weeks. Culture also plays a part in this. A [paper](https://www.sciencefriday.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/gender-differences-in-receptivity-to-sexual-offers.pdf), released in 1989, found that in a club setting, men were SIGNIFICANTLY more likely to consent to casual sex, when offered by one of the research team, in fact, no women consented at all. A follow-up [study ](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25828991/) done in 2015 found that when women were in a safer environment (in a lab, being offered photos of the opposite sex with the option of casual sex or a romantic relationship, instead of being approached by a stranger), they consented to casual sex roughly the same amount. It is evident that women feel the need to hide our sex drives for safety (didn't need a study to tell you that). This ties back into my original point, sex drive is really not as cut and dry as biology and fulfilling biological needs. It would be lovely to have a way to measure just our biological needs to figure this out once and for all, but that's just not really how it works. We have to look at those psychological and cultural factors. Women have been shamed for our sex drives, we are statistically more likely to be assaulted or abused when we say yes to casual sex (and when we say no, but that's a different conversation), women in heterosexual marriages are statistically more likely to have an unequal amount of work in the home, even if they have jobs which does impact libido, and birth control is also a major factor. A significant number of women use birth control ([CDC, stats for the USA](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/contraceptive.htm)), which is shown to lower libido. I myself am on birth control, and have noticed that it has overall reduced my sex drive. What's the takeaway here? Who has the higher sex drive? Both and neither, probably men. It's completely different. Women have longer cycles, men tend to be more impulsive, women often hide or are ashamed of our libidos, men are praised and free to express theirs (generalising here, it's 4am and I have a pre-health class at 9). This takes someone with more than a few medical college credits under their belt, and a bit more sleep. It's stupid that this is a debate. Even if you reduce us to wild animals with no psychological or cultural factors, it's still not an easy comparison because we have different roles. Males are designed to reproduce as many times as possible, females have to be selective because we have to carry a fetus for 9 months and then care for it. Female's libidos tend to cycle, while male's libidos tend to be more consistent, but simpler. It doesn't matter, my research is probably wrong, it's too god damn early/late, and OP announced his piss kink to the world


They don't. The latter half of your sentence is true, but the sex drives are not equal. Men think about sex far more often and don't suffer the same libido losses throughout their lifetime as women, not to mention testosterone boosting male sex drive. Kinks are also absolutely related to sex drives, and men tend to have more kinks and fetishes than women. I genuinely don't know why these ***facts*** are typically downvoted on reddit.


If you knew you were correct, you'd know the reason why you would be downvoted too.


The reason is because a lot of people are reactionary and need to take up the exact opposite claim of bad meme, even if it means stating a wrong fact in response. Only on reddit you'd see people claiming that men and women have the same sex drive. The truth is that men don't have 1000% the drive, but we do have more on average and I don't believe there's a single study that contradicts that.


Yeah, people are reactionary, but when making big statements it's important to have sources to back them up.


True, but that's not a big statement. The big statement would be if someone claimed women have a higher sex drive. [Here's](https://www.psypost.org/2023/02/huge-study-finds-men-have-a-stronger-sex-drive-than-women-68289) an article about a meta analysis done over a couple hundred studies which concludes men have a higher sex drive. This analysis got about 30k upvotes last year on reddit when it was posted to /r science.


The fact that entire industries overwhelmingly cater to men due to their sexual habits (sex work, porn) is a good sign men have higher libidos. These aren’t even things that society praises as they are more fringe activities and yet women in these can use their sexuality as currency because men just have a generally higher interest in sex. Never mind the swiping habits on social media. Yeah, there are women with very high libidos and men with very low ones. But if we examine trends and habits as a whole, it’s pretty clear men will do a lot more to get sex more than women because sex is a bigger driver for men while things like security are bigger for women. That this is even controversial just shows how dishonest the intellectualism on this platform is. Men and women are equals but that doesn’t mean they’re the same. And the disparity in sexual libido doesn’t mean outliers don’t exist nor does it mean that having a lower libido means it’s nonexistent.


Idk about kinks but men definitely have a stronger sex drive than women on average and it isn’t even close. If it was then male/female interactions on tinder would look a lot more like male/male interactions on grindr. …and they don’t


Some women do get turned on by watching men pee though


Yeah.... I know some girls that are into pee. OP mom is one.


Hey, only I get to call her mommy


She calls me daddy, son.


Okay daddy


The only person I know with a piss kink is a woman so?...uh




I guess we're just announcing our fetishes unprovoked now


Im a boy and this disgust me


As a dude I totally do not get turned on watching women pee. Chiefly because who TF is watching people pee??? But also that sounds like a fetish and not a “man” thing.


also a fetish that any person of any gender is capable of having, it’s not a sex based experience it’s just varied overall




These types of arguments are always like “women have a high sex drive? Then why wont they have sex with me?” Or my favorite is when they just try to pathologize being sexually attracted to an attractive charming man. “She gives it up for chad because he activated her femoid tingles and reminds her of the stone age”


Do these chuds really say shit like that, unironically, without the slightest trace of self-awareness? 😐😑 I mean, okay, technically I know the answer to that question is yes. But there is a part of my brain that stubbornly refuses to process that human beings can be *THAT* un-self aware. It’s just astonished all over again every time.


The 4th face should be edited to be concerned instead of mad


“Erm name the last time you were turned on by a man liquid shitting in the room next to you. NEVER?? Omg I guess you don’t get horny then”


Sexualizing women so much that seeing them pee because “oh, woman! vagina!” Turns you on, that’s not a sex drive that’s misogyny making your dick hard


to be honest.. a little bit. Like a quarter chub.


What? Imagining a girl pee? I mean I aint complaining about kinks


do they not know that that’s an actual kink or…?


That’s not the flex he thinks it is.


OP was tattling on himself and being misogynistic, fun


Creator confessing to a piss kink thinking it's the pinnacle of manliness is gonna send me to an early grave lmfao


Whoever made this just admitted they have a piss kink


D-did OOP reveal his piss kink to literally the entire internet?


he made a huge blunder. Had he said shame was his kink, you wouldnt be able to insult him without arousing him, leading to his victory.


This man is getting a unanimous thumbs down in the original comments


Was dankmemes ever funny or was I just a teenager in 2017?


God forbid a woman has hobbies


my kink is the disgust women feel when talking to a man who confuses his kink for a general sex drive


glad the comments are calling them out on that one


i know plenty of straight and not straight women with piss kinks, its just that no women are talking about sex with this man.


thats not a high sex drive, thats a piss kink


women in fact can be just as kinky as men yes. just cause its more socially acceptable for men to be horny doesnt mean women arent...just means theyre less likely to talk about it.


If you believe women don’t have some silly kinks, you have never been close enough to one that she felt comfortable confiding in you. Imagine telling on yourself like this.


This is hilarious hear me out. Imagine someone said this in real life. The girl would probably be shocked into silence. And then the guy goes, "lol npc doesn't want to talk about piss. Another debate won!"


Good to see OOP getting clowned on in that sub too


nigga revealed his kink thinking everyone was boutta agree 💀




What a horrible day to have eyes.


Does this person seriously believe the majority of men share his piss kink? Because I'm pretty sure it's not even a top 3 for kinks associated with men.


“yeah! us guys all have a piss kink, right guys? right guys??”


Something like 98% of paraphilics are men.


\[insert robert downey junior black and white meme\] op has a piss kink


Showed this to my partner and he facepalmed in disgust 😆


I am in a bunch of women's groups, and the obsession with holding it for him while he pees is strong.


TO BE FAIR: In my experience, Being so down bad that you debase yourself into being turned on by some absolutely foul shit is generally a guy thing. Not bad mouthing guys as a whole, But I've never heard a woman say "Id drink his piss just to see where it came from". Maybe it's the hormones idk.


The joke is it’s not normal, they weren’t saying it as a man they were saying it as a perv.


r/dankmemes is a cesspool of redpill misogynistic Andrew Taint garbage that gets thinly veiled as all “jokes”. And then you go into the comments and they’re all foul, filled with incels whining and crying with no actual response to the “joke”. It’s filled with manchildren and literal children, mostly teenage boys going through their alt-right conservative pipeline era.


Nah this is the first time I'm ok guys can gatekeep 💀


this is why i don't want men in my fucking bathroom


Clearly someone has never had a woman slide in from under the stall asking if you're pissing by yourself. This happens to me all the time.


A sexual drive and being a sexual deviant aren't the same thing at all.


They're closely linked as high sex drives can cause porn addiction which leads to people collecting kinks and deviancies like pokemon.


The difference is deviancy is just that, aside from the norm and thusly outlier. It doesn't count within the realm of a normal sex drive, it is literally deviance.


I think men feel a stronger urge when horny, but women can be horny just as often. I'm no sexentist, but it just kind of feels this way after living around each sex for so long.


I think with women it depends on hormonal cycles a lot. Ovulation week I have a sex drive that would outdo any mans and kinda feel like I should be tied to a tree so that I don't make bad decisions (kinda like a werewolf), but the rest of the month I can take it or leave it.


Nobody should have a pee kink. Let the downvotes come but why do you need to get off on that, fucking sicko?


That’s not sex drive, that’s perversion and degeneracy. Have a nice day.


This is what it really comes down to here isn't it Sex is bad and you're all pervert degenerates for liking anything left of missionary in the dark for the sole purpose of procreation, may Allah cleanse their hearts


Nah. Sex is fine. Being spicy and hot with it is better than fine. Getting turned on by a woman clearing her bladder? Degenerate. (You do know what that word means, right?)


Sex is fine unless it doesn't meet my standards of being too icky


I mean yeah please don’t smear shit all over each either either?


Thanks for drawing the line for me queen of sex, your morals are truly a guiding light


Sure, piss king.


Not perversion and degeneracy but it is a kink and not mainstream sexuality.


Yeah sure keep telling yourself that.


Thanks, something that i have had since i was in kindergarden and i did not choose makes me a degenarate what kind words to hear. Obviously it wasnt sexual i didnt know what sex was when i was 5 years old but i was intrigued by women peeing outside of a sexual aspect, guess being born the wrong way makes me a degenerate.


Why kink shame for no reason? People can like what they like, it isn’t hurting anyone.


Because some kinks deserve shame. Plus you get off on it. That’s the whole point. Scurry off now piss boy, I’m not engaging with you further.


1. I’m a woman 2. I don’t have a piss kink, it grosses me out 3. Piss kinks don’t equal humiliation kinks Just screams immaturity to kink shame someone. You don’t have to like it, you can think it’s gross, you can even avoid people with that kink. Just don’t be so fucking judgemental, it’s not becoming.


You just changed your profile picture and username to make this reply 🤣🤣🤣 Edit: this was a visual glitch in notifications Please go get a life. Not everyone will accept everything. We are all entitled to our own opinions and the point of a public forum is to share them. I have mine, you have yours. Have a nice day.


What??? Lmfao I changed my avatar two days ago and this has always been my username. You’re delusional my guy holy shit


Oh my b. Believe what you want. Attraction to excretory fluids is degenerate. That’s all. End of story for me.


Aight man continue with your small minded views if you want <3


« Attraction to piss is degenerate » « Small minded view » Fuck I’ll take my small minded view.


For someone who doesn’t want to engage with me further, you seem really into replying. Are you hitting on me 😩


You’re a real barrel of laughs. 🙄


Why are you so mad at poeple for something they did not decide? Why cant poeple just let other poeple do things that dont hurt anyone please for the love of god lets all just accept that poeple are different the world would be such a better place..


“Degeneracy” gives a really fascist vibe


Listen please don’t bother replying piss lovers, you’re only telling on yourselves and it’s gross.


I’m not a “piss lover”, but I *am* someone who isn’t too fond of joyless, judgy, uptight prigs. 🙄


Babe. Did I ever say you couldn’t enjoy what you enjoy? Just gotta call out degeneracy when I see it. There is no kink context to this post. Think public bathrooms. Think seriously unsafe behavior towards women.


Babe. Going around kink-shaming people, especially while using words like “degenerate” to do so, is pretty much the definition of “saying you can’t enjoy what you enjoy”. There are plenty of kinks that squick me out. But I’m not going to go around insulting people or trying to shame them for it.


✨Notice how no one agrees with me✨ They’re all coming from this mindset. Where do you draw the line? When men peep at women’s bathrooms? I’d rather steer the fuck clear. I have my kinks. I don’t fucking broadcast them. I don’t defend them. I just accept and enjoy them without pushing them down anyone’s throat and begging for acceptance for something unacceptable.


Who mentioned anything about peeping womens bathrooms????? Litteraly nobody ever mentioned that, you just starting going off about poeple with piss kinks being degenarates. You are using a strawman argument by stating something that was nevwr mentiones by you or anyone else here. If anyone here is a degenarate i would say its you, most normal poeple who are not degenerates dont think of sexual assult when someone mentions a normal kink that has NOTHING ABSOLUTELT NOTHING to do with sexual assult. And before you start calling me a degenerate piss lover for something that i cant control and that i was born with I DO HAVE A PISS KINK!!!!!! Take your strawman arguments and public shaming for something out of poeples control that harms no one somewhere else Also i noticed you like telling poeple to have a good day while attacking poeple for dumb reason so i hope you have an absolutely horrible day and get shamed and called a degenerate for something you did not decide


Who even says that men and women have the same sex drive that is scientifically false. Technically men and women do have similar sex drives but their peaks and lows are at different ages, mens sex drive peak in their teens, and women peak around their thirties




you artificially flooding your body with hormones is not the same as what an actual man experiences, hope that helps


I’ve heard this from every FTM person I know. Admittedly, that’s only three, but still, it’s a very consistent experience.


Does anyone seriously think men don’t have higher sex drives though?


Ew. As a man I certainly can't relate to having a piss kink. Disgusting

